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1、誤 Tom's mother is taller than my.正 Tom's mother is taller than mine.析形容詞性物主代詞可以作定語,也就是講它可以作形容詞,如:my book,而這句話的意思是:湯姆的媽媽比我的媽媽高。比較的對(duì)象是my mother,也就是mine。誤 Wehave a lot of homework to do today. So we need two or three hours to finish them.正 Wehave a lot of homework to do today. So we need two or

2、 three hours to finish it.析在應(yīng)用代詞時(shí),要注意人稱,格與數(shù)的一致性。這里it所代替的是不可數(shù)名詞homework, 所以應(yīng)用 it。誤 He and you should go to the library to return the books.正 You and he should go to the library to return the books.析這主要是英語習(xí)慣上的用法。當(dāng)兩個(gè)以上的人稱代詞并列時(shí)其排列順序一般為you, he,she, I,而復(fù)數(shù)時(shí)為 we, you , they:如男女并列時(shí),應(yīng)先男后女,如: He and she如果 在表示不

3、好意思,承擔(dān)責(zé)任時(shí),單數(shù)時(shí)用,I, he, she, you,復(fù)數(shù)時(shí)用They, you, we,如:Tom and I are good friends.You, he and I must go to play the game for our team this afternoon.We, you and they have been there before.I, he and you have to pay for it.誤 He or his brother is doing their homework.正 He or his brother is doing his homew

4、ork.析由either - or, neither nor, or 連接兩個(gè)主語時(shí),如果兩主語是單數(shù)時(shí),用單數(shù) 代詞,如兩主語是復(fù)數(shù)時(shí),用復(fù)數(shù)代詞,如:Either teachers or students want to do theirbest to help the old man.如是一單一復(fù)兩名詞時(shí),一般將單數(shù)名詞放在前,復(fù)數(shù)名詞放在后, 要用復(fù)數(shù)代詞,如: The teacher or his students will clean their classroomtogether.誤 His brother is taller than him.正 His brother is

5、taller than he.析than是連詞,其后應(yīng)視為省略句,than he is.所以要注意區(qū)分其主格與賓格的用法。I like you as much as she.正I like you as much as her.析as- as其后也應(yīng)看作是省略句。應(yīng)為 as I like her.所以應(yīng)用賓格。而第一句應(yīng)譯為我像她那樣喜歡你。兩句語法都是對(duì)的但含義不同。誤Myself did it yesterday.正I myself did it yesterday.正I did it myself yesterday.析反身代詞不可作主語,但可以用作主語的同位語。誤 Take care

6、of ourselves.正 Take care of yourselves .(yourself)析祈始句的主語應(yīng)看作第二人稱you.誤 Please bring your daughter with yourself.正 Please bring your daughter with you.析反身代詞不能作介詞賓語,除非是由不及物動(dòng)詞與介詞組成的動(dòng)詞短語,如:The oldwoman spoke to herself.誤 Make yourself home.正 Make yourself at home.析這是英語中的習(xí)慣用法,意為“像在家里一樣"。這樣的用法還有:enjoy

7、 oneself玩得開心 make yourself at home像在家中樣help yourself to something自己拿某物 lost oneself 迷路seat oneself 就坐 dress oneself 穿衣誤Who's this speaking. That's Mary.正 Who's that speaking. This is Mary.析在電話用語中,this指講話人自己,而that指對(duì)方。誤 The days in summer are longer than this in winter.正 The days in summer

8、 are longer than those in winter.析在比較句中往往為了避免重復(fù),可以用 that或those取代前面提到的事物,如是單 數(shù)時(shí)用 that,復(fù)數(shù)時(shí)用 those ,如:The weather in Beijing is hotter than that in Chang Chun.誤It is so a good book that everyone likes to read.正It is such a good book that everyone likes to read.正It is so good a book that everyone likes

9、to read.析在可數(shù)名詞單數(shù)時(shí)可用so+形容詞+不定冠詞+名詞+that從句,也可用 such+不定冠詞+形容詞+that從句。在不可數(shù)名詞或可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù)時(shí),只用 such,如:It is such good weather that I want to go swimming. They are such good books that I want to buy them all. 在 many, much, few, little這 4 個(gè)詞前僅能用 so,如: She has so much money thatshe can buy everything she wants. 而

