1、秘密*后用前【考試時間:2020年11月2015:0017:00綿陽市高屮2018級第次診斷性考試左試危分為IxtMttftSBi卡兩都分其中試Si快共12貢:WH卡共2頁,滿分150分號 UflitM 120分神9 項:I.Stt號生務必tsa±ft自己的學權、班級、0.5字范填弓;«同時用2B ffi¾4號淮OW涂在z、1 Si»K«用2B鉆筆1涂在咨BB卡財刪口標號的乜賈上如需改動用梅皮按樓干凈 皆再址余其它答案:fitM用0.5 %9Sfe字老書蘋左答Sti卡的對(SItt內、超SM 的答憲元效:汪總犒妖、試越仕上苔題無效3.號試結衷后
2、將苦題卡收回第一部分 聽力(共網(wǎng)節(jié)両分3吩回答聽力部分時先將答寨標在試卷上聽力部分結束前禰將有網(wǎng)分種的 時I可將你的答案轉法列答期卡上第 節(jié)(共5小越:每小JS1.5分 滿分7.5分 聽下面5段對i舌每段對話后有W “f心尸時心.呎如KR Otwmrftfl MWF 1 c 1 wrr 例:HOW much is the shirt?C£95C. On a bus.C. An editor.A. X19.15 B.£9.1 &答案C1. Wrhere did (be oc<veIion lake place?A. Onapktnc.B. On airam 2.
3、 Wrhat did Ihe man do?A. He COOked a cake. B. He IoOk a testC. He fixed a WaShing machine.3. WhafS Ihe man's uncle?A. A teeter B. Aboss 高三英½t共12可I4. Whattilne is it now?兒 9:40.B. 9: 45C.%505. Whal is Ihe WInan 別覽esion for the man?A. LiSten to music.B. Start IrlSOXVn businessC. Try his IUCk
4、at (he supermarket.第二節(jié)(共】5小18 :每小|】5分満分215分I聽下面5段對話或獨白每段対話或弦臼后有幾個小題從題中所拾的A、B C三個選中逸出最隹雉頊并標任試卷的相(S位賈聽每段対話或獨臼前你將 有時間Ki讀各個小題每小8S5秒鐘:聽完后各小18將給出5秒鐘的作答時間 每段對話或獨臼詼Mis聽第6段材斜回答第6 7jffl -6. WM CeluM Ibe man InaSl pbably 2?C.Ahctddek.C. In a uxi.C. CIUnaleClWes.C. A garden.CAbusinesswoman.人 IaXi driver.B. A Pc
5、JiCeman ?. WheTe does Ihe WOman Ihink She Iw her CdI phone?A. (n a Piuk B. Ina SIIDrmiirkeL聽第7段材料回答第8至9越8. WM are Ihey Ulkinfiiiboul?A. SdIoOI uis.B. Gr«« PanHmES9. WTliCh place did the Eirl go (o Iasiyear?A. A museumB.八 SDart Centre聽第蝦林料回答第IO至12fl IQ WrhatiStheWoman?A A S(IXIentB. A IeaCh
6、er.11. Wrhal does (be WOman think Offef Chinese?A. Bener Ihan before. B. Unabk io seak i.C. AS £0Od as her OWn knae.12 Whafs the woman's advice for PeOPk going abn>a<l?A. Work hard.B. Be Piliie(.C. EtonT be afraid Ofbeing laughed a.聽第9段林料回答第13至】6越13. Why did Ihe man fail o answer (he
7、CalI yeunlay?A. He didn't hear Iheringing.B. He WaS talking With Olbe他C. He ddn,t answer it in Ume離三英UUMS125i (共12頁14. Vrhat did tle man do ve5terday morning?A. He Inet SOme representativesB. He WOrked On a reportC. He attended a meeting15 VXrhat did tle WOmaII do yesterday morning?A. TaIked to
8、TomB. Hadameeting.C. ReCeiVeda CUStOmer.U. WiUl are they talking about in tleend?A. The woman's research.B.Theman,sreport.U TheirbOrmgday圻第10段村料回答第至20 U 17. UThat WaS the RenaiSSanCe mainly about?GArtsandsdence.C. About 400veas.A The Latin language.B. The ChriStiaIlreIigion.13. HOW IOng did Ihe
