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1、© 2004 LOTTE WORLD.Obscure論無名的裘德對(duì)現(xiàn)代性的反思 Supervisor: Dong HongchuanName: Yuan ShunhongJr姆 On the,Reflection 6 Modernity in Jude theOutline of Pre sen ta ti .Innovation of the ThesisConclusionLimitatiansStructure of the thesisResearch Orientation:Why do I choose the theme for my study?Uude the Ob

2、scure is a classic works in literature; Thomas Hardy is a famous Victorian writer; and his novels attract me a lot; the novel is still of great value for researching.2.There is nearly a blank about the novel on modernity and Hardy's reflection on it.海盛色的ResearchDesign:This thesis takes Jude theO

3、bscure as the text, and fromthe perspective of modernity toresearch it; tries to find outHardy's creative intension.Innovation of the Thegis號(hào) Many scholars focus on Jude' s tragic 汽, J鄉(xiāng)te, and others think it is an attack./ on religion. These researches are very. precious and meaningful. But

4、 seldom do J we find researches to the novel from the perspective of modernity. So this thesis.attempt to do a research on 筆ion of modernity in this novel.Theoretical Foundation:ModernityThere is an acknowledgement that modernity origins in 16th century and forms between 18th and 19th century. Moder

5、nity can be defined as a social type, a social mode or a social phase and it can be also explained to social experience of our human beings.Modernity is a,which gives us pleasant sidebut also dark side. For the pleasant side, it brings abouthugq wealth for the people and we can enjoy the safe an&

6、; sudcedsful lives,Impact of modernity onsociety Decline of Traditional Agriculture Growing Wealth Gap and Unemployment Breakdown of Traditional MoralityImpact of modernity onindividual Alienation of people: human beings' loneliness and abandonment when he lives in a material society. People are

7、 indifferent and isolated to others, and the individual feels helpless and cannot settle down but to float on the lonely world. Alienation of emotion: kinship and love are both alienated; kinship becomes coldness and love becomes a means for better life. ConclusionModernization is an irresistible te

8、ndency.It brings about prosperity as well as many social problems. The writer of this thesisdiscusses many problems because of modernity that disclosed in Jude theObscurey and Hardy? s reflection o problems. It is an effective way tHardy?KB?understand the intent writing.Limitations: L limi ted academic capaci ty 2.limi tedability, j iinunders tandingthnand connotatioChapter 1 IntroductionChapter 2 Theoretical Foundati


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