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1、Book 5 Module 2 A Job Worth DoingA4起館爭 背訓(xùn)經(jīng)典的1.They think masteri ng a skill is one of the dema nds of moder n society, whichwill do good to our future career.他們認為掌握一項技能是現(xiàn)代社會的要求之一,這有益于我們未來的事業(yè)。2. What we should do now is to do good work today, preparing for good worktomorrow .我們應(yīng)該做的是把今天的工作做好,為做好明天的工作做

2、準備。3. The student has no time to think about his future career, with a lot of homeworkto do .因為還有很多作業(yè)要做,這個學生沒有時間去思考他未來的職業(yè)。4. He was concentrating on a book about jobswhen the telephone rang.他正在集中精力讀一本有關(guān)工作的書,正在這時電話響了。自主排查夯基固本I核心單詞(1) satisfying (adj.)令人滿意的satisfied (adj.)滿意的satisfy (vt.)使?jié)M意 satisfact

3、ion (n.)滿意;滿足(2) stressful (adj.)充滿壓力的;緊張的stress 0.)壓力stress Vt.)強調(diào)offer (vi.)(主動)提出(n.)提議;出價(4) signal (n.) 信號sign (n.)跡象sign (vt.)簽字signature (n.)簽字(5) respect Vt.)遵守;尊敬(n.)尊敬(6) direct (vt.)指揮direction (n.) 方向; 指揮director (n.) 導(dǎo)演(7) qualified (adj.) 合格的; 稱職的 qualify (v.) 合格qualification (n.) 資格(8

4、) temporary (adj.)暫時的;臨時的 permanent 反義詞)(adj.)永久的(9) freezer (n.)冰箱freeze (vi.)凍住;凍僵(10) apply (vi.) 申請application (n.) 申請applicant (n.) 申請人(11) organisational/organizational (adj.)組織的organise/organize (vt.)組織 organisation/organization (n.)組織organised/organized (adj.)有組織的;系統(tǒng) 的(12) require (vt.) 需要re

5、quirement (r) 需要(13) grateful (adj.)感激的;感謝的 gratefully (adv.)感激地gratitude (n.)感 激之情(14) demand (n.)要求;需要demand (v.)要求deman di ng (adj.)要求高的(15) traditional (adj.) 傳統(tǒng)的tradition (n.)傳統(tǒng)(16) fitness (n.)健康fit (adj.)健康的fit. (v.)適合n閱讀單詞(1) i ntellectual (adj.) 腦力的;思維的;需用才智的 in tellige nee (n.)智力(2) acco u

6、ntant 0.)會計acco unt (r)賬目eoun t(v.)數(shù);計算(3) barber (n.)理發(fā)師(4) biochemist (n.)生物化學家(5) electrician (n.)電工;電器技師(6) volunteer (n.)志愿者(v.)自愿去做(7) sheer (adj.) 垂直的; 陡峭的(8) be nd (n.)彎曲處;彎道(9) circular (adj.)圓形的(10) encounter (i.)相遇;邂逅(11) profo und (adj.)(影響)深刻的;極大的(12) missi on (n.)任務(wù);職責;使命(13) vertical

7、(adj.)垂直的(14) c on tract (n.)合同;契約(15) age nt (r) 代理人; 經(jīng)紀人(16) deduction (n.)推理;推斷(17)essential gdj.) 必不可少的;絕對重要的(18)available (adj.)可獲得的君賈活滯單句語法填空1._AII the students in Senior 2(require) to take the finalexams.答案:are required2 . Both of them admitted that their operation on the project was a(satisf

8、y) experie nee.答案:satisfying3. She finds her new job very_ (stress) but she will never give it up.答案:stressful4. I would be very _ (grate) if you could tell me how to solve the difficultproblem.答案:grateful5._The children all volunteered(be) my guides.答案:to be6. The clothes were_ (freeze) on the wash

9、ingline last night.答案:frozen7._ Therefore, students should be advised(sign) up as soon as possible.答案:to sign8._I have good man agerial skills and(orga nizatio n) capabilities.答案:organizational9. When _ (offer) help, you should say“Thank you. ” or “Its very kind ofyou.答案:offered10. The new tech no l

