



1、2000 年英語專業(yè)八級考試-翻譯部分參考譯文中國科技館的誕生來之不易。與國際著名科技館和其他博物館相比,它先天有些不足,后天也常缺乏營養(yǎng), 但是它成長的步伐卻是堅實而有力的。它在國際上已被公認為后起之秀。世界上第一代博物館屬于自然博物館,它是通過化石、標本等向人們介紹地球和各種生物的演化歷史。 第二代屬于工業(yè)技術(shù)博物館,它所展示的是工業(yè)文明帶來的各種階段性結(jié)果。這兩代博物館雖然起到了傳播科學知識的作用,但是,它們把參觀者當成了被動的旁觀者。世界上第三代博物館是充滿全新理念的博物館。在這里,觀眾可以自己去動手操作,自 己細心體察。這樣,他們可以更貼近先進的科學技術(shù),去探索科學技術(shù)的奧妙。中國科

2、技館正是這樣的博物館!它汲取了國際上一些著名博物館的長處,設(shè)計制作了力學、光學、電學、熱學、聲學、生物學等展品,展示了科學的原理和先進的科技成果。參考譯文 The first generation of museums are what might be called natural museums which, by means of fossils, specimens and other objects, introduced to people the evolutionary history of the Earth and various kinds of organisms. T

3、he second generation are those of industrial technologies which presented the fruits achieved by industrial civilization at different stages of industrialization. Despite the fact that those two generations of museums helped to disseminate / propagate / spread scientific knowledge, they nevertheless

4、 treated visitors merely as passive viewers.The third generation of museums in the world are those replete with / full of wholly novel concepts / notions / ideas. In those museums, visitors are allowed to operate the exhibits with their own hands, to observe and to experience carefully. By getting c

5、loser to the advanced science and technologies in this way, people can probe into their secret mysteries.The China Museum of Science and Technology is precisely one of such museums. It has incorporated some of the most fascinating features of those museums with international reputation. Having desig

6、ned and created exhibits in mechanics, optics, electrical science, thermology, acoustics, and biology, those exhibits demonstrate scientific principles and present the most advanced scientific and technological achievements.2001 年英語專業(yè)八級考試-翻譯部分參考譯文C-E 喬羽的歌大家都熟悉。但他另外兩大愛好卻鮮為人知,那就是釣魚和喝酒。晚年的喬羽喜愛垂釣,他說,“有水

7、有魚的地方大都是有好環(huán)境的,好環(huán)境便會給人好心情。我認為最好的釣魚場所不是舒適的、給你準備好餓魚的垂釣園,而是那極其有吸引力的大自然野外天成的場所。” 釣魚是一項能夠陶冶性情的運動,有益于身心健康。喬羽說:“釣魚可分三個階段:第一階段是吃魚;第二階段是吃魚和情趣兼而有之;第三階段主要是釣趣,面對一池碧水,將憂心煩惱全都拋在一邊,使自己的身心得到充分休息?!眳⒖甲g文:In his later years (Late in his life),Qiao Yu has become enamored of fishing(developed a penchant / special fondness

8、 for fishing). He asserts:“ Mostly speaking, a place wwater and fish must necessarily be blessed with a nice setting, which in return keeps people ingood mood. I believe that the optimum fishingplaces are not those commercial fishing centerswhich provide the fishermen with all the conveniences and w

9、here fish are kept hungry for readycapture, butthosenaturally-formed placesinthe wilderness whichexert a specialappeal.”According tohim,fishingcan constituteanactivity conducive tothe cultivationof one stemperament and to one s health, at once physical and psychological. Qiao Yu claims:“ Fi1can be d

10、ivided into three stages. The first stage consists of mere fish-eating; the second a combination of fish-eating and the pleasure (enjoyment) of fishing; the third primarily the pleasure of fishing when, confronted with a pond of clear water, one puts aside all his troubling vexationsand annoyances a

