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1、中考英語真題匯編非謂語動詞【甘肅 ?蘭州】 32. We have two rooms _, but I can tdecide _.A. to live, to choose which one C. to live in, which one to chooseB. lived, choose which oneD. live, which one答案: C【解析】 本題考查動詞不定式的用法。根據(jù)句意:我們有兩間屋子去居住,但是我不知道選擇哪一個。第一個句子的live in 的 in 不能省略。 “選擇哪一個 ”用 “ whichone to choose ?!惫蔬x C?!緩V東 ·

2、;廣州】 21. The teacher told the students _ any food into the computer room.A. not to bring B. not bring C. don tbring D. bring not 答案: A【解析】非謂語動詞。tell sb. not to do sth. 意為 “告訴某人不要做某事”,因此答案為A ?!緩V東 ·廣州】 23. We don't have much homework this weekend. Shall we go out together? OK. What about _ a

3、movie?A. to seeB seeingC. to seeD. sees答案: B【解析】非謂語動詞。介詞后加動詞的ing 形式,因此答案為B 。【四川 ?內(nèi)江】Mr. Yang sdaughter is pretty good _ drawing pictures and won many prizes.A. withB. forC. inD. at答案 D【解析】 be good at doing 擅長做某事,故答案選【四川 ?達州】 24. Why not _ an English club to practice _ English?A. to join; to speak B.

4、 join; speaking C. join; to speak D. to join; speaking 答案【解析】本題考查的是why not + 動詞原形結(jié)構(gòu);Practice 后跟動名詞,故答案應選精品文庫【重慶】 32. James, I mtoo tired. Let sstop _ a rest.A. havingB. haveC. to havingD. to have答案【解析】 stop doing 停止正在干的事;stop to do 停止正在干的事去干另外一件事。故答案選D ?!竞??荊州】 19. Are you going to Tibet for vacati

5、on? Yes. I want you to _ me with some information about it.A offerB give C showD provide答案: D【河南】 24 Father often tells metoo much time on computer games.A don tspendB not spendC not to spendD not spending答案:A【解析】 考查非謂語動詞。tell 后接不定式作賓語補足語?!緸H坊】 19At least 300 million people are using QQ _ by Ma Huate

6、ng to chat on lineA createBcreatesCcreatingD created答案:D【解析】 非謂語動詞 。句中 created by Ma Huateng 用來修飾說明QQ ,creat 與 QQ 之間存在被動關(guān)系,應該使用creat 的過去分詞,所以,正確答案為項。【山東 ?泰安】 30. I cantdecide _. You mean the purple sweater or the blue one?A. how to go thereB. who to go withC. where to visitD. which to choose答案:D【解析】

7、 非謂語動詞的動詞不定式。四個答語均是疑問詞加不定式在句中作賓語,根據(jù)第二句知不同顏色的衣服只能是選擇,其他均不符合句義?!旧綎| ?泰安】 36. How aboutgoing shoppingthisweekend,Peter? Sorry.Iprefer_ratherthan_.A.tostayathome,gooutB. togoout,stayathomeC.stayingathome,gooutD.goingout,stayathome答案: D【解析】 動詞用法。 prefer to do rather than do 意為“寧愿 - 而不愿”。根據(jù)句義,“寧愿呆在家里而不愿出去”

8、?!窘K·鹽城】14.Weare alllookingforwardtomorethanHK$6 , 500fortheOxfam.A . raiseB. raisingC . be raisedD . bei ng raised答案 B【解析】 look forward to+ 動名詞,故答案選B 。歡迎下載2精品文庫【黑龍江·齊齊哈爾】29 _English well, he practice speaking English every day.A.LearnB.LearningC.Tolearn答案 C【解析】不定式做目的狀語,故答案選。【湖北·孝感】28

9、 Jacktook aninterestin_ping- pong soon aft erhe cametoChina.A . playingB . playsC. playD. played答案【解析】介詞后應該用動名詞形式,故答案選A?!窘?#183;南昌】30一 Mary dances best ill our sch001 -Iagree I ll never forget _ her dance for the first time A seeingB to seeC seeD seen答案 A【解析】本題題意為“瑪麗是我們學校跳舞最好的?!薄拔彝?,我永遠不會忘記第一次看她跳舞的

