



1、第五中學(xué)謝時(shí)芬L單項(xiàng)選擇(共15分,每題1分)()1 JaCk boughtUSefUl book book is also Very interesting A. an: The B. a: TheC. the;A()2 My COUSin has been happy SinCe heto SPend InOre time With his friends.A. Will allow B allowedC. WaS allowed()3 On her Way home LUCy SaW a thiefin a ShOP She StOPPed1 10 at OnCeA. StealXall

2、 B. t StealXaIlC. StealingJo Call()4. ThC headmaster as Well as all the teachersA. are having a meeting B. have gone to the museum C. is Planting trees On the hill()5.DO you know? ThCy moved here SOOn after their SOn WaS bomA. When WOllId the GreenS move here B When the GreenS moved hereC. When the

3、GreenS WOUld move here()6.Dina.what have you done these days? I WaS busymy exam, and FVeappliedthe SChOlarShiPA.with.toB.oLWithC .with,for()7Jim. HOWis it from yourhome to school?一 My IlOme isn't far from my SChllO It s about awalk.A.long> five minutes* B. far five-minutes, C. far, five-minut

4、e()8.DO you Still remember the dayyou first met your best friend? ertainly. We have been friends20 years AAVhenJor B. WhiCh,since C. In WhiCht for()9. I hear your SiSter Went to AUStraIia IaSl Week IS it true?一 Ye s. SheSydney(悉尼)forstudy.A.has beento, farther B. has goneto.further C. have goneto.fu

5、rther()10.Are you SIlre if LUCyfor dinner tomorrow?一 m not SUre If SheWe Will ask LiIy instead A.comes,won't COme B.will COme,won t COmeC. Will COme,doesn,t Come()11. There Will be a SPOrtS meeting tomorrow What Will the Weabter be like?一 I have no idea Why notthe radio and listen?A. TUrn Off B

6、turn down C. turn On()12. Where is the SCientiStave US the talk yesterday?一 He has gone back to his UniVerSity.A. that B. WhO C. WhiCh()13 Many accidents happen at home CVCry year. WhiCh ShOUld not you do at home?A. KeeP the medcme OUt Of the ChIIdre,s IeaChB. CUt Off the POWer before IeaVing houseC

7、. OPen the door for the StrangerS()14.On NOn-SmOking day, a SChOOl did a SUnrey abouthow many StUdentS SmOke ThC number Of the StUdentS in this SChOOl is 145O. ACCOrding to the survey, more thanStudentSSOmetiineS SmOke A. forty B. a hundred C. a thousand ()15 WhiCh StreSS Of the following is differe

8、nt?A. PreSent B mistake C. reflectII完型填空(本題共10分,每小題1分)HaPPineSS is important for everyone MOSt PeOPle Want to be happy, 16 few know how to find happiness MOney and SllCCeSS alone do not bring IaSting happiness HaPPineSS depends On OUrSeIVeS In Other words, WC Inake OUr OWn happiness Here are 17 WayS

9、 to help you be happier.The first SeCret Of happiness is to enjoy the SimPle things in Iife .Too often, We SPend SO much time 18 about the futurefor example > getting into COllege Of getting a good jobthat We fail to enjoy the 19 . YOU SIlOUld ejoy IIfeS SImPle PleaSUres, SUCh as 20 a good book.

10、IiStening to your favourite InUSiC,or SPending time With ClOSe friends PeOPle WhO have SeVeral ClOSe friends tend to IiVe happier and healthier IiVeSThe SeCOnd SeCret to Ieading a happy Iife is to be 21Many PeOPle experience thisdancingt Or Playing a SPOrt YOU Can forget about your PrOblems, and Onl

11、y think about the activity Finally, many PeOPle find happiness in helping 22 according to StUdieS,people feel good 23 they VOIUnteer their time to do Inany meaningful things for Other PeOPle If youhis Or herWant to feel happier, do SOmething 24 for SOmeOne YOU Can help a friend 45StUdies, go ShOPPin

12、g to get food for an Old neighbour. 根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容選擇最佳答案。()16. A. BUtB. asC. Or()17. A. FeWB. a fewC. a IittIe()18. A. thinkingB. thinkC. to think()19. A. PaStB. PreSentC. future()20. A. SeeingB. WatChingC. reading()21. A. activeB. quietC. StriCt()22. A. anotherB. OtherC. OtherS()23. A. WhatB. WhenC. Where(

