



1、unit 11 sad movies make me cry.一.重點(diǎn)詞組  1. make sb. do sth .使某人做某事 make me cry 使我想哭 make sb. +adj. 使某人. make me nervous / uncomfortable / sleepy使我緊張 / 不舒服 /困倦2. wait for sb.等某人drive sb crazy/ mad= make sb crazy 使某人發(fā)瘋 / 發(fā)狂so. that .如此. 以致. 3. the +比較級(jí)+, the+比較級(jí)+ 越, 就越 the more., the more.越.越

2、. 4. yes and no好壞參半,既好又不好5. be sure確定 be sure (not) to do sth 一定(不) 要做某事 be sure that clause確信 be sure of / about .確信,對(duì)有把握6. get to do sth 開始做某事 get to know sb開始了解某人7. have . in common有共同點(diǎn) have a lot in common 有很多共同點(diǎn) have only one thing in common只有一個(gè)共同點(diǎn) have nothing in common 沒有共同點(diǎn) 8.be friends with

3、 sb是某人的朋友 9.leave out 不包括;省略 feel left out感覺被忽視/ 冷落 10.make our friendship stronger 使我們的友誼更堅(jiān)固 11. sleep badly 睡眠很差 12. a long time ago 很久以前 13.live an unhappy king 住著一位不快樂的國王14. feel like doing sth想要做. feel like eating =want to eat 想吃 15. be pale as chalk蒼白得像石灰 16. for no reason 沒有理由的;無緣無故17. neithe

4、rnor 既不也不18. be called to the palace 被召進(jìn)宮 call in召進(jìn) call sb in 召進(jìn)某人 19. in ones mind 在某人的腦海里 / 在某人的心里20. the prime minister 大臣,首相 21. explain sth to sb 向某人解釋某事 22. be worried about 擔(dān)心23. have lots of power 有很多的權(quán)力24. take ones position=take ones place 代替某人的職位/位置 25. have a lot of wealth 有很多財(cái)富 26. be

5、followed by sb 被某人跟蹤 follow sb to do sth 跟隨某人做某事 follow ones example 效仿某人的做法27.the top general大將軍 28. tell sb to do sth 告訴某人做某事 sb be told to do sth 某人被告知做某事 29. in three days time 在三天時(shí)間內(nèi) 30. to start with=to begin with 起初 (用于句首, 表示事情發(fā)生的先后順序)31. get the exam result back取考試成績(jī)單 32. hand back退還, 交還 33.

6、 find out發(fā)現(xiàn)/ 查出 34. do too badly做得太差 35. throw rubbish on the streets 在街道上扔垃圾 36. clean up 打掃干凈 37.remain unhappy forever仍舊永遠(yuǎn)不幸福 a happy person with power and money 一個(gè)既有權(quán)又有錢的快樂的人 38. search for= look for 搜尋 / 尋找39. even though = even if 即使 40. return to the king回復(fù)國王return sth to sb = return sb sth =

7、 give sth back to sb 歸還某人某物41. a shirt of a happy person一個(gè)快樂人的襯衫 42.the winning team 必勝的球隊(duì) 43. keep ones eyes on sth / sb 盯著/留意某物/ 某人44.feel like 感覺像 45. . on the shoulder在肩上 on ones shoulders在某人的雙肩上46. . on the soccer field在足球場(chǎng)上 47. miss scoring the goal錯(cuò)過進(jìn)球 48. . let sb down= disappoint sb 使某人失望 4

8、9.stop doing sth 停止做某事 stop thinking about 停止思考/考慮50. lose the game 輸?shù)袅吮荣?51. kick sb off+地點(diǎn)= kick sb out of sp 把某人從某地開除 52. rather than 而不是 53. all over ones face 某人的整個(gè)臉上 54. knock on /at the door 敲門 55. communicate with sb 與某人交流 56. be hard on sb對(duì)某人苛刻 / 要求嚴(yán)格 57. support each other相互支持 58. learn fr

9、om sb 向某人學(xué)習(xí) learn from sth 從某物中學(xué)習(xí)59. with courage 勇敢地 60. be close to sth / doing sth 接近/差點(diǎn)兒做某事 61. pull together齊心協(xié)力 62. nod in agreement點(diǎn)頭同意 63. continue to do=go on to do 繼續(xù)做某事(前后不是同一件事) continue doing sth = go on doing sth 繼續(xù)做某事((前后做同一件事) 64.to ones relief 令人欣慰的 /慶幸的 /心安的 65.to ones surprise 令人驚

10、奇的是 66. offer sb sth = offer sth to sb 給某人提供某物67.get into a fight with sb 和某人吵架 get into trouble 陷入麻煩68. a big group of 一大群二.重點(diǎn)句型1. -id rather go to blue ocean because i like to listen to quiet music while im eating. -but that music make me sleepy.-更愿意到藍(lán)海洋餐廳,因?yàn)槲蚁矚g在吃飯時(shí)聽輕音樂。 -=但那種音樂使我困倦。2. waiting for

11、 amy drove tina crazy. 等候amy使tina發(fā)狂。3. the movie was so sad that it made tina and amy cry. 這部電影是如此悲傷以致使tina和amy 都哭了。4. sad movies dont make john cry. they just make him want to leave quickly. 悲傷的電影沒有讓john 哭他們只能使他想盡快離開。5. loud music makes me nervous. 吵鬧的音樂使我緊張。6. soft and quiet music makes me relax.輕

12、柔的音樂使我放松。 7. money and fame dont always make people happy.金錢和名譽(yù)并不總能使人幸福。 8. she said that the sad movie made her cry.她說那部電影使她流淚。三、作文 dear ivan you must be excited about coming to china soon. let me give you some sug

13、gestions and advice about chinese customs. when youre eating at the table, its  impolite to start eating first if there are older people at the table. you should

14、0;let them start first when you are eating with chopsticks, it is impolite to point at other people with your chopsticks, it is also impolite to stick your chop

15、sticks into the bowl of rice and leave them there. in our house, youre supposed to take off your shoes before you enter the house or just inside the front&

16、#160;door. in our culture, we dont usually hug or kiss people. when you go out with people, you should tell the hostess where you are going, who you are going with and when you will come back. in our culture, the hostess will worry a lot about the safety of her guests, so a poli


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