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1、第13章例1:The book is a reflection of the Chinese society of my fathers time. 這本書反映了我父親那個時代的中國社會。Today, we are still stirred by the sight of each flower and tree in the courtyard 今天,我們看到院子里的一花一木和他用過的每一件東西,仍很激動。The sight and sound of our jet planes看到我們的噴氣式飛機,聽見隆隆的機聲,令我特別神往。例4:Expansion in business invol

2、ves expenditure. 發(fā)展 商務拉動消費。 例1He gave a vivid description of the battle.他生動地描述了這場戰(zhàn)斗。例2Mr. Pickwick was the impersonation of kindness and humanity.【譯文】匹克威克先生表現了他的友善與仁慈。例3She is a lover of Italian painting.她喜歡意大利畫。 例4There were various possible players for the role.可能有好幾個人要扮演這個角色。例1:I was delighted at

3、 the thought of seeing you again.一想起又能見到你,我十分高興。Mastery of a language requires painstaking effort 學好語言非下苦功不可例3: An acquaintance of world history is helpful 掌握一點世界史,對學習時事是有幫助的例4:The study of behavior of every kind is a 研究每種行為就是研究對周圍環(huán)境和事件所產生的各種反應。A better understanding of the molecular 更好地了解生物體的分子結構及其

4、在分子水平的功能,將為嶄新的前景提供希望。 As the morning wore on the room became hotter, she.上午漸漸過去,屋子里越來越熱,她很想 呼吸口新鮮空氣、喝口水,可她一動也不敢動。例7:The application of electronic computers 使用電子計算機可以大大提高勞動生產率。 補充例句 例1The adoption of this policy would free the labour relation groups of a tremendous loan.【譯文】采取這種政策將會大大減輕勞動關系部門的負擔 。例2T

5、he adoption of this new device will greatly cut down the percentage of defective products. 采用這種新裝置可以大大地降低廢品率。例3The establishment of the new international economic order is the essence of his article. 【譯文】建立新國際經濟秩序是他這篇文章的主題。例4In the absence of accurate calculation, no reliance can be placed on these

6、figures.【譯文】計算不準確(沒有準確的計算),這些數字不可靠。例5 Everyone likes a good laughter; he brings good cheer with him wherever he goes; the very 大家都喜歡笑的人,無論他到何處,都帶著令人愉快的歡笑,一想起他就會使生活變得比較可以忍受的了。例1: There must be reformation of the old educational system.必須改革舊的教育制度。 例2:There must be a clear recognition of the principles

7、必須明確承認各國平等的原則。 例3: Of course, New York is the ideal place for當然,紐約是進行這種有趣實驗的一個理想地方,因為那里根本不缺乏高樓大廈。例1: It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man 一個有錢的單身漢必定想娶個妻子,這是眾所周知的事情。例2: We are enemies of all wars, but above all of我們反對一切戰(zhàn)爭,特別是反對王朝戰(zhàn)爭 It is a gesture of recognition of your 這表示承認你個人的資

8、格和貴國為國際合作所作的貢獻。The college was to be for the education of priests and scholars大學就是培養(yǎng)牧師和學者的地方。My talk may appear to be a glorification of modern science and technology. 我的講話仿佛在贊美現代科學和技術。Therefore am I still A lover of the meadows “我仍然是那樣地深愛著這里的草地,樹林山崗?!?例1:The book gives, as it were,可以說,這本書揭露了罪惡的舊社會。

9、例2: At banquet, Premier Zhu gave a warm 宴會上,朱總理熱烈歡迎各國貴賓例3:He promised to give his personal他答應親自關照 這件事。 例1:He has a good grip on the situation. 她非常了解 情況。 The speaker had a good knowledge of his subject, 報告人非常熟悉所講問題,可就是講不清楚。He has a warm affection for his motherland.他深愛自己的祖國。例1: He has made a systemat

10、ic 他系統(tǒng)地學習過英語語法。 例2: We must make allowances for 我們必須體諒他年輕,缺乏經驗。He showed with his eyes that he heard,他用眼神表示他是聽見了但沒有表示同意還是不同意。 例4: The 19th century English critical realists made十九世紀英國批判現實主義作家運用 小說形式全面細致地揭露社會和政治問題,描寫個人和社會各階級的命運。 例1: He takes great pleasure in playing tennis. 她特別喜歡 打網球例2: As a result

