1、初一英語填空練習(xí)七上Hello, every one! My_ is Ann a. I am an America n girl. I live inDongguan_ my pare nts. Welcome to my bedroom. Is big andclea n. There is a bed in my bedroom. There are_ ackets on the bed.Whats un der the bed?_ a basketball. There are three pens and acup on the desk. I often do the homewor
2、k by the desk. What_ is mycup? Itpurple.My n ame is Jenny. I am a_ . I am three years old. I have a big_ . There are_ people in my family. They are my gran dparents, my pare nts, my un cle, my aunt, my youn ger brother and I. My father_ a bus in ess. He is very busy every day. My mother is abus in e
3、ssma n. He is very busy every day. My mother is a teacher._ isin No.2 Middle School. We are very happy.I am a girl from Garde n City. I am a Chin ese. I am eleve n years old.There are_people in my family. My_are very old, buttheyre healthy. They often walk around the lake in the park after supper. M
4、yfather is an enginn er. He works in a compa ny. He ofte n goes to work at8:00 in the morning and comes back home at 5:00 in the after noon. Mymother is a nurse. She works hard and takes good care of us. The littleboy is my_, Mike. He is nine years old. He has a pet_ . Itsname is Sam. Mike often pla
5、ys with Sam after school. Sometimes Sam sitbeside us when we watch TV. The lovely baby is my little sister. She is onlyone year old. I often help my mother look after her and play with her.I have an ice family, and I love my_.Lin Tao is a little boy. He likes playing_. He often plays it afterschool.
6、 One day, after the football game , Lin Tao goes home with hisfootball._ his way home,he plays football on the street. The ballruns into the street. Lin Tao wants_get the ball back. At thistime ,a_ is coming. Take care A little girl stops him, it is verydan gerous to play on the street. Lin Taface t
7、runs_ . And says廣wondo that any moreTom is a little boy, and he is only seve n years old. Onre day he went tothe_ .Itthe first time for him to go to there. He bought a ticketand went in. But after two or three mi nu tes , he came out, bought a secondticket and went in again. After three minutes he c
8、ame out again and bought athird ticket. Two or three minutes later he came out and asked for anotherticket. Then the woman in the ticket office asked him Why do you buy so_ tickets? How many_ do you have?Tom an swered ,No, I have_ friends here. But a boy always stopsat the door and tears_ticket into
9、 pieces.Do you know how many balls are there in our sports club? There are_ balls all together. Lucy has two volleyballs .Tina and Lily both_ one baseball. Tom_have a baseball bat, but he has fourbaseballs. Bill ofte n plays soccer, so he has four soccer_. I_ have soccer ball, but I have a basketbal
10、l. Boys often play basketballtogether, and girls often play baseball. We often have a good time play ingsports.Zon gzi is a kind of traditi onal Chin ese food. Many years ago, peoplemade zon gzi to memory the famous poetQu Yuan”.Now ,zon gzi is still thepopular food in China. Now , people usually ea
11、t on Drag on Boat Festival. Itis great fun to make zon gzi by yourselves. On that day people usually buysome bamboo_ande meat. First , wash them and cut themeat. Next ,mix the meat and the_together. In some cities, poeplemay add pea nut or other nuts in zon gzi. It may_better. Then ,people tight the
12、 leaves inot a cone. Next ,_the cones inot a pot withhot water. It takes an_to cook them. At last, people take aon gzis outof the pot and share them with family or friends.Ita fine day today. I go_ with my mom. We go into a_ store. There are many people in the store. The clothes here are eerycheap.