10、時候。”考查非謂語性動詞的用法, forget to do sth 表示“忘記去做某事(事情未做)”; forget doing sth 表示“忘記做過某事(事情已經(jīng)完成)”,本題中“看她跳舞”這件事已經(jīng)發(fā)生過,因此答案為A ?!靖V葜锌?】 Don tforget _ your history and politics books tomorrow morning. Thanks. I won t.A. bring B. to bring C. bringing答案: B【解析】考查forget to 與forget doing sth. 的用法。forget to “忘記要做某事(事情未做

11、) ”;forget doing sth. “忘記曾經(jīng)做過某事(事情已做) ”。句意: 不要忘記帶來你的歷史和政治書。 多謝。我不會的。故選 B?!靖V葜锌肌?We all like Miss Wang. I agree with you. She always makes her English classes _.A. interested B. interest C. interesting答案: C【解析】考查make + sb. + adj. 的用法。句意: 我們都喜歡王老師。 我同意你的意見。她總是使她的英語課堂有趣。Interested 修飾人而interesting 則修飾物。

12、故選C?!菊憬贾荨?4.Nick,wouldyoumind_thoseoldjeans?Theylookterrible.A.nottowearB.notwearC.wearingnotD.notwearing答案: D【解析】 mind 的用法。 mind 后面跟動詞ing,否定形式為mind not doing 。故選 D。【山東濰坊】29. The new treatments _by Norman Bethune helped a number of soldiers.A. inventB. inventsC, inventingD. invented答案: D歡迎下載3精品文庫【解

13、析】考查分詞用法。 句意為“由白求恩發(fā)明的新的治療方法幫助了很多的士兵?!眎nvented為過去分詞作后置定語。故選 D?!旧坳枴?28. I spent a lot of time _ English last weekend.A. to practice speaking B. practicing to speak C. practicing speaking 答案: C【解析】考查spend 的用法。 spend + doing 形式; practice+ 動詞的 ing 形式。故選C?!緩V安市】 31. What do you usually do at weekends? I of

14、ten practice _English.A. speakB. to speakC. speaking答案: C【解析】動詞用法。practice doing sth 。練習干某事。【蘭州】23. One of the difficulties we haveEnglish is how to remember new words and expressions.A. to learnB. in learningC. learnD. learned答案: B【解析】固定用法。have difficulty ( in ) doing sth.做某事有困難,句意“我們學習英語的一個困難是怎樣記住

15、新的單詞和表達”,因此選B?!咎m州】 27. We can't work out the physics problem. Can you tell us?A. how to do B. what to do it C. how to do it D. what should to do 答案: C【解析】疑問詞后接動詞不定式。句意“我們不能算出這個物理難題,你能告訴我們怎樣算出來”, what 可作為 do 的賓語, how 不可作為do 的賓語,因此后需加代詞it,因此選C?!旧綎|臨沂】27. If prices rise too high, the government has

16、to do something _ it.A. stopB. stoppedC. stoppingD. to stop答案: D【解析】 動詞不定式的用法。由句意 “如果物價漲的太高,政府就不得不采取措施來阻止?!眲釉~不定式在句中作目的狀語,說明“采取措施”的目的是“來阻止物價上漲”。故選 D?!旧綎|泰安】 33. I feel tired and sleepy. Why not stop _ for a while?A. rest B. to rest C. resting D. rested答案: B【解析】動詞的用法。 stop to do 表示停下來干另一件事; stop doing

17、表示停下正在進行的動作。根據(jù)句意,你為什么不停下(工作)來休息一會呢?【山東威?!?4.What time do you expect her_?A. arriveB. is arrivingC. arrivingD. to arrive答案: D【解析】考查動詞的用法。expect sb to do sth 意為“期望 /期待某人做某事”,符合題意。【山東威?!?7.This math problem is too difficult. Can you show me_, George?A. what to work outB. to work it outC. how to work it

18、 outD. how to work out it答案: C【解析】考查“疑問詞+不定式結(jié)構(gòu)”和動詞短語。work out 是動詞 +副詞短語,故代詞作賓語時,要放在動詞和副詞之間,這里是疑問詞加不定式在句中作賓語,根據(jù)題意是指“如何解答出來”,故選 C。【四川內(nèi)江】37. Teachers often tell us _ in the river after school.歡迎下載4精品文庫A. don't swimB. not swimC. not to swim答案: C【解析】固定詞組。tell sb. not to do sth. 告訴某人不要做某事。故選C。【山西】23.

