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1、智慧樹知到英倫文學(xué)地圖:英倫文學(xué)中的地域書寫網(wǎng)課章節(jié)測(cè)試答案智慧樹知到英倫文學(xué)地圖:英倫文學(xué)中的地域書寫(蘇州大寫)網(wǎng)課章節(jié)測(cè)試答案第一章測(cè)試1、What is included in Jane Austen's landscapes?A、IrelandB、ScotlandC、WalesD、England答案:D2、It is in Southern England that the women in Jane Austen's novels can feelcomfortable.答案:對(duì)3、The marriage transactions in Jane Austen&#

2、39;s novels take place in the followingplaces:A、LondonB、BathC、CambridgeD、Brighton答案:ABD4、The characteristics of the late eighteenth century in England include:A、enclosures of the landB、the elevating of women's statusC、the industrial developmentD、the competition for social status答案:ACD5、Literary

3、geography is a perspective on literature that incorporates the studyof geographical space and place.答案:對(duì)6、When does the cultural turn of human geographies take place?A、the sixteenth centuryB、the early twentieth centuryC、the end of the 1950sD、the end of the 1980s答案:D7、The scope of literary geography

4、studies includes:A、geography documentsB、the study of literature in spaceC、the study of space in literatureD、the plot答案:BC8、Geography is not an inert container, is not a box where cultural historyhappens, but an active force, that pervades the literary field and shapes it indepth答案:對(duì)9、The act of writ

5、ing itself might be considered as a form of mapping orcartographic activity.答案:對(duì)10、Great Britain is a country.答案:錯(cuò)第二章測(cè)試1、Who is honoured as the father of English literature?A、John DonneB、Geoffrey ChaucerC、Ben JohnsonD、John Milton答案:B2、In the Medieval hierarchical system of England, the church was re

6、sponsible forthe spiritual welfare of the body politic.答案:對(duì)3、Geoffrey Chaucer's diplomatic mission to Italy in 1372 brought him into directcontact with the Italian Renaissance.答案:對(duì)4、Scholars conjecture that The Canterbury Tales was probably first conceived in1386, when Chaucer was living in Cant

7、erbury.答案:錯(cuò)5、When does the pilgrimage take place in The Canterbury Tales?A、MarchB、MayC、AprilD、June答案:C6、Which one is the opening tale after "The General Prologue" in The CanterburyTales?A、"The Miller's Tale"B、"The Knight's Tale"C、"The Wife of Bath's Tal

8、e"D、The Reeve's Tale"答案:B7、A dialectic between _ is a recurrent feature of The Canterbury Tales.A、rhetoricsB、classesC、genresD、styles答案:BCD8、The persona "I" in The Canterbury Tales is also one of the pilgrims.答案:對(duì)9、“The Millers Tale” concerned with order, love and fraternity p

9、arodies "TheKnights tale" that involves deception and body.答案:錯(cuò)10、“The Miller's Tale" has the following characteristics:A、fabliauB、aristocraticC、tragicD、hilarious答案:AD第三章測(cè)試1、Shakespeare was a contemporary of ( ).A、Queen Elizabeth I and King James IIB、Queen Elizabeth I and King Jam

10、es IC、King Charles II and Queen VictoriaD、King George IV and Queen Elizabeth II答案:B2、Shakespeare came from a well-educated family in Stratford-upon-Avon.答案:錯(cuò)3、Shakespeare was buried in Westminster Abbey.答案:錯(cuò)4、Geographically speaking, Stratford-upon-Avon is situated in the Southeast ofLondon.答案:錯(cuò)5、In

11、 Shakespeares life, he had been ( ).A、an actorB、a poetC、a playwrightD、a theatre manager答案:ABCD6、The Globe Theatre is situated on ( ).A、the south bank of River ThamesRiver ThamesB、the north bank of River ThamesC、the south bank of River AvonD、the north bank of River Avon答案:A7、Which of the following wa

12、s once a patron of Shakespeare?A、Robert GreeneB、Christopher MarloweC、The 3rd Earl of SouthamptonD、James V答案:C8、Before 1597, many plays were published without the identification of itswriter.答案:對(duì)9、Which of the followings statement is NOT true about Shakespreares The FirstFolio?A、It was published afte

