



1、浙江省湖州市2019年中考英語試卷、聽下面五段對話,請從題中所給的A、B C三個選項中選擇正確的選項。(每小題1分,共5分)1. Which fruit does the man want?B. AC. An orange.B. OnC. ByA. An apple.banana.【答案】B【考點】 短對話理解【解析】【聽力原文】略2. How is NiCk going to school today?A. Bybike.foot.car.【答案】A【考點】 短對話理解【解析】【聽力原文】略3. Who WaS ill last night?A. Tom.B. Ti na.C. Jack.【

2、答案】C【考點】 短對話理解【解析】【聽力原文】略4. What will the Weather be like tomorrow?A. Rainy.Cloudy.Sunny.【答案】C【考點】 短對話理解【解析】【聽力原文】略34StUde nt.【答案】A【考點】 短對話理解【解析】【聽力原文】略二、聽下面兩段較長對話,請從題中所給的 共5分)6.聽下面一段較長對話,回答小題。(1)Why does GraCe join the group?A. To make more frien ds.C. SiSter and brother.A、B、C三個選項中選擇正確的選項。(每小題1分,B.

3、 To improve her5. What's the PoSSibIe relati On ShiP betwee n the two speakers?B. TeaCher andA. Wife and husba nd.En glish.C. To Share her experie nce.(2) How often will the group meet every week?A. OnCe a week.week.【答案】(1)B( 2)B【考點】長對話理解【解析】【聽力原文】略7.聽下面一段較長對話,回答小題。(1)How is Tim these days?A. He

4、 is a little tired.terrible.(2)What does Mary SUggeSt Tim do?A. Work hard.exercise.(3)When is Tim going to take action?A. Today.【答案】(1)A( 2)B( 3)A【考點】長對話理解【解析】【聽力原文】略B. TWiCe aC. Three times a week.B. He feelsC. He looks young.B. Take moreC. Go to bed early.B. Tomorrow.C. The day after tomorrow.三、聽下

5、面一段獨白,請從題中所給的A B、C三個選項中選擇正確的選項。(每小題2分,共10分)8.聽獨白,回答問題。(1) When WaS the "eat" restaura nt OPe ned?A. One year ago.B. Two yearsago.C. FiVe years ago.(2) Why is the "eat" restaura nt famous?A. It looks UnU sual.B. It SerVeS deliciousfood.C. It has a SPeCiaI rule.(3) What Can people

6、do in the "eat" restaura nt?A. Cough.B. Make Phonecalls.C.USe body Ian guages.(4) Who Came UP With the idea for the "eat" restaura nt?A. The man ager.B. AnIn dia n.C. The head cook.(5) What PrObabIy makes people enjoy their food better in the "eat" restaura nt?A. The ta

7、ste.B. Theservice.C. The sile nce.【答案】(1) B( 2) C( 3) C( 4) A( 5) C【考點】短文理解【解析】【聽力原文】略四、完形填空(共15小題,每小題1分,共15分)9.閱讀下面短文,理解其大意,然后從各題所給的A、B、C D四個選項中選出最佳選項。My n eighbor is a doctor. He and his Wife are some of the 1 peopleI have ever met. A few years ago, We Started this kind of "favor War "wh

8、ere One of US woulddo SOmething kind for the other, SUCh as 2 the driveway or buildinga shed,and n ext time the other would 3 to top it With ano ther favor.YeSterday morning there WaS about 2 or 3 feet of SnoWon the ground and I4 he shoveled ( 鏟)my driveway for me Whe n I WaS out On a bus in ess tri

9、p last5 . So I took out my shovel and took Care of both our SideWaIkS and driveways becauseit WaS my turn to do a favor 6. It took a While but I finiShed it and gotinto my Car for work.That ni ght I got a 7 On my door, it WaS my n eighbor. He immediatelyshook my hand and thanked mefor shoveling 8dri