13、My mother_to buy a pair of shorts for my father. Each pair_ only $20. I n eed a pair of_ for school. But the trousers in thisstore are too long. At last, I take three sockes home.A woma n gets on a bus holdi ng a baby. The bus drivers says,look !your baby is so ugly. The woma n is very_.whe n heari
14、ng this.Then she takes a seat at the back of the bus. The man_next to herfeels that she is very an gry. So he asks her what is wrong. The bus driversays someth ing_to me, and it makes me really upset, she cries. Theman_sorry for her and says, why hes just a bus driver, and heshould ntsay things to i
15、n sult passe ngers. Yoe right,she says. I think Igoback there and give him a piece of my mind. Thats a good_,the man says ,here ,let me hold your monkey.Bill_in a big compa ny and he is very ki nd to people. Healways wants to help others. But sometimes he does stra nge thin gs. OneSun day after noon
16、, whe n he goes to the supermarket, he_ a beggarin the street. The beggar has a bowl on the gro und. Bill thi nks he is poor andhe wants to help him. But he_ on ly 100 yua n. So he says to thebeggar ,I want to help you but I have only 100 yua n. And I n eed to_ somethi ng importa nt in the supermark
17、et. I can only give you1yua n. Im so sorry. So he puts the 100 yua n in the bowl and takesout ofit. Then bill leaves for the supermarket.Jack and Joe are good frien ds. They both_ play football verymuch. Last Sun day, it was a sunny day. Jack and Joe were_footballhappily at 4 oclock in the after noo
18、n. An old man with a heavy bag went bythem. He looked worried_ he coulddtfi nd his sons home. Jackand Joe decided to_the old man. They helped him carrythe_bag and looked for his son. At last, Jack and Joe sent the oldman home with help of a kind policeman. The old man thanked them verymuch. What kin
19、d boys they are!A man has a big bowl. Put one apple in it, and the n you can get 88apples. How nice is it! Many_ like it. All the people want to buy it.At last, a rich man_it. He is very happy. He puts some money init .and the n he gets more_ . He has a father. His father is 88years old.He is very o
20、ld. His father knows about it and comes to have a look.Suddenly ,he falls into the bowl. Oh ,my god! Teh rich man has 88now.Theyre all 88 years old and they all look the same.七下It is a cool and sunny morning.lena and charles want to have a pic nic n ear the lake.So charels goes to ask their son, Oli
21、ver. What do you_of hav ing a pinicn ear the lake? Charles asks.Great! But how_ is it from our home to the lake?Oliver asks. He is busy playing with his toys.it will take us an hour_car, Charlesan swers. The n_ long are we stayi ng there?oliver asks again._twohours, Charles says. It must be more fun
22、 tha n play ing at home_ day!OK. Let meprepare for_ ,oliver says and Charles goes away. When charels gets on the_,he finds oliver closing his eyes .he is so quite maybe he is too tired, charels thin ks.It_them 20minu tes to get to the lake. Lena and charels are happy tosee the beautiful lake. But ol
23、iver runs to open the trunk. His toys are all there!i think it willbe more interesting ti_ with them near the lake ,oliver says.Mr.rice is watch ing TV in the livi ng room. The TVshow is_ a boy. He canplay the pia no very_.and he is giving a performa nee in the show. He is only alittle boy, Mr.Rice
24、thinks._ he is so great. My son should also lear nsomething. Then he goes to see his son. Hi,sam. Now I think you have to_playthe piano,Mr.Rice says and goes into Sa bedroom. Its good for you ,son.And .he stops becayse he_Sam play ing with his toys on the floor.Hey ,sam, Mr.Rice gets_ and says . Dod
25、o that any_. You are three yearsold now and you have to lear n some other thin gs. Here are some_ for you. Youhave to_ playi ng th epia no in the morni ng. And you cantwatch TV in theafter noon. You have to.Oh, therere too many rules, little Sam thinks._ canai do now?Mary and her frie nds go to the
26、cin ema. It tells them lots of things_pan das.It also says there are not many_in the word now and most of them are in_ . After coming out of the cin ema. Mary says, lets go to_the pan das in thezoo. That_ good,her frie ndssay. We can lear n more about_ there. Theycom eto the_ .the house of pan das i
27、s in the cen ter of the zoo.pa ndas play andhave fun_ their big clea n house. They are very_,so mary and herfriends and other visitors are quite whe n they see the pan das. They are so_ marysays. We should be their frie nds and henlp them.There are five people in my family. Now we are ennjoying diff
28、erent thingshome.My father is read ing a n ewspaper and_ tea in the garde n. Mybrother is in the garden,_. He is practici ng runningbecause there wil be arunning_ n ext mon th. Mom is in the kitche n. She is_ the plates afterbreakfast. My sister is_ English in the reading room. She loves it. She thi
29、nksthat En glish is easier tha n_other subject. Where am I? I am in my bedroom. Iam writing_letter to Joey. She is my best frie nd at school_ she left forLondon last year. I really_ her. I wish to see her aga in.Dear Joe,I live in paris now. It is in_north of the country. Let me tell somethingabout
30、my favourite_here. I like September the best. It is the start of fall. It is_in the day but it gets cool in the eve ning. The temperrature is about 15-20.The_ in paris may cha nge quickly sometimes. So it would be better to_an umbrella with you whe n you go out. September is also onr of the best mon
31、 thsin a year to_ paris. There are less people in the street. All museum areope n_visitors. Many of the museums, like the Pompidou cen ter inMetz_ starti ng their big fall show. Would you like to go on a_ in Paris? Iam sure you will like it. Please write back to_soon.Yours ,MollyDear peter,were so g
32、lad that you re coming to the picnic this Saturday. Let me tell you thetothe pinic place. Well have our_in the peoples park. You will about 20minu tes gett ing there by the No.108 bus. The top is n ear your houses. Go into the parkand walk_the road. Whe n you get to a bridge, goover it and_right. Af
33、ter several min utes walk,you will get to_hill. Walk around to theother_ of the hill, you can see a beautiful lake in front_ you and asmall forest is_the left. Well have our pic nic betwee n the lake_ the woods.Im sure we will have a good time together.Yours ,JackThere are 4 people in my family._ of
34、 us enjoys a differe nt look. My fatheris_ medium build and has short straight hair. He always wears a pair of_on his no se. Whe n he_ to work, he usually wears shirts. My mother is ofmedium_ at about 1.62m. She is pretty with two big. Sheofte nenjoys_casual clothes. My sister has a round_with long
35、hair. Pi nk is_favourite color and she likes clothes of that color. I_short brow n hairand I like cool hats and T-shits.Mrs. Gree n is happy. It is_ daughter birthday today. So she would liketo make a birthday cake_ herself. It is a little difficult_ she tries herbest. At ni ght Mrs.Gree n takes out
36、 the_after dinner. There are five can dles onit because her daughter is at the_ of five. Her daughter is so happy ahe n she_it. Thank you, Mom, her daughter says.lwill be happy_you like it, Mrs.Greensays.of course, I like it so much. It is so beautiful, her daughter says. Then her daughter_a wish an
37、d blows out all the_ in one go. The Gree nsenjoy_ great time and the cake tastes delicious.Dear Adria n,1How was your day off?_you have fun fishi ng? Let me tell yousometh ing about my day off. It was sunny in the_ . After bteakfast, my dadasked us, how about_ a pic nic in the coun tryside? It is a
38、beautiful day. Thatsound great! I like colorful_ in the coun tryside! My mom and I agree withhis idea. Then we preoared the food and drinks for pic nic and got_ the car. Iwas excited to go to the_. Then on our way to the pic nic place, the skybecame_ . But we didth ink it would rain at all. However,
39、 it started to_before we got to the place. But we didwa nt to go back to home so soon, so wehad the pic nic food and drinks in the car._ , we didrtget wet._ inall, I did n have a very fun day. We have a pic nic in the car!Write soon,JeffBen was busy last Sun day. Because his pare nts wer_ home, he n
40、 eededto look after his sister. I n the morning, his sister_ him up early. Ben , can we goto the park?_ want to fly a kite, his sister said. So Ben got up and went to thepark. After lun ch, he took his sister to a Ian gua ng school to_En glish. Then hewent to the supermarket and bought food for dinn
41、er. At about 6:30p.m, he went back tothe_ school and picked up his sister. After that, he cooked the meal and didthe dishes. He was very_so he went to bed early. About an hour later, he_his sister shouting, help! There is_mouse So he got up and walked into hissisters room. His sister was so_taht she
42、 couldtimove on the bed. I nthe end, Ben caught the_ and his sister fell asleep.Now ,be n could go tosleep,too.4well want think help excited play difficult sportDave is an English boy. He likes China. He 1_ to learn Chinese. Chinese is 2_is to learn, but he 3_ he can learn it 4_ . Tom is Davebrother
43、. He likesChina too. He likes Chin ese actio n movies. He th inks they are 5_ .“Ica nspeakChin ese well. But I like Chin ese Kung Fu,”he tells his Chin ese frien ds. Sally is Daveis a 6_ star in the school. She can 7_ ping-pong very well. Hersport star is Wang Nan.Cara is Sally friend. She likes Chi
44、nese chess. She often plays Chinese chess on her computer.She also likes Chinese music. Maria, Caras sister, likeSBe jhigkspie eresting. She thinks it 8_ her to learn about Chinese history. She often goes toBeiji ng Opera with his pare nts.in by people like getope nI work in a small shop. It s
