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1、英語(yǔ)基礎(chǔ)語(yǔ)法系統(tǒng)練習(xí)代詞數(shù)詞() 1. students are usually interested in sports. some like running, some like swimming, like ball games.a. the othersb. othersc. the otherd. other () 2. of the two girls is from beijing.a. allb. bothc. noned. neither () 3. the weather in summer here is like in beijing.a. thisb. thatc.

2、itd. its () 4. the room on the right is .a. herb. shec. lucy sd. lucy () 5. where are the students? are they in ?a. the room 406b. room 406c. the 406 roomd. 406 room () 6. there are people in the factory now.a. thousand ofb. two thousandsc. thousands ofd. thousand () 7. the man over there is my brot

3、her. is a doctor.a. sheb. hec. hersd. his () 8. i have two cats. one is black, and is white.a. anotherb. somec. otherd. the other() 9. i m looking for a babysister (保姆 ). she must be too old too young.a. neither; norb. both; andc. either; ord. not only; but also () 10. what s in your car?- .a. no on

4、eb. nothingc. nobodyd. none() 11. there are quite a few old books on the shelf, but of them is useful to him.a. bothb. allc. neitherd. none () 12. i ve had enough bread. would you like ?-no, thanks.a. a few moreb. one morec. another mored. some more() 13. the film star is going to spend dollars on a

5、 new dress for the coming party.a. three thousandsb. thousands ofc. thousand ofd. three thousands of () 14. did eric buy any vegetables in the market?- no, he didn t, but he thought fish.a. nob. anyc. somed. both () 15. it is said that sars has killed more than people worldwide.a. three hundredsb. t

6、hree hundreds c. three hundreds d. three hundred() 16. if you want a ticket for a round-trip, sir, youll have to pay $8o.a. anotherb. otherc. eachd. more () 17. the place is not interesting at all. of us wants to go there.a. neitherb. bothc. alld. some() 18. both of the two rulers are broken. i want

7、 to buy a one.a. threeb. thirdc. forthd. / () 19. i heard the sports meeting has been put off until , hasnt it?a. the 3 and 4b. the 3th and 4 thc. the 3 rd and 4thd. four and five() 20. of the earth made up of oceans.a. two-third; isb. two-thirds; isc. two-third; ared. two-thirds; are () 21. most of

8、 us don t know about how life is formed.a. manyb. littlec. fewd. much () 22. is this short-wave radio ?-no. it belongs to .a. yours; meb. yours; hisc. her; himd. yours; her () 23. have you got any books on music? i want to borrow .-yes. you can find them on the top shelf of the second bookcase.a. it

9、b. anyc. oned. them () 24. have you read the paper?-yes, but i don t think theres new in it.a. somethingb. nothingc. anythingd. everything () 25. since 1964, satellites have been sent into space.a. dozens ofb. four dozensc. dozen ofd. several dozens () 26. of the two boys are clever enough to work o

10、ut the problem.a. eitherb. bothc. somed. many () 27. who has been to hawaii?- has.a. no oneb. ic. all of usd. none() 28. jack booth is aman.a. 21-years-oldb. 21 years oldc. 21-year-oldd. 21 year old() 29. i ve lived here for about.a. two and a half yearb. two and a half yearsc. two year and a halfd.

11、 two years and half () 30. the book on the desk is newer than in the desk.a. the oneb. thatc. the onesd. those () 31. in our class, has a dictionary.a. all of usb. each of usc. some of usd. every of us介詞() 1. china lies the east of asia and the north of australia.a. to; tob. in; toc. to; ind. in; on

12、 () 2. the afternoon of march 8, the women in the city had a big party.a. tob. inc. atd. on () 3. we all agree you. lets start at once.a. tob. forc. withd. on() 4. where s lily? we are all here her.a. besidesb. aboutc. exceptd. with () 5. does your father go to work, foot or bike?a. on; withb. with;

13、 onc. by; ond. on; by() 6. lucy was duty yesterday, but she forgot to clean the classroom.a. inb. onc. atd. of() 7. timmy goes to school every day. its 5 minutes walk from his home to school.a. in a busb. by planec. on footd. by boat() 8. mum, today is mothers day. mike and i want to invite you to h

