



1、從業(yè)人員論文:從業(yè)人員管理法律制度建議【中文摘要】中醫(yī)藥是中華民族創(chuàng)造的醫(yī)學科學,是我國優(yōu)秀民 族文化中的瑰寶,幾千年來生生不息、綿延不斷,顯示出強大的生命力 不僅為中華文明的發(fā)展做出了重要貢獻,而且對世界文明的進步也產 生了積極的影響。中醫(yī)從業(yè)人員有著廣泛、深厚的群眾和社會基礎,至今仍然在保障人民群眾健康方面發(fā)揮著重要作用,是我國衛(wèi)生服務 體系中不可或缺的重要組成部分。我國有著 13 億人口,發(fā)展醫(yī)藥衛(wèi)生 事業(yè),逐步建立基本醫(yī)療保障制度,切實解決人民群眾看病難、看病貴 問題,必須充分開發(fā)利用中醫(yī)藥資源,充分發(fā)揮中醫(yī)從業(yè)人員的作用。 因此,如何對針對中醫(yī)從業(yè)人員的特點,盡快建立健全符合其發(fā)展方

2、 式的管理制度,成為促進中醫(yī)藥事業(yè)蓬勃發(fā)展的關鍵。本文介紹了中 醫(yī)從業(yè)人員的歷史發(fā)展概況,分析了我國中醫(yī)從業(yè)人員管理的現(xiàn)狀,提出我國中醫(yī)從業(yè)人員發(fā)展中面臨的問題,并通過借鑒澳大利亞、新 加坡、香港和臺灣等國家和地區(qū)對中醫(yī)從業(yè)人員管理的經(jīng)驗,提出建 立中醫(yī)從業(yè)人員分類管理的建議措施和相關立法和政策建議。本文主要取得以下成果:一是闡明了中醫(yī)從業(yè)人員的歷史發(fā)展概況; 二是深 入分析了我國中醫(yī)從業(yè)人員發(fā)展的現(xiàn)狀和面臨的主要問題;三是系統(tǒng)介紹了其他國家和地區(qū)對中醫(yī)從業(yè)人員的管理情況,并進行了對比分 析;四是提出了建立健全我國中醫(yī)從業(yè)人員管理制度的思路。本文的主要創(chuàng)新點在于通過對我國中醫(yī)從業(yè)人員現(xiàn)狀的分析

3、,同時借鑒部分 國家和地區(qū)對于中醫(yī)從業(yè)人員分類管理的經(jīng)驗,建立健全符合中醫(yī)從 業(yè)人員發(fā)展特點的分類管理制度,具有一定的理論和實踐價值?!居⑽恼縏he Traditio nal Chi nese Medici ne is medicalscie nee created by the Chin ese n ati on, has developed gen eratio n aftergeneration over thousands of years, as gems of the Chine se culture, ithas in dicated the strong vital for

4、ce and con tributed sig ni fica ntly to thedeve lopme nt of Chin ese culture and eve n has had a positive effect onworld civilizati on. The Traditi onal Chin ese Medic ine professi onal haveanextensive and deep social basis,so fa r, they still play veryimportant roles in ensuring the health of the p

5、eople, and they hav ebecome an in dispe nsable part of public health service system in China.The nu mber of Our populati on is 1.3billi on, it has very important meaningfor developing medical and health care, basic medical security system andsolving the difficulty and high cost of get ting medical s

6、ervice of the public,it is crucial to fully strengthen the role of the Traditi onal Chinese Medicineprofessional and makefull use of Traditional Chinese Medic ine. S o howto establish proper man ageme nt system based on the characters of theprofessi on has become the key of promoti ng the Developme

7、nt of Chinese Medic in e.This paper introduces the development history of theTraditionalChineseMedic ine p rofessi on al, An alysis on the prese nt situati on of man agement of them, and proposes some problems they confront. Based on the manageme nt experie nee of coun tries and areas su ch as Austr

8、alia, Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwa n, the author puts forward some effec tiveproposals as Classify ingMan ageme nt and suggesti ons of legislati on and policy.This paper hasgiven below main fruits:First, it introduces the developme nt history of theTraditi onal Chin ese Medic ine professi on al; S

9、econ d, it an alyses indepth the prese n t situation of them and some problems they confront;Third, it introduces the situation o f other countries and areas, and makecon trastive an alysis; Forth, it puts forward new w ays of impro ving theman ageme nt system of Traditi onal Chin eseMedicine professional.Themain innovation of this paper is thatit puts forward some effective proposals a s Classify ingManagementthrough analyzing current situation of Traditional Chin eseMed icine professi onal and bas ing on the man ageme nt experience ofother countries, has t


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