19、Drivers shouldn tbeallowed_afterdrinking,ortheywillbreakthelaw.A.driveB.drivingC.todrive答案: C【解析】非謂語動詞的用法。Beallowedtodosth 為固定搭配意為 “被允許做某事” 。因此選 C。【貴州貴陽】43. Many students said that they were willing to work hard to make their dreams_true.A. comeB. cameC. comes答案: A【解析】這里考查的是make 的用法, make sb. do sth

20、.讓某人做某事。故選A 。( 湖南岳陽中考)22.Would you mindme howEnglish words?A. tell; to rememberB. telling; rememberC. telling; to remember解析:本題考查mind dong sth. “介意做某事”和“疑問詞+動詞不定式”結(jié)構(gòu),故答案選 C。意為:請你告訴我怎樣記單詞,好嗎?【雅安】 13. Please tell the students _ too much noise in class.A.tomakeB.totakeC.nottotakeD.nottomake答案: C【 解 析 】

21、 考 查 不 定 式 的 用 法 。 其 句 式 結(jié) 構(gòu) 肯 定 形 式 為 : tell sb. to do sth.; 否 定 形 式為: tell sb not to do sth. 句意為“請告訴學生們在課上不要發(fā)出太多噪聲”。可知為否定結(jié)構(gòu),故選 C?!敬髴c】 9. The thief was noticed _the office building by the back door on the screen.A. enter B. enter intoC. to enter D. to enter into答案: C【本溪】 11. The mountain _ with sno

22、w all year round, so it shardtoclimbit.A. covered B. was covered C. is covered D. covers 答案: C【寧夏】 ( )34. Look! We can't cross the bridge. It _ _by some workers.A. repairsB. is repairedC. is being repairedD. is repairing答案: C【涼山】 I think teenagers should _ to get their ears pierced. I agree with

23、 you.A.areallowedB.notbeallowedC.notallowed答案: B解析:考查被動語態(tài)。情態(tài)動詞should 的被動結(jié)構(gòu)為should (not) be done 結(jié)構(gòu),故選B 項?!緩V西崇左】39Mom!Would you mind me _table tennis ?歡迎下載5精品文庫A.playB.playedC.toplayD.playing【解析】 D 考查點:考察句型。解題思路:would mind ?表示“介意嗎?”其后跟動詞的ing 形式。故選D ?!緩V西貴港】37. We went to the beach last Sunday, and we

24、had great fun _ volleyball.A.playB.playingC.playedD.toplay答案: B【解析】 考查點: have fun。解題思路: have fun “過的高興” 其后跟動詞ing 形式。 故選 B?!緩V西賀州】43. Parents often ask us_waterinourlife.A. saveB.savinC.tosaveD.saves答案: C【解析】考查點:考察動詞ask 的用法。解題思路:ask sb to do sth 表示“讓某人去干某事”故選 C?!境恢荨?28. The old men are playing chess.

25、Would you mind _.A. turning downB. turn downC. turns down答案: A【解析】考查動詞mind 的用法。 mind 后接動詞現(xiàn)在分詞形式?!境恢荨?29. What could I get my father for Father's Day? _getting him a tie?A. Why notB. How aboutC. Why don't you答案: B【解析】 考查句式Why not ?和 How about?的用法。 根據(jù)題干中的getting 形式, 應用 B,A 與 C 結(jié)構(gòu)后接動詞原形;【河源】 41

26、.Remember _ the book to the library when you finish _ it.A.toreturn;toreadB.returning;readingC.toreturn;readingC.returning;toread答案:C【泰州】8. At present, many people would rather _ in the country because there is _ pollution in the city.A.live,moreB.tolive,lessC.live,lessD.tolive,more答案:【重慶江津】32.Teachers always tell mecomputergamestoomuch.A. not to play B. to play C. not play D. plays 答案: A歡迎下載6精品文庫【重慶江津】39.She used tointhemorning,butnowsheisusedtoatnight.A.read,readB.read,readingC.reading,readD.reading,reading答案: B【山東煙臺】35.When I was walking past the window, I noticed Wang Fei_ my homework.


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