9、RenaiSSallCe last?A. AbOUt20OyearSB. AbOUt300 year*A. SOmeOne doing QlaIIy things well.B. SOmeOne Iinng In IUIy in die past.20z UThat is Da Vind best known for?A Hispaiiitings.B. Hisinventions.11 Vha does the term MRenaiSSanCe man, mean?C. HiS songs.第二部分問讀理解(共兩節(jié)港分40分)第節(jié)(共15小JuI:每小謝2分滿分30分)閱讀下列短文從毎Sf
10、l所給的四個½!(A BCftJD) 佳選卬 并在答謝卡上將誨選卬法加ACOMMON TYPES OF DRUGS CoCAlneA White POWdery drug Obtailled from tlw IeaVeS Ofa)Ca Phnt. In general, abxsrs uy expenence sleeplessness, loss Of appetite, aggressive behanorr depression, illusion (T¾) as WeU as high blood PreSSUre and racing heartbeat ReP
11、eated intakes WiU SeVereIy damage the immune SyStem and result in death.MOrPhme島 萸借試JS袪那3貝12K)AS an extract < 覆說初)Of opium, MOIPhiIIe is Widely used as a PainkilIer by doctors. However, it is highly IddiCtIVe and abusers may experience paranoia, illusion and mental disorders EXCeSSiVe doses may C
12、aUSe death Ofbreath failure HerOinA highly addictive drug made from morphine. It rapidly CaUSeS addiction, damages the ImlnUne SyStemz and CaUSeS itchy Skinr reduced appetite, inegula heartbeat And blood pressure RePeated injection at the SanIe Site causes VeinS tofrom ShAring needles.MarijUalIaCOnU
13、ng from the CannabiS SatiVa PIantr MarijUana goes by a Variety Of nicknames SUCh as: dope, grass, POtr Weed and Marj Je. AbUSerS WiII experiencehunger, InaeaSed Ulkativeness, mild illusion and SIOW reactions After COnSlLmPtion.diseases.COUgh medicineCOnImeKlalIy ProdUCed COUgh medicines COntain VaIy
14、mg amounts Of Codeine. SnUll doses Of COdeine effectively reeve CoUgh symptoms but abuse Of COdeine Can Iead to addiction. COUgh Medidne abusers IXUy SUffer from SkePIne5sz dy mouth, difficulty to UriIUCe 徘尿) Iight-Readednessz loss Of appetite and itchmess Of the skin. DePreSSiOlY and confusion are
15、also CommOn Side effects.DrUg5 destroy IiVeS and families and cost society dearly. ChenSh yourlife and Stay away from drugs!21. HOW mav drugs mentioned above Can kill people?A. ZB3C. 4-D. 5.22 What does MOrohiIIe and CoUgh Inedieme have in common?A. The Arebothdeadl B. The ma CaUSe great depression.