11、nd enjoys the total relaxation both mentally and physically.”2002 年英語專業(yè)八級考試-翻譯部分參考譯文II. Translate the following text into English:大自然對人的恩賜,無論貧富,一律平等。所以人們對于大自然,全都一直并深深地依賴著。尤其在鄉(xiāng)間,上千年來人們一直以不變的方式生活著。種植莊稼和葡萄,釀酒和飲酒,喂牛和擠奶,除草和栽花;在周末去教堂祈禱和做禮拜,在節(jié)日到廣場拉琴、跳舞和唱歌;往日的田園依舊是今日的溫馨家園。這樣,每個地方都有自己的傳說,風俗也就衍傳了下來。參考譯文: The

12、bounty of nature is equal to everyone, rich or poor, and therefore all men are strongly attached to her. This is particularly true in the rural areas, where people have kept the same lifestyle for a millennium or so. They plant crops and grapevines, brew wine to drink, feed cows to milk, and weed ga

13、rdens to grow flowers. They go to church at weekends, and they meet in the square on holidays, playing the violin, singing and dancing. The age-old land remains the same as their family hearth. Each place boasts its folklore and thereby social customs go down.2003 年英語專業(yè)八級考試-翻譯部分參考譯文II. Translate the

14、 following text into English得病以前,我受父母寵愛,在家中橫行霸道,一旦隔離,拘禁在花園山坡上一幢小房子里,我頓感打入冷宮, 十分郁郁不得志起來。 一個春天的傍晚, 園中百花怒放, 父母在園中設(shè)宴,一時賓客云集,笑語四溢。我在山坡的小屋里,悄悄掀起窗簾,窺見園中大千世界,一片繁華,自己的哥姐,堂表弟兄,也穿插其間,個個喜氣洋洋。一霎時,一陣被人摒棄,為世所遺的悲憤兜上心頭,禁不住痛哭起來。參考譯文: Before I was taken ill, I had been a spoiled child of my parents, getting things my

15、wayin the family. Once isolated and confined to a small house on the slope of the garden, I suddenlyfound myself in disfavor and my wings clipped. One spring evening, with myriads of flowers infull bloom in the garden, my parents held a garden party in honor of many guests, whose arrival atonce fill

16、ed the place with laughing chats. In the small house on the slope, I quietly lifted thecurtain, only to be met by a great and prosperous world with my elder brothers and sisters and mycousins among the guests, all in jubilation. All at once, seized by a fit of forlorn rage, I could nothelp bursting

17、into tears.2004 年英語專業(yè)八級考試-翻譯部分參考譯文II. Translate the following underlined part of text into English:在人際關(guān)系問題上我們不要太浪漫主義。 人是很有趣的, 往往在接觸一個人時首先看到的都是他或她的優(yōu)點。 這一點頗像是在餐館里用餐的經(jīng)驗。 開始吃頭盤或冷碟的時候, 印象很好。吃頭兩個主菜時,也是贊不絕口。愈吃愈趨于冷靜,吃完了這頓筵席,缺點就都找出來了。于是轉(zhuǎn)喜為怒,轉(zhuǎn)贊美為責備挑剔,轉(zhuǎn)首肯為搖頭。這是因為,第一,開始吃的時候2你正處于饑餓狀態(tài),而餓了吃糠甜加蜜,飽了吃蜜也不甜。第二,你初到一個餐館,

18、開始舉筷時有新鮮感,新蓋的茅房三天香,這也可以叫做“陌生化效應(yīng) ”。參考譯文: We should not be too romantic in interpersonal relations. Human beings are interesting in that they tend to first see good in a new acquaintance. This is like dining in a restaurant. You will be not only favorably impressed with the first two courses. However,

19、 the more you have, the more sober you become until the dinner ends up with all the flaws exposed. Consequently, your joy would give way to anger; your praises to criticism or even fault-finding;and your nodding in agreement to shaking the head. What accounts for all this is, in the first place,you

20、are hungry when you start to eat. As the saying goes, “ Hunger is the best sauce ” , and versa.2005 年英語專業(yè)八級考試-翻譯部分參考譯文II. Translate the following text into English:一個人的生命究竟有多大意義,這有什么標準可以衡量嗎?提出一個絕對的標準當然很困難;但是,大體上看一個人對待生命的態(tài)度是否嚴肅認真, 看他對待工作、 生活的態(tài)度如何,也就不難對這個人的存在意義做出適當?shù)墓烙嬃?。古來一切有成就的人,都很嚴肅地對待自己的生命,當他活著一天,總要

