




1、.酒水供應(yīng)合同供方( Supplier)(以下簡稱甲方Party A):需方( demander)(以下簡稱乙方Party B):甲、乙雙方本著平等互利,共同發(fā)展的原則,經(jīng)雙方友好協(xié)商,就甲方向乙方供應(yīng)_酒水 _相關(guān)事宜達成如下協(xié)議:Party A and Party B agree to the following terms and conditions on Party A's supply of drinks to Party B.第一條供貨品牌、規(guī)格、價格SpecificationsPrice品牌 brand規(guī)格價格 price備注 remarksspecification第
2、二條定貨、送貨、驗貨與退貨Returns1、 在正常業(yè)務(wù)情況下,甲方接到乙方電話、郵件或傳真定貨通知后,于【】小時 / 天內(nèi)確認回復,并在回復收到后,保證按照乙方的訂貨要求的時間將乙方所定貨及時送達乙方指定地址。如未按時送達而影響乙方經(jīng)營,乙方有權(quán)要求賠償。送貨日期以訂單上日期為準。In normal businesstime,afterreceivingParty sorderby phone, emailor fax, Party A shall confirm with Party A within【】 hours/days, andafterreceivingthe reply,Par
3、tyA shallensure a timelydeliveryof thegoods to the designated address according to Party B s ordered time.Party B shall have the right to claim compensation if Party A fails todeliver the goods on time. The date of delivery is subject to the dateof the order.2、 如臨時增訂非約定范圍內(nèi)的產(chǎn)品,乙方應(yīng)向甲方說明情況,雙方協(xié)商解決。If Pa
4、rty B needs temporarily to add order of products which are not specified in the preceding order, Party B shall notify Party A and the two Parties shall resolve the situation through negotiation.3、 乙方收到貨物后應(yīng)當場對貨物品種、規(guī)格型號、數(shù)量、外包裝等進行當場查驗核實。On receivingthe goods, PartyB shallconduct on-the-spotverification
5、the specifications,models and quantityand outerpackingof the goods.4、 乙方對產(chǎn)品的品種、數(shù)量等認為不符合到貨驗收標準的,乙方有權(quán)當場拒收。乙方也可以在收到產(chǎn)品后【 】日內(nèi)就前述問題向甲方提出書面異議,經(jīng)雙方核實確屬甲方責任的,乙方有權(quán)退貨或者要求甲方補正。PartyB shallhave the righttorefuseto acceptthe productsof which教育資料.the type , quantities and other standards are deemed to be inconsiste
6、nt with the agreed standards. Party B may, upon receipt of the products,make a written objection to Party A in the following 【 】 days. And Party B shall have the right to return the goods or ask Party A to make up theissue if Party A s responsibility is confirmed by both parties.5、 乙方如發(fā)現(xiàn)質(zhì)量問題,應(yīng)在發(fā)現(xiàn)之日起
7、【2 】日內(nèi)通知甲方并封完好樣品,作為憑證以利于同廠家交涉解決。For the quality problem, Party B shall notify Party A and seal thesamples within 【 2 】 days of the discovery, as a certificate to facilitate the negotiation with the manufacturer.6、 雙方確認:經(jīng)乙方授權(quán)的乙方工作人員為乙方收到貨物的簽收人。如果乙方收貨人員發(fā)生變動,應(yīng)及時以書面形式向甲方說明。甲方將產(chǎn)品交付給任何其他人均視為未交付,由此產(chǎn)生的損失均由甲
8、方承擔。Both parties confirm that Party B's authorized staff shall receive the goods as the recipient of Party B. If Party B's recipient (authorizedstaff) changes, it shall notify Party A in writing. Party As deliveryofthe productsto any otherperson shallbe deemed undelivered,and thelosses resul
9、ting therefrom shall be borne by Party A.第三條產(chǎn)品的包裝、運輸Package Transportation1、 甲方負責產(chǎn)品的包裝、運輸和裝卸并承擔費用,確保產(chǎn)品完好無損地按時交付給乙方。否則,給乙方經(jīng)營及管理造成影響或損失的,由甲方承擔賠償責任,乙方有權(quán)從貨款中扣除。PartyA shallbe responsibleforthe packaging,transportationLoadingand unloadingof the products,and shallbear the expenses to ensure thatthe produc