10、veway and sidewalk, so thathe WaS able to get to work earlier and 9a boy."As Soon as I Started the Car early this morning, a(n) 10 Camethrough that a young boy in OUr neighborhood WaS SeriOUSIy ill. 11, mypartnerand I Were Only about 2 minutes away, but the closest ambulance (救護車)10 minutes,&qu

11、ot; addedhe. "A young boy got to live his life 12 you did me the favor earlier thismorni ng."It WaSn't too much 13to shovel a driveway, but What I did gota youngboy to See his family again, go back to school again and live his life again.14favor is too small. EVenthe smallest favor Can

12、 make thebiggest15. One favor will always be followed by ano ther.1. A. nicestB. busiestC. richestD. happiest2. A. looki ng forB. going dow nC. clea ning UPD.walk ing across3. A. tryB. stopC. agreeD.refuse4. A. SaWB. thoughtC. expectedD.remembered5. A. SPri ngB. SUmmerC. autu mnD.Win ter6. A. SoonB.

13、 backC. aga inD.first7. A. noteB. kickC. giftD.knock8. A. myB. ourC. hisD.your9. A. metB.SaVedC. SUPPOrtedD. en COUraged10. A. callB. CardC. IetterD.in Vitati On11. A. Fi nallyB. ACtUaIIyC. LUCkiIyD. SUdde nly12. A. Whe nB. Unl essC. becauseD. though13. A. PraCtiCeB. troubleC. atte nti OnD.experie n

14、ce14. A. NoB. AnyC. SomeD.EaCh15. A. ChOiCeB. PrOgreSSC. decisi OnD.differe nce【答案】(1) A(2) C;( 3) A;(4) D;( 5) D;(6)B;( 7) D (11) C;( 12) C;(13) B;( 14)A;( 15) D;8) C;( 9) B;(10) A;【考點】 人物傳記/故事閱讀類,記敘文【解析】【分析】文章大意:作者與鄰居經?;ハ鄮兔?,如幫忙掃雪等,但因為這些小事,讓醫(yī)生挽救了一位孩子的生命,因此好事無大小,往往極小的好事會產生很大的不同。(1) 句意:他和他的妻子是我見過的最好的

15、人。A.最好的;B.最忙的;C.最富有的;D.最高興的。根據下文的敘述可至,他們心地善良,因此是最好的人,故答案是A=(2) 句意:我們當中的一個人為別人做點善事。例如打掃私家車道或者搭建簡易車棚。A.尋找;B.下去;C.打掃;D.走過。根據賓語the driveway ,可知應該是打掃,故答案是CO(3) 句意:下一次,另一家人也會幫助上次做事的家庭以回報。A.試一試;B.停止;C.同意;D.拒絕。try to do sth.盡力做某事,固定短語,故答案是AO(4) 句意:我記著他為我鏟除私家車道的積雪。A.看見;B.思考;C.期待;D.記住。根據句子的兩個時間yesterday和IaSt

16、Winter,可知是記著,故答案是 DO(5) 句意:在我去年冬天出差的時候。A.春天;B.夏天;C.秋天;D.冬天。雪一般是在冬天落下的,因此是去年冬天,故答案是DO(6) 句意:所以我拿出鏟子,把人行道和車道的雪都清除了,因為這次輪到我來做好事。A.很快;B. 回來;C.再,又;D.首先,第一。根據前文的描述,沒去年鄰居幫了他,今年他要回報一下鄰居, 故答案是Bo(7) 句意:那天晚上有人敲門。A.便條;B.踢;C.禮物;D.敲。根據On the door ,可知應該是敲 門聲,故答案是DO(8) 句意:他立刻握住我的手,并感謝我鏟除了他私家車道和人行道上的雪。A.我的;B.我們的;C.