11、we are taking a close最終我們將密切地注意那些可能發(fā)生的令人驚喜的事 。 Bill refused to take the responsibility for the accident.比爾拒絕承擔那次事故的責任 。I find great satisfaction in her improvement. 我非常滿意她的進步例2:Rockets have found application for the exploration 火箭已經用來探索 宇宙。例3:The Einsteins idea of 1917 found a glorious 愛因斯坦的1917年的觀點

12、在發(fā)明 激光器時,得到了有力的證實。例1:Please pay more attention to your work. 請多加注意你的工作。例2:He pays another visit to Vienna. 他再次訪問 維也納。For the purpose of supporting agricultural 為支援農業(yè)生產中國政府特別注意發(fā)展地方工業(yè)。 例1:The author showed great sympathy towards these people. 作者非常同情這些人。The weather showed no sign of clearing.天氣看不出有放晴的跡

13、象。His work is showing signs of improvement. 他的工作看來有起色例1:The king gained possession of more lands. 國王擁有很多土地。例2: From them all Mark Twain gained a keen 從所有這些人身上,馬克吐溫敏銳地認識了人類,認識了人們言與行之間的差距。 補充例句 例1The mayor made inspections of the plants. 市長視察了這些工廠。例2They made an offer of $5,000 for the car.他們花5千美元買了這輛

14、小車。例3The next news bulletin, shorter than usual, made no mention of the demonstration.【譯文】下一個新聞節(jié)目比通常短,沒有提到游行。例4She is doing her practice at the piano.她正在練鋼琴。例5She has a liking for apples. 她喜歡吃蘋果。例6With a great effort she took control of herself.她盡力控制住自己的情緒。例7Do you give credit to his story of what h

15、appened?你相信他講的過去所發(fā)生的事嗎?例8He has already made mention of the matter in his speech.他在講話中曾提到過這件事。例9The students took advantage of the fine weather today to go out on a picnic.學生們利用今天的好天氣出去郊游。例10With minor variations, they all make use of the same chemical machinery.他們都使用相同的化學機制,存在著微小的差異。例1: Parents lov

16、e of children is perfect and 父母愛子女無微不至。例2: Xu Beihongs drawings (paintings) of horses徐悲鴻畫馬畫得特別好例3: His behavior merely reinforced my dislike of him.他的行為更使我 討厭 他。例4: His support for Portugals occupation of Goa 他 支持 葡萄牙 占領 果阿使得亞洲人民更加反對他的政府 例5: He showed his appreciation of the time and effort 他 贊賞我們在這

17、項工作上花的時間和精力,同時提出意見并給予幫助The African peoples determination for 非州人民 決心爭取 和平和國家主權使他們不可能把任何超級大國當作他們的朋友。 例1His first attempt at English composition won praise from his teacher.他初次試寫英文作文就博得了老師的夸獎。例2Chinas successful launching of its first artificial satellite 中國成功地發(fā)射了第一顆人造衛(wèi)星在全世界引起了強烈反響。例3. His despair of

18、becoming a great artist 他因感到不能成為大畫家而絕望,從此放棄作畫。例4. His failure to observe the safety regulations resulted in an accident to the machinery.因為他沒有遵守安全規(guī)則,機器出了故障。)例5Her daughters staying up so late 她女兒睡覺這么晚使她很著急。例1: I am content with my wife. 我滿意我的妻子。例2:She is envious of your beauty.他羨慕你的美麗。 例3: The gover

19、nment of my country is deeply concerned at the gravity of the situation there.我國政府深切關注那里的嚴峻局勢。 例4: We are highly appreciative of the efforts he has made to bring about the world peace. 我們高度贊賞他為實現世界和平所作的努力。例5: It is impossible to live in society and be independent of society.生于社會,不能脫離社會。 例6: She seem

20、ed too ignorant of the ways of the world她好像不太懂 處世之道。例1: Both newspapers were critical of these measures.兩家報紙批評了這些做法。例2: I hope this will be productive of results. 我希望這能產生結果。例3: China is faced with arduous tasks中國正面臨著發(fā)展經濟和保護環(huán)境的艱巨任務。例4: The colonels countenance on coming into this polite society.上校是初次