13、)24. A. niceB. SeriOUSC. difficult()25. A. inB. OnC. WithIIL閱讀理解(共20分,每小題1分)(A)When trouble comes, What do We USUaIly do? We PiCk UP Our mobile PhOneS and CaIl for help. That,s easy, IIgllt? PeOPle Wlth mobile PhOneS Often tlnk so. BUt i an emergency(緊急 事故),many PeOPle are Unable to Call for help Fl

14、OOdS and earthquakes COnIe suddenly. WarS Can hurt Or kell SUCCeSSfUl COmnnlniCatiOn Can SOmetimeS mean the difference between Iife and deathMeet FrenCh NGO TeleCOmS SanS FrOntierS (TeleCOminUniCatiOnS WithOUt BOrderS 國(guó) 界) ItS goal is to USe mobile COmmUniCatiOn technology to help PeOPle in need. TS

15、F began in 1998 First, they OPCned their main base in FranCe Then in 2003, they Started another base in NiCaragUa. The next year they OPened their Thailand base NOW if a disaster hits anywhere in the world, TSF is ready They Can Send WOrkerS to a disaster area to Set UP COmnlUniCatiOn SyStemS Within

16、 24 hours.OnCe TSF arrives at a disaster area. they Set UP telephone COnneCtiOnS and Internet SenriCe They Share these SenfiCeS With Other international helpers On the SCenC SUCh as the UN Or UNICEE MObilC COmnIUniCatiOn helps these Other VOlUnteerS do their jobs better.TSF also OfferS three-minute

17、PhOne CallS to IOCal PeOPle WhO need to COntaCt their IOVed OneS TheSe COmmUniCatiOnS Can allow PeOPle to get together again after being SCPannCd(分開(kāi)) Often the CallerS are moved to tears after SPeaking to a relative found to be StilI alive Then the families Can decide On a Safe COUrSe Of action for

18、their family members.SinCe 1998, TSF has helped thousands Of PeOPle in Inany countries. MOSt Of the TSF WOrkerS does not get Paid With money, but the SatiSfaCtiOn (滿(mǎn)足感)Of helping OtherS and Changing IiVeS is Often a great reward 根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容選擇最佳答案( )26.Telecoms SanS FrOntierS isA. a mobile PhOne COmPany f

19、rom FranCeB. a Charity group from FranCeC. a mobile PhOne COmPany from Thailand ( )27.What does TSF mainly do?A. Thcy teach PeOPIe how to USe InternCt SenrieB. They PrOVide Clean Clrinking Water for PeOPleC. They Offer COmmUniCatiOn SenIiCeS for PeOPle in need()28.How SOOn Can TSF Send WOrkerS to a

20、disaster area?A.In One day.B.In two daysC.In three days( )29.Which One ShOWS the right Order Of the following events?a. People are moved to cr>r.b. TSF WOrkerS Set UP COmmUniCatiOn SyStemSC.A disaster hits SOnleWhere in the WOrld.d. TSF arrives at the disaster area in a ShOrt timee. People make f

21、ree CallS to Other family InelnberSA.c-b-d-a-cB.c-d-b-a-eC.c-d-b-c-a( )30.Which Of the following is TRUE?A.TSF has a historyr Of OVer 20 years.B. Most TSF WOrkerS are VOIUnteCrSC. TSF PrOVideS SerViCeS for IOCal PeOPle only.(B)Single - USe ThingSHoIel CUS(OmCrS in ChangSha, CaPitaI Of HUnan PrOVinCC

22、 9 Will no IongCr get free IhingS IikC toothbrushes The IOMl govement has decided Ihat hotels ShOUId PUt a PriCe SigD On IhgC sin glc - usc( 一次性)IhingS It Will begin On JUiy 1 YOUth Cn has reported.NCW WayS to ProtCCt EyeSMany StUdCntS in China are (IOing the new eye exercises Oo they Ilke the new c

23、hanges? Here are two OPinionS Of StUdCnU in BCijingLi HUaW 14, Beijitlg SaIIfall MkidIC School: *1 IikC Ihe new background music better. IeS more relxng than Ihe OId One. '*LU Wenqi v 12 , BeiJlng XiCheng FOreign Language School: 4The new exercises arc healthier. ThC Part Of rubbing(摩擦)the groun