13、r his death.B、It contains all of Shakespeares plays.C、It includes comedies, tragedies, and historical dramas.D、It helps modern day scholars to understand Shakespeare.答案:B10、The first actor who played Hamlet was ( )A、Benedict CumberbatchB、David TennantC、Richard BurbageD、Shakespeare himself答案:C第四章測(cè)試1、

14、Burns Night is traditionally celebrated on?A、January 25thB、January 24thC、January 23rdD、January 22nd答案:A2、Robert Burnss parents were buried in the graveyard of the same old kirkfeatured in his poem “Tam OShanter”.答案:對(duì)3、Tam in “Tam OShanter” witness ( ) at a stormy night.A、a debate between God and Sat

15、anB、a fight happened at the marketC、witches and warlocks partying with the devilD、a murder that happened in the graveyard答案:C4、Scots refers to English spoken in the Scottish accent.答案:錯(cuò)5、The development of the Scots language has been influence by ( )A、the Romance languagesB、the Germanic languagesC、t

16、he Scandinavian languagesD、the Cyrillic languages答案:ABC6、“A wee bairn” in Scots means ( ) in English:A、a small dogB、a small childC、a big dogD、a big child答案:B7、Because “Tam OShanter” was written for a historical record of Scottishcastles and churches, the story of it was factual.答案:錯(cuò)8、The 18th centur

17、y Ayrshire was dominated by ( ).A、CatholicismB、ProtestantismC、the Orthodox ChurchD、none of above答案:B9、Robert Burnss education include ( )A、his fathers teaching him to read from The BibleB、folksongs and tales from his mother and nannyC、school and a private tutorD、the University of Edinburgh答案:ABC第五章測(cè)

18、試1、Which one is the largest natural lake in England?A、Loch NessB、DerwentwaterC、WindermereD、Esthwaite Water答案:C2、The Lake District is well known for its connection with Romantic poets, suchas William Blake.答案:錯(cuò)3、Where was William Wordsworth born?A、LondonB、CumbriaC、OxfordD、Sussex答案:B4、Dorothy Wordswor

19、th wrote the Grasmere Journal when she lived in the DoveCottage.答案:對(duì)5、In whose work does the following passage appear? "I never saw daffodils sobeautiful they grew among the mossy stones about & about them, some rested theirheads upon these stones as on a pillow for weariness & the rest

20、 tossed & reeled& danced & seemed as if they verily laughed with the wind that blew upon themover the Lake"A、William WordsworthB、Thomas De QuinceyC、Dorothy WordsworthD、Samuel Taylor Coleridge答案:C6、The final version of "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" published in 1815 is are

21、vision of the original published in 1807.答案:對(duì)7、In "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud", what words does the poet use to convey atranquil image?A、wanderB、flutterC、floatD、lonely答案:ACD8、In "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud", the poet compares the daffodils to _A、starsB、dancersC、wanderersD、flo

22、wers答案:AB9、What does "the inward eye" refer to in "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud"?A、absent-mindednessB、remembranceC、imaginationD、focused attention答案:BCD10、William Wordsworth's life at the Lake District exerts a huge impact on hispoetry.答案:對(duì)第六章測(cè)試1、Which of the following titles

23、belong to Walter Scott?A、The Wizard of the NorthB、The Wizard of OzC、The Inventor of Scottish HistoryD、The Heaven-taught Ploughman答案:AC2、Walter Scott decorated his house with the entrance doorway to the Old TalboothPrison in Edinburgh.答案:對(duì)3、How many times did Walter Scott meet Robert Burns?A、4B、3C、2D

24、、1答案:D4、The name of Walter Scotts castle comes from the route leading to the MelroseAbbey, an abbey important in Scottish history.答案:對(duì)5、The aftermath of the Jacobites defeat on Culloden Moor includes:A、the taboo on wearing tartanB、the restriction of foreign travelC、the decline of the Gaelic language

25、D、the dying of the clan system答案:ACD6、In Waverley, the character Fergus MacIvor was a highland chieftain loyal tothe Jacobite leader “Bonnie Prince Charles”.答案:對(duì)7、Edward Waverley believed that the Jacobite cause would succeed.答案:錯(cuò)8、Which of the following British monarchs was the first to visit Scotl