21、在上流社會里露臉,不好意思得直臉紅,仿佛十六歲的男孩子遇見了妹妹的同學。例3:Through an undersea snowstorm of sand, the figure 【譯文】透過海底一陣暴風雨般的沙流,一個影子慢慢地出現了。例4: The travelers ascended to their respective bedrooms.大家各自回到了房間,準備帶上旅行路上換穿的衣服。例5: The physician is ordinarily not too upset by the likely death of 一般說來,對于享盡天年,一生幸福又有所作為的快死的病人,醫(yī)生是不會

22、感到太難受的;一個人雖然未進入老年,但重傷致死,醫(yī)生也會平靜地接受??墒?,如果一個小孩或一個青年不管由于什么原因而死,醫(yī)生總感到很傷心。. 例1: The address of Vorsters representative is nothing other than a confirmation of the justice of the Azanian people沃斯特代表的講話正好肯定了阿扎尼亞人民是正義的。例2: The hard facts have shown the objectivity and correctness of the report.【譯文】鐵的事實表明了這個報

23、告是客觀的、正確的。例3: We are deeply convinced of the correctness of the Partys policy.【譯文】我們深信黨的政策是正確的。例4: The incident showed the stupidity of his attitude.這件事說明他的態(tài)度是愚蠢的。例5: For 20 years we were passive witnesses to the deterioration of 我們在20年內坐視原材料價格下跌與工業(yè)品價格暴漲。 例1:Your fool of a husband said so. 你那個愚笨的丈夫說

24、的。例2:It was a great mountain of a wave. 那是一個像山一樣高的大浪。例3:He lives in a palace of a house. 他住在一座宮殿般的大屋子里。例4:She lacks a stability of living. 她缺乏穩(wěn)定的生活。 例5:We have caught the magic and enchantment of Guilin,【譯文】我們游覽了仙境般的、令人陶醉的桂林,例6:The security and warmth of the room made the wounded soldier feel comfor

25、table.【譯文】房間既安全又暖和,傷員感到很舒服。例7:She gave a party in her baby-house of a dwelling.【譯文】她在她那個嬰兒屋子一般大的小住宅中開了個晚會。 例1:We consider the conclusion as of great importance.【譯文】我們把這個結論看成是具有重要意義的。 例2:It is of no avail to say such a thing. 現在說這樣的話是沒有用的。例3:That would be of permanent value to them throughout the liv

26、es.這對他們一生都會有好處。例4:Windmills and watermills are of ancient origin but because of real importance in the late middle ages.風磨和水磨有著古老的歷史,但真正的價值是在中世紀晚期。例5:Discoveries used wisely can be of immense benefit to mankind 被明智利用的發(fā)明會給人類帶來巨大的利益;然而也有許多發(fā)明會有意無意地給人類及地球上的其他生物帶來災難性的影響。 His words and deeds testify to hi

27、s honesty. 他的言行證明他是誠實的。 例2: After vehemently arguing, he discovered his basic illogicality and had to eat humble pie before his associates.經過激烈爭辯,他發(fā)現自己根本是自相矛盾的,只好在同事面前認錯 例3: After having had a talk with him, she seemed inclined to believe his innocence.他的一席話,讓她似乎感到他是清白的。  At that moment, feelin

28、g Mothers back racked with emotion, I understood for the first time her vulnerability.媽媽非常激動,我感到她的背在顫就在那一刻,我第一次明白媽媽也是脆弱的。例1:“Coming!” Away she skimmed over the lawn, up the path, up the steps, across the veranda, and into the porch. “來啦!” 她轉身蹦著跳著地跑了,越過草地,跑上小徑,跨上臺階,穿過涼臺,進了門廊。例2:He often goes to the c

29、onstruction site for labour. 他經常去工地參加勞動。例3:I wrung my hands, and cried out 我絞著手,大聲喊叫;林惇先生一聽見喊叫聲,加快了腳步。例4:In a globaland globalizingera, all of the old structures of political 在一個全球化或越來越全球化的時代,所有舊的劃分政治現實的方法、所有舊的表達我們自己,表達自己愛憎的方法似乎都已灰飛煙滅。例5:They believe that the normalization of relations between the t

