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1、精選學習資料 - - - 歡迎下載sale and purchase agreement for iron ore1印度尼西亞 fe 62% 鐵礦石 cif 買賣合同contract no.: hs/fe/140108dated: january 14-2021contract合 同this contract is made between the seller and the buyer for iron ore、 whereas the buyer agrees to buy and the seller agrees to sell the commodity、 the followin

2、g terms and conditions will be accordance with english.本鐵礦塊礦買賣合同由賣方和買方簽訂,買方和賣方同意按下述條款買入和售出貨品;the contract is made and entered into on jannary 14、 2021.本合同于 2021 年 01 月 14 日簽訂 、 于 2007 年 12 月 31 日終止,seller/ 賣方company/ 公司:精品學習資料精選學習資料 - - - 歡迎下載address/ 地址:country/ 地區(qū):tel no/ 電話:fax no/ 傳真:email/ 電郵:s

3、ignatory/ 簽 署人:buyer/ 買方: company/ 公司:company/ 公司:address/ 地址:country/ 地區(qū):tel no/ 電話:fax no/ 傳真:email / 電郵:signatory / 簽署人:name of bank:銀行名稱:address:銀行地址 :telex:電傳:fax no:傳真:swift code: hereinafter referred to as seller/以下稱賣方 hereinafter referred to as seller/以下稱買方)精品學習資料精選學習資料 - - - 歡迎下載seller'

4、s initial:page 1 of 9buyer's initial:精品學習資料精選學習資料 - - - 歡迎下載sale and purchase agreement for iron ore2印度尼西亞 fe 62% 鐵礦石 cif 買賣合同contract no.: hs/fe/140108dated: january 14-2021.whereas /鑒于the seller with full corporate authority to sell the commodity oncif terms、 hereby certifies、 represents and w

5、arrants、 that it can fulfill the requirement of this contract and provide the commodity herein mentioned and under the terms and conditions specified and agreed upon by signatories hereafter.賣方具有完全法人資格,做出正式不行撤銷承諾,依據(jù)cif條款出售貨物、 在此保證能夠履行本合同要求,依據(jù)合同規(guī)定的條款供應貨品;the buyer hereby agrees and make an irrevocabl

6、e commitment to purchase the commodity with terms and conditions as follows:買方同意采納不行撤銷之承諾依據(jù)如下條款購買貨品:1.0第一條:商品:clause 1 commodity:印度尼西亞鐵礦石iron ore produced by indonesia mine2.0其次條:品質(zhì):clause 2 quality:2.1specifications and the refused pointscomponentscontents wt %the refuse points拒絕點fe ferro62% basis

7、標準 rejection below 61%sio2 silica8% max 最多 rejection above 8%al2o3 alumina1.36% max 最多 rejection above 2.0%p phosphorus0.08% max 最多 rejection above 0.10%s sulfur0.08% max 最多 rejection above 0.10%tio20.08% max 最多 rejection above 0.10%2.2 moisture content percentage by weight水分(百分比重量)free moisture los

8、s at 105 degree centigrade shall not exceed 8%攝氏 105 度時水分的含量不得超過8 %.2.3 physical specification percentage by weight 0-300mm100% min3.0第三條:裝運港.到貨港和交貨數(shù)量clause 3 loading port and destination and delivery quantity:seller's initial:page 2 of 9buyer's initial:精品學習資料精選學習資料 - - - 歡迎下載sale and purcha

9、se agreement for iron ore3印度尼西亞 fe 62% 鐵礦石 cif 買賣合同contract no.: hs/fe/140108dated: january 14-2021裝運港:印度尼西亞 南加里曼丹港loading port:banjalimantan、 indonesia到貨港:中國天津新港discharging port:tianjin xingang port、 china總數(shù)量:8000 噸 /-10% ,由賣方挑選;以噸計量和噸結(jié)算;total quantities:8000dmt /-10%、 at the buyer s option、 calcul