24、d With OUr feet is funny. We all IaUgII WhiIe doing itPoPUlar WayS to Say Gocxlbyc to Middle SChOOl HfcIn addition to a big CIIeal, there are also SOTnC new POPUlar WayS to &ay goodbye before graduation :A Travel With your classmates.ASetUPa WebSite to help your group keep in touchAReCorCi every

25、OneFS best WiSheSand their SmileS With a DV and make a DVD CoPy for everybody.C!ean the ClaSSrCXJm for One IaSt time.根據(jù)表格所提供的信息選擇最佳答案.()31 .When Will ChangSha hotels PUt a PriCe Sign On the SingIe-USe things?A.On May 1.B.0n JIIne 1.C.On JUIy L()32.What's PIeCe 2 about?A.Funny StUdentSB. The new

26、eye exercisesC.A InUSiC IeSSOn.()33.What makes LU Wenqi laugh?A.The rubbing.B .The IangUageC.The music.( )34.Which is the Way to keep in touch With ClaSSmateS in PieCe 3?A.To go travelling B.To Clean the ClaSSrOOm. C.lb Set UP a website.()35.How Inany WayS are talked about in PieCe 3?A.Four.B.Five C

27、.Six.(C)SCVeral StUdieS in Ihe PaSt (CW years have ShOWn Ihat music ICSSOnS Can have a good effect(作 用)on kid5,brainThe researchers found that ICSSonS On a musical instrument Iike PianO Or ViOlin CalI improve mathematic ability and OVeraIl IQ(智商) The IOnger a StUdent IeamS it. Ihe more greatly he Wi

28、ll improve AS IittIC as four months Of music IeSSOnS Can CaUSe improvements CllIring brain develop- merit. ThC StUdy followed a few four - to - SiX - year Old msic IeamerS OVer the COUrSe Of a year, measuring ChangeS in each kid's brain Xvhen Ihe SCientiStS COmPared the music IeamerS With a grou

29、p Of non - music Ieamert they found music StUdents, brains Were developing differently FOr example, the young Iearnenf InemOry ImPrOVed OVer that One year.BCfbrC you Start giving IlP the musical inslrumenl, hcrc,s IlIC good news. EVCn quittcrs(放棄 )get SOme benefits. InStead Of IoSing their abilities

30、 completely, ChiIdrCn Who StOPPed Iheir lessons keep SOmC Of the SkiIIS Ieamed by Iheir musical training.根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容判斷正誤(正確的填A(yù).錯(cuò)誤的填B)()36 Leammg music is good for a child's bram development.()37.Students With years Of musical training Will POSSibIy do better at mathematics()38.How IOng a StUdent Iear

31、nS music has nothing to do With his brain development.( )39.Quitters USUally IOSe their abilities COmPletely as SOOn as they give up.( )40.Scientists got the COnClUSiOn(結(jié)論)by StUdying a group Of six-year-old kids.(D)A SUrVey about Peopled TraVClingWiIh Ihe irnprovementof OUr life, more and more PcoP

32、le IlaVe IriPS On Iheir holidays The following is a SlJrVey about PeOPIeVS IraViling at home and abroad from 2003 to 2(X)9. 500 PeOPle join in the SUnTeyWonl Bank:提高在國(guó)內(nèi)根據(jù)圖示所提供的信息選擇最佳答案.The PerCent Of the PeOPIeWhO Like TraVeliO Ibe niddle aged 因 the Old the young)41.There arePeOPle WhO didn't tr

33、avel i 2003.A.360B40C.35O)42.In 2009have trips On the holidays.A.half Of the PeOPleB.80% Of the PeOPleC.three fifths Of the PeOPle)43.The number Of the young PeOPle WhO Iike traveling isA. 165B. 195C40)44.There areWhO go abroad On their holidays from 2003 to 2009.A.more and more PeOPleB. 1 ess and I

34、eSS PeOPle C.no PCOPle)45.Which Of the following in NOT te?A. More and more PeOPle travel On their holidays from 2004 to 200&B. Half Of the PeOPle go traveling in 2006.C. Middle aged PeOPle WhO Iike traveling are the fewest.IV任務(wù)性閱讀(共10分,每空1分)(A)make anything difference goal PlayThink Of Iife as