10、在 so與that 之間僅存形容詞時(shí),則不能用 such, 如:She is so sweet that everyone likes her.誤I want to buy a same dictionary as yours.正I want to buy the same dictionary as yours.析same與定冠詞the是固定搭配不可更改。這樣的用法還有all the same( 仍然)。誤 一I hope she might pass the exam.- I don't hope so.正 I hope she might pass the exam. I hop

11、e not.析在作肯定回答時(shí), I think so. I hope so. I believe so.但作否定回答時(shí)為:I don't think so. I hope/believe not.誤 一 He studied very hard this term. So she did.正 He studied very hard this term. So did she.誤 English is difficult to learn. So is it.正 English is difficult to learn. So it is.析在對(duì)話中如果某一動(dòng)作同時(shí)適用于兩個(gè)主語,這

12、時(shí)在答語中要用縮寫且要用倒裝句。 如第一組句,即studied hard 既適用于he,也適用于she.但答語僅僅是對(duì)前句的重復(fù),即 僅僅是第一句的縮寫時(shí)則不要用倒裝句。如第二組句子為:英語難學(xué)。答語為:是的,難學(xué)。這時(shí)縮寫的答語不要用倒裝句。誤 Everyone should do one's best.正 Everyone should do his best.析one作代詞時(shí),它的復(fù)數(shù)形式是 ones,所有格形式是one's ,反身代詞為oneself.如 果講 One should do one's best.則是對(duì)句。如果 one與別的詞組成其他詞,如: so

13、meone, anyone, everyone 或 only one 則要用 his/her ,來作其所有格形式。誤 Who won the game? None.正Who won the game? No one.析由who提問的句子的否定回答中的簡(jiǎn)略說法是no one,而由How many提問的句子的否定回答中的簡(jiǎn)略語是None. 如: How many books are there? None.誤Therearemany treeson either sides of the street.正Therearemany treeson either side of the street.

14、正Therearemany treeson both sides of the street.析 either 作代詞時(shí)由兩個(gè)含意,其一是兩者中隨便哪一個(gè),如:You can take either.其二是兩者中的每一個(gè)。但要注意的是either 后要加單數(shù)名詞,如果作主語則謂語動(dòng)詞也要用單數(shù)形式。誤Either you or I are right.正Either you or I am right.析在either - or,或neither nor連接兩個(gè)主語時(shí),其謂語動(dòng)詞要與和其相近的那個(gè)主語相配。誤I have three sisters. Neither of them is a

15、doctor.正I have three sisters. None of them is a doctor.析 neither 用于兩者中無一是,而none 則用于多于兩者中的人或事物無一是。誤He doesn't like Beijing opera. I don't like too.正He doesn't like Beijing opera, I don't like either.析 either 作為“也”講時(shí),要用于否定句中,而 too 則用于肯定句中。誤We like both this little boy.正We both like thi

16、s little boy.析 both 作同位語時(shí),它在句中的位置有:在be 動(dòng)詞之后,如:Weare both students.在實(shí)意動(dòng)詞之前,如:The parents both want to go to the cinema. 用于第一助動(dòng)詞之后,如: Wehave both read these English novels. 使用時(shí)要注意以下句子的實(shí)際含意:Both ofus are not right. 應(yīng)譯為:我們倆不都對(duì)。Neither of us is right. 才應(yīng)譯為:我倆都不對(duì)。又如:I can't give you both of the books.