10、ate and count base on dry metric tones.4.0 第四條:基本單價.總金額和單價調(diào)整clause 4 base unit price and total value and price adjustment:基本單價:110 美元 /干噸, cif 中國天津新港base unit price:usd$110/dmt cif tianjin xingang port、 china總金額:usd$880.000.00 +/-10%total value:usd$880.000.00 +/-10%本條項下鐵礦單價按以下含量不同調(diào)整基本單價:the unit pri

11、ce shall be adjusted according to following bonus and penalty rules:4.1 for each 1.0% of fe above 62%、 the base price shall be increased by usd $1.0 per dmt、 or fraction pro-rata. for each 1.0% of fe below 62% down to 61%、 the base price shall be decreased by usd1.0 per dmt、 or fraction pro-rata. bu

12、yer has rights to reject goods if fe content is below 61%、 or negotiate the price with the seller.含鐵 fe 量超出62% ,每增加1.0% 基礎價格每公噸增加美金1.0 元,不足者按比例運算;含鐵 fe 量在 62% 到61% 之間 、每降低 1.0% 基礎價格每公噸削減美金1.0 元,不足者按比例運算;含鐵量低于61%、 買方有權拒收或重新議價;4.2 if sio2 contentis over8%、 there willbe a penaltyof usd0.15perdry metric

13、ton for each 0.1% of sio2 in excess of 8%、 or fraction pro-rata.假如二氧化硅(sio2 )含量高于8% ,高 于 8% 的每 0.1% 每干噸的罰款為美金0.15 元,實際罰款按此比例運算;4.3 if al2o3 content is over 2.0%、 there will be a penalty of usd0.15 per dry metric ton for each 0.1% of al2o3 in excess of2.0%、 or fraction pro-rata.假如三氧化二鋁(al2o3 )含量高于2.0

14、% ,高于 2.0% 的每 0.1% 每干噸的罰款為美金0.15 元,實際罰款按此比例運算;4.4 if p contentis over0.08%、there willbe a penaltyof usd0.15perdry metricton for each 0.01% of p in excess of 0.08%、 or fraction pro-rata.假如磷( p )含量高于0.08% ,高于 0.08% 的每 0.01% 每干噸的罰款為美金0.15 元,實際罰款按此比例運算;4.5 if s contentis over0.08%、there willbe a penalty

15、of usd0.15per dry metricton for each 0.01% of s in excess of 0.08%、 or fraction pro-rata.假如硫( s )含量高于0.08% ,高于 0.08% 的每 0.01% 每干噸的罰款為美金0.15 元,實際罰款按此比例運算;4.6 if tio2 content is over 0.08%、 there will be a penalty of usd0.15 per dry metric ton for each 0.01% of tio2 in excess of 0.08%、 or fraction pro

16、-rata、 rejection above 0.10%假如二氧化鈦(tio2 )含量高于0.08% ,高于 0.08% 的每 0.01% 每干噸的罰款為美金0.15 元,實際罰款按此比例運算 、 鈦含量超過0.10% 買方有權退貨 .4.7 total moisture on dry basis any excess over 8% will be deducted from b/l weight.水分(干燥基)超過 8% 時,超過部分從所交付貨物重量中扣減;seller's initial:page 3 of 9buyer's initial:精品學習資料精選學習資料 -

17、- - 歡迎下載sale and purchase agreement for iron ore4印度尼西亞 fe 62% 鐵礦石 cif 買賣合同contract no.: hs/fe/140108dated: january 14-20215.0第五條:裝運期:clause 5 shipment date:合約簽訂后賣方收到買方銀行信用證之日起30 天內(nèi)依據(jù)本合同簽定質(zhì)量.負責地依照合同提及的數(shù)量和質(zhì)量.within30daysafterseller'sbankreceiptofdl/cissuedbybuyer'sbank、asreferred quantity and