17、他的;D.你的,你們的。根據前文的描述,我要回報一下鄰居,因此是作者鏟路了他鄰居私家車道和便道上的學,故答案是CO(9) 句意:因此他才能更早去上班并救了個孩子。A.見面;B.拯救;C.支持;D.鼓勵。根據后文的描述,可知他救了那個男孩,故答案是BO(10) 句意:那天我一發(fā)動汽車就接了一個電話,說是我們社區(qū)的一個孩子得了重病。A.電話;B.卡片;C.信;D.邀請。根據后面的敘述我和同伴離現場有兩分鐘的路程,最近的救護車需要十分鐘, 可知這些內容是通過電話知道的故答案是AO(11) 句意:幸運的是,我和我的伙伴離著只有兩分鐘的路程,但是最近的救護車要10分鐘才能到。A.最后;B.實際上;C.幸

18、運地;D.突然。兩分鐘的路程很近,對于生了重病的孩子來說,真的是幸運的的,故答案是Co(12) 句意:一個小孩子得救了,因為你早上幫了我的忙。A.什么時候;B.除非;C.因為;D.盡管。你幫了我的忙是我能夠救孩子的原因,需要用because連接,故答案是 CO(13) 句意:鏟私家車道上的雪不會很麻煩,但是我做的事情讓一個孩子又能見到自己的家人,能再回學校讀書并且再一次擁有生命。A.練習;B.麻煩,問題;C.注意;D.經歷。鏟雪是一件費力的麻煩事,故答案是BO(14) 句意:沒有一件好事是小事。A.不,沒有;B.任何;C. 一些;D.每一個。根據前文的敘述可知作者應為鏟雪才讓醫(yī)生及時救了孩子的

19、命,因此好事沒有小事,故答案是Ao(15) 句意:即使最小的好事也會產生非常大的不同。A.選擇;B.進步;C.決定;D.區(qū)別,不同。結 合語境可知應選用 difference ,故答案是DO【點評】考查詞匯在篇章中的運用能力,答題時首先要跳過空格通讀文章掌握其大意,然后細讀文章字斟句酌逐一作答,注意考慮句型、語法、搭配、語境等因素。最后通讀一遍檢查驗證。五、閱讀理解(共15小題,共23分)SUMMERCMltMrC10閱讀短文,從各題所給的 A B、C D四個選項中選出最佳選項。is your teen doing this SUnnmer?5TWelCome a StUde nt from

20、FranCe Or SPain into your family!HoSt a StUde nt from SPain Or FranCeand experie nce his/her life and culture.EXCha nge StUde nts from SPai n and FranCe are look ing for welcomi ng warm, fun andIoVing hosts who will Share life and CUItUre With them for a few WeekS in June, Julyand August.StayS Can b

21、e from 3 to 6 weeks.What to do With your excha nge StUdent:MOVieS /Museums /Beach /Cooking /Baking /Community PrOjeCtS / VolUnteering/Hangingout /Shopp ing /Dis neyla nd/anything you Canthink of. ReqUireme nts to host:Loving, active, outgoing familyOne stay-at-home, or part-time host Pare ntTeen in

22、the home Withi n 4 years of age of the excha nge StUde ntWilli ng to take StUde nts to PIaCeS of in terest OnCe a Week(maybe ViSit ing them n ext SUmmer at their home CoUn tries)If you are in terested and would like more in formati on, PIeaSe Con tact:ShirIey Wen tzell 909-918-6715Email: Shirley (1)

23、 EXChange StUdents from FranCe or SPain will POSSibIy Stay for in host families.A. 10 daysWeekSmon ths(2) ACCOrding to the passage, We Can Iearn that.A. excha nge StUde nts will come back next SUmmerB. excha nge StUde nts have to cook dinner by themselvesC. Pare nts in a host family should have full

24、-time jobsD. tee ns in host families Can experie nce differe nt CUItUreS(3) The text above is PrObabIy a.A. IettereB. 5C. 2D. 1 yearB. noticC. POSterD. diary【答案】(1) B (2) D ( 3) C【考點】 廣告布告類,說明文【解析】【分析】文章大意:這是一份廣告,邀請法國和西班牙的交換生去房東家做客,文章寫了作 為房東家庭應該做些什么。什么樣的家庭才能夠入選等等。(1) 細節(jié)理解題,根據StayS Can be from 3 to 6