10、ogy, if _ (apply) to farmi ng, will help in crease theproducti on.答案:applied聯(lián)患枳累1. -cian 結(jié)尾的表示職業(yè)的名詞集錦1electrician 電工2magicia n 魔術(shù)師3mathematicia n 數(shù)學家4physician 物理學家5tech ni cia n 技術(shù)人員2. 既可用作名詞又可用作動詞的詞匯小結(jié)1volu nteer 志愿者;自愿做2charge 要價;指控3poi nt 點;指著4question 問題;質(zhì)疑5an swer 回答;回答說6smile 笑容;微笑3. 動詞/名詞+ a

11、ble 構(gòu)成的形容詞集錦1avail 有用;利用available 可利用的;可獲得的2accept 接受 acceptable 可接受的3comfort 安慰comfortable 舒服的;舒適的 uncomfortable 不舒服的4con sider 考慮 con siderable 相當大的5favor 贊成;喜歡favorable 贊許的;討人喜歡的;有利的6reason 理由;理性 reaso nable 合理的7remark 評論remarkable 卓越的;非凡的8suit 適合suitable 適當?shù)闹攸c短語1. in particular尤其; 特另 H2. on aver

12、age 平均3. in theory 理論上;從理論上來說4. in practice 實際上; 在實踐中5. pass by 經(jīng)過6. take . for gran ted 以為 理所當然7. have an effect on 對產(chǎn)生影響8. take up 站好位置以備.9. take notice of 注意至 U10. in response to 作為.的回應(yīng)語境活用選詞填空in resp onse to, have an effect on, take . for gran ted, take up, in theory, in particular1. We _ it _ t

13、hat there would be some rooms available at thehotel but we were wrong.答案:took; for gran ted2. _ their hospitality, we wrote a thankyou note.答案:In response to3. The surroundings which a child grows up in mayhis development.答案:have an effect on4. The computer game is designed for gameovers, young ones

14、_ .答案:in particular5. The little time I had outside school _ with work.答案:was taken up6. _ , this problem should not occur, but in reality it does.答案:In theory聯(lián)也積累1.和 respect 有關(guān)的短語1respect on eself 自尊;自重2respect sb.(for sth.)因某事)尊重某人3give/pay/se nd on es respects to sb 向某人表示敬意4show/have respect for

15、sb.尊敬某人5in all respects 在各方面6in every respect 在每一 點上7with respect to 關(guān)于.;就.而言2. pass 短語小結(jié)1pass by 經(jīng)過2pass away 時間等)消逝;死亡3pass down 留傳;傳遞;一代傳一代;流傳4pass on 傳遞5pass through 穿過; 經(jīng)歷3. 不一樣的“影響”1have n o/little/much/great effect on/upon . 對.沒有/ 幾乎沒有 / 有很大 /有重大影響2come into effect= take effect 開始生效;開始實施3brin

16、g/carry/put . into effect 實行/實施.4in effect 有效;實際上;事實上5side effect 副作用0常用句式課文原句句式梳理仿寫訓(xùn)練1.But often they just pass by,taking the human traffic signal for gran ted.(P13)但經(jīng)常他們只是從他身旁 駛過,把人體交通標志看 作理所當然的事情。動詞-ing 形式作伴隨狀 語。During the Spring Festival,people all over the countryhold all kinds of activities,(在

17、大街上高興地又唱又跳).2.He was driving a lorry loadof bananas when he cameoff the road at a bend and fellthree hundredbe doing .when “正在做,這時”。The childre n were play ingfootball on the playgro und(這時下起了雨).metres down the mountain.(P13)當他正駕駛著一輛滿載香 蕉的卡車,要駛過一個彎 道的時候,他連人帶車翻 到了300 米深的山崖下。答案:1.singing and dancing h

18、appily in the street 2.when it began to rain直擊重點突破考點|- 單詞點津-11.offer v.(主動)提出(愿意做某事);提供;出價 n.出價;提供;提議(P12)先塚(1) 單句語法填空1Tom offered _ (drive) me to the airport, for which I felt so grateful.2Freddie has made an offer_ (teach) us English.答案:to drive to teach(2) 句型轉(zhuǎn)換Two years ago, our teacher offered u

19、s an answer to a difficult math problem in class.f Two years ago, our teacher _ an answer to a difficult math problemin class.答案:offered; to us(3) 單句寫作1It was pouring with rain so I _ of a lift.雨傾盆而下,因此我接受了他讓我搭車的建議。2I did what I could to _ the family.我盡自己所能為家人提供舒適的生活。3He _ the car.他出價 4,000 美元買下這輛汽車。答案:accepted his offer offer comfort to offered $4,000 for K 后講(1) offer


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