45、 near an American _ . Every day students come to_thin gs._ the morning I get up at six, and the n I have breakfast. I go to school_ bike.I_to shop at about six fifty. The shop_at seve n. We sell things_ foodand drinks. We have school things, too. So there are often many _ in our shop_morning to even
46、ing. I have lunch in the shop. At seven in the evening the shop is closed. Igo home_ supper.be play weeke nd go like get in teresti ngthink study stude ntLi Hong _ a boy. He is twelve years old. He _ up at six everymorning. He and his friend Wang Tao are _ in No 1 Middle School. He _playing basketba
47、ll after school. But his friend, Wang Tao, doesn_it lThely)They _ scienee is boring, they think English is very _ . They _school buy for fromoftento a movie on_. But they dont like documenta錄片).4very well at school.3fly back carry fun, sing, free, good, pic nic, well, forget, to, take,Im 1_ this Su
48、nday. I go to West Hill for a 2_with my frie nds Li Min g, Jackand Maria. We 3_some food and drinks with us. Li Ming wants me to 4_ kiteswith him. But I have no time. I have to cook. Jack 5_some water for me. Maria can playthe guitar very 6_ . But she 7_to bring her guitar. So she 8_somesongs for us
49、. We go 9_ home at half past five in the afternoon. We all have 10_.5my, much, many, woma n, may, out, but, bag, next to, seat, old, and, manItSun day. There are1 people on the bus. And an 2 man is look ing here andthere. He wants to find a 3. Then he findsone. He goes to it. A small 4 is on the sea
50、t.And a young man is 5 it. Excuse me, 6 I have this seat? asks the old man. Sorry, itfor a 7 .Shegoes to buy some banan assays the young man. Well, ” says the old man.Let me sit here, please. When she comes back, I will leave離開)hereThe bus starts. She doescome, 8 her bag is here. Let me give her the
51、 bag.”The old man wants to throw the bag _9 of thewindow. Donthrow! It10 bag.The young man jumps and shouts(大喊).首字母填空1I am an American girl. My name is Alice Green. I am a middle school s _ . I amfiftee n. I have two b_. They are middle school stude nts, too. We go to school from M _to Friday. We do
52、nt h_ any classes on Saturdays and Sun days. My father and mother areteachers. They always say China is great. I like reading. I am reading a Chinese storybook. I t _its very i_. My brothers and I like p _ football and basketball. What s_do you like? Lets b good pen pal, OK? Please w_ to me soon.2We
53、 have two new students in our school .They are from Canada. They s_ English.They look the s_ Their n_ are Lily and Lucy. They live with t _ parents.There are four people in their f_Their father and mother are t_ They have milkand eggs f_ breakfast. They say they want to v_ Beijing. They like China v
54、erymuch.I am an American b_. My name is Jerry Black. You can c_ me Jerry. I ha sister, Ginny. We are twins(雙包胎).But we are very d_ . I have a long face wa high nose, while she has a round face with a small nose. I like football. But she l basketball. I like loudmusic. She likes light music.My father
55、 is a doctor in a h _ . My mother runs(經(jīng)營)a clothing s_ . Wehave a_ family member, Beibei. She is a lovely dog. She will have a puppy(小狗)s_4Joh n gets up early from Mon day to F _ , because he must go to school before 7:30 onweekdays(工作日)and go to the D_ Club at 8:00 on Saturday mornings. He draws v
56、erywell. He usually goes to the b _ to look at the new books on Saturday after noons, and aftersupper he watches TV until(直至U ) m_He does nt get early on weeke nd. Joh ns parents b work on Sun days. Joh n always watchesTV after he gets up. Then he usually goes to KFC to have a h _ 6 and some juice f
57、orlunch. After that, he goes back home and b_to play computer games until his parentscome back. He does his homework after supper. He usually has a lot of w _ homework, sohe must s_ three hours on it. He usually goes to bed at about 11:00 p.m. on Sun days. Heofte n compla ins(抱怨)he has too m _ homew
58、ork to do.5A woma n is going shopp ing. She is going by b _.The boat is going a_the river. Her basket is empty(空的).Oh dear! Look! Her basket is in the w _help! she says. Look! My basket is in the river.A boy sees the basket. He say, Dont w_! I can get it! Im a very goods_ He takes off his shoes and
59、shirt. Look a _ my shirt and shoes, please! he saysand then jumps into the river.A d_ sees the basket. I can go by basket ! it thinks. It gets to the basket. The boyswimming in the river. Wheres the basket? he calls. Its over there! calls the woman. Its beh indyou! Its u _ that duck! The boy gets to
60、 the basket. Go awa y! he says to the duck.The duck j_ out of the basket and swims away. The boy takes the basket to the Iand. Oh,thank you!says the woman. Thank you very much!Not at all, says the boy. Do you have my shirt and shoes , please?Yes , here you are. Oh, whats in the basket? Its the ducks e_!
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