16、C. They CAn be USed to treat diseasesD They Will damage OUr immune SyStem.23 VVhat does tle author Lntend to do With this passage?A. TO LntXOdUCe to us different kinds OfdrUgs.B. TO CaIl On US to keep away from drugsC. TO Wanl US Of the great harm Of drugs.D TO tell US SOme StOrieS about drugs.高三冥碼U
17、uI卷JE4貝m2M)Vrhat UUkeS One a great PeWOn? The Iegendary VOiIeybAll COaCh Lang Piiig gave the answer Ln Ihe re<ent documenu, The Iron HammerZ titled after her IUeknAme for her .oWerfUI StrikeS The documenu, featues IJLng,s inshng joume, from her gold medl ViCtOry M a VOlIeyballin th® 14 OIymi
18、jCS to her UllParaIleIed :無可比Iw的)CareeraSaSUCCeSSfUI COaCh for both Team USA from 2005 to 200S and ChLIU since 2013. SheIed the US to a silver medal finish and China to a gold medal triumph in the 2008 and 2016 Qlym9ic Games, making her Che first PerSOn to Wm OIJTnpiC VOIIerbalI gold as a Player And
19、 COadLLang Ping revealed the se<et to SUCh remarkable achievements m the domenury. 'T believe VOIleyball was my destiny/ She IaidBUt glory AndXhalIengHgdhmiilIiUnd. TrOUbIed b, SeVere injuries to her CelviGLl Vertebra fff) back, WaiSl and knees, CaUSed b, intense exerds And hardWOrkr the 60-f
20、ear-old has UndergOne more Chan 10 SUIgenes. 'No PaItS Of my body function well/ She joked.BUt illness is CeHalnIy not the Only difficulty Lang has faced throughout her career. In 2005, She StrUggled With balancing raising her daughter LydIa Bai LaltgZ WhO IiVed in the USZ And her COaChing CaMer
21、f according to ChilU StOHS DaiIr She eventually decided to WOrk for USA VrOIleybaIl that year and this decision AroUSed a IOt Of negative COmmentS back in ChiIU'T'm .md Of being Chinese.'1 Lang responded m An interview Later, She IetUnled to head Che ChineSe WOmen s VoIIeybaII team Ln 20
22、13r leading the team SUCCe55full1 defending its WOrld CUP CrOwll With a PerfeCt record OflI straight wins IaSt year.There is no doubt that Lang is One Of the greatest PhrerS and COaCheS in histor. AS an athlete COmmented In the documentayr MLang PIng is Iike MKhaeI JOrdan in OUr minds.M24. What does
23、 this PaSSage nanly talk about?A. VVay5 to become A great 9erson.B. ReaSOnS for Lang Ping s SUCCeSSC. Lang Ping And her SUCCeSSfUI career.D. Great AthIeteS and their achievements.25. VVhr did Lang Ping go to WOrk for USA VOlleybalI in 2005?A. TO make a big fortune.B. TO take Care Of HerfamilyC. TO a
24、void negative comment*. D TO establish her refutation abroad.26. ¼rhat does the UnderIined SentenCe in ParagraPh 4 PrObably mean? A SUCCeSS COme5 at a FnCeB. ClUIIengeS are as inortantas glory.C. AthIeteS are IikelytO get their hands injured-D. IJmg Ping IUS trouble In achieving her goals.27 Wh
25、yiS MiChaeIJOrdan mentioned at the end Of the PaSsage?X TO honor Che IegendaIy top starB. TO draw Ihe attention OfreaderS to another field.C. TO IlIUStrAte Ihere Are IOtS Ofgreat PeoPIe in Ihe worid.D TO acknowledge Lang Ping,s StatUS and AehieVementS CThe UnfOrgetUbIe ChAraCteW are Often the OneS t
26、hat We Can identify with-Chibi ManLkO-Chan «樓桃小丸子) the HUin CharaCter from Ihe Janes anime SerieS Of Che SanIe ume, is One Of them. MarUkO-Chall is a PrillUry SChoOl girl WhO Oftell makes mistakes and tuts hewelf in difficult situations. VetrfOr those WhO Were bom in Ihe 198OS and IWOs, Chibi M