18、quality to the contract.包裝:散裝;pack in bags :bulk ;6.0第六條 : 租船.裝運和卸貨clause 6 vessel chartering、 loading & discharging:本合同貨物由賣方自行裝運上船,將貨物由發(fā)運港運到目的港;the vessel to carry under this contract shall be chartered by the seller.貨物到達卸貨港后,一切稅收.關稅.滯期費.卸貨費用及其它港雜費由買方負擔;其它條件須符合2000 年國際貿(mào)易術語說明通就;anyandalltaxes、du

19、esandwharfageonthecargoasleviedbydischargingport authorities are forbuyer s account. anydelays incurred due to failure to pay these willbe to buyer s account.7.0第七條:保險和裝船通知clause 7 insurance and shipping advice:賣方負責購買貨物保險;seller shall arrange insurance at his own expenses.8.0 第八條:付款方式clause 8 paymen

20、t:在簽定本合同的五個銀行工作日內(nèi)、賣方銀行開具合同總金額之2% 給買方做為受益人的履約保證金;買方在收到并接受賣方銀行履約保證金人民幣xxxxx 元的 3個銀行工作日內(nèi)、在中國國際一級銀行開立以賣方為收益人的.以美元計價的100% 到岸價金額的(95% 的暫時付款加上5% 的最終付款).不行撤銷的、 可轉(zhuǎn)讓的 、 可操作的即期跟單信用證(以下簡稱 “ l/c)”、 通知行為 xxx bank ;信用證的有效期為開證日后120 天. 開戶行應補充說明以電傳為有效方式、不需額外確認 .within 5 banking days of the signing of the contract、 se

21、ller shall establish an operative performancebondhereinafterreferredas pb whichequalsto the buyerbank、as perthe appendix.the buyer shall、 within3 bankingdays of after the receiptand acceptance oftheseller spb、openanirrevocable、operative、transferable、letterofcredithereinaftercalledl/cpayableatsightin

22、favorofsellerfromafirstclass internationalbankin chinathroughxxxbank、xxx branch、in an amountin us dollars sufficientto cover100% contractvalue95%shipmentvalueto be madeforprovisional payment and the balance of shipment value to be made for final payment. the validity ofl/c shall be 120 days from the

23、 issuing date of l/c. the opening bank will also add that thetelex is the operative instrument and no further confirmation is required.買方應在 l/c 中特殊注明 “答應 10% 溢短裝的數(shù)量和相應的l/c 金額 ”,開證行以外的全部銀行費用由賣方承擔;buyershallopenl/c withspecialcondit ion “ plus/minus10% o f quantityand amountof l/c will be allowed” and

24、all banking charges outside issuing bank shall be to the account ofseller.seller's initial:page 4 of 9buyer's initial:精品學習資料精選學習資料 - - - 歡迎下載sale and purchase agreement for iron ore5印度尼西亞 fe 62% 鐵礦石 cif 買賣合同contract no.: hs/fe/140108dated: january 14-2021a. 暫時付款provisional payment賣方的暫時發(fā)票將按如下

25、開具:seller s provisionalinvoice shall be made on the basis of the following:上述信用證應在見到賣方的95% 總貨款金額的暫時付款即期跟單匯票及條款9a 中規(guī)定的單據(jù)時生效,賣方依據(jù)ccic/sucofindo出具的重量證書和商檢結(jié)果及105 攝氏度下的自由水份缺失證書出具暫時發(fā)票;the said letter of credit shall be available against the sel ler s draft at sight for provisional payment for the amount o

26、f ninety-five percent 95% of the value of each respective shipment accompanied by the documents as stipulated in clause 9a. thecertificateof weightissuedby ccic/sucofindo.by surveyof ship s draftat loa dingport as together with the certificate of analysis of sample and of the percentage offree moist

