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1、Technique summary on the deformation monitoring towards the high side-slope of the diversion tunnel 1. Introduction to the diversion tunnel The diversion tunnel and its related projects lies on the opposite side of the underground workplace, namely, the left bank of the Shuibuya Valley. Its natural

2、slope is 255 meters high, consisting of soft rocks and hard rocks. The geological structure is so complicated. Specifically speaking, the slope contains two parts, with the above part hard and the below part soft; meanwhile, it also contains lots of fissures. To protect the workers safety during the

3、 construction period, it is quite necessary to carry out the rigorous monitoring towards the high side-slope.2.coordinate system(1). Beijing Geodetic Coordinate System, 1954;(2). Wusong Altitude system, 1956;(3). Gauss projection 3° Zone;(4). Central Meridian 111°.3.introdution to deformat

4、ion of structures 3.1 When the structure is being constructed and in use, so many factors will cause five phenomena, such as: structure subsidence, structure displacement, structure oblique and structure fissure etc. These factors mainly include: the uneven geological component of the foundation, th

5、e difference of the physical attribute of the soil, the rigid deformation of the soil, the change in the underground water, the change of the atmospheric temperature, the self weight of the structure itself and the effect of the dynamic weight (such as the wind, the vibration etc.) These phenomena g

6、enerally called as deformation. Deformation can be classified into two kinds according to the time, namely, long-period deformation and short-period deformation; it can also be classified into static deformation and dynamic deformation. deformation observation and its characteristics1. Deformation o

7、bservationThe term “deformation observation means such work that by using surveying tools or specific tools get the deformation result periodically that caused by structure weight and the outside factors.Through the deformation monitoring, we can check the stability of the structure and the geologic

8、al components, timely find some unusual problems, guarantee the quality and the safety of the structure, get an insight into the mechanics of the deformation, test related theory of the structure design and the hypothesis of the movement of the crust, build the forecast deformation model and theory,

9、 and give a scientific and objective appraisal towards the attribute of some new structure, new material.The deformation includes the inner observation and outer observation. The two kinds of observations are independent on one hand; on the other hand, both of them also rely on the other. So the two

10、 kinds of observations should go hand in hand so that they can verify and complement each other. the characteristics of deformation observation Compared with the conventional survey, deformation observation has such the following characteristics:(1) Require more rigorous precision;(2) Require more o

11、bservations;(3) Require more rigorous adjustment;The basic methods for deformation observationThe methods for deformation observation can be classified into four categories:No.1 conventional geodetic methods. such as: leveling, trigonometric leveling, trilateration, triangulations, traverse survey e

12、tc. The method has such the following advantages as: high precision, more flexible, suitable to different deformation body and working environment, but it also has some drawbacks. For example, it needs more tough work, not easy to carry out automatic and consecutive monitoring.No.2 photogrammetry. T

13、his method especially suitable to carry out dynamic deformation observation. However, it requires more fieldwork and has lower precision.No.3 physical method. This method can easily be used to conduct automatic deformation observation consecutively and remote survey. It has relatively higher precisi

14、on, covers relatively smaller range.No.4 Space surveying technique. This method includes VLBI, GPS etc. This method is more advanced. We can conduct an observation of a larger scale range. It is the main tool to study the deformation of the crust and the subsidence of the crust and the subsidence of

15、 the earth ground.All in all, the specifical method for deformation observation is decided by such the following factors as the attribute of the structure, the usage information, the observation precision, the environmental factors and requirements towards the monitoring. 4.the setting-up of horizon

16、tal control network and the monitoring of the horizontal displacement4.1 Type of horizontal displacement and deformation of structure In order to obtain an insight into the measurement of large structure, a simplified explanation will be suffient. Genially, movements with respect to structures may b

17、e classified into three types:1. Relative or differential movements within the structures, causing permanent and elastic deformations. The pattern of these movements depend entirely on the type of the type of structure and the outside factors that cause them. It is therefore not possible to make any

18、 specifications without additional data.2. Absolute movements of the structure as a whole considered as d rigid body. They commence as soon as the foundations are laid. The weight steadily increasing till the construction is finished.3. As a consequence of the absolute movements, movