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1、單詞拼寫李仕才(一)1.This means I could get up an hour later than _ as schools in China beginbefore 8 a.m.2.Im trying to lose weight because Im so_ of my body.3.Since Im preparing to act in a new TV play, Im taking weightloss pillscalled Fat-Less, which are quite_among young wome n here.4.As tee nagers grow,

2、 it is _ for them to become con fused with the cha ngingworld both in side and outside of them.5.Walk ing and riding your bike_, and so do school sports.6.Things change so q uickly! Im now in hospital_from liver failure.7.Anyhow, they didnt trust me. They dont _ an explanation. Let them thinkwhat th

3、ey want.8.When pare nts come to visit the school and talk to the teacher, we ofte n playsongs sung by students,and we also give messages to _ _the parents ofeve nts such as outi ngs and school plays.9.In our class there were 28 students. This is about the _size for Britishschools.10.If you eat_and e

4、xercise regularly, you will lose weight, keep fit andfeel great.(二)1.She sudde nly a_the dan ger, so she soun ded her horn loudly un tilthe lionturned and walked away.2. He has to play for the passers-by in the street or subway so that he can earn someextra money to pay for his expe nsive i_ he has

5、bought for his studio.3. P_,1 thi nk the team that won first place cheated.4. The Preside nts message will be b_(廣播)on all stati ons toni ght.5. The elega nt lady has earned a r_ _ (_名聲)as a well-k nown poet.6. Si nee he is a person of a _(中等的)in tellige nee,he isn t a quicklearner.7. Even great_ _(

6、music)require constant practice.8. The childre n were wait ing _( patie nt) for the movie to start becausetheyhad been kept too Ion g and couldn t wait to see it.9. This inven tio n will have wide _( apply ) in teach ing.10.Much to our( relieve ), no one was badly hurt in the accident.(三)1. Many peo

7、ple became _ _ (無家可歸的)in the earthquake.2. Look! The stude nts are doing an experime nt_(_好奇 地).3. The dove is a bird and it_ (代表)peace.4. Every one in the world is_ ( _獨一無二的),with their own n eeds,22prefere ncesand tale nts.5. The classrooms in our school are modern and bright. They were newly _ (裝

8、備)with computers and projectors.6. When ever we meet difficulties , our teachers ofte n tell us to _ (克服)themand n ever to give up.7. Our school is very beautiful andyou can see _ (各種各樣的)flowers hereand there.8. _(意大禾U ) is a European country that is shaped like a boot.9. There are a variety of them

9、e parks throughout the world._ (無論在什么地方)there is a theme park, tourism is in creas ing.10. We should care for the young and_(尊敬)the elderly.(四)1. To be hon est, a lot of people a_great importa nee to beco ming rich andfamous.2. When scie ntists i_the bon es, they were surprised to find that thesedin

10、o saurs could not only run like the others but also climb trees.3. I would a_ it if you could give me an imag in ative an swer.4. He s_in solvi ng the problem after his hard work.5. Later the bands may give p_ in pubs or clubs, for which they are paidin cash.6. Jay as a sin ger is f_ to many people,

11、 especially the young tee nn agers.7. Fans showed their great d_ by waiting for hours to get tickets for theircon certs.8. With dark clouds g_, I think it is very likely to rain.9. On his a_ , he began to work at once. Hes very hardworking.10. You can not en ter the preside nts office without his p_

12、.(五)1. She b_ _ with the trader till he sold her the fruit cheaply.2.My memory became_ large that I couldnt believe it.3. I am filled with_ (快樂)at what I have done.4. When opport un ities a_ , he will take with him what does ntbel ong to him.5. As a_of the earthquake, many people were made homeless.

13、6. What_ (影響)my decisi on was not his opinion, but his mann ers.7. They have lost many things and their_ (lose) would not stop.8. Some one must be hired to watch_ the house while we are away.9. There have bee n many popular bands in theworld,_ which the mostfamous was the Beatles.10. There is no dou

14、bt that the BeijingOlympic Gameswas a great _(成功).(六)1.Nels on Man dela helped the black people to get the _ _ (_平等的)rights aswhite people.2.A good many houses were_(毀壞)in the flood.3.It was not an accide nt. I nstead, I thi nk David did it on _ _(故意)4.Although many America ns move a lot, they still

15、_ (辯認出)andunderstand each others dialects.5.I _ (真誠地)hope your father will be well again soon.6.John had lost his _ card and was being questioned by the police. (身份)7.I_ (同意)with what you have said just now.8.The pla ne was flyi ng at an _ (_高度)of 30,000 feet.9.The ten most _ (頻繁)asked questions are

16、 listed below.10.It was ten in the morning but the _(_窗簾)were still drawn.(七)1.In Pride and Prejudice five sisters overcome_(障礙)to their happ in essand marriage.2.If you want to know how to study_ (高效率地),come and join our club.3.As Mr Darcy continuedfeeli ngs.in his(傲慢自大的)way, Elizabethforgothis4.Du

17、ring an in terview,all questions should be asked in a logical(順序).5.My brother atte ndedpracticallyevery lecture and _(研討會)whe n hewasa stude nt.6.All my household goods are_ (保險)aga inst accide ntal damage.7.He joined the army for a time as a_( _夕卜科醫(yī)生)and went on an expeditionto Portugal.8.Hiring a

18、 car will allow you to be_ (靈活的)about where you visit and howlong you stay.9.This land is used by local people for_(放牧)their ani mals.10.He is_(跛的)in one leg and walks with the help of a stick.(八)1._ When his car was damaged he got $3,000_(保險).2._ The childrens(診所)was open during school hours.3.Nanc