26、andwearing a tartan kilt after the Battle of Culloden ?A、George IIIB、George IVC、Queen VictoriaD、Edward I答案:B9、Walter Scott received help from ( ) to collect ballads.A、James HoggB、Robert BurnsC、Bishop PercyD、all of above答案:AC10、Walter Scott was against ballad singers or collectors leaving their ownst

27、amps on the ballads.答案:錯(cuò)第七章測(cè)試1、The City of Bath is situated in the Southwest of England.答案:對(duì)2、The Romans were good at combining their own gods and the local deities afterthey conquered other lands.答案:對(duì)3、Bath started to regain its Roman glory when Richard “Beau” Nash invested inthe city in the ( )A、1

28、6th centuryB、17th centuryC、18th centuryD、19th century答案:C4、Which of the followings are likely to be a Regency social event in Bath?A、a ballB、a cricket matchC、a concertD、a dinner party答案:ACD5、Baths influences on Austens life and works include ( )A、a documentary record of the social mannersB、a practic

29、al experience working with the lower class peopleC、an ethical perspective of the gentryD、the romantic encounter of her future husband答案:AC6、In the Regency Era, Baths social hierarchy could be reflected by thedifferent carriages arriving at ballrooms such as the Pump Room.答案:對(duì)7、Catherine Morland in N

30、orthanger Abbey was the heir of a rich couple Mr and MrsAllen and thus she attracted much attention from suitors.答案:錯(cuò)8、The estate of Northanger Abbey is owned by ( )A、Mr and Mrs AllenB、The MorlandsC、General TilneyD、Henry Tilney答案:C9、Which of the following statements is/are true about Baths social ge

31、ography inthe Regency Era?A、The upper class people lived in the south of the city.B、The lower class people lived in the south of the city.C、The rich population lived in the north of the city.D、The poor population lived in the north of the city.答案:BC10、The Camden Place was a fictional location create

32、d by Austen, it did notactually exist in Bath.答案:錯(cuò)第八章測(cè)試1、Which one of the following works is written by Anne Bronë?A、Wuthering HeightsB、Agnes GrayC、Jane EyreD、Villette答案:B2、The Brontë sisters' connection with Yorkshire was through blood.答案:錯(cuò)3、The Brontë sisters were born in Thornt

33、on, West Yorkshire, England in the early19th century.答案:對(duì)4、Emily Brontë incorporates the harsh and unhealthy conditions of the clergyschool she attended in her novel Wuthering Heights.答案:錯(cuò)5、Who is the most private and reclusive one of the three Brontë sisters?A、Branwell BrontëB、Charlo

34、tte BrontëC、Emily BrontëD、Anne Brontë答案:C6、Wuthering Heights is similar to Dickens' novels in terms of its engagementwith social issues.答案:錯(cuò)7、Which one of the following settings is the counterpart of Wuthering Heights inthe eponymous novel?A、LowoodB、Dove CottageC、Keswick HouseD、Th

35、rushcross Grange答案:D8、The following passage is uttered by _ in Wuthering Heights: "This iscertainly a beautiful country! In all England, I do not believe that I couldhave fixed on a situation so completely removed from the stir of society."A、Mr. HeathcliffB、Edgar LintonC、Catherine LintonD、

36、Mr. Lockwood答案:D9、The following passage shows that the moor is a place of _ in WutheringHeights: "About midnight, while we still sat up, the storm came rattling overthe Heights in full fury. There was a violent wind, as well as thunder, andeither one or the other split a tree off at the corner

37、of the building; a hugebough fell across the roof, and knocked down a portion of the eastchimney-stack, sending a clatter of stones and soot into the kitchen fire".A、happinessB、desolationC、violenceD、disaster答案:BCD10、The moors witness a kind of U-turn in the story: paradise for young Catherinean

38、d Heathcliff hell for their adult life paradise again for the offspring.答案:對(duì)第九章測(cè)試1、Dickens, like some of his fictional characters, was forced to serve as a childlabor in a shoe “blacking factory” to eke out a living at a very young age答案:對(duì)2、Dickens' first novel( ) brought him instant success at

39、the age of twenty-five.A、Oliver TwistB、The Pickwick PapersC、David CopperfieldD、A Tale of Two Cities答案:B3、Dickens harbors a strong sense of localism rooted in the modes of existenceand landscape of the countryside.答案:錯(cuò)4、The image of London offered by Dickens in Oliver Twist is generally charmingand a

