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1、類神 路料類例李行1.tw .tw理類神 路兩數(shù)類神路數(shù)類神 路良類神路識力來更精刺料行率參料類類神路AbstractThe objective of the proposed study is to explore the performance of data classification by integrating the artificial neural networks with the multiva

2、riate adaptive regression splines (MARS) approach. The rationale under the analyses is firstly to use MARS in modeling the classification problem, then the obtained significant variables are then used as the input variables of the designed neural network model. To demonstrate the inclusion of the ob

3、tained important variables from MARS would improve the classification accuracy of the networks, classification tasks are performed on one fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) breast cancer data sets. As the results reveal, the proposed integrated approach outperforms the results using discriminant

4、 analysis, artificial neural networks and multivariate adaptive regression splines and hence provides an efficient alternative in handling breast cancer diagnostic problems.Keywords: data mining, breast cancer, classification, neural networks, multivariate adaptive regression splines論料(datamining, D

5、M)來了量料療利料流率療料料量量若料料諸行識來療2行()8589 年惡(年臨女罹良 良惡(ultrasound)(mammography)行(needle aspiration)(惡(良(logistic regression, Neter 羅 (regression analysis)了羅analysis, Johnson and Wichern, 1998)et al., 1996)(autocorrelation)(discriminant數(shù)數(shù)(multi-collinearity)料料類來ANNs)類神數(shù)了 年來路論 類神路 (artificial neural networks;類神

6、不類(Lee et al., 1997)(Malhotra (supervised) 路類神力(Zha ng路et al.,神行Shavlik, 1997; Chung and Gray, 1999; Lee 了 羅 類神 (multivariate adaptive regression splines, MARS) MARS Friedman 念數(shù)(kn ots)數(shù)不易MARSet al. , 1998)數(shù)類神 路 類神 路 et al., 1992)1999; Salchenberger(unsupervised)理類路度類神數(shù)et al., 2002)路(Craven and料(los

7、s of fit, LOF) 來 度 料 連料(Friedman, 1991)理數(shù) (Friedman, 1991)度 料 料(Friedman, 1991) 料4了羅類神路不類神路利MARS數(shù)行力MARS類神路MARS 類數(shù)類神路數(shù)類神 路良(better initialsolution)降類神路練行料569行異類力論論說論論類神路行論料類神路類神路類類論類神路年來類神路都類神路(patternclassification)(pattern recognition) 力 (Zhang et al., 1998)(supervised)(unsupervised)類神 路數(shù)量行理力力聯(lián)力濾(R

8、umelhart et al. ,1986)領(lǐng)例數(shù)率/利率(Fish etal., 1995; Berry and Linoff, 1997; Leeet al.1997; Zhang et al.,1998; Vellido et al., 1999)類神路聯(lián)(associate learning)類路路類神路Vellido et al. (1999)19921998 年領(lǐng)類神 路78%例類神路類神路度度力類神 路路率參數(shù)參 Anderson andRosenfeld (1988) Rumelhart et al. (1986) Lippmann (1987) Nelson and Illi

9、ngworth (1990) Stern (1996)(MARS)數(shù) Friedman(1991)來料MARS念數(shù)料理料數(shù)(basis function, BF)數(shù)料參數(shù)(loss of fit, LOF)數(shù)(kn ots)數(shù)度料理立連數(shù)BF 數(shù) 利Craven and Wahba(1979)GCV(generalized cross validation)數(shù)數(shù)數(shù)數(shù)MARS數(shù) 不 數(shù)數(shù)數(shù)理量來度MARS 數(shù)累了(forward and backwardstepwise procedure)MARS數(shù) (dummy variable)(missing value)數(shù)不MARSFriedman(1

10、991)來不量說MARS數(shù)數(shù)ANNs 力MARSANNs行MARS數(shù) ANNs數(shù)立類神 路數(shù)不參MARS類神路() (Department of Surgery, Human Oncology andComputer Sciences, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA)料357 良212 惡569行料數(shù)滑度度10數(shù)30 數(shù)良惡例398(70%) 練171(30%)留(不列)類來力參類劣MARS類神路行類神路Vesta Services Qnet (1998) MARSSalfordSystemsMARS 2.0(2001)行CPUPentium II

11、 733MHz IBM PC行(stepwise discriminate analysis)行 U數(shù)Wilks ' Lambda (Johnson and Wichern, 2002)數(shù)行30 滑度數(shù)10數(shù)11率95.91%69軸軸 0£ww0£(6860 |B;9 >|uuoh(686 0o>|U9qA9%99Z6 虛(% £96L9 (%69)£(蜃)乙(%£60兒(%Z0'66)90l,(囹兒(訕SdVIAl £%££93%巾眈乙% WZ乙%Z9Z'6t%右|/西%80t

12、9%t900Z:%000001,39NVldOdl/ll3AllV13d aiaVIVA(2-2%Z0'6699Z6SdVIAl馬 SdVIAl 導(dǎo)SdVIAl£w跚W0£wtt%Z0'66A99 (V AONV) WWW 肚 SdVIAl #WSdVIAl 乙#SdVIAl%L6G6 虛(%ooooO79 (%00 0)0(%9'9)Z(%9P£6)0(H(訕l(囹:%9P£6 I小%0000L 虛%000(H盍 (2-2數(shù)58596061 62行路1 神良惡路參數(shù)率0.010路率0.006 0.0080.010練練料RMSE0

13、.0001練 3,000練料 RMSE路路路30-60-130神60 神1神率0.010料 RMSE430-60-1類神路4率 98.25%率2-2率100.00%2類2類率100.00%1-1率97.20%類神路MARS率不數(shù)力不4類神 路1(良)2(惡)1(良)104(97.20%)3(2.80%)2(惡)0(0.00%) 64(100.00%)率 98.25%類神路神MARS8 神(見2)數(shù)8 神神數(shù)121314151617181920路1神良惡0 1數(shù)路參數(shù)率0.005路率0.0010.0030.005練練料RMSE0.0001練 4,000練料 RMSE路路路8-13-18 神13神

14、1 神率0.005料 RMSE58-13-15率98.25%率2-2率100.00%2 類2 類 率 100.00%1-1率97.20%51(良)2(惡)1(良)104(97.20%)3(2.80%)2(惡)0(0.00%) 64(100.00%)率 98.25%61-12-2率93.46%100.00%95.91%MARS99.07%95.31%97.66%類神 路97.20%100.00%98.25%97.20%100.00%98.25%7率率率6.54% 0.00%MARS0.93% 4.69%類神 路2.80% 0.00%2.80% 0.00%類神路8830數(shù)類神路數(shù)行參數(shù)360兩12

15、0不料易不論率率不類神路便8數(shù)數(shù)()類神路303608120了MARS類神理 6698.25 %率率)不料率(type II error 惡率力力理路了率類神路類神路數(shù)率了(misclassificati on cost)量率力率(type Ierror 良惡良率)率(7)類神率量路力類神 路MARS數(shù) 力9類神 路(classification and regression tree, CART) 力料來了量料療料料量量若料料諸行識來療料MARS類神路MARS類神路類更精MARS類神路兩MARS數(shù)類神路數(shù)類神 路良類神路識力更精數(shù)料了類神路率( 類神路數(shù)度)路率度惡良量精降降類神路不論率率(

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