17、 意為:兩本書我不能全給你,而I can'tgive you either of the books. 才為:兩本書我全不能給你。誤 We each has a ticket for the concert.正 We each have a ticket for the concert.析 each 作句子主語時(shí)其謂語動(dòng)詞要用單數(shù)形式,如: Each of us wants to learn Englishwell ,但 each 作同位語時(shí),則應(yīng)以原名詞的數(shù)為準(zhǔn)。誤 Every of us has to pass the exam.正 Each of us has to pass t

18、he exam.析 every 只可作形容詞,不可作代詞,而each 既可作形容詞,又可作代詞,在作形容詞時(shí) each 側(cè)重強(qiáng)調(diào)個(gè)體,而every 則側(cè)重于全體。誤 Everyone of us should do housework two hours a day.正 Every one of us should do housework two hours a day.析everyone 不可與 of結(jié)構(gòu)相連接使用,而everyone 則可以這樣用。誤I should read Englisheveryday.正I should read Englishevery day.析 要注意的是e

19、very day 是 “每天” , 而 everyday 則是形容詞為 “日常的”。 如: everydayEnglish 日常英語,everyday life 日常生活。誤There are trees on every sides of the street.正There are trees on each side of the street.析every 用于三者或三者以上的每一個(gè),而each 用于二者或二者以上的每一個(gè)。因?yàn)榻值乐挥袃蓚?cè),所以只能用each 而不能用every.誤All my parents are engineers.正Both my parents are eng

20、ineers.析all 用于三者或三者以上的全部,而both 則用于兩者的全部。誤 All of students might make some mistakes.正All of the students might make some mistakes.正All students might make some mistakes.析非特指的名詞前可用all 但不可用all of 結(jié)構(gòu),也就是講all of 結(jié)構(gòu)后面的名詞前一定要有定冠詞。其他與all 有關(guān)的習(xí)慣用法還有:all the year round, all week, all day, all winter誤The all vi

21、llage was flooded.正All the village was flooded.析all 作修飾語時(shí)要用在所有修飾詞之前。誤The post office is on other side of the street.正The post office is on the other sideof thestreet.析單數(shù)可數(shù)名詞如在泛指某一個(gè)時(shí)用another, 而特指時(shí)則要用the other, 因街道只有兩邊,而不在這邊必定是在另一邊,所以要用特指。請(qǐng)參考下表的用法以便于記憶。單數(shù) 復(fù)數(shù)泛指another 形容詞 作定語 作名詞another 代詞 other others

22、特指the other 形容詞the other 代詞the other the others誤Thereare ten studentshere Wherearetheothersstudents?正Thereare ten studentsare the others?正Thereare ten studentshere Wherearetheother students?析the others=the other students.誤The oldmanhas two sons. One is a teacher, another is a doctor.正The oldmanhas t

23、wo sons. One is a teacher, the other is a doctor.析another用于泛指,如:Is it far from here to the station?I'm sorry. Ihaveno idea. One may say it is quite near; another may say it is far from here.但在特指時(shí)則要用the other. 它可以用作定語,the other one, 也可以用作代詞the other, 但the other 用作代詞時(shí)它的含意一定是單數(shù)。如果指三者或者三者以上的情況時(shí),則要用o

24、neanother the other. 或者 onea second the third 誤Some people like sports. The others like reading.正Some people like sports. Others like reading.析在泛指的復(fù)數(shù)名詞前用some- othersothers來表示某些人某些人某些人O誤Please remember to water the flowers each other day.正Please remember to water the flowers every other day.析every ot

25、her day 為每隔一天。是習(xí)慣用法,不要隨意改動(dòng)。又如:ontheotherhand另一方面。誤 Many know him , but few likes him.正 Many know him, but few like him.析few用于可數(shù)名詞,意為幾乎沒有,但few作主語時(shí)謂語動(dòng)詞則要用復(fù)數(shù)形式,而a few為有一些。誤 You have few friends, haven't you?正 You have few friends, have you?析little 與few用于句中時(shí),均要按否定句看待。誤 Much of what you said are true

26、.正 Much of what you said is true.析much用于不可數(shù)名詞,作主語時(shí)用單數(shù)謂語動(dòng)詞。而many用于可數(shù)名詞,它作主語時(shí)用復(fù)數(shù)形式的謂語動(dòng)詞。誤 This room is enough large for the students to live in.正 This room is large enough for the students to live in.析 enough 可以用作代詞,如: There is enough of the food. 又如:Enough has been done for the work ,但enough還可以作形容詞來修