27、anIkO-Chan helfled them to feel better about themselves as A kid.BUt as these fomg PeOPle grew U(M ManIkodan, did not LaSt month, however, MomOkO SAkUrar tle Creator Of the POtUlar CartOOn series, PaSsed away at Che Ige Of 53I feel so Sad about her deathr WhiCh Came too earlr WTOte SOidU Aidar edto-
28、in*chief Of Rlbbon magazine, WhiCh wt FUbllShed Chibi MarUkO-CIun Ln 1986. 'But the bnght SnnleS Of ManlkO-Chan And he friends WiIl kx. ShInmg in Ihe minds Ofreaders."UnIike many FOPlIlaT CharACteWZ MamkO-Chan isn't ett,. nor does she have any kind Of SFedal ability* In fact, she's
29、IAZy and hates to do chores. BUt this is What makes her SO POPUiar among SO may PeOPIez young and old. ,Manko is not PerfeCt and OWwS All the qualities ofa9-year-old girlshe,s naught, fmny, And OCCaSiOnaIif del>ressed She IS afraid Of exams and IeaVeS her homework UntIl the IaSt day Of the holida
30、y," reported ChineSe WebSiteHUXLater, as MalUkO-Chall graduallf learns the WalS Ofthe world, She COmeS across a IOt Ofproblem5, but her intelligence hels her out. The Carefree girl IS known for herfunnvt¼ise SaVill0 SlKha ' Leave hppess io the Iastina IMMerSeet life/and ,Self-relfence
31、is the SeCtet to COnSiSte nt happiness.*Maruko-ChaiilSfocialexprassiMsateaIsowhat StaV in viewers Wihds-WheIIeVer She feelsa¼¼er<L IiIIeS SUCldealappear on her fece. Or SofnetinateSan unexpected OUStOfVivtd will blo¾vabove her head. TheSeexp«SSionS shwher real feelqs when She
32、sinanUnCOmfOHableeRViro«1 Went½Kh rvost>enPeOPIeCenrela¼tThoUgh MdrUkO ChaB hasalvBvs be" a SracIe three StilcleKt her KIea Ofbei3tre to KetseHteaches US a IOt Her CtediOr may be QOne. but MarUkO<ha ns spirit nd a HIAeIe ZiIlIkrE On for MatlY more years. 23. V/hat isChiW Me
33、rMkOchan knovw for?A Her QOOd IOokSdncI laziness.B. Her ItHeIIioence and OCCaSionaI de pre SSiOeIC Her SPeChI abiliesand ConSiSteat happiness.O. Her facial expressions and interesting Sayilt0s.29. V/hatcanwe IearItabout SoichiAiddaccerdiRo to the passage?A She isa bi0 fan ofJapaneSeCartOohs.B. She S
34、peakS hIQhIvCfMomoko SakUra¢. She ISihecteatorofthe RibboItmaQaZiMeD. She thinksChibi MarNkO-Chan isOIft CfCk)ie30. WhY is MarUkO-Chan SO POPlfWramOfIQ SO many PeoPle?A. BeCaUSe She is perfect in every WB.B. BeCaUSe She COntrilMiteStoourerrojis.C. BeeaUSe She mirrors wha IfttIe QiflS reallyareO
35、. BeCaUSe She has some SPeCiaIabiiitieStomake PeOPIe IaHOh3L Vatcan We infer from this POSSaQe?A. ChiiNMarUkO-Cha teaches WSa IotaboutlifeB. Chibi MarUkO-ChanCiieSattheendCfthe CaKoon series.C. ChibiMarUkO chalt isthe mostfamoMsanirre SerieSinJaPan.D. Chibi MarUkO-Chan is far better knMi in China th
36、an in Japan.DHUWanSalenOStrnoersIowidesptedviruses,aIedChtirr*avaccine 踐苗) is developed, it rves US hope (Orthe future. No¼t 仙 w vor*d is½Mm0fora vaccine to fht COVID 19.SCientiStS vvorldwick have been rolling UPtheir Sleevestoworktosvard Crn effective BOVel CorOnavus vaccine.離三英共12頁)Ullde
37、rthe CoOfdilUtiOn C Wfl) Ofthe V/ord HeaIth Organization (WHO), UPtO 172COUIHrieS have beenea0aiHQ WHh the 'Iaroestand most diverse COVlD19 VaCCine POKfo:io a plan knovnasthe COVAXGobCIl VaCCmeS cilvCOVAX is a SyStem for joint PUrChaSilHl and baIancinq the risks Qf multiple VaCCines. Vena VaCCin