10、ts are delivered to Party B on time and in good condition.Otherwise,PartyA shallbe liableforthe damage or losscaused to PartyB, and PartyB shallhave the rightto deduct the damages from the payment.2、 甲方對其提供的產(chǎn)品應(yīng)一律采用生產(chǎn)商的原廠包裝,并根據(jù)產(chǎn)品特性、規(guī)格等要求按適合方式進行包裝和裝運,以確保產(chǎn)品安全完好的抵達交付地點。由于包裝不當造成產(chǎn)品在運輸過程中有任何隨壞或丟失的,甲方應(yīng)承擔相應(yīng)的
11、責任和損失。The products providedby Party A shallbe packed withthemanufacturer'soriginalpackagingand be packed and transported accordingtotheproductfeatures, specifications and other requirements according in suitableway toensurethat theproductis safelyand intactlyarrivedindeliveryplace.PartyA shallbe
12、ar thecorresponding responsibilitiesand lossesdue tothe improperpacking ortransportation, which causes any productto be damaged or lost in transit3、 若甲方食品包裝不合格等原因?qū)е率称吩诩追秸}儲環(huán)境下變質(zhì),乙方有權(quán)要求甲方退換變質(zhì)食品,因此造成的各項費用由甲方承擔;如果因此給以方造成經(jīng)濟損失,甲方應(yīng)當全額賠償乙方經(jīng)濟損失。乙方選擇更換的,甲方承諾在乙方提出更換要求后【 2】天內(nèi)免費更換。If Party A's packaging fa
13、ils to meet the requirements and causes the goods to deteriorate in the normal storage environment, Party B shall教育資料.have the rightto request Party A toexchange or refundand theresultingexpensesand economic lossesshallbe borne by PartyA. If PartyB choosesto replacethedeterioratedgoods,Party A promi
14、sesto replaceit within【 2】 days after Party B's request for replacement.第四條交貨地點Place of Delivery: _第五條結(jié)算方式Payment Condition1、 結(jié)算方式原則為月結(jié) 。The settlement period shall be a month.2、 每月【】日為對賬日,每個自然月【】日前,甲方應(yīng)根據(jù)上一自然月供貨情況(按照已交付產(chǎn)品數(shù)量進行計算)向乙方提供結(jié)算申請單,經(jīng)乙方確認后,甲方應(yīng)當根據(jù)應(yīng)付款金額向乙方開具正式發(fā)票。Every date【 】 shall be the da
15、y for reconciliation every month. Forevery natural month, on date【】 , Party A shall provide Party B thesettlement application form according to the actual supply of goods(thequantityshallbe calculatedaccordingto the actualdeliveredproducts).After confirmed by Party B, Party A shall provide the offic
16、ial invoiceto Party B according to the accounts payable amount,3、 每月【 25 】 _日為付款日,乙方在收到甲方發(fā)票后,于每月【25】日內(nèi)向甲方支付,結(jié)款數(shù)額為上月對賬單的全部金額。PartyB shall pay the amount of thebill to Party A every monthon thedate 【 】 after receipt of the invoice from Party A.甲方應(yīng)當在乙方付款前的規(guī)定時間內(nèi)向甲方開具與甲方應(yīng)付款金額一致的增值稅專用發(fā)票。發(fā)票抬頭為:合同上述乙方公司。發(fā)票號
17、碼應(yīng)與稅務(wù)登記號碼相對應(yīng)。甲方不得出具假發(fā)票或用其他公司發(fā)票加蓋甲方公章頂替,否則,乙方有權(quán)暫停支付貨款直至甲方提供符合要求的發(fā)票時止,且乙方不承擔任何逾期付款的責任。Party A shall provide Party B the VAT invoice at the time aforesaid.The invoice valueshallbe consistentwiththetotalamount payable. Theinvoicepayableto:thename of PartyB ofthiscontract and the invoicenumbershouldcorre
18、spond tothe taxregistrationnumber. Any falseinvoices or any other company s invoices with Party As official sealshall be rejected by Party B and Party B shall has the right to suspendpayment until Party A provide the true and effective invoice. In thiscase Party B shall not assume any liability for