14、ave dinner us at shanghai restaurant, which is famous its seafood.a. with; ofb. with; forc. for; tod. to; for () 9. he has got a chair to sit , but nobody to talk .a. on; tob. /; withc. on; /d. /; to() 10. jack has studied chinese in this school the year of 2000.a. sinceb. inc. ond. by () 11. how ar

15、e you going to the train station to meet your aunt?-i m going there my car.a. byb. inc. tod. on() 12. andy often helps her mother the housework on sunday afternoon.a. tob. withc. ford. of () 13. you d better not go out now. its raining.-it doesn t matter. my new coat can keep rain.a. inb. ofc. withd

16、. off() 14. english is widely used travelers and business people all over the world.a. tob. forc. asd. by() 15. my sister usually thinks her own language first. then she turns her words into english.a. byb. inc. withd. through () 16. it s kind you to come to see me.-it s a pleasure. you were so kind

17、 me.a. of; withb. for; withc. of; tod. for; to () 17. is the manager in?-sorry, he is out. but he will be back three oclock.a. inb. onc. untild. before() 18. the age of fifteen, she had written scores of articles for a newspaper.a. atb. beforec. sinced. by() 19. in china, the price of tv sets has be

18、en reduced 30% in the last three years.a. onb. byc. withd. for () 20. when you called on me, i was a visit to mr smith.a. onb. atc. ind. to () 21. bob, you are wanted the phone.thanks a lot.a. onb. byc. ofd. for() 22. the soil is made the dead leaves of the trees.a. up ofb. ofc. fromd. by () 23. i d

19、idn t have any breakfast a cup of milk.a. besidesb. except forc. exceptd. for() 24. we re sure you ll be famous a writer before long.a. asb. forc. withd. by () 25. the writer often sat up far into the night working a new novel.a. forb. onc. withd. in () 26. you look tired. working indoors you should

20、 be out for a walk.a. ahead ofb. instead ofc. in front ofd. in spite of() 27. you must stand line when you are waiting a bus.a. on; inb. in; forc. in; ond. on; for() 28. man landed on the moon in 1969 for the first time. have you ever heard it?a. onb. toc. ofd. from () 29. it s very nice you to get

21、me two tickets the world cup.a. for; ofb. of; forc. to; ford. of; to() 30. the woman feels worried her sick baby.a. forb. toc. ond. about () 31. what do you think of the report on the ufos?-great!manystudentswere interestedin it and they kepton standing the end of themeeting.a. untilb. inc. atd. by

22、() 32. have you got any books science?a. atb. aboutc. ofd. in () 33. she likes reading many different subjects.a. ofb. atc. ond. in () 34. mr wang is very strict. his students are afraid him.a. atb. ofc. aboutd. to() 35. this story happened the last few years.a. atb. sincec. duringd. for() 36. we sh

23、ould do something to stop sandstorms happening again and again.a. fromb. onc. byd. to () 37. china became a wto member december 11th , 2001.a. onb. inc. atd. of() 38. there s a smile on her face. i think shes my work.a. sorry forb. worried aboutc. pleased withd. afraid of冠詞名詞() 1. it takes us hour o

24、r more to go to my home town by train.a. an; ab. a; anc. an; /d. a; / () 2. in which class is boy in white?-hes in class 4.a. theb. anc. and. /() 3. by the way, have you got e-mail address?-oh yes, it s rggren hotmail. com.a. theb. anc. ad. / () 4. have you seen such big ?a. a tomatob. tomatoc. toma

25、toesd. tomatos() 5. several are talking under the tree. and their are swimming in the lake.a. woman; childrenb. woman; childc. women; children d. women; child () 6. what would you like,madam?i d like , please.a. two bottles of orangeb. two bottles of orangesc. two bottle of orangesd. two bottle of o

26、range () 7. the little baby has two already.a. toothb. toothsc. teethd. teeths() 8. which of shanghai do you come from?-let me show you on the map.a. cityb. villagec. countryd. part () 9. “what do you like best?”“football. ”a. foodb. subjectc. sportd. music() 10. about films were shown during the 5t

27、h shanghai international filmfestival.a. two hundred ofb. two hundreds of c. two hundredd. two hundreds () 11. this is an old photo of mine when i .a. have short hairsb. had short hairsc. have short hair d. had short hair() 12. more college graduates would like to work in west part of our country ne