38、e PfoVeStobe SafeaMleffeCtfVe.allcountrieshiHthe fcilr ill be able to access itv accord% to X 睥 IIa The IaniS aimed o ensure that all COUntrie %, RO matter their eco<tcrr ic StMlIsk can 0etthe VeCCiIte ina timel manner ½¼en one ISaVailable Bwlson½kwssethat PriCeSWiIl be keptas Iowa
39、s possibleaaAnMmberofvacciiiesare no¼ in the final StaOeCfCIiniCaltrBIs/ SClidWHO DiraetOr-GeneraI Tedros AcIhanOm QIebreyeSUS On Aug 24, adding that the QQaI of COVAX istodelivera IeaSt 2 billion CioSeSofd VaeCine brthe end of2021.ACCOreIinQ to the WHOr at PfeSent nine PetenthI VecCilteSare PC
40、lrtOfthe portfolio.TOguarantee the equal <cessand feBSSignmeRt Of VOViD19 VCCCiIIethe V/HO Hassaidthatthe WofId needsto PreVent VCeCine IldtiOna I is 比-Contrie S PUttinQ their o¼n inte re StSaheadGfo<her sin tryin0 to secure SUPPIieSOfa POSSibleVe>ccine.VaCCine IUtiOftaIiSmOIIIy helpst
41、hevus/Tedros saic½rnit0that Mwould Iead to a PfOIOlI ed PdndemiC (.,j ifolya SmaIl number OfCoUIttrieS ot rrostofthe SUPPLIAike an orchestra, we Iteed all instruments to be PlaVed in hatmonr Iocreate mMsicthateveryo>e etjr<' he said.Vaccme development IOOkS PrOWiSin0. as SeVeral CeUnt
42、rieS have made Qreat PtQereS2 RUSSia be9an PfedUetiOn of Hs first hatch fa C0VJL9 VocCilte ot Au 15. ccordin4 io its health ministry. It Sthe WorId sfirSt re0istered vs<cie. FOtirChinese VdcCine candidates have Started IRlerBcitioftaI StaOe-Scliaical trials.31 WhiCh ©fthe (OIIoiIto is true a
43、ccording Iothe passage?A. RUSSia is the first CoUntrytOhave made prepress in fhtinQ COviD-19.B. COVAX ensuresall he CoUtHrieSOet the vaccine at the Same te C. V/HO PlaVSan importrt Z in fi0htm9 COW I3.D. SCientiSthaVe PrOdUCed 2 billion dose SGfVCCCilIe s.33. WiIat,sthe author'sattHiide towardsv
44、<cine nationalism?A. SUPPOHfVeB. CrHiCaL C.Optimistic. D. Sympathetic.34. TedIOSCOmParedfiQhtinqCOVrID-Idioanorchestra toA. sho¾v his deep IoVe <ornms5三英悟IXUM卷?B8頁(共1頂)B. make the PaSSage more iMeresti9 C illustrate the SimilarilieS in betweenD. StreSSthe irpoHance OfCOOPeratiOn35. VZhMca
45、n be e best title for tte text?A. UniteCIforVaCCmeB. VaCCme 0«ItheVyC FightiII9 againstCOW 19D. SaygOOdbyetoCOvlD 19第二節(jié)(共B小J® :毎小Bl 2分満分10分)HltUXS文內容從短文后的迭項中迭出能瑣入空臼達的最佳選卬迭EI中有 兩卬為多余選迥At SOme Point she VOU s reach ild. a trusted adult Iikely o!d VOU that if。 held a seashell UPtOyoUrear. MeI
46、 Kearthe ocea3t Seashellsare IIOt SPeCElI CaPSUleSthat have StOfedthe Soundsoftheir BatiVe howes.But¼¼ateaCtlyiSthatrMShin9 soundhearing? 37_ TheS0«IndOfdnemptySheII heldMPtotheeariscreatedbve<hoes(I) frowSOUlIdSmaCkinthe environment" Geerat J. VermeiL a CliStiIIgUiShed PtOfeS
47、SGr Of Edrth and PIanetary Sciencesatthe UnrversityofCaIifofHiav told us.託 OtherStruetUfeSWith opening sk Iikee mpty boxvl sorbOHleslCeIlPrOCluce Similar SOUnCl' V/heethe noise around MShitSthe internal SMrfaCe OfthiShald SeaSheILmNe ref CtiOftoCCllrSeBIVerngl Whethervo<1 hod a Seashellotthe
48、month 0fanenip bovvlaroud yeurear, you experience the OCeall- Iike sou*dqualitr asa resaHOfa PheiIOmenon CalIeeI "resonance.*39 savsthat VOU re hearif9he SOUnel Cf IOUrOV rushin9 blood in your body. Brt SCe IttiStS a Iso ch rifythat doesn't ChaItgw ½h VariMiOllcGlIlseof blood PreSSUre.
