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1、江蘇省小學畢業(yè)英語試卷姓名 班級 分數(shù) 聽力部分(25分)一、聽錄音,選出聽到的單詞。(5分) ( )1AThursday Bthirsty Cthirty ( )2Atree Bthree Cstreet ( )3Asouth Bnorth Cearth ( )4Awest Bdesk Cwet ( )5Acool Bcold Cold 二、聽錄音,選出聽到的句子。(5分)( )1AIs New York in the northwest of America?BIs New York in the north of America?CIs New York in the northeast

2、 of America?( )2. AMarys mother is doing some washing at homeBMarys mother is doing some cleaning at homeCMarys mother is doing some shopping at the supermarket( )3AAre the girls of Class Four playing basketball in the playground?BAre the girls of Class Four playing volleyball in the playground?CAre

3、 the girls of Class Four playing football in the playground?( )4AWhich book is the boy in red reading?BWhich book is the boy in white reading?CWhich book is the boy in green reading? ( )5AThe weather in Shanghai now is wonderful BThe weather in Guangzhou now is good CThe weather in Lhasa now is fine

4、 三、判斷你所聽到的內容是否與所給的句子意思一致,一致用“T”,不一致用“F”表示。(5分) ( )1I like a cup of coffee now ( )2Its half past seven now ( )3Miss Wang is Chinese ( )4Jack is a good swimmer ( )5Six oclock is Toms dinner time 四、根據(jù)聽到的描述,選擇正確的答案。(5分) ( )1Aa long ruler Ba short ruler Ca small ruler ( )2Aan old man Ba little boy Ca you

5、ng man ( )3Aa thin girl Ba small girl Ca fat girl ( )4Aa tall tree Ba short tree Ca young tree ( )5Aa fat ball Ba big ball Ca thin ball 五、根據(jù)錄音內容填空,完成下列短文。(5分) Tomorrow is our open day(開放日)Our father and mother can come to our school and have a lookThey must get to our school at_They can go to our_fi

6、rst and watch our lessonsThen they will go to the_to watch Class Five pupils playing football match. After that,our father and mother will have a meeting in the_The teachers will have a talk with our father and motherWe will have _a day for our father and mother筆試部分(75分)六、找出在意義上不屬于同類的詞,將字母代號寫在括號內。(5

7、分)( )1 Aspring Bsummer Cautumn Dweather( )2. A. bread Bmeat Capple Dbutter( )3 Acupboard Bdesk Cwindow Dchair( )4Asunny Brain Ccloudy Dsnowy( )5Athe Bnear Cbehind Don七、詞匯。(5分) 根據(jù)首字母提示寫出單詞,完成句子:1一 Thank you very much! 一 With P_2W _ comes after Tuesday3What do you have for b_?4This is Peters e_ life5F

8、_is the second month of year八、選詞填空。(5分)用for,at,on,to,like,for,in front of, from填空:1. Whats the weather_in Shanghai?2A storm is coming_South China Sea3Heres the weather report _ tomorrow4Mr.Smith has many pigs_his farm5Father is cleaning his car the house6I get up_six oclock in the morning7We are eat

9、ing dinner the table8。Its raining.We can watch TV home9What can I do_you?10Its five_ twelve in the morning九、用所給單詞的適當形式填空。(10分)1Linda Can swim very fastShe is a good_ (swim)2Its lateWe cant play any_ (long)3Mary is much_ (good)today4That is a new boy. _ (He)name is Jack5一Heres your book一_ (Thank)a lo

10、t6Today is the_ (nine)of June7I_ (have)a shower this time yesterday8Sam was in the_ (sit)room just now9Lucy writes_ (carefully)than Lily10My father_ (read)a newspaper last night十、選出與畫線部分意義相近的詞組或句子。(10分) ( )1Excuse me. Wheres Shanghai Zoo? AHow far is BHow Can I get to CWhere Can I go to( )2Which app

11、le do you want? Ado you like Bwould you want Cwould you like( )3You can go to Zhongshan Park on foot Awalk to Zhongshan Park Bgo to Zhongshan Park by foot Cgo to Zhongshan Park by walk ( )4Rose and Jane are in the same class Aclassmates Bschoolmates Cdeskmates ( )5. The girl in white is Jane Ahas a

12、white dress BWith a white dress Cwearing a white dress ( )6Its ten five Aten to five Bten past five Cfive past ten ( )7Where are you from? Aare you coming Bdo you come from Cdo you from ( )8一Im hungryCan I eat some bread? 一Certainly AThata great BSure CYes,I call ( )9The boys of our school like to p

13、lay football A1ike playing Bto like play C1ike play ( )10.They had a good time at the party last Sunday Ahad many time Benjoyed themselves Chad many friends with them十一、選擇填空。(12分) ( )1My sister can_wellShes a good_ Asinging,singer Bsing,singer Csing,singing ( )2_chase the ducks! ACant Bdont CDont( )