21、盡量多工作、 多學習,不肯虛度年華, 不讓時間白白浪費掉。我國歷代的勞動人民以及大政治家、大思想家等等都莫不如此。參考譯文: What is the significance of life? Is there any criterion for its measurement? Difficult asit is to advance an absolute one, it will not be so to judge the verymeaning of one s existencegenerally from whether he is serious about life and

22、what his attitudes are towards work and life. Throughout the ages, all people of accomplishment take their lives seriously. As long as they are alive, they would rather devote themselves to more work and study than let a single minute slip by in vain. And the same is true of the common laborers as w

23、ell as the great statesmen and thinkers in our country.2006 年英語專八考試翻譯真題及參考答案C-E: 中國民族自古以來從不把人看作高于一切,在哲學文藝方面的表現(xiàn)都反映出人在自然界中與萬物占有比例較為恰當?shù)牡匚?,而非絕對統(tǒng)治萬物的主宰。因此我們的苦悶基本上比西方人為少為?。?因為苦悶的強弱原是隨欲望與野心的大小而轉(zhuǎn)移的。 農(nóng)業(yè)社會的人比工業(yè)社會的人享受差得多, 因此欲望也小的多。 何況中國古代素來以不怠于物不為物役為最主要的人生哲學。Chinese people has never thought of human being as t

24、he highest creature among everything since ancient times, whose reflection takes a quite appropriate proportion with all others in our natural world in both aspects of philosophy and arts, but not as an absolute dominant ruler. Therefore, our bitterness and depression are basically less than those o

25、f westerners, because the intensity of which is growing with the expansion of one's desire and ambition. People in the agriculture society enjoyed far less than people in the industry society, thus their wants are far less either. Besides, ancient Chinese always regard "not confined by mate

26、rial, not driven by material" as the major philosophy.32007 年英語專八考試翻譯真題及參考答案C-E:暮色中,河灣里落滿云霞,與天際的顏色混合一起,分不清哪是流云哪是水灣。也就在這一幅絢爛的圖畫旁邊,在河灣之畔, 一群羊正在低頭覓食。它們幾乎沒有一個顧得上抬起頭來, 看一眼這美麗的黃昏。也許它們要抓緊時間,在即將回家的最后一刻再次咀嚼。這是黃河灘上的一幕。 牧羊人不見了, 他不知在何處歇息。 只有這些美生靈自由自在地享受著這個黃昏。這兒水草肥美,讓它們長得肥滾滾的,像些胖娃娃。如果走近了,會發(fā)現(xiàn)它們那可愛的神情, 潔白的牙齒,

27、 那豐富而單純的表情。如果稍稍長久一點端詳這張張面龐,還會生出無限的憐憫。Beside this picture with profusions of colors, a group of sheep are lowing their heads, eating by the river bank. Hardly none of them would spare some time to raise their eyes to have a glance at the beautiful dusk. They are, perhaps, taking use of every minute t

28、o enjoy their last chew before being driven home. This is a picture of the Yellow River bank, in which the shepherd disappears, and no one knows where he is resting himself. Only the sheep, however, as free creatures, are joyfully appreciating the dusk. The exuberant water plants have nutrited the s

29、heep, making them grow as fat as balls. When approaching near, you would find their lily-white teeth and a variety of innocent facial impressions.2008 年英語專業(yè)八級考試翻譯原題及參考答案都市寸土千金, 地價炒得越來越高。 今后將更高。 擁有一個小小花園的希望,對尋常之輩不啻是一種奢望,一種夢想。我想,其實誰都有一個小小花園,這便是我們的內(nèi)心世界。人的智力需要開發(fā), 人的內(nèi)心世界也是需要開發(fā)的。 人和動物的區(qū)別, 除了眾所周知的諸多方面,恐怕還在