25、 weeks.可知要居住36周,B選項最合適,故答案是Bo(2) 纟田節(jié)理解題,根據Host a StUdent from SPain Or FranCe and experience his/her life andculture.可知交換生要經歷不同的文化,故答案是Co(3) 體裁判定題,根據文章內容可知這是一份廣告,因此可看作是海報,故答案是CO【點評】考查閱讀理解,本文涉及到細節(jié)理解題和體裁判定題,細節(jié)理解題一般比較簡單,可以直接從文中找到答案。體裁判定題需要根據文章內容做出判斷。11. 閱讀短文,從各題所給的A B、C D四個選項中選出最佳選項。By Anna MatteO28 Ja

26、nuary, 2019A 3-year-old boy Who WaS IoSt in the woods for two days is now Safe at home With hisfamily. BUt CaSey HathaWay told his rescuers (救援者)that he WaS not alone in the rainy,freez ing cold woods. He Said he WaS With a friend a bear.The child Went missing On JanUary 22 while playing With friend

27、s near his grandmother's house in North Carolina. When the other ChiIdren returned but CaSey did not, the family SearChed the area for almost an hour before calli ng the police.Police formed a SearCh team to look for the young boy in the n earby woods. BUt two days Went by and no Casey.Then OnJa

28、n Uary 24, some One called the police Say ing he heard a child Crying in the woods. Police followed UP On the in formati OnandfoUnd CaSey at about 9:30 that ni ght. He WaS in good health.CaSey told the rescuers he had hung out With a black bear for two days, a bear he called his "frien d".

29、The police OffiCer ChiP HUgheS spoke With reporters from SeVeraI n ews age ncies. HeSaid CaSey did not Say how he couldSUrViVe in the woods for two days in the cold, rainyweather. "However," the police OffiCer said, "he did Say he had a friend in the woods that WaS a bear With him.&qu

30、ot;HUn dreds of people helped in the SearCh and rescue efforts, in clud ing some 600VolUn teers, police and members of the army. Doctors at the medical Cen ter gave CaSey some exam in atio n. He WaS the n Sent to his family OnJanUary 25.HiS mother talked With reporters and tha nked every One who joi

31、ned the SearCh for herson. "We just Want to tell everybody that we're Very thankful that you took the time outto SearCh for Casey," Said his mother. "He is UP and talking He's already asked to WatChcarto On s."(1) Who Stayed With CaSey in the woods during the two days?B.

32、Thepolice. mother.A. A bear.C. HiSD. The VolUn teers.(2) The Underlined word "survive" in ParagraPh 6 PrObabIy means "A. give UPB. getlostC. fallasleepD. remai n alive(3) What is the CorreCt order in WhiCh these happen?a. Some One heard a child crying.b. The family Started to look for

33、 Casey.c. CaSey PIayed With his frien ds.d. The police found CaSey WaS in good health.A. b-c-a-dB. b-c-d-aC. c-b-a-dD. c-b-d-a(4) After CaSey WaS Sent back home, he WaS.A. SCaredB. n ervousC. relaxedD. SUrPriSed【答案】(1) A (2) D ( 3) C ( 4) C【考點】 人物傳記/故事閱讀類,記敘文【解析】【分析】文章大意:文章講述了三歲的孩子CaSey HathaWay在丟失之

34、后的神奇的經歷。他跟一只大熊游逛了兩天。(1) 細節(jié)理解題,根據He Said he WaS With a frie nd a bear.可知他跟一只熊在一起,故答案是AO(2) 詞義猜測題題,小男孩丟失了,根據in the woods for two days in the cold, rainy Weather , 這些都是小男孩在森林里遇到的惡劣生存條件,小男孩最后安全回家,可推測該單詞的意思是生存,故答案是B(3) 細節(jié)排除題,根據文章內容可知,孩子跟朋友在一起玩,即c,沒有回來,家人就開始找他,即b。然后就有人聽到了孩子的哭喊聲即a,最后警察發(fā)現他狀況很好,即d,句子順序應該是c-b