30、wo countries 雙方相信,兩國關系正常化不僅符合中美兩國人民的利益,而且將對緩和亞洲及世界緊張局勢作出貢獻。例6: In international trade, sometimes it deems necessary for the importer to arrange 在國際貿易中,對進口人來說,通過銀行用電報把款項匯給出口人所委托的銀行,這一做法有時是必要的。其辦法是,由該銀行用密碼發(fā)一份電報或無線電報給他的代理行。這是一種只有他和該代理行才知道并為雙方所確認的密碼,用以指示該代理行支付一定的金額給指定的出口人,或者記入出口人在其銀行的賬戶中。這一方法簡稱為電匯“T/T”。

31、1)a match-box of a building 一座火柴盒似的樓房 2)a honey of an idea一個好主意3)a flower of a child花兒一樣的兒童4)a fool of a man一個呆子般的男人 5)a boy of a girl 一個男孩似的姑娘6)a gem of a poem一首寶石般的詩7)a tyrant of a boss暴君似的老板8)a fairyland of a park仙境似的公園9)a beast of a place臟地方10)a whale of a victory大勝利 1)This is of vital importanc

32、e for their self-respect. 這對自尊心是非常重要的。2)These glasses are of a size. 這些玻璃杯大小一樣。3)We are of the same age. 我們都是同齡人 。4)Its not of very much use. 這沒有多大用處。5) My first day at Radecliffe College was of great interest.【譯文】在瑞德克力夫大學的第一天,我的內心充滿了無比的新奇。6)It is of great advantage to them. 這對他們是十分有利的。7)As this que

33、stion is of great interest, we will discuss it once again.【譯文】因為這個問題很有意義,所以我們決定在討論一次。  8) The style and manner of writing should be of the same character with that of the original.【譯文】譯文的風格和表達方式應與原文具有相同的特性。9) The matter is of no significance. 這事無關緊要。10) We consider the conclusion as of great im

34、portance.我們認為這個結論是非常重要的。1) Childrens education presents a big problem. 兒童教育是個大問題。2) Our teachers praise made me feel a shame. 老師表揚使我感到慚愧。3)His boasting was for a specific purpose.他這樣夸耀原來是別有用心的。4)My voice has enabled me to earn a fair livelihood.【譯文】 我正是有了這副好嗓子,今天才混得相當不錯。5) He made his first appearan

35、ce before the American public. 他首次在美國公眾前露面。His surprising recovery delighted everyone of us他令人吃驚地康復了使我們每個人都很高興。7) He was sent to prison for his part in the street fight. 他因街頭打架斗毆被關進監(jiān)獄。 8) His imitation of that singer is perfect. 他能惟妙惟肖地模仿那個歌手。9)Mothers only objection to our going out was that it was

36、 too late.【譯文】 母親反對我們出去的唯一理由是天太晚了。10) His insistence on doing the work himself deserves the praise from our teacher. 【譯文】 他堅持自己做工作的主張博得老師的表揚。11)Owing to their open-heartedness, goodness and 這幾個游客由于他們心情開朗、心地善良、加上生活經驗不足,才有了許多愉快的經歷,也做了好些令人啼笑皆非的傻事。 12)It is a curious coincidence that the day before his

37、retirement, 佩奇先生退休的前一天正好是他執(zhí)教滿40年的日子,這真是奇妙的巧合。13) I have enjoyed my stay in your city very much 我一直很喜歡住在你們這座城市,但同時我也一直很想家,所以我是懷著一種悲喜交加的心情和你們說再見的。14) Their depth of interpretation and description of the sufferings 他們深刻了解詳細描寫了資本主義制度下老百姓所受的苦難,把小說創(chuàng)作推向新的高度。1) He is capable of fulfilling all the promises.