28、xt year.a. the; theb. /; /c. /; thed. the; / () 13. can you see sun in the day-time?a. ab. thec. and. /() 14. the singer usually sings while playing guitar.a. ab. anc. thed. / () 15. i ve got information for all the computers now.a. ab. anc. thed. /() 16. it would be waste of money to buy such a sma

29、ll dictionary.a. ab. anc. thed. / () 17. good news we re got!a. what ab. how ac. whatd. how() 18. because of theunhealthydiet,manypeople inafricadie at earlyage fromterrible illnesses.a. theb. /c. ad. an() 19. how soon shall we start the bicycle trip?- .a. in five days timeb. in five days timec. in

30、five days timed. for five days() 20. i don t think men and women are equal in countryside at present.a. theb. /c. ad. an () 21. there s umbrella behind the door.a. theb. /c. ad. an() 22. went to japan yesterday.a. the whitesb. the whitesc. the whited. the white family () 23. john smith works in big

31、hospital in hangzhou.a. theb. /c. ad. an () 24. look, five are feeding on the hill.a. sheepsb. sheepc. sheepsd. the sheep() 25. several years later, johns aunt made second trip to china.a. theb. onec. ad. an() 26. you needn t wait for tom any longer. he must be having supper at .a. the tell sb. the

32、tells c. the tellsd. tells () 27. this tree has green throughout the year.a. leafb. leafsc. leaved. leaves () 28. at the age of eight, mary joined a group of .a. children dancersb. child dancersc. child dancerd. children s dancers() 29. mary, it s going to rain. better take raincoat with you.-well,

33、but i cant find raincoat i put yesterday.a. a; ab. a; thec. the; ad. the; the () 30. in western countries, are thrown away each day.a. mountains of rubbishb. mountains of rubbishesc. a lot of rubbishd. a lot of rubbishes () 31. he is trying to explain how began on the earth.a. lifeb. livesc. the lif

34、ed. a life () 32. look, the police coming.a. isb. werec. ared. was() 33. writing compositions in english is not .a. easy jobb. an easy workc. an easy jobd. the easy work () 34. china was the earliest center for .a. research s; agricultureb. research; agriculturec. research s; agriculturesd. research

35、es; agricultures動(dòng)詞() 1.- how long may i your book?- for a week. but you musn t it to others.a. borrow; lendb. keep; lendc. lend; borrowd. keep; borrow() 2. it won tthem much time to fly to beijing from shanghai.a. spendb. usec. taked. pay () 3. mr wang be in nanjing now, he went to beijing only this

36、 morning.a. mustn t beb. may notc. can td. neednt() 4. do you like the music the moonlight sonata?-yes, it really beautiful.a. feelsb. soundsc. listensd. hears() 5. lily finished the book yesterday.a. readb. readingc. to readd. reads () 6. mrs brown isn t here. she has to her baby at home.a. look at

37、b. look forc. look liked. look after() 7. i have to go now. please remember to the lights when you leave.a. turn offb. turn downc. turn upd. turn on() 8. susan s parents have bought a large house with a swimming pool. it be very expensive.a. mustb. canc. mustn td. can t() 9. it s too hot. would you

38、mind the door?- . please do it now.a. to open; okb. opening; certainly notc. opening; of coursed. to open; good idea () 10. i want to this book for a month.a. borrowb. keepc. lendd. get() 11. how many times you to beijing this year?-three times.a. have; beenb. had; beenc. have; goned. had; gone () 1

39、2. what a nice bag! but she only thirty dollars for it.a. costb. tookc. spendd. paid () 13. cotton nice and soft.a. is feltb. is feelingc. feeld. feels () 14. i think this is the best way to solve the problem. do you me?a. play withb. hear ofc. agree withd. get on well with () 15. guess who is comin

40、g to supper.i don t know. me.a. speakb. sayc. telld. tell() 16. please your phones here with you tomorrow.a. takeb. bringc. carryd. lift () 17. don t your lessons. we ll help you.a. worryb. worried aboutc. be worried aboutd. be afraid() 18. the window is broken. try to who broke it.a. find outb. fin