30、于人有內(nèi)心世界。 心不過是人的一個重要臟器, 而內(nèi)心世界是一種景觀, 它是由外部世界不斷地作用于內(nèi)心漸漸形成的。每個人都無比關(guān)注自己及至親至愛之人心臟的健損,以至于稍有微疾便惶惶不可終日。 但并非每個人都關(guān)注自己及至親至愛之人的內(nèi)心世界的陰晴。作者:梁曉聲 標題:心靈的花園參考譯文 I think everyone, in effect, has a small garden or a flower bed of his own, namely, our inner world. Just as there is a need for human beings to tap into thei

31、r own intelligence, so is the case with their inner world. What distinguishes between human beings and animals, apart from the various aspects which are universally known, may probably be in that human beings have an inner world. Heart is no more than an important organ whereas the inner world const

32、itutes a landscape, which gradually takes its shape under the continuous influence from the outside world. So great is the importance that everyone attaches to the physical condition of his own heart or those of his closest and dearest ones that merely a minor disease would enduringly weigh on his m

33、ind.2009 年專業(yè)八級考試翻譯真題英譯漢漢譯英: 手機改變了人與人之間的關(guān)系。通常有注意到會議室的門上的告示,寫著 “關(guān)閉手機。 ”然而,會議室仍然充滿著鈴聲。我們都是普通人,沒有很多重要的事情。但是,我們也不愿輕易關(guān)閉手機。打開手機象征著我們與世界的聯(lián)系。手機反映出我們的社交饑渴。我們經(jīng)??吹?,一個人走著走著,就突然停下來了,眼睛盯著他的手機,不管他在那里,無論是在道路中心或旁邊有廁所。Cell phone has altered human relations. There is usually a note on the door of conference room,4which

34、 reads "close your handset." However , the rings are still resounding in the room. We are all common people and have few urgencies to do. Still , we are reluctant to turn off the phone. Cell phone symbolizes our connection with the world and reflects our "thirst for socialization.&quo

35、t; We are familiar with the scene when a person stops his steps to edit short messages with eyes glued at his phone, disregard of his location , whether in road center or beside restroom.2010 專業(yè)八級翻譯真題英譯漢漢譯英: 朋友之間, 情趣相投、脾氣對味則合、則交,反之, 則離、 則絕。朋友之間再熟悉、再親密,也不能隨便過頭、不恭不敬,這樣,默契和平衡將被打破,友好關(guān)系將不復存在。每個人都希望擁有自己的一

36、片私密空間, 朋友之間過于隨便, 就容易侵入這片禁區(qū), 從而引起沖突,造成隔閡。待友不敬,有時或許只是一件小事,卻可能已埋下了破壞性的種子。維持朋友親密關(guān)系的最好辦法是往來有節(jié),互不干涉.參考譯文: For the relationship between friends, similar habits and tempers help to make it closer; on the other hand, opposite ones leave distance from each other. No matter how familiar and intimate the friend

37、s are, the relationship should be treated carefully and respect should be treasured for friends. Otherwise, the partnership and balance would be broken; as a result, a good relationship would no longer exist. Everyone has a desire for his own personal space, which could be easily invaded if the atti

38、tude between friends is too free. Then conflicts appear, causing barriers. Although it seems a small case of not respecting friends, harmful seeds may be sowed to ruin the relationship. In a word, the best way to keep positive friendship is associating with temperate manners and without too much int

39、erference.2011 年專業(yè)八級考試翻譯真題漢譯英現(xiàn)代社會無論價值觀的持有還是生活方式的選擇都充滿了矛盾。而最讓現(xiàn)代人感到尷尬的是,面對重重矛盾,許多時候你別無選擇。匆忙與休閑是截然不同的兩種生活方式。但在現(xiàn)實生活中,人們卻在這兩種生活方式間頻繁穿梭,有時也說不清自己到底是“休閑著 ”還是 “忙碌著 ”。譬如說,當我們正在旅游勝地享受假期,卻忽然接到老板的電話,告知我們客戶或工作方面出了麻煩 現(xiàn)代便捷先進工具在此刻顯示出了它猙獰、陰郁的面容 搞得人一下子興趣全無。接下來的休閑只能徒有其表,因為心里已是火燒火燎了。參考譯文: Being hasty and at leisure are