27、ure loss at 105 degree centigrade issued by ccic/sucofindo. at loading port shall be the basis for the seller s provisional invoice.b. 最終付款final payment剩余的貨款在見到賣方即期跟單匯票及依據(jù)條款9b 供應的議付單據(jù)后支付;賣方應在買方確認后的20 天內(nèi)進行最終付款;但付款日須在l/c 的效期內(nèi);thebalanceamounta sperseller s finalinvoiceduetosellerafterprovisional payme

28、nt shall be payable against seller s sight draft under the said l/c accompanied bythe negotiating documents provided as per clause 9b.seller shall make the final payment within twenty 20 daysafter buyer sconfirming but within the validity of the l/c.假如由 ciq 在卸貨港口出具的證書不能在卸完貨20 天內(nèi)送達給賣方,就裝運港出 的證書將作為商業(yè)發(fā)

29、票的依據(jù);假如需要仲裁檢驗,賣方最終商業(yè)發(fā)票將以ciq 證書和 / 或者仲裁檢驗證書為依據(jù),并且在仲裁證書出來時支付最終付款;if the certificate issued by ciq at the discharging port can not be forwarded to seller within twenty 20 days after completion of discharge in china、 then the certificate at the loading ports shall be the basis of the final invoice. if u

30、mpire analysis is required、seller sfinalinvoi ceshallbebasedonciqcertificateand/orumpireanalysiscertificateandthefinalpaymentshallbemadewhentheump ire s certificateis available.9.0 第九條:付款條件及單據(jù)clause 9 documents:賣方應供應如下暫時付款和最終付款所需的單據(jù);seller shall provide the following documents for provisional and fi

31、nal payment.暫時付款單據(jù) documents for provisional payment賣方應供應應買方如下暫時付款所需的單據(jù)(第三方單據(jù)可接受)sellershallprovidebuyerwiththefollowingdocumentsforthe provisionalpayment the third party documents shall be acceptable except invoice and draft:1) 賣方簽署的95%cif貨款金額的暫時發(fā)票(二正三副),暫時發(fā)票上標有商品價值.裝貨船只名稱.合同號.信用證號和提單號;seller's

32、 initial:page 5 of 9buyer's initial:精品學習資料精選學習資料 - - - 歡迎下載sale and purchase agreement for iron ore6印度尼西亞 fe 62% 鐵礦石 cif 買賣合同contract no.: hs/fe/140108dated: january 14-2021seller s signed prov isional invoice in two originals and three copies for 95% cif shipment value indicating value of commo

33、dity shipped、 name of carrying vessel、 contract number、 l/c number and b/l number.2) 全套(三正三副)空白抬頭.空白背書,注明“運費已付 ”和通知人為“買家公司名稱.電話.傳真.地址”的清潔的租約格式提單;full set of “ clean on boar”d charter party b/l at the loading port in three originalsandthreecopiesmadeouttoorder、blankendorsed、marked“ freight prepaid” n

34、otifying “ buyer s c ompany .tel.fax and addres”s .3) 由 ccic/sucofindo依據(jù)條款 11 出具的裝港重量證書(二正三副);certificate of weight at the loading port in two originals and three copies issued by ccic/sucofindo as per clause 11.4) 由 ccic/sucofindo依據(jù)條款 12 出具的裝港質(zhì)量證書(二正三副);certificate of analysis at the loading port i

35、n two originals and three copies issued by ccic/sucofindo as per clause 12.5) 印度尼西亞商會出具的原產(chǎn)地證書(一正四副);certificate of origin in one original and four copies issued by chamber of commerce in indonisia.6) 經(jīng)受益人證明的,其已在裝港提單日后3 個工作日內(nèi)將具體裝船資料發(fā)給買方的電子郵件或傳真的復印件;beneficiary s certif ied copies of e-mail or fax dis