41、dc. lookd. look for () 19. he could neither french nor german. so i with him in english.a. speak; talkedb. talk; toldc. say; spoked. tell; talked() 20. the ticket is on the floor. would you please for me?a. pick it upb. pick up itc. pick up themd. pick them up () 21. if you don t know a word, you mu

42、st the word in a dictionary.a. look upb. look downc. look overd. look out () 22. it s time for class. we d better .a. stop to talkb. to stop to talkc. stop talkingd. to stop talking() 23. there was a strange sound outside. mary went out and around, but she nothing.a. looked; sawb. saw; sawc. watched

43、; lookedd. looked; find () 24. the woman the child quickly and took him to hospital.a. put onb. dressedc. had ond. was wearing() 25. oh, you painted the walls yourself?-yes. it was not hard. the whole work didnt much.a. wantb. costc. spendd. pay() 26. - all your things, tom! i hate them here and the

44、re.ok, mum.a. put upb. put onc. put downd. put away () 27. yuki loves wearing strange hats because she wants people to her.a. believeb. controlc. noticed. visit() 28. ! it s the music of mozart. be quiet.a. hearb. soundc. singd. listen () 29. the room is so dirty. we clean it?- of course.a. willb. w

45、ouldc. dod. shall() 30. we must do something to stop people from .a. to throw litter aboutb. to throw litter intoc. throwing litter aboutd. throwing litter into情態(tài)動(dòng)詞() 1. mr wang be in nanjing now, he went to beijing only this morning.a. mustn tb. may notc. can td. neednt() 2. must i saty at home, mu

46、m?-no, you .a. needn tb. mustn tc. don td. may not () 3. can you go swimming with us this afternoon?-sorry, i can t. i take care of my littsleister at home because my mother isill.a. canb. mayc. wouldd. have to() 4. may i go to the cinema, mum?- certainly. but you be back by 11 o clock.a. canb. mayc

47、. mustd. need () 5. to make our city more beautiful, rubbish into the river.a. needn t be thrownb. mustn t be thrownc. can t throwd. may not throw () 6. may i go out to play basketball, dad?-no, you . y ou must finish your homework first.a. mustn tb. may notc. couldn td. neednt() 7. where is jack, p

48、lease ?-he be in the reading room.a. canb. needc. wouldd. must () 8. who is the man over there? is it mr li?-no, it be him. mr li is much taller.a. musn tb. may notc. can td. neednt() 9. these books out of the reading room. you have to read them here.a. can t takeb. must be takenc. can taked. mus tn

49、 t be taken () 10. mum, may i watch tv now?-sure, but you help me with my housework first.a. canb. mayc. mustd. could() 11. the boy said he had to speak english in class, but he speak it after calss.a. couldb. didn t have toc. mightd. shouldnt() 12. must we hand in the papers now?-no, you .a. can tb

50、. may notc. mustn td. neednt() 13. john go there with us tonight, but he isn t very sure about it.a. mustb. canc. willd. may() 14. even the top s tudents in our class can t work out this problem. so it be very difficult.a. canb. mayc. mustd. need () 15. put on more clothes. you be feeling cold with

51、only a shirt on.a. canb. couldc. wouldd. must () 16. it s still early. you .a.mustn t hurryb. wouldn t hurryc. may not hurryd. don t have to hurry () 17. may i stop here?-no, you .a. mustn tb. might notc. needn td. won t() 18. a computer think for itself, it must be told what to do.a. can tb. couldn

52、 tc. may notd. might not () 19. could i borrow your dictionary?- yes, of course you .a. mightb. willc. cand. should () 20. peter come with us tonight, but he isnt very sure yet.a. mustb. mayc. cand. will() 21. michael be a policeman, for hes much too short.a. needn tb. can tc. shouldd. may () 22. i

53、know your name?a. mayb. willc. shalld. must () 23. you be more careful next time.a. have tob. mayc. mustd. might () 24. you miss the lesson, though we have it on thursday.a. mustn t; needn t b. needn t; mustn t c. mustn t; mustn dt . needn t; needn t() 25. this pen looks like mine, yet it isnt. whose it be?a. mustb. mayc. wouldd. can() 26. what kinds of homes will we live in the future? nobody be sure, but scientists are working out new ideas now.a. willb. mayc. cand. must() 27. i like to know where you we


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