35、-a-d ,故答案是CO(4) 細節(jié)理解題,根據He is UP and talking He's already asked to WatCh cartoons,可知說明孩子沒有問題,很放松,故答案是Co【點評】考查閱讀理解,本文涉及到了細節(jié)理解題,猜疑猜測題和細節(jié)排序題,細節(jié)理解題和細節(jié)排 序題相對簡單,可知直接從文中找到答案,猜疑猜測題則需要結合具體語境去推測單詞的意思。12. 閱讀短文,從各題所給的 A B、C D四個選項中選出最佳選項。A myth is SOmething that is not correct, but many people believe. There

36、 are a lotOf myths about the huma n brain.One of the biggest myths is that We Only USe 10 PerCe nt of OUr brains. The n ext Partof the myth is that if We Can Iearn to USe the rest of our brains, then we'll be much smarter.People Say this all the time, but it's absolutely not true! The truth

37、is that although We don't know everyth ing about the huma n brain, We know that each Part of it has an importa ntfunction (功能).MOdern SCientists think the "10 PerCent myth" ridiculous(荒謬的).The other most popular myth is about being "right brained" or "left brained".

38、ACCOrd ing to this myth, people who USe the right Side of their brainsare more artistic andcreative. People who USe the leftSide of their brains are better at math and SCience.ThiSis as popular as the 10 PerCe nt myth, and it's also Wrong. In 2013, a StUdy at an AmeriCa nUniversity examined the

39、right brain and left brain myth. ACCOrding to the study, We USe both SideS of our brains equally (相等地).It's true that We USe different PartS of our brains for different things. WeUSe our left Side for Ianguage more, and our right Side When We need to Pay attention. BUt thereis no evidence (證據)th

40、at CreatiVe people USe the right Side more, or that SCientificpeopleUSe the left Side more.We've talked about myths, so let's look at a few in terest ing facts about the brain.FirSt of all, the brain feels no pain. Second, about 75 PerCent of the brain is made of water.It's also the fatt

41、est organ in your body. Here's another interesting fact about the brain.AroUnd the time you turn 18 years old, it stops grow ing.(1) The Underlined word "This" in ParagraPh 3 refers toA. the left brain myth B.the right brain and left brain mythC.the USe of huma n brains D.the StUdy of

42、an AmeriCa n Uni VerSity(2) ACCOrding to the factsmen ti Onedin the passage,may USe the left brain more.A. Robert, who is lear ning En glishB.Kate, who is draw ing PiCtUreSC. Jenny, who is desig ning clothes D.Jacob, who is doing research(3) WhiCh of the following is TRUE about the human brain?A. It

43、 is grow ing all life Iong.B.The right Side is USed more by artists.Three quarters of it is made of water.differe nt functions of the brainC. Some PartS of it are not USed at all. D.(4) The PaSSage mainly tells aboutA. the grow ing of the brain B.【答案】(1) B (2) A ( 3) D ( 4) D【考點】科普環(huán)保類,說明文【解析】【分析】文章大

44、意:文章講述了有關大腦的傳說是不真實的,冋時告訴我們有趣的事實,大C. right brain and Ieft brain D.myths and facts about the brain腦沒有疼痛,大腦的百分之五是水。也是身體最胖的器官。在一個就是大約在18歲,你的大腦就停止生長了。(1)詞義猜測題,根據ACCordingto this myth 禾口后文 ThiSis as popular as the 10 PerCentmyth, and it's also wrong.可知this指的是上文說的有關左腦和右腦的神話,故答案是BO(2)邏輯推理題。根據We USe OUr

45、left Side for Ianguage more,可知學習語言用左腦多些。故選Ao(3)正誤判斷題,根據Second, about 75 PerCe nt of the brain is made of water.,百分之75的大腦是水做的,Three quarters,四分之三,相當于百分之 75,因此D是對的,故答案是 DO(4) 主旨大意題,本文主要告訴我們有關大腦的神話和事實,故答案是DO【點評】考查閱讀理解,本文涉及到細節(jié)理解題、詞義猜測題、正誤判斷題和主旨大意題。細節(jié)理解題和政務判斷題都可以直接從文中找到依據,邏輯推理題則需要根據位置事實與已知事實的聯系確定 答案,主旨大意