40、two quite distinct lifestyles. But in the real world, people have to frequently shuttle between these two lifestyles, sometimes not sure whether they areease ” or“ in a rush”.For example, we are enjoying our holidays in the resort while suddenly we receive phone callsfrom the boss who tells us there

41、 are some troubles with our customers and work-soat thismoment the modern, convenient and advanced device shows its vicious and gloomy features-and we lose all our interest. The subsequent leisure is the mere showy for we are in a restless and anxious state of mind.2012 八級翻譯真題PART VTRANSLATION (60 M

42、IN)泊珍到偏遠小鎮(zhèn)的育幼院把生在那里養(yǎng)到1 歲的孩子接回來。 但泊珍看他第一眼,仿似一5聲雷劈頭而來。令她暈頭脹腦,這 l 歲的孩子臉型長得如此熟悉,她心里的第一道聲音是,不能帶回去 !痛苦糾聚心中,眉心發(fā)燙發(fā)熱, 胸口郁悶難展,胃里一股氣沖喉而上。院長說這孩子發(fā)育遲緩時, 她更是心頭無緒。她在孩子所待的房里來回踱步, 這房里還有其他小孩。整個房間只有一扇窗, 窗外樹影婆娑。 她就心想: 就讓孩子留下來吧, 這里有善心的神父和修女,這里將來會擴充為有醫(yī)療作用的看護中心,這是留住孩子最好的地方。這孩子是她的秘密,她將秘密留在這樹林掩映的建筑里。她將秘密留在心頭。參考答案:With pains

43、gathering in her heart, she felt something burning hot between her eyebrows. Her chest was brimmed with depression and sorrow which was about to run out of her throat in any moment.She could not think straight when the headmaster told her that the child suffered from developmental retardation. She s

44、trode up and down in the room where other children were staying. There was only one window in the room, out of which some shady trees were dancing . “ Just leaveit here” , shehought to herself,“mightThis be the best choice. There are kind-hearted priests andnuns and the place will be renovated into

45、a Medicare C enter ” . The childwould be her secret kept in the buildings behind the woods.2013 八級翻譯真題生活像一杯紅酒, 熱愛生活的人會從中品出無窮的美妙。 將它握在手中觀察, 它的暗紅有血的感覺, 那正是生命的痕跡。 抿一口留在口中回味,它的甘甜有一絲苦澀,如人生一般復雜迷離。喝一口下肚,余香潤人心肺,讓人終受益。紅酒越陳越美味,生活越豐富越美好。當人生走向晚年,就如一瓶待開封的好酒,其色彩是沉靜的,味道中充滿慷慨于智慧。參考答案:Life is like a cup of wine ; pe

46、ople who love it discover inexhaustible wonders from it. Hold in the hand and gaze at it, the dark red color is reminiscent of the blood, which is the impress of life. Take a sip of it and appreciate the taste, the bittersweet flavor is exactly the same with life, which is complicated and blurred. O

47、nce the sip is swallowed, the lingering fragrance pleases the heart and refreshes the mind, leaving a person lifelong benefit. There was a remarkable resemblance between life and wine: the taste becomes more delicious as the wine mellows, just as life gets better as it becomes more abundant. When li

48、fe comes to twilight years, it looks calm and tastes full of wisdom and generosity, just like a bottle of wine to be savored.2014 八級翻譯真題中文原文:當我在小學畢了業(yè)的時候, 親友一致的愿意我去學手藝, 好幫助母親。 我曉得我應(yīng)當去找飯吃, 以減輕母親的勤勞困苦。 可是,我也愿意升學。 我偷偷的考入了師范學校制服,飯食,書籍,宿處,都由學校供給。只有這樣,我才敢對母親說升學的話。入學,要交十圓的保證金。這是一筆巨款!母親作了半個月的難,把這巨款籌到,而后含淚把我送出門去。她不辭勞苦,只要兒子有出息。當我由師范畢業(yè),而被派為小學校校長,母親與我都一夜不曾合眼。我只說了句:“以后,您可以歇一歇了! ”她的回答只有一串串的眼淚。6參考譯文:After I graduated from primary school, relatives and friends all suggested that I should dropout and learn a trade to help my mother. AlthoughI knew that I ought to seek a livelihoodtorelieve mother of h


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