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1、初中英語(yǔ)重點(diǎn)詞匯句型匯總(新人教版)1. Good morning.   早上好。2. Good afternoon.    下午好。3. How are you .  Im fine,thank you .    你好么?我很好,謝謝。4. Are you fine today?    你今天還好么?5. Whats your name?    你叫什么名字?6. This is my twin brot

2、her,  這是我的雙胞胎兄弟。7. What is it ?    Its a photo of my family.    這是什么?這是我的一張全家福8. Who is she ?   She is my sister.      她是誰(shuí)?她是我的姐妹。9. Whos this man ?  He is my father. 這個(gè)男的是誰(shuí)?他是我的爸爸 。    

3、0;               10. Whats he ?       He is a doctor.          他是干什么工作的? 他是一位醫(yī)生。11. Is this your mother ? Yes, shes a worker. 這是你的媽媽么?是,她是一名工人。12

4、. Are we classmates ? Yes ,we are .        我們是同學(xué)么?是的,我們是同學(xué)。13. How old are you ?   Im twelve.         你多大了?  我十二歲了。14. Hes my cousin Andy.          &#

5、160;               他是我的堂兄安蒂。15. Hes polite and helpful .                        他很有禮貌而且樂于助人。16. She is short and sl

6、im .                          她又矮又瘦。17. He is tall and strong .                  

7、0;       他又高又壯。18. He is from England .Hes English .       他來(lái)自英格蘭,他是英國(guó)人。19. I have a photo here .                       

8、    我這邊有張照片。20. Let me have a look .                          讓我看一下。21. Is this their dog ?           

9、60;                  這是他們的狗么?22. Do you know this boy ?                         你認(rèn)識(shí)這個(gè)男孩么?23. Lo

10、ok at them .                               看他們。24. They are happy too .             &

11、#160;             他們也很高興。25. All my new classmates                         我所有的新同學(xué)26. Open/Close the door .  &

12、#160;                       打開/關(guān)上門。27. Stand up ./  Sit down .                     &#

13、160;  站起來(lái)/坐下。28. clean the window                             擦窗戶29. go to school            &#

14、160;                    去學(xué)校30. You are late .Dont be late again .                你遲到了。別再遲到了。31. There are sixteen boys and fourtee

15、n girls in my class . 我們班里有十六個(gè)男孩和十四個(gè)女孩。32. an art room                                    一間美術(shù)室33. a poster   

16、                                    一張招貼畫34. fifteen rubbers           

17、;                      十五塊橡皮35. eighteen pencils                        

18、60;                              十八支鉛筆36. twenty students                &#

19、160;                                      二十個(gè)學(xué)生37. Is this your school ?        

20、                      這是你的學(xué)校么?38. Is there a computer room in your school ?                 你的學(xué)校有一個(gè)電腦房么?39. fo

21、otball field                                                 

22、;           足球場(chǎng)40. How many classrooms are there in your school ?         你的學(xué)校有多少間教室?41. an office                  

23、0;                                               一個(gè)辦公室42. a toilet 


25、60;                一間廁所43. a library                               

26、60;                                   一個(gè)圖書館44. Are there three buildings in Toms school ?       

27、;   湯姆的學(xué)校里有三座大樓。45. Are there three art rooms in Building C ?              在 C 棟大樓里有三間美術(shù)室46. Is there a playground in Toms school ?              

28、  湯姆的學(xué)校里有一個(gè)操場(chǎng)么?47. How many halls are there in your school ?             你的學(xué)校里有幾個(gè)禮堂?48. There are two hundred students in my school .         我的學(xué)校有兩百個(gè)學(xué)生。49. On the ground floor .&#

29、160;                                                 &#

30、160;在一樓(英式)50. On the first floor .                                            &

31、#160;     在一樓(美式)在二樓(英式)51. There arent any libraries in my school ,but there are some reading rooms . 我們學(xué)校沒有圖書館,但有閱覽室52. Are there any libraries in the school ?                   學(xué)校里有圖

32、書館么?53. basketball court                                              

33、          籃球場(chǎng)54. dining hall                                     

34、                           食堂55. reading room                    

35、                                         閱覽室56. where is the bird ?  Its in the tree .

36、0;                      小鳥在哪?它在樹上。57. where are the students ?They are on the playground .   學(xué)生們?cè)谀??他們?cè)诓賵?chǎng)上。58. on the left/right of         &

37、#160;                                 在左邊/在右邊59. whats in the tree ?            

38、                                         什么東西在樹上?60. Some boats are on tne lake .   &

39、#160;                                    湖上有一些船。61. behind the tree         


41、0;         在樹的后面62. under the chair                                     

42、60;                               在椅子的下面63. come  here                


44、      到這兒來(lái)64. in the middle of                                         

45、0;                         在的中間65. between the two flowers                    &#

46、160;                                  在兩朵花的中間66. whats in the box ?            &

47、#160;                                                 盒子里是什么

48、?67. what colour is it/are they ?                                            

49、60;       它/它們是什么顏色68. what are these ?  They are Dads black trousers .            這些是什么?它們是爸爸的黑褲子。69. her yellow blouse                

50、;                                                 她的黃色的襯衫70.