49、 AllthisispethapsabHuniniportaRt but a rr»cf interesting question is ¼ht COlltrSthefre<uenciesof echoes * Vetmeiddded. indictithctthere*sa need for further research into ShaeV Volilme and SheII thickness in relation to pch. Actually. MlOUpUta ShelltOyOUrearOnthe beech .thw SoUndSyO41 he
50、ar will c!ude Partly_SOme OCean nmses.JL TheAme 4pesioe shells.B. The answer is IeSS 叫StiCaLC. ThiSeffeCt is net limited to shells.D. Nvv IoU PtObabIV know th at th is is Het tne.E SCieRtiStSareWOfking hard tofmd the answer.F. MaybetheOrigmal myth is not cowpleleIy faIseG There,sanother eXOlanOio Ii
51、 IOrthe rushing SoUnCl ina SeaSheII 鬲三英iR試Mttm (12W)第二85分英語知識運用 第一節(jié)完裂填空(共20小SJ:每小8|1上分満分8O .閱讀下面短文從短文后各JS所給的四個迭項(A B C和D)中選出可 以«1入空白迪的嚴佳迭項IHthe PleCeSSof CeIebratinQ mv GOth birtcby wh a W<ky kindnesschallen9e.I 9tthe greatest biHhdav SUrPffiSefVom mv da 119 h <e r i Whenthey a ed mevAatl
52、 Jl or mv birthday.Isaiclv'lease doa%act for SomeOne my 43 ,TheY took it SBY 44 They got in -g*h all m IriendSandfamiIV Werrbersandaskedthemtocio the 46 th ing Ihad asked of them, a smy IMrthday 47j. Thewthey asked them to the mafterthev had done their 49 a nd el I them¼atthev had done. The
53、y also asked the ir f rie nds to do the same.On my birthdav, Iwbs PreSeltted WHh a 50 SCraPbOok (In帖簿)filled vh PKtUreSalKlallthekinCIneSSaCtSwtiHenoUtthcirvwords. 51 meatthey had ClOne and hov H rrade them IeeLThe acts' rn9ed froM Z2. Iwquentftyer ms(飛行稅分 SO SOfVeOne COUld vistheir Mom. ShoHelI
54、in9 ShOlVerSadUratiott) tohelpwith theGter 53.bringing a elderly neighbor COffee in the morning, StOPPif19 to bn# a 54 PerSon IUHCh. 55 at a Red CrOSS blood drive. to ma, manr OthernEeautifMl 9e stwIcannctlell you hw-StJ5GS k>r IhisgiftaHdeven moteIowchedthattheb y0un9 adultfriends would7 Xith su
55、ch IeVe and enthusesn Icannot a bettergift Ishare this StofyWith 仙亡立2 that matv a beautifu someone* PaSSeSOn this idea. ThejorofitisF41 A. we nied42 A. brightness43. A. reputation44. Afarther45> A.trouble4i. A. various47. A. PreSeIrt4& A.talk«o49. A. behaviour50. A. SimPleB. plannedKkind
56、nessRbeliefBkdeeperB-PreCiOUSB. PrOmiSeR e toB. responsibilityB. CompIieatedC. TecommendedChappinessC. honorC. b99erC. touchU MeaniIIgfUlC. COntribUtiOIlC. SuIreatC. matterC. gor9eousD. $11$XCteCID. c,olHenessD. trustD. greaterD. uneD. SameD. SeerffiCeD. IOOlCafterD. actD. various高三英諂試Wttffiiom 共mm)
57、51 AWamlng52. A. ProVidIng53. A-Shonage54. A. fearlessB. remindingB. donating B. POlIUtiOnB. homelessC. tellingC. IendillgC. impact C. seUlessD explaming D. objecting D. disasterD. CareIe5$55. A. PraCtising56. A.disturt>eaB. instructing B. MtishedC. InonitOring C. touchedD VolunteenniD. disappomte;57. A. demonwrateB. IlIUStrateC. PK)POSeD PArtiClPate58. A. IOOkIntoB. think OfC. make outD PiekUP59. A. hopeB. decisionG factD. OPLIUOn60 A. ChaiIenglngB. fascinatingCaPPealingD. IStOniShmg第二節(jié)(共10小趣:每小Sl5分満分15分閱讀下面材待在空白處填入適當?shù)?/p>
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