19、late payment.4、 甲方收款賬戶Payment Account:戶名 Bank Holder:賬號 Bank No. :開戶行 Bank:第六條 甲方權(quán)利和義務(wù)Party As Rights and Responsibilities1、 甲方所供產(chǎn)品,必須不低于國家現(xiàn)行質(zhì)量標準及行業(yè)相關(guān)標準,雙方對質(zhì)量標準有特殊約定的,依照雙方所約定的標準驗收。教育資料.The products provided by Party A shall reach the current quality standards, the related standards of the state, and
20、 the special provisions agreed upon by both parties2、 甲方應(yīng)當出具產(chǎn)品的合格證書、出廠檢測報告、原產(chǎn)地證明等相關(guān)質(zhì)量證明文件(如適用) (加蓋甲方公章) ,進口產(chǎn)品還應(yīng)當提供報關(guān)單和入境產(chǎn)品檢驗檢疫證明等憑證。甲方未能提供上述資料的,乙方有權(quán)拒收。PartyA shallissuea certificateof productqualityinspectionreport,certificate of origin site and other related documents (if need) (withthe officialsea
21、lof PartyA) to PartyB. For importedgoods PartyA shallalsoprovidecustoms declarationand entrydocument of productinspectionandquarantinecertificate.IfPartyA failstoprovidetheaboveinformation of documents, Party B shall have the right to reject the products.3、 甲方保證其所提供各項產(chǎn)品的剩余保質(zhì)期間不少于產(chǎn)品保質(zhì)期的50%(自產(chǎn)品交付給乙方并經(jīng)
22、乙方驗收合格之日起算)。PartyA ensuresthatthe remainingperiodof the productwarrantyperiodis no less than 50% of the product warranty period (from the date when the products are delivered to and confirmed by Party B).4、 甲方保證對其供應(yīng)產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量承擔全部責任。凡因產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量問題或者其他因甲方原因引起的一切糾紛和責任(包括與第三方的糾紛和對第三方承擔的責任) ,均由甲方負責處理及承擔;如乙方因此遭受任何損失的
23、,甲方應(yīng)全額賠償。PartyA undertakesallresponsibilitiesforthe qualityof itssuppliedproducts.Any productqualityproblems or otherdisputescaused by PartyA (including a dispute with a third Party and the responsibility to thethirdparty)shallbe borne by Party A; IfParty B suffersany lossthereof,Party A shall compe
24、nsate the losses in full.5、 甲方保證對其銷售給乙方的產(chǎn)品享有合法和完整的所有權(quán),產(chǎn)品不存在任何權(quán)屬爭議,亦未設(shè)定任何抵押、質(zhì)押、擔?;蛉魏纹渌麢?quán)利負擔,并且不存在依法被禁止或限制銷售等情況,否則,乙方有權(quán)解除本合同,屆時,甲方應(yīng)立即退還乙方已付的全部款項,并賠償乙方因此遭受的一切損失。Party A ensures that Party A enjoy the legal and complete ownership of the product hereof. And there exist no ownership dispute, and also the p
25、roducts are not set any mortgage, pledge, guarantee, or any other encumbrances, and the products are not banned or restricted according to law, etc., otherwise, Party B shall has the right to terminate this contract, in that case Party A shall immediately refund Party B all the payment, and compensa
26、te Party B all the losses.第七條乙方權(quán)利和義務(wù)Party B s Rights and Responsibilities1、 乙方應(yīng)按照合同約定按時支付貨款.Party B shall pay the payment on time according to the contract.2、 乙方銷售過程中,如出現(xiàn)產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量問題,由甲方協(xié)助乙方與生產(chǎn)廠家聯(lián)絡(luò)溝通共同解決Forany productqualityproblemsoccurred,PartyA shallassistParty教育資料.B to communicate with the manufacture
27、r to solve the product qualityproblems3、 如發(fā)生任何非因乙方原因?qū)е碌耐素?,甲方?yīng)當應(yīng)乙方要求,在接到乙方退款通知后【】日內(nèi),將退貨所涉貨款退還至乙方指定賬戶。For any refund required which is not caused by Party B, Party A shallreturn the payment to Party B's designated account within 【 】 days at the request of Party B.第八條合同解除與違約責任Breach and Termination