40、ttractive.答案:錯(cuò)5、In order to highlight Olivers first encounter with the shockingly filthyLondon underworld, Dickens portrays London with a series of unpleasant naturalelements including ( ).A、stones covered with thick mudB、rain that falls sluggishly downC、black mistD、“everything felt cold and clammy

41、to the touch”答案:ABCD6、The streets in Oliver Twist are marked by ( ).A、cleanessB、darknessC、narrownessD、muddiness答案:BCD7、Dickens' depiction of those ruinous slums in London can find expression in (),the most notorious gutter alongside The Thames.A、Jacobs IslandB、Regent's ParkC、the “Folly Ditch

42、”D、Tottenham Court Road答案:C8、The fall of those slum houses has been embedded by Dickens with two layers ofimplications, ( ).A、the precarious state of existence of those disenfranchised groupsB、the extremely dire financial conditionsC、the rocketing development of capitalismD、the fall of the hypocriti

43、cal capitalist humanism答案:AD9、Dickensdepiction of the slums, those dilapidated houses in particular, pushesto the climax his critique of the governments indifference towards the poorand, more generally, its non-performance in tackling the problem of poverty.答案:對(duì)10、Dickens witnessed the rise of Londo

44、n as one of the largest metropolises inthe European continent because it ( ).A、constructed railwaysB、built intricate sewer and street systemsC、erected all sorts of facilitiesD、attained great achievements of industrialization and urbanization答案:ABCD第十章測(cè)試1、The following passage appears in the novel _:

45、 "London. Michaelmas Termlatterly over, and the Lord Chancellor sitting in Lincolns Inn Hall. ImplacableNovember weather."A、Hard TimesB、Bleak HouseC、The Sign of the FourD、A Study in Scarlet答案:B2、Much of the 19th-century detective fiction was published in periodicals.答案:對(duì)3、It's generall

46、y believed that The Moonstone is the first detective novel inBritain.答案:對(duì)4、In which one of the following works does the character Shelock Holmes firstappear?A、The Sign of the FourB、The Hound of BaskervilleC、A Study in ScarletD、The Moonstone答案:C5、Its said that Conan Doyles inspiration for the charact

47、er Sherlock Holmescame from Bucket, a Scottish lecturer at the medical school of the University ofEdinburgh答案:錯(cuò)6、The Sign of the Four gets its name bcause in the story there are four piecesof treasure stolen.答案:錯(cuò)7、Although Conan Doyle lived only a few months in London before moving to thesuburbs, Lo

48、ndon exerts a huge impact on his writings.答案:對(duì)8、The following quotation describes the city of London in _: "a dense drizzlyfog lay low upon the great city, mud-coloured clouds drooped sadly over themuddy streets."A、A Study in ScarletB、The Sign of the FourC、The MoonstoneD、The Hound of Baske

49、rville答案:B9、Lyceum Theatre in the East End figures in both Conan Doyles real life and hisstories.答案:錯(cuò)第十一章測(cè)試1、Modernism is a movement only in literature.答案:錯(cuò)2、European Modernism lasted from the end of 19th century to ( )A、the breakout of WWIB、the breakout of WWIIC、the 1960sD、the 1970s答案:B3、Before Mod

50、ernism, art converted the unexplainable to a very abstract form.答案:錯(cuò)4、Which of the following theories contributed to Modernism?A、Marxism and DarwinismB、Nietzsches “Will to Power”C、Bergsons “élan vital”D、Einsteins “theory of relativity”答案:ABCD5、Freud and literature mutually influenced each other

51、.答案:對(duì)6、Which of the following writers had been influenced by Freudian theories?A、Franz KafkaB、Marcel ProustC、Virginia WoolfD、James Joyce答案:ABCD7、For most of Virginia Woolfs life, she lived in ( )A、the East End of LondonB、RichmondC、the West End of LondonD、the seaside of Southwest England答案:C8、Virgini

52、a Woolf was sent to study at the University of Oxford.答案:錯(cuò)9、None of the characters in Mrs. Dalloway met one another during their walks onthat day before Clarissa Dalloways party.答案:錯(cuò)10、Septimus Warren Smith suffers fromA、a serious wound he got from fighting in WWIB、post-traumatic stress disorderC、a depressing unhappiness in marriageD、none of above答案:B第十二章測(cè)試1、Oxford got its name for being the fording point in Saxon times.答案:對(duì)


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