19、y had her bedroom _(用家具裝修)comfortably and tastefully.4 He achieved a worldwide (名譽)by his pioneer researches in physics and astronomy.5.In this chapter we have shown, in a_(簡化)form, a typical data processingapplicati on6._Education is(義務(wù)的)for all children in Britain between the agesof 5 and 16.7.She

20、 _(剃)her head and became a nun(修女).242._ Pollution is a problem that(關(guān)系至U everybody.3. I feel aof you for your dish on esty.4._ Weshould take everythi ng in to(考慮)before we carry out the pla n .5.Anything you say may be take n dow n and used as e_ aga inst you.6. As a young man, you should show rto

21、the old.7. The government is _(呼吁)to us to save water.8. The voice was so f_ to me , but I couldnt remember where I had heardit .9._He made an ato me for coming late .10._ Would you mind _(雇傭)two more workers , Mr.Smith ?(十)1. Big cities have many _ (娛樂項目)and you can enjoysome of them in your spare

22、time,2. Mr. Smith is a _ (幽默)person, becausehe has a born ability to make people laugh.3. As soon as she got off the pla ne, she_ (聯(lián)系)me bycell pho ne.4. Jim looked into her eyes and said_ (輕柔地)I love you”5. Many young people are _ (癡迷)about YaoMing, a basketball player.6. Lets _ (分成)ourselves into

23、several groups.7. _ (很幸運),a kind farmer passed by andsent him to hospital in time.8. He is much respected as a very _ (有進取心的)and competitive leader.9. She is a _ (畢業(yè))of Oxford.10. You _ (誤解)my words.(十一)1.When e_(暴露)to challenges, we should realize that it is they thatmake us perfect.2.To my great d

24、_(高興),we succeeded in work ing out a pla n.3.Being o_(樂觀)and en thusiastic in our life en ables us to go furtherand further.4.I apologize for having hurt you but I didnt do it d_(故意)5.With globalizati on, it is esse ntial for us to be more t_(容忍)of8.Professor Wats on is leavi ng the(學術(shù)的)world to tak

25、e a job inin dustry.9.The North-West was by no means a(沒有希望)country地方.10.Now there are two(郵箱)for the differe nt letters(九)1.The girl lost herband fell off her bike .differe nt cultures.6.The rapid in crease of private cars_(導致)the air polluti onin cities.7.Based on differentinterests,the talk betwe

26、en the two countriesheld in Beijing_ (破裂).8.Although computers are widely used in many fields, they cant _ (取代)of huma n bein gs.9.Weare sure to make progress if we always_(全神貫注于)what teacherssay in class.10.It will certa inly_(起作用)as long as every onemakes his own con tributi on to our society.(十二)

27、1.Benjamin Franklin discovered that l_ is actually electrcity by his kiteexperime nt.2.Kunming is the capital of Yunnan Proveince in s_China.3.We decided to make a v_ dow n the Yellow River to the sea.4.It is because his v_is not big eno ugh that he cant express himselfwell in En glish.5.www.expo201

28、0.c n is the o_ website of the 2010 Expo in Shan ghai China.6.Now the weather is becoming colder_.(逐漸的)7.He practisesspeaking English every day so he speaks_ (流禾U的)English.8.When you are facing an earthquake, the first thing you have to do is to stay(鎮(zhèn)定的)9.It rains_ (經(jīng)常性的)these days, which makes him

29、 very upset.10.From his strong_ (口音)we can easily tell he is from London.(十三)1. As parents, you shouldnt show_(偏心)for any one of your children.2. Because of the _(有效的)prevention,few people are infected with the virus.3. You didnt mean to, but you really put me in an_(尷尬的)position.4. Youd better take

30、 off the coat because it is too heavy for such a_(溫禾口的)day.5. We care more about quality tha n_(數(shù)量)6. She has_(潛力)in desig ning, but she n eeds training.7. My computer broke down. Luckily it was stillunder _(擔保),so I got it repairedfree of charge.8. People are waiting_(焦慮地)for the governments final

31、decision.9. What you did was a(a n)_(違法的)act and will lead to your arrest.10. The department applies the policy in a_(靈活的)manner.(十四)1. The Big House of Qiao Family (喬家大院)is a perfectly p_oldhouse.2. It sudde nly o_to her that she had once see n the man somewhere before.263. Bank cards are p_useful

32、whe n travelli ng and there are ofte nin sura nee ben efits if you pay for your travel with them.4. The police want those who have w_ the accident to call them and providethem with eno ugh evide nee.5. More ofte n tha n no t, it is difficult to c_ the exact meaning of a Tangpoem in En glish.6. She w

33、rote several letters to the gover nment about the air polluti on, but got nor_ .7. Today, the boss announced that smok ing was f_duri ng officehour.5、1. barga ined arise/appear6. (had) affected/i nflue needof10. success6、【小題1equal【小題1destroyed【小題1sincerely【小題1identity【小題1frequently【小題1curtains7、【小題1

34、obstacles【小題1efficiently2. so5. result7. loss3. happ iness/joy/pleasure8. over【小題1purpose【小題1recognize【小題1agree【小題1altitude4.9.【小題1seminar【小題1grazing 8【小題1insured【小題1【小題1lame【小題1arrogant【小題1sequence/ordersurge on【小題1flexible1.in sura pulsoryailboxes2.clinic7.shaved3.furnished4.reputationacademic9.hopeless10.m91.balanee2.concerns3.ashamed6.respectapology7.appealing10.employi ng8.4.c on siderationfamiliar5.evidenee9.8. Akitt was u_about the time of the recovery so he looked ve


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