27、飾名詞,這時(shí) enough可以放在名詞之 前,也可放在名詞之后,如: money enough 與enough money都是對(duì)的。但當(dāng) enough作副 詞修飾形容詞時(shí),則只能置于形容詞之后了。誤I want any books to read. Do you have any?正I want some books to read. Do you have any?析按照語法any用于疑問句和否定句,而 some用于肯定句。誤 Would you like any thing to drink?正 Would you like something to drink?析在由would you

28、like發(fā)出的問句中,表達(dá)了說話者真心實(shí)意要為對(duì)方提供些飲料,或在說話者想得到對(duì)方的肯定答復(fù)時(shí),在疑問句中要用some而不用any。誤 Someone want to meet you.正 Someone wants to meet you.析不定代詞應(yīng)被看作單數(shù),即使用and連接兩個(gè)不定代詞,也要看作單數(shù),如: Anyoneand everyone has the right. 任何人,每一個(gè)人都有這樣的權(quán)力。誤 New York is much colder in winter than before.正It is much colder in New York in winter tha

29、n before.析it常常用在英文的句子中來代表時(shí)間、距離、天氣、自然現(xiàn)象,或用在句中作形式 主語或賓語,如:It is ten o'clock now.( 代時(shí)間)It is far from here to the airport.(代品巨離)It is very hot.( 代天氣)It is very difficult to learn English well.(作形式主語)We found it very difficult to answer the question.(作形式賓語 )誤 Be careful. Don't drink too many.正 B

30、e careful. Don't drink too much.析這里much所代的應(yīng)是飲料或水,所以應(yīng)為不可數(shù)名詞。(三)例題解析1 These are books. Yours are over there.A I B my C me D mine答案1 B.析這里應(yīng)用形容詞性物主代詞。2 一 is she?-She is a teacher.A What B How C Who D Where答案1 A.析這里的四個(gè)疑問詞放在問句中全都成立,但其意義不同。What is she?應(yīng)譯為“她的工作是什么?"或"她是做什么的?”而How is she?應(yīng)譯為“她身

31、體如何 ?”而 Whois she? 應(yīng)譯為“她是誰?”其答語應(yīng)為“她叫什么名字?!倍鳺here is she?應(yīng)為“她在什么地方 ?” 由答語決定了這道題的選擇。3 is wrong with my watch. It has stopped.A Something, working B Something, to workC Any thing, working D Anything, to work答案1 A.析因?yàn)槭强隙ň渌詰?yīng)用 Something,其后由于表停止工作了,則 stop后要用動(dòng)名詞。4 Mary, help to the bananas, please.A you B

32、your C yourself D yourselves答案1 C.析help oneself to something 為"自己拿某物“。yourself 為"你一個(gè)人",而 yourselves 為“你們”。5 一 do you go to school every day?-By bus.A How B Why C When D Where答案1 A.析這題的答案是由問句決定的。6 My skirt is popular than .A much, her B much, hers C more, herD more, hers答案1 D.析因句中有than

33、,所以應(yīng)選用比較級(jí),而 than后要選用名詞性物主代詞。7 Can you speak English?-Yes, but only .A few B a few C little D a little答案1 D.析因會(huì)講某種語言的多少要用a little,把它看作不可數(shù)名詞對(duì)待,此答語為:是的,但僅僅會(huì)講一點(diǎn)。8 Mr. Smith is an old friend of .A I B me C my D mine答案1 D.析這里應(yīng)選名詞性物主代詞,這也是英語的一種習(xí)慣用法,而不要選擇my。9 " do you hear from your parents? "“Abo

34、ut once a month. ”A How long B How manyC How often D How much答案1 C.析How often問的是某一動(dòng)作發(fā)生的頻率,即在單位時(shí)間內(nèi)發(fā)生多少次。10 Mr Green wouldn't say at the meeting.A everything B nothing C anything D something答案1 C.析在否定句中應(yīng)用anything11 " Mum, Ann's coming tonight. Let's give herto eat. ”“Good idea! ”A any

