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1、2018四年級(jí)英語(yǔ)暑假作業(yè)答案P11. bee 蜜蜂 2.fan 電扇 3.hey 嗨 4.skirt 裙子 5.form 表格 6.big 大的略三、畫(huà) 1. 一個(gè)紅蘋(píng)果 2. 一條黃狗 3. 兩雙綠襪子 4 三雙藍(lán)鞋四、順序 1 3 2 4五、1.mother 2.chair 3. rice 4.room 5.forty-one 6.light P2rabbit banana pig duck wathermelon pantsB A B C C三、D C E A BP3天氣類(lèi):cool cold warm動(dòng)物類(lèi):donkey lamb pig食物類(lèi):hamburger bread sou

2、p服裝類(lèi):sweater coat dress水果類(lèi):orange whatermelon peach飲料類(lèi):milk juice cokeC B C A A三、1.It"s six o"clock.2. The coat is ninety-three yuan.3. No,they aren"t.4. Yes,it is.四、weather: hot cool cold snowyanimal:donkey rabbit lamb pigfood:soup bread carrot hamburger colthes:jeans coat dress swea

3、ter fruits:peach watermelon orange strawberry P5一、1.light 燈 2.floor 地板 3.picture 圖畫(huà) 4.warm 暖和的 5.wall 墻 6.bag 書(shū)包 7.snowy 下雪 8.thirteen 十三××四、讀一讀: 是一對(duì)一伴你成長(zhǎng)學(xué)子園P61. music 2.pants 3.eleven 4.math 5.pig 6.sheep 7.is 8.henHK香港 UN 聯(lián)合國(guó) USA美國(guó) CD光盤(pán) CCTV中央電視臺(tái)四、A C B B B五、1.school 2. juice 3.hamburger

4、 4. nurseP71.small 2.expensive 3.long 4 white 5.hot 6.warmA D C E B四、P91.略二、1.music 2. 8:30 3.time computer 4. It"s math 5. 4:10 6.English三、1.coat 2.colour 3.football 4.warm 5.dog四、略五、C B C A BP11一、1. 起床 2. 去操場(chǎng) 3. 四根黃瓜 4. 在花園里 5. 到吃晚飯的時(shí)間了二、puter 2.dress 3. snowy 4.picture 5. goose三、B B A四、C E A

5、 D B FP121.lamb 2.weather 3.green 4.breakfast 5. gym 6.bag 7.rainy 8.garden1 3 2 5 6 4四、1.T 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.FP14一、1.cake game 2.hat fat 3.music cute 4.not box 5.nine kite 6.bed desk24 5 3 1 45 2三、D A E C B四、略五、B D A C A附:五題笑話(huà)Peter was ten years old. One day his friend Paul said to him, "I'm g

6、oing to have a birthday party on Saturday, Peter. Can you you come?"Peter asked his mother, and she said, "Yes, you can go." She phoned Paul's mother to tell her.Before Peter went to the party on Saturday afternoon, his mother said to him."Now, Peter, don't forget to be p

7、olite. Don't ask for food. Wait until someone gives it to you." "All right, Mom," Peter answered, and he went to Paul's house on his bicycle.There were a lot of children at the party. They played together for an hour, and then Paul's mother gave them some food; but she for

8、got to give Peter any. He waited politely for a few minutes, and then he held his plate up in the air and said loudly, "Does anyone want a nice clean plate?"有人要干凈的盤(pán)子嗎 ? 彼德十歲了。一天他的朋友保羅對(duì)他說(shuō): “彼德,星期六我要舉辦生日宴會(huì), 你能來(lái)嗎 ?”彼德問(wèn)母親,母親說(shuō):“沒(méi)問(wèn)題,你去吧。”她還打電話(huà)通知了保羅的母親。星期六下午,彼德去赴宴。臨行前,母親對(duì)他說(shuō):“彼德,別忘了禮貌。別 主動(dòng)要吃的,等別人拿

9、給你?!薄昂玫?,媽媽?!北说禄卮?。然后他騎著自行車(chē)去了保羅的家。宴會(huì)上孩子很多, 他們?cè)谝黄鹜媪艘粋€(gè)鐘頭。 這里保羅的母親給他們分發(fā)食 品。但她忘了給彼德。彼德等了幾分鐘,然后把盤(pán)子舉在空中,大聲說(shuō):“有人 要干凈的盤(pán)子嗎 ?”伴你成長(zhǎng)學(xué)子園P16一、1.socks 2.t-shirt 3.sneakers 4. jacket 5. sweater 6.shortsX X X X X X 四、F T T T FP171.fifteen 2.forty 3.four 4.twenty 5. thirty 6.forteenB A C B B三、bedroom desk bed computer