28、 of Contract1、 甲方未按約定時間交付產(chǎn)品的,每逾期1 日,甲方應(yīng)按該筆訂單產(chǎn)品總價值的1%向乙方支付違約金;逾期達 10 日的,乙方有權(quán)取消該筆訂單,甲方應(yīng)向乙方支付該筆訂單產(chǎn)品總價值 30%的違約金,并賠償乙方因此遭受的全部損失(包括乙方因向其他供應(yīng)商采購同種產(chǎn)品而多支出的費用,若造成乙方未及時向其他供應(yīng)商采購產(chǎn)品的,甲方仍需賠償乙方全部損失)。If Party A fails to deliver the product in accordance with the agreed time, Party A shall pay Party B liquidated damag
29、es of 1% of the total value of the order per day. On condition that Party A exceed the timelimit for 10 days, Party B has the right to cancel this order and claim Party A liquidated damages at 30% of the total value of the order, andcompensation for all loss of Party B (including Party B s procureme
30、ntcosts and expenses of the same products from other supplier andfurthermorePartyBs losses,ifPartyB cannot purchaseproductsfromother suppliers timely).2、 在甲方按照合同約定履行交貨義務(wù)的前提下,乙方未按照約定支付貨款的,甲方有權(quán)要求乙方支付違約金,每逾期一日, 乙方應(yīng)按應(yīng)付未付款項的 1向甲方支付違約金。Under the premisethatPartyA has fulfilleditsobligationsof deliveryspec
31、ified in the contract, Party B shall make payment in accordance with the contract. Otherwise Party A shall have the right to require PartyB liquidated damages at 1of the total value of the order per day.3、 如果甲方發(fā)生下列情況之一時,乙方有權(quán)單方解除合同。In one of the following situations, Party B shall have the right to c
32、ancel the contract unilaterally.( 1)甲方不能按照合同及時供貨影響了乙方的正常經(jīng)營。Party A cannot timely supply the goods in accordance with the contract and thus affect the normal operation of Party B.( 2)甲方提供假冒、偽劣的產(chǎn)品被顧客投訴,確認屬實。Party A provides counterfeit and inferior products which cause customers complaints and this fa
33、ct has been the confirmed by Party B.4、 雙方任何一方如因單方因素,要求停止履行合同,應(yīng)提前 【 30】天 通知對方。否則應(yīng)視為違約,應(yīng)賠償由此給對方造成的經(jīng)濟損失。Ifeitherpartyrequeststo terminatethe performanceof the contract教育資料.before this contract expire due to unilateral factors, it shall notifythe otherparty 【 30】 daysin advance.Otherwise,itshallbe deem
34、ed asa breach ofcontractand compensationshouldbe liableforthe economicloss caused to the other party.第九條爭議與解決Dispute Resolution甲乙雙方在本合同履行期間發(fā)生的爭議,應(yīng)當通過友好協(xié)商解決。協(xié)商不成的,可訴訟解決。 本合同約定乙方所在地法院為訴訟管轄法院 . 本協(xié)議適用中華人民共和國法律。Disputes arising during the performance of this contract shall be settled through friendly neg
35、otiation. In case no settlement can be reached, the case at issue shall be submitted to the People's Court in the place where PartyB is located. This contract shall be governed by the laws of the People sRepublic of China.第十條不可抗力Force Majeure雙方因不可抗力,包括自然災(zāi)害、戰(zhàn)爭、政府行為、社會騷亂等情況而不能履行其合同義務(wù),均不負違約責任。但援引不可
36、抗力的一方需盡力避免或減小不可抗力造成的損失, 并在不可抗力消除10 天內(nèi)以書面、 郵件或傳真的方式通知另一方當事人該事件的發(fā)生。Both partiesshallnot be liablefortheircontractualobligationsdue toforce majeure, including natural disasters, war, government ACTS, socialdisturbances,etc.But the partyquoted the forcemajeure shouldtryto avoidor reduce the loss caused by force majeure, and notify the other party inwritten form, email or fax within 10days after the force majeure iseliminated.第十一條本合同有效期自_- 年 _月 _日起至
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