38、他能實現一切諾言。2) Since laughter was closely associated with speech, man had this means of expressing his pleasure. 由于笑與語言有著密切的聯系,所以人就獲得了這種方式以表達他的愉快。3) He claimed to be an expert in astronomy, but in actual fact he is quite ignorant on the subject.他說他懂天文學(是天文學專家),可實際上他根本不懂,就是他所掌握的有關這方面的一點知識,也是過時的,不準確的。)Wh

39、y should laughter be as intimately associated with 為什么笑像我所指出的那樣與說話能力緊密地聯系在一起呢?He was ashamed at being unable to give answer.他由于回答不出而感到羞愧。6) I am desirous of success. 我想獲得成功。 These challenges show that all of us need to be involved in solving the problems.這些挑戰(zhàn)表明我們大家都必須參與解決這些問題。8) Are your opinions re

40、presentative of the other students?你的意見是否代表其他同學的意見?Because people assume “you are what you say you are”, they talk a lot to become acquainted with each other. 因為人們認為“你就是你所說的那樣”,所以就通過大量的交談來了解對方。 The Earths surface might be increasingly turned over地球表面會越來越多地讓位與公園和荒野,才有可能保持生態(tài)平衡。第14章例1:Vitamin C is dest

41、royed when it is overheated.【譯文】 維生素C受熱過度就會被破壞。例2:Once the flower has been pollinated and fertilized, the plant provides the newly花一旦被授了粉并受了精,植株就會對新生種子提供養(yǎng)料貯藏,以備種子未來發(fā)芽之需。例3:She thought all was fair and legal, and never dreamt she was going to .她以為一切都是公正合法的,做夢也沒想到過自己竟會被誘入欺詐婚姻的圈套,跟一個騙子、瘋子、十足的壞蛋締結姻緣。例1:

42、The boy was criticized yesterday. 這孩子昨天挨了一頓批評。例2:I was caught in the downpour. 我在大雨中挨澆了。例1:Our clothes were soaked with sweat. 我們的衣服給汗水濕透了。例2:The crops were washed away by the flood. 莊稼給大水沖跑了。例3:Your car was towed away by a towing truck from Lewis Company. 【譯文】路易斯公司的一輛拖車把你的汽車給拖走了。例1:You have been we

43、tted in the rain. 你叫雨淋濕了。例2:The -rays are not affected by an electric field.射線不受電場影響。例3:A lot of houses and buildings, roads and bridges were damaged in the seaquake.【譯文】許多房屋建筑、道路橋梁在這次海嘯中遭到破壞。例4:It must be dealt with at the appropriate time with appropriate means.【譯文】這件事必須在適當的時候用適當的手段予以處理。例5:I skirt

44、ed fields and hedges and lanes till after sunrise.我沿著田野、樹籬的邊緣,走過小徑,一直走到日上三竿。我覺得今天是個美好的夏日的早晨。我知道,我出門時剛穿上的鞋子,很快就讓露水打濕了??墒?,我不看升起的太陽,不看湛藍美好的天空,也不看正在蘇醒的大地。一個被押去斷頭臺的人,路過美麗景色的時候,是不會注意路旁微笑的花朵的。他想的只是利斧和砧板,只是軀體的破碎和分離,只是最后等著他的張著大口的墓穴;補充例句例1. The novel I had thrown away was chosen by the Book Society.【譯文】我一度扔掉的

45、那部小說后來被書社選中。例2. The sun and the earth are in a great group of stars;it is called the galaxy.【譯文】太陽和地球處于一個巨大的星群之中,這個星群叫做銀河系。例4. The finished products must be carefully inspected before delivery.【譯文】商品出廠前必須仔細地予以檢查。例5Other processes will be discussed briefly. 其它方法將簡單地加以討論。The atomic theory was not acce

46、pted until the last century.原子學說直到上世紀才為人們所接受。例7I was possessed by the very novelty of what I did.我被自己所干的事的新鮮勁迷住了。例8Premier Zhou is respected and loved by the people of the whole country.【譯文】周總理受到全國人民的尊敬和愛戴。例9The laws of motion will be discussed in the next article.運動定律將在下文中予以討論。例10It need not be sai

47、d that all factors must be taken into consideration.【譯文】不用說,所有因素都必須考慮在內。(謂語分譯)例11. If this suggestion is accepted, it should not be considered as a precedent.【譯文】如果此項建議被接受,以后不得引以為例。 A program called a compiler was written by an expert in machine code and is stored in the computer.編譯程序先由專家用機器代碼編寫好,然后

48、儲存在計算機中。例13. Therefore, when we are received with so much honour and so much kindness.因此,當我們在這個偉大的國家里受到這樣隆重和盛情的接待時,我認為中華人民共和國這樣做是具有重大意義的。例1:Love can not be forced. 愛情不能強求。例2:Love and cough cannot be hidden.愛情和咳嗽都無法隱藏。例3:My holidays afternoons were spent in ramble about the surrounding country.【譯文】每逢

