



1、薪水常用英語(yǔ)詞匯英:Pay checkAn official form issued by a company which can be cashed at designated financial institutions.Pay stubBasically a receipt for record-keeping. Identifies all of the items and amounts used in calculating the final amount of the pay check.Pay periodThe time covered between pay checks

2、. Can be daily rare, weekly, monthly, bi-weekly every 2 weeks, or bi-monthly twice a month, usually in the middle and end of the month.Pay rateAn agreed amount that the company pays per unit of time worked or unit of work done.GrossThe base employee income for a specified period, based on pay rate.

3、Can be:Salary a fixed amount, dai1y/week1y/month1y, which is adjustedbased on number of days worked/not workedWage an hourly rate adjusted for the number of hours workedPiece a certain amount for each unit of work doneThe gross income can also be adjusted for items such as commissions and bonuses.Co

4、mmissionsMoney earned on a regular basis based on previous sales made.BonusesMoney paid by the company for various reasons, such as meeting objectives, productivity incentives, special events e. g. Xmas, etc.DeductionsDeductions are amounts retained by the company from your gross amount.They are als

5、o commonly referred to as deductions at source. Some of the more common deductions are:Income tax federal, stateU.S. or provincia1Canada, municipal in some locationsPension employee contributions for retirement. A common plan in the United States is the 401K plan.Medical to pay for medical insurance

6、. This is more common in America. In Canada, every citizen is already covered by a global plan called Medicare, so the company plan most commonly found there is for dental care, which isn,t covered by MedicareCharity donations made to a charity of the employee's choiceNetThe amount left after al

7、l deductions have been made from the gross income.This is what you finally get to put in your pocket!RaiseAdjustment of pay rate, usually based on performance, cost of living, or promotion.Direct depositElectronic transfer of your net amount to a bank.中:工資支票公司簽發(fā)的、能夠在指定金融機(jī)構(gòu)兌現(xiàn)的支票工資存根存檔的收據(jù)。用來(lái)核算簽發(fā)的支票金額和

8、應(yīng)付的相關(guān)項(xiàng)目金額。工資周期兩次發(fā)工資間隔的時(shí)間??梢允敲刻鞓O少,每周,每月,雙周,半月每月兩次,通常 在月中和月末,bi-monthly本意是雙月的意思,而實(shí)際上是指一月兩次,人們將錯(cuò)就錯(cuò)。工資標(biāo)準(zhǔn)公司按雙方商定的支付標(biāo)準(zhǔn),以計(jì)時(shí)或計(jì)件的方式支付員工工資??傤~根據(jù)一定的工資標(biāo)準(zhǔn),員工在一定時(shí)期內(nèi)的基本收入可以是:薪水每日/每周/每月固定的數(shù)額,根據(jù)II作日數(shù)作調(diào)整時(shí)薪根據(jù)工作時(shí)數(shù)作調(diào)整的每小時(shí)工資標(biāo)準(zhǔn)計(jì)件工資對(duì)每件完成的工作支付的金額工資總額還可以根據(jù)傭金和獎(jiǎng)金作調(diào)整。傭金根據(jù)以往的銷(xiāo)售業(yè)績(jī),定期發(fā)的錢(qián)。獎(jiǎng)金公司根據(jù)不同原因支付的錢(qián),如完成任務(wù),激勵(lì)員工提高生產(chǎn)力,特殊節(jié)日如圣誕節(jié),扣除扣除費(fèi)用是公司從你的工資總額中保留的部分。通常也被稱(chēng)為從源頭上扣除直接從工 資中扣除。一些常見(jiàn)的扣除費(fèi)用有:個(gè)人所得稅聯(lián)邦,州美國(guó)或省加拿大,一些自治市或自治區(qū)養(yǎng)老金為退休后做的準(zhǔn)備金。在美國(guó)常見(jiàn)的是401K計(jì)劃。醫(yī)療保險(xiǎn)為醫(yī)療保險(xiǎn)所付的錢(qián)。這在美國(guó)更普通。在加拿大每一個(gè)公民都參加一個(gè)被 稱(chēng)為醫(yī)療保健的全球計(jì)劃,所以公司的


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