46、題則需要在充分理解文章的基礎上歸納出文章的中心。13. 閱讀短文,從各題所給的 A B、C D四個選項中選出最佳選項。Populati OnS of White-tailed deer (白尾鹿)are growing rapidly in many PartS of theUnited States. AS populatiOnSgrow, food becomes a problem. Many deer die of hunger. OtherS grow UP small and Unhealthy. In SearCh of food, hungry deer move closer

47、 to Where humans live.They eat farm crops, VegetabIeS and even trees. Besides, inCreaSed numbers of deer near roads Can CaUSe traffic accide nts.People admire the grace and fast SPeed of deer. Most people don't Want these animals to be hungry and ill. Should people take action to Con trol the gr

48、ow ing deer populatio ns?Should People Take DireCt Actio n?Many people think that hunting (打獵)is the best Way to Control the animal populations.Wildlife managers will See if there's enoUgh food in an area and decide its Carrying CaPaCity(容量).Then hunters With licenses are Sent to help Control th

49、e number of deer. HUnting is usually not allowed in CitieS or suburbs, however.Some people have the idea to CatCh the deer and move them to other places. BUt thismethod is expensive and requires finding another place that Can accept the deer WithOUtbreak ing the bala nce Of ecosystem.SCien tists are

50、 also Work ing to develop ChemiCaIS to Con trol the birth rate in deerpopulations. BUt this plan works for Onlyone year at a time.Should People Take In direct Actio n?Some SUggeSt bringing in natural enemies of deer, SUCh as wolves, liOnSand bears,to areas With toomany deer. BUt these animals could

51、also hurt dogs, cats, and even humans.Other communities have builttall fences (籬笆)around areas to keep out the deer. However,this is impossible for farmers.Some people are against any kind of action. They SUPPOrt leaving the deer alone. Animal populatiOnSin an area naturally go UP and down over time

52、. Doing nothing means that some deer will die of hun ger or ill ness. BUt fin ally, the populati on will reach a SiZe With inthe Carry ing CaPaCity of the environment. So, let n ature go its OWn way.(1) ACCOrding to the passage, inCreaSed numbers of deer Can bring to peoplein the area.A.Water pollut

53、i Onaccide ntspopulati OnB. trafficC.SeriOUS ill nessesD.grow ing(2) WhiCh of the following is the best to fill in the "' in the passage?A.Should People Do Nothi ng?B.Should People PrOteCt the Deer?C. Should People Take SPeCiaI Actio n? D.Should People DriVe the Deer Away?(3) The Writer mos

54、t PrObabIy agrees thatA. farmers Can build fences to keep the deer outB. people should leave the deer alone in the wildC. hun ti ng is the best Way to Con trol the deer populati OnSD. it's great to CatCh the deer and move them to other PIaCeS(4) The Writer organiZeS this PaSSage byA.telling StOr

55、ieSB. USingn UmberSC. givi ngOPinionSD. describ ing SCe nes【答案】 (1) B (2) A ( 3) B ( 4) C【考點】 科普環(huán)保類,議論文【解析】【分析】文章大意:美國的白尾鹿數量激增,有人認為應該采用直接的方法控制白尾鹿的數量,而梁歪一些人則認為需要使用間接的方法控制白尾鹿的數量。而梁歪一些人反對采取行動,讓白尾鹿自己按照自然規(guī)律去增加或減少。(1) 纟田節(jié)理解題,根據Besides, in CreaSed nu mbers Of deer n ear roads Can CaUSe trafficaccidents. 可知白尾鹿數量的增加可導致交通事故的發(fā)生。故答案是BO(2) 標題判斷題,根據最后一段的內容可知,主要講述哪些反對采取措施的人的觀點,根據前兩部分標題的構成,本部分的標題為“人們應該不管嗎”。故答案是Ao(3) 邏輯推理題,根據So, let n ature go its own way.可知,作者支持不采取讓和措施的方


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