35、thing nice B nice anythingC something nice D nice something 答案1 C.析肯定句中用something而不用anything,不定代詞的修飾詞應(yīng)放其后而不要放在其前 面。12 When shall we meet, this evening or tomorrow evening?-I don't mind. time is OK.A Some B Neither C Either D Both答案1 C.析因如選用both則名詞要用復(fù)數(shù)名詞,也要用復(fù)數(shù)謂語動(dòng)詞,由于答語前有I don't mind 則決定不能選擇 n

36、either.13 This is not her kite,but.A he's B him C he D his答案1 D.析要注意“他的”名詞性物主代詞與形容詞性物主代詞是同形的。14 Don't worry, Mum! news is good news. I'm sure daddy will come back soon.A No B Many C Those D Two 答案1 A.析這是一條諺語,即沒有消息就是好消息。15 Mary has six apples. Her brother has three. She hasapples than he.

37、A few B many C more D fewer答案1 C.析由于是比較級(jí),根據(jù)題意應(yīng)選“多于”而不是“少于” 。16 There isn't in today's newspaper.A anything interestingB something interestingC nothing interestingD interesting anything 答案1 A.析由于句子是否定句,應(yīng)選擇 anything ,而且不定代詞的修飾語應(yīng)放在其后面。17 September 10th is Day?A Teacher B Teachers C Teacher'

38、s D Teachers'答案1 D.析教師節(jié) Teachers' Day, 兒童節(jié) Children's Day, 婦女節(jié) Women's Day18 In England, people eat a lot of “takeaway" food. What about people in your country?A So we do. B We do so. C So do we. D We so do.答案1 C.析在答語中用簡(jiǎn)略方式表達(dá)上文的一個(gè)動(dòng)作同樣適用于另一個(gè)主語時(shí),則要采用倒裝句,但如果僅僅是對(duì)上句的重復(fù)則不要倒裝。19 Shall

39、we go into that shop and have a look?Sorry. I won't. I have to do there.A everything B anything C something D nothing答案1 D.析這個(gè)答案的選擇應(yīng)由上下兩句對(duì)話內(nèi)容作出決定。20 Oh, dear! Who broke the glass? Sam Bruce. It was the cat.A Both, and B Not, but C Neither, nor D Either, or答案1 C.析neither nor意為既不也不21 The students

40、are having a good time in the park. Some are drawing by the lake.are climbing the hill.A Others B Other C Another D The other答案1 A.析這里因?yàn)槭谴鎻?fù)數(shù)名詞,所以應(yīng)用名詞性的復(fù)數(shù)代名詞。22 She is not a nurse. I'm not .A also B either C neither D too答案1 B.析在否定句中該用either,而不用too和also.23 I have two pencils. One is red, is blue

41、.A the other B another C others D the others答案1 A.析兩者中的另一個(gè)應(yīng)為特指。而且應(yīng)為單數(shù)形式的代名詞。而another是泛指單數(shù)代名詞。others是泛指復(fù)數(shù)代名詞,而 the others是特指復(fù)數(shù)代名詞。24 Sorry, I can't answer your question.I know about the subject.A little B a little C few D a few答案1 A.析中文講我對(duì)此知道的不多,而英文中要用 little 。其含意為否定句。25 My sister doesn't lik

42、e skating .A So do I B So I don'tC Neither I don't D Neither do I答案1 D.析這是表達(dá)上面否定句中的動(dòng)作,也同樣不適合于第二個(gè)人。所以要用neither,并要采用倒裝句。26 Yesterday morning there were only three boys in our room,.A you, he and IB I, you and heC he, I and youD you, I and he答案1 A.析這是若干人稱代詞并列時(shí)的順序問題。請(qǐng)參看辨析中的例子。27 All the students

43、 are busy, soof them will go to the concert.A many B little C a few D few 答案1 D.析student為可數(shù)名詞。28 The teacher gave student a new book.A nobody B both C each D any 答案1 C.析both其后的名詞應(yīng)為復(fù)數(shù),而any用于疑問句和否定句中只有each可以修飾單數(shù)可數(shù)名詞。29 Black is neither a teacher a worker.A or B either C nor D and 答案1 C.析neither nor為“既不也不”的固定搭配。30 Our teacher gave us on studying.A many advices B some advices C a


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