35、a game in WhiCh you are 46 With five balls in the air. YOIl name them WOrk family, heal山,friends and SPirit (精神)and you keep all Of them in the air. YOU Will sn UndCrStand that WOrk is a bber ball. If you drop it, it Will bounce (彈跳)back.BUt the Other four balls, family, health, friends and spirit,

36、are 47 Of glass .If you drop One Of these, they Will be broken. They Will never be the Same YOU InUSt UnderStand that and tr>r to have balance in your Iife How?DOn t IOOk down On your WOrth by COmParUlg yorself With others. It is because We are 48 and each Of US is SPeCiaI.DOIft Iet Otller PeOPle

37、 Set 49 for you. Only you know What is best for yourself.DOn t ge UP WhelI you StiIl IlaVe 50 to give Nothing is really OVer UntiI the moment you StOP trying.(B)Partying if fm. BUt have you ever been invited to a Party by a foreigner? What ShOUld you wear? ShOUld you bring anything? If so. what? DOn

38、 t worry. TOday We are going to give you SOme tips about Partying With foreigners.First, you SllOUld ask If it,s a formal Or CaSual(非正式)party. Then you Win know What to wear. It as smle as tlat. At a CaSllal party, it is CUStOmary to bring a bottle Of Wine Or SOme Other refreshments (點(diǎn)心) It is not C

39、OnSidered POlite to bring SOmeOne along With you UnleSS you first ask your host. At more formal PartieS Iike birthdays, a Small gift Will be SUffiCient (足 夠) GiVing money WOUld CaUSe SOme embarrassment. Finally, never OVerStay your welcome. When it s gettmg late, it's time to thank your host for

40、 a Wonderfill evening and Say good IUgllt. 任務(wù)一:用方框中所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空使文章通順連貫,合理.9.50.任務(wù)二:根據(jù)英文釋義及首字母提示,拼寫(xiě)單詞.51 .seasy to UnderStand52.cthink about SOmCthing before making a decision任務(wù)三:同義句轉(zhuǎn)換,每空一詞.Then you Will konw What to wear.YOU WiIl know 53.you 54.wear.任務(wù)四:根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容簡(jiǎn)答問(wèn)題.IS it POIite to bring Other

41、 PerSOn WhO is not invited to the party?55. V. 交際應(yīng)用(共10分,每空1分)(A)從A-G選項(xiàng)中選岀能填入空白處的最佳選項(xiàng)補(bǔ)全對(duì)話(huà).A: What are you going to do after the graduation exams?B: 56 m too tired and jst Want to IeIaX myself.A AVhat about a joumcy(旅游)? ve just been to Haman Island.B: 57A: Yes, Of COUrSe We SaW many different kinds

42、Of flowers there 58B:Did you meet any foreign ViSitOrS there?A: Yes, a lot. And i talked With SOme Of them.B:That SOUndS great. I Can relax InySelf and PraCtiCe my EngIiSh as well. 59A:ThC PriCe Of a One-Way ticket from ChengdU to HaikOU is 1,530 yuan60 They Can giveyou a 50%(折扣)B:Good. I d Iike to

43、go there With my CIaSSmateS IleXt week.A. The air Ime isn't busy now.B. Did you go there by trainC. I have no idea.D. And We Went SWimming and boatingE. HOW InUCh does it COSt to fly to Hainan?F. Did you have a good journey?G. See you tomorrow.56. 0.(B)填入一個(gè)適當(dāng)?shù)脑~補(bǔ)全對(duì)話(huà),每空一詞.A: i Plan to go

44、 to Harbin for my Winter holiday. YOU COme from Harbin. Can you 61 me SOInething about it?B:NO PrOblem. Harbin is in the northeast Of China and it is 62 as an ICe City.AJVhat's the Weatller 63 there?B:The WeathCr in Harbin is COlder than 64 in HangZhOU in winter.A:It SOUndS IeaIly IntereStillg a

45、nd exciting. I Can t 65 to fly thereB:I hope yofll have a good time.61 5.VI. 閱讀表達(dá)(共10分)(A)閱讀短文,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容完成表格,每空一詞。(共5分)The Internet is Playing a InOre and more important Part in OUr daily life. On the net We Can ICarn news both at home and abroad and all kinds Of Other information as Well We Can also Send messages by e-mail


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