36、patched to buyer within three 3 working days after the b/l date at the loading port advising the details of the shipment .7) 受益人出具的證明,證明其已在裝港提單日后的5 個工作日內(nèi)傳真給買方提單、商業(yè)發(fā)票.質(zhì)量證書.重量證書.原產(chǎn)地證書和裝船通知等全套單據(jù);beneficiary s certif icate certifying that they send to buyer by fax one set of documents including b/l、 com

37、mercial invoice、 certificate of analysis、 certificate of weight、 certificate of origin、 and shipment advice by fax within five5 working days after the date of b/l at the loading port.8) 買方出具的一份基于裝港貨物裝船前預檢結(jié)果的接受待裝船貨物的證明.certificate in one original issued by the buyer giving acceptance of the cargo bas

38、ed on pre-shipment inspection at the loading port.documents for final payment最終付款單據(jù)1) 賣方簽署的最終商業(yè)發(fā)票(二正三副):注明商品價值.船名.合同號和提單號;seller s signedfina l commercialinvoicein two originalsand three copiesindicating value of commodity shipped、 name of carrying vessel、 contract number and b/l number.2) 由 ciq 或仲裁

39、機構出具的重量證書和質(zhì)量證書(一正一副);certificateof weightandcertificateofanalysisissuedby ciqand/orumpireone original and one copy.10.0第十條:重量檢驗clause 10 weighing在 裝 運 港 , 賣 方 應 自 付 費 用 安 排 ccic/sucofindo對 貨 物 進 行 水 尺 檢 驗 重 量 和 水 分 檢 驗 ; 該 重 量 連 同ccic/sucofindo的分析用于賣方運算前期支付所需的貨值;買方可在裝運港觀看監(jiān)裝,費用自理;seller's initial

40、:page 6 of 9buyer's initial:精品學習資料精選學習資料 - - - 歡迎下載sale and purchase agreement for iron ore7印度尼西亞 fe 62% 鐵礦石 cif 買賣合同contract no.: hs/fe/140108dated: january 14-2021at the loadingport、ccic/sucofindoshallbe retainedat sel ler s expensesto de terminemoistureandtheweightofshipmentoforebydraftsurvey

41、.theweightoforeas ascertained and certified together with ccic/sucofindo analysis shall bebasis of seller sprovisional invoice. buyer may、 at its own expense、 supervises loading and weighing at the loading port.在卸貨港 、 買方自負費用支配ciq 進行水尺檢驗重量和水分檢驗;賣方可到場觀看水尺檢驗,費用自理;at discharge port、 ciq shall be retaine

42、d at buyer s expenses to determine the weight of shipment of ore by draft survey. the moisture and weight of ore as ascertained and certified together with ciq analysis shall be basis of shall be final for calculation of thetotal contractual value of ores. seller may、 at its own expense、 be present

43、at the time of weighing at discharging port.買方須在船靠港后10 個工作日內(nèi)將 ciq 重量證書副本傳真至賣方.buyer shall fax the certificate of weight copy to seller within ten10 days after arrival of shipment at discharging port.11.0 第十一條:取樣和元素分析clause 11 sampling and analysis11.1 在裝貨港,賣方自負費用支配ccic/sucofindo按現(xiàn)行標準抽樣,分析鉻.三氧化二鐵.二氧化

44、硅.三氧化二鋁.硫.磷.水分含量和粒度,并出具質(zhì)量證書;買方可到場觀看,費用自理;atloadingport、ccic/sucofindoshallberetainedatsellersexpensestotake representativesamplesanddo analysisof contentsof cr2o3、fe2o3、p、 s、sio2、al2o3、 moisture and size in accordance with the prevailing standards、 and issue certificates.buyer shall have the right t

45、o be present at its expenses at such sampling.11.2 在卸貨港,買方自負費用支配ciq 按現(xiàn)行標準抽樣,賣方可到場觀看,費用自理;at dischargingport、ciq shallbe retain ed at buyer s expe nsestakerepresentative samplesin accordancewiththe prevailingstandardsatbuyer sexpense.seller shall have the right to be present at its expenses at such s