14、3_,the music is nice! ALook BListen CHear ( )4What do sheep like? AThey like corn B.They like grass CIt likes grass ( )5一Are you_?一Yes,we are Apostman Bpostmen Cthe postman ( )6It was_eggNow it is a caterpillar Aa Ban Cthe ( )7一Would you like some milk? 一 _ AYes,I like BNo,I dont CNo,thanks. ( )8一Ex

15、cuse me,wheres Red Flag School? You Can_a No21 bus Aby Btaking Ctake ( )9Its lateLets_ Ago to home Bgo home Cgo to the home ( )10一Whose desk is this?一Its_ ATims and Jims BTim and Jims C. Tim and Jim( )11We played_at nine oclock in a music lesson Adrum Bdrums Cthe drum十二、根據(jù)要求改寫句子。(8分) 1John has lunch

16、 at school every day(對畫線部分提問)_ 2Lingling gets up at six oclock(現(xiàn)在進行時)_ 3I like the small apple(否定句)_ 4That tall man is MrWhite(對畫線部分提問)_ 5What time do you go to school?(一般過去時)_ 6Its warm in spring and cool in autumn in Shanghai(對畫線部分提問)_ 7I read English every day(對畫線部分提問)_8Mr.Black call speak very g

17、ood Chinese(畫線部分提問)_十三、閱讀理解。(15分) A.閱讀短文后做出判斷,符合短文意思用“T”表示,不符合用“F”表示。(5分)What am I? I was born(出生)in a small riverWhen I was young,the river was my homeI did not know my father or mother,but I had many,many brothers and sistersI swam and played with them At that time I did not look like my father or

18、 motherI had no legs,but I had a long tail(尾巴)So I looked like a fish Then my tail became shorter and shorter(變得越來越短)And now I have four legs and a very short tail I know Im going to have no tail at all soon(不久)Im going to be like my father and motherThen Im going to jump out of the waterIm going to

19、 live on the land(陸地)and in the water too,Im going to eat a lot of insects(昆蟲)一a lot of bad insects What am I? T or F: ( )1The river was my home when I was born ( )2I had no father or mother,but I had many brothers and sisters ( )3I was a fish when I was a young ( )4Im going to look like my father a

20、nd mother ( )5Im an insect B根據(jù)短文內容,回答問題。(10分)The Crow(烏鴉)and the Fox A crow is sitting in a big treeShe has a big piece of meat in her mouth“My babies will have a nice breakfast,”she thinks An old fox is looking for(尋找)his breakfastHe sees the crow and the meat“How can I get that piece of meat?” he

21、thinks “Good morning,Mrs Crow,”says the fox sweetly“How are you?” But the crow doesnt say a word(詞)“You have very nice babies,Mrs Crow,”says the fox very sweetly“How are they ? May I see them ? ”Still(仍然),the crow doesnt say a word “You are very beautiful,Mrs CrowAnd you have a beautiful voice(聲音),t

22、oo,”says the fox veryvery sweetly“Will you sing a song for me?” Mrs Crow thinks,“How nice Mr Fox is! I must sing him a song”So she opens her mouth,“Caw! Caw! ”(烏鴉的叫聲)Down drops(掉下)the meat into the foxs mouth Questions:1What does the crow have in her mouth?_2What is the old fox looking for?_ 3The fo

23、x says “Good morning”to the crowDoes she say anything? 4Why(為什)does the crow open her mouth?_5Who gets the meat at last(最后)?_十四、讀短文,用五個英語句子將短文寫完。(5分) Today is Childrens DayIts sunnyThe pupils are having an Ehglish evening on the playground_參考答案 一、 1. Thursday 2. three 3. north 4. wet 5. cool 1. A 2.

24、 B 3. B 4. C 5. A 二、 1. Is New York in the northeast of America? 2. Mary's mother is doing some cleaning at home. 3. Are the girls of Class Four playing basketball in the playground? 4. Which book is the boy in white reading? 5. The weather in Lhasa now is free. 1. C 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. C 三、 1. A

25、cup of coffee is what I like now. 2. It' s seven thirty now. 3. Miss Wang is from China. 4. Jack doesn't like swimming. But he' s good at running. 5. It' s six o' clock in the morning. It' s time for Tom to have his breakfast. 1.T 2.T 3. T 4. F 5. F 四、 1. This is a ruler. It

26、is not long. 2. That is a man. He is twenty-three. He is not old. 3. That girl eats a lot every day. She is not thin. 4. This is a tree. It is big. It is not short. 5. A football is big. But the pingpong ball is not big. 1. B 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. B 五、 Tomorrow is Friday. It' s our open day. Your fa

27、ther and mother can come to visit our school. They must get to our school at half past eight. They can go to the classroom first. They can sit in the classrooms to watch the lessons.Then they will go to the playground. The boys of Class Five are going to have a football match. At about eleven o' clock, your father and mother are going to have a meeting in the library. In the library,they can have tea and cakes.The teachers will talk with them. Of course they can ask questions about their children or about o


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