49、假日的下午,我總要漫步周圍的鄉(xiāng)村。例4:Illness must be correctly diagnosed before they can be treated with medicine.【譯文】疾病必須先確診,再用藥。例5:This was a great stroke of fortune for the Allies, .這對盟軍來說是件大幸事,因為該港口的人行通道一經清理,就可成為英美軍隊的重要供需基地。例1:The teacher was satisfied with the answer.老師對回答感到滿意。例2:I am told you are careless. 聽說你

50、很粗心大意。例3:The long river is originated from that high mountain.這條大河發(fā)源于那座山。 例4:Language is a precious possession; it has, in fact, been called the door to knowledge. 高超的語言水平乃寶貴財富。誠然,語言是打開知識寶庫大門的鑰匙。語言運用得心應手,便能說得清楚,聽得明白,看得真切。推敲詞字,斟酌語句,受益匪淺,其樂無限。例5:Even so, I still insist that for the individual himself

51、nothing is more important than即便如此,我仍然堅持認為,對個人而言,最重要的莫過于這種根植于個人心靈深處的是非感,并堅決以此行為處事的決心,而不是人云亦云,或僅僅以是否“對社會有益”為準則。例1:That ridiculous idea was put forward by his brother.這個怪念頭是他哥哥想出來的。例2:The credit system in America was first adopted by Harvard University in 1872.【譯文】美國的學分制是1872年在哈佛大學首先實施的。例3:Poetry was

52、chanted to the accompaniment of the lyre.詩歌吟唱時是由七弦琴伴奏的。例4:The left ear is controlled by the right side of the brain.左耳是由大腦的右側控制的。例5:Now, I say, man and, in general, every rational being exists as an end in himself我認為:人,總之一切理性動物,是作為目的本身而存在的,并不是僅僅作為手段給某個意志任意使用的。我們必須在他的一切行動中,不管這行動是對他自己的,還是對其他理性動物的,永遠把他

53、當作目的看待。補充例句例1:This problem will be discussed tomorrow.這個問題將于明天討論。例2:The typewriter has not been used for twenty years. 這臺打字機已有20年沒用了。例3:The work must be finished before Christmas.這項工作必須在圣誕節(jié)前完成。例4:Our univrity was built in 1952. 我校建于1952年。例5:The quality of our products has been greatly improved.產品質量有

54、了很大的提高。例6:The car has been cleaned. 汽車擦干凈了。例7:A bald head is soon shaven.光頭好剃。/光頭剃起來快。例8:The story was based on the information from a reliable source.這事信息來源可靠。例9:Steel and iron products are often coated lest they should rust.【譯文】鋼鐵制品常常涂上油漆以免生銹。例10:Iron is extracted from the ore by smelting in the b

55、last furnace.【譯文】鐵是通過高爐冶煉從礦石中提取的。例11:The dog mustnt be killed. 這狗不能殺。例12:The avenue is flanked by rows of new buildings.馬路兩旁是一排排新建大樓。例13:She was lost in the woods last night. 昨晚她在森林中迷了路。例14:He is greatly attached to his work. 他非常熱愛自己的工作。例15:In this sense, bad thing can be turned into good things.從這一

56、點上說來,壞事也可以轉變成為好事。例16:Many basins were formed by the subsidence of the earths crust.許多盆地都是由于地殼陷落而形成的。例17:Rainbows are formed when sunlight passes through small drops of water in the sky.【譯文】彩虹是陽光透過天空中的小水滴時形成的。例18:Energy is defined as the ability to do work.能的定義為做功的能力。例19:A melody is heard, played upo

57、n a flute.橫笛吹起,悠揚的旋律訴說著芳草綠地、佳樹林木、大地天涯,幕起例1:Yet, only a part of this energy is used by man. 然而,人類只利用了這種能量的一部分。例2:Rivers are controlled by dams. 攔河大壩把河流控制住了。例3:We are brought freedom and happiness by socialism.社會主義給我們帶來了自由和幸福。例4:Light and heat can be given to us by the sun. 太陽供給我們光和熱。例5:At least two quarts of water are required daily by a normal individual.一個正常的人每天至少需要兩夸脫的水。例1:Heat is removed from the body during


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