46、ampling.11.3 ciq 須將用于元素分析的樣品分成三等份并密封,一份給買方(即由ciq 檢測),一份寄交賣方,一份備用獨立檢驗.ciq shalldividesamplestakenfor chemicalanalysisintothree3 equalpartsand sealed、 one for buyer、 one for seller and the third to be retained for umpire purpose.11.4 ciq 須對封樣就其次條規(guī)定的元素進行分析,出具質(zhì)量檢驗證書正本一式三份;ciqshallanalyzeoneofportionsfor

47、chromecrcontentandotherchemical compositionondrybasis、assetforthin clause2 andshallissuecertificateof quality in triplicate.11.5 買方須在船靠港后30 個工作日內(nèi)將ciq 質(zhì)量證書傳真至賣方;buyershallfax the certificateof qualitycopyto sellerwithinthirty30working days after arrival of shipment at discharging port.11.6 雙方同意以中國商檢c

48、iq 重量和質(zhì)量檢驗為最終檢驗結(jié)果進行結(jié)算;假如裝運港和卸貨港檢驗相差甚遠,賣方有權征詢買方協(xié)商;如經(jīng)過協(xié)商雙方就差異不能達成協(xié)議,任何一方均可向另一方提出將備用檢驗樣品提交買賣雙方同意的權威檢驗機構作獨立檢驗,該檢驗結(jié)果為最終,獨立檢驗的費用由與檢驗結(jié)果差異較大的一方支付;bothpartiesagreeto calculatebaseon ciqqualityandquantityanalysisresult whichas final.in case ofconsiderabledifferencebetweenanalysisat loadingportseller's ini

49、tial:page 7 of 9buyer's initial:精品學習資料精選學習資料 - - - 歡迎下載sale and purchase agreement for iron ore8印度尼西亞 fe 62% 鐵礦石 cif 買賣合同contract no.: hs/fe/140108dated: january 14-2021andthedischargeport、buyershallconsultwithsellertoreconcilesuch differences. if after consultation between seller and buyer the

50、difference cannotbe reconciled、 either seller or buyer may be allowed to appeal to the opposite partyfor an umpire analysis on the reserved umpire sample by an umpire chemist mutuallyagreedbetweenbuyerand sellerand the resultof umpireanalysisthusobtained shallbe then consideredas to constitutethe an

51、alysisforthe finalsettlementof thefinalshipment.expensesof suchumpireanalysisshallbeborneby the party whose analysis result is more discrepancy to the final umpire analysis.12.0第十二條:不行抗力clause 12 force majeure:任何一方因地震.臺風.洪水.火災.戰(zhàn)爭等不行抗力而不能履行合同的,應立刻通過傳真.郵件等方式通知另一方,并提交大事詳情和由相關公共事務或政府部門出具的證明文件,說明其不能履行本合同

52、義務的緣由;should either of the parties to the contract be prevented from the execution of the contract by force majeure、 such as an earthquake、 typhoon、 flood、 fire、 war、 the prevented party shall notify the other party by fax、 courier or immediate hand delivery、withoutdelay、and within15 daysthereafterp

53、rovidedetailedinformationof the eventanddocumentationfromrelevantpublicandgovernmentauthorities、explainingthe reason for its inability to perform its obligations under this contract.盡管發(fā)生不行抗力大事,雙方應力盡所能將損害減至最低限度;雙方應通過協(xié)商,依據(jù)不行抗力大事對雙方履約才能的影響,打算為否終止本合同或連續(xù)履行本合同;發(fā)生不行抗力大事后,另一方不得向因不行抗力而不能履約的一方提出索賠;notwithstandingthe situationof forcemajeure、bothpartieswilldotheirutmostto reducethedamagestoeitherpartytoaminimum.bothpartiesshall、through consultations、decidewhethertoterminatethiscontractorwhethertodelay the execution of this contract according to the effe


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