51、 her pink sweater                                               &

52、#160;                   她的粉紅色的毛衣71. his brown cap                           

53、;                                           他的棕色的帽子72. his red T-shirt   &#

54、160;                                                 &#

55、160;                他的紅色的短袖襯衫73. his blue jeans                             

56、0;                                         他的藍(lán)色的牛仔褲74. her grey skirt     &

57、#160;                                                 &

58、#160;               他的灰色的裙子75. whose bike is it ?                              &

59、#160;                                   它是誰(shuí)的車?76. Here is your coat .          &

60、#160;                                                 &

61、#160;   這是你的外套77. Take your kites .                                          

62、60;                       把你們的風(fēng)箏拿走。78. Here you are                        

63、                                               給你79. Here they are .An

64、d here are your socks .                  它們?cè)谶@兒,這是你的襪子。80. Here are my pictures .                     

65、0;                                     這是我的圖片。81. Do you have a camera ?        

66、                                                你有一架相機(jī)么?82. comic

67、 book                                                 &

68、#160;                       漫畫書83. Do you have any bats ?                      &

69、#160;                                  你有球拍么?84. model plane            


71、60;          模型飛機(jī)85. whose ball is this ?Is it yours?  No, its not mine ,its hers . 這是誰(shuí)的球?是你的么?不,不是我的,它是她的。86. every student has                     &

72、#160;                           每個(gè)學(xué)生有87. what do they have in their lockers ?              

73、0;            他們的儲(chǔ)物柜里有些什么?88. a pair of glasses                                &

74、#160;                           一副眼鏡89. what about Millie ?                  

75、60;                                     米莉怎么樣?90. beside           


77、60;     在旁邊91. sports shoes                                          &

78、#160;                      運(yùn)動(dòng)鞋92. whose  watch  is  this ?                    &#

79、160;                       這是誰(shuí)的手表?93. Are these hair clips yours ?                    

80、0;                       這些發(fā)卡是你的么?94. I dont have any yellow hair clips .                   

81、60;             我沒有黃色的發(fā)卡。95. Whose bats are these ?                               

82、60;                  這些是誰(shuí)的球拍?96. Who has a pet in your class ?   Many students have .     你們班誰(shuí)有寵物?很多學(xué)生都有。97. What pets are they ?         &#

83、160;                                            他們是些什么寵物?98. We can play football the

84、re .                                            我們可以在那兒踢足球99. You cant bring your dog

85、 here .                               你不能把你的狗帶到這兒來(lái)。100. Look at the sign .            

86、;                                              看這個(gè)標(biāo)志。101. watch TV  &#

87、160;   看電視 listen to music       聽音樂102. fly kites                                  &

88、#160;                                    放風(fēng)箏103. ride a bike      騎車 smoke     &

89、#160;  抽煙 use a mobile        打手機(jī)104. do ones homework                                  &#

90、160;                   做的家庭作業(yè)105. look for things on the Internet                         

91、              在英特網(wǎng)上搜索東西106. take the newspaper home                              

92、0;                把報(bào)紙拿回家107. Can I bring my bag here ?                            

93、60; 我能把我的包拿到這兒來(lái)么?108. Can I eat here ?                                           

94、;                 我能在這兒吃東西么?109. cross the road                             

95、;                                 過馬路110. wait for                


97、;     等待    111. park her bike under the tree                         把她的自行車停在樹下112. look for the right place       

98、;                                           尋找合適的地方113. bring her bag into   


100、60;   把她的包帶進(jìn). 114. use a shopping basket                                          

101、60;        使用購(gòu)物籃115. look up and down                                       

102、;                 上下看看116. where can I put my football ?                        我能把我的足球放在哪兒?117. Can

103、 we put Sign 1 in Happy Park?              我能把標(biāo)志1放在快樂公園么?118. Where can we put it ?                        

104、60;     我們能把它放在哪兒?119. Get up.                                         

105、;                               起床120. What time is it ?               

106、0;                                            現(xiàn)在幾點(diǎn)?121. Hurry up .   &

107、#160;                                                 &

108、#160;              加快點(diǎn)。122. a Chinese lesson    一堂語(yǔ)文課 a Maths lesson     一堂數(shù)學(xué)課123. a Computer lesson                

109、0;                                       一堂計(jì)算機(jī)課124. Do you go to school at seven thirty ?   

110、60;           你在七點(diǎn)半去學(xué)校么?125. We play basketball only on Thursday .              我們只在星期四打籃球。126. Do you have a Computer lesson today?            


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