10、pens四、1.We have four lights.2. What time is it?3.It"s time to go home. 或 It"s time for home.4. Let"s play soccer.5. These are tomatoes.五、1-C 2-A 3-D 4-B六、1.november 2.flee 3.deception 4. yesterday 5.remember P19一、1.rabbit 2.blue 3.orange 4.table 5.rice 6.jeep二、D E B C A1.L S M 2. 鼠標(biāo) 3

11、.grandma 4.C 5.four 6.neck 7. grass 8.hot四、圖 1.Beijing China 圖 2.London UK 圖 3.New York USA 圖 4.Sydney Australia 詳見(jiàn)書(shū) P24五、X X P20一、1.pencil-box 2.playgrund 3.washroom 4.football 5.schoolbag6. notebook1.get up 2.make a snowman 3.fly kites 4.play football 5.go to bed 6.watch TV三、漢語(yǔ)依次是: 紅茶 新手 青一塊紫一塊 溫室

12、 名人錄 貴族血統(tǒng)四、is my grandmother. is my father. is my mother.五、略六、B A B A AP221.Sixty-two yuan. 2.Thirty-eight yuan. 3.Fourteen yuan. 4.Eighteen yuan.三、1.I want a carrot. 2.I want a cafe. 3.I want a hat. 4. I want a pen.四、6:30-get up 7:05-go to school 4:35-go home 9:00-go to bedP23一、C A C A C二、B A C B B

13、三、B C C A四、T F F FP25一、1. eye lam face 2.father mother grandfather 3.pen pencil pencil-case4.bus jeep taxi 5.giraffe pig monkey二、1. 一紅番茄 2. 一胡蘿卜 3. 兩黃花 4. 一藍(lán)尺子四、1. 教師節(jié) 2. 婦女節(jié) 3. 萬(wàn)圣節(jié) 4. 兒童節(jié) 5. 元旦節(jié) 6. 圣誕節(jié) 五、sunny snowy windy cloudyP26一、× × × × 1. 中華人民共和國(guó) 2. 加拿大 3. 上午 4. 下午 5. 英國(guó) 6.

14、 音樂(lè)電視三、C A D F B E四、× × ×五、A B AP281.Hold 2.Wiggle 3.Dance 4.Splash1.It"s pink. 2.It"s sunny. 3.Book. 4.No,it"s cool. 5.Forty-seven. 6.It"s ten o"clock.自己名 student china a best friend making friends do homework 四、C A E B DP29一略二、1.an 2.a 3.an 4.a 5. an 6.an 7.

15、a 8.a三、1.I want a pair of sneakers. 2.How much are the green shoes.3. How many fans are there in your classroom.四、× × × P31一、B A A A二、1.canteen 2.teacher'soffce 3.playground 4. garden 5.library三、1.monkey 2.cow 3.giraffe 4.snake 5.fish四、three five four五. 略P331.eye 2. crayon 3.music

16、 4.breakfast 5.donkeys二、1.classroom 2.library 3.canteen 4.teacher's office 例略三、B A B A A四略P34一、B C B A B二、H F J G D A C E B I三、B B C A C四略P361.monday 2.tuesday 3.wednesday 4. thursday 5.friday 6 saturday 7 sunday二、略三、略四、略P381.folk 2.there 3.monkey 4.carrot 5.arm 6.grass 7. blue 8.hot 9.bell 10.n

17、ine二、× × × 三、home1.6:00-get up 2.7:00-go to school 3.12:00-have lunch 4.16:30-go 5.21:00-go to bed下略四、略P39一、1.peach 2.cloudy 3.rainy 4.snowy 5.T-shirt 6.bag 7.sunny 8.book 9.pencil 10.pencil-box11.grape 12.pear二、A B A B B B三略四、 × × P411.網(wǎng)址 2. 中國(guó)農(nóng)業(yè)銀行 3. 廁所 4. 外星飛碟 5. 身份證 地址 6. 中國(guó)銀行1.hens 2.cloudy 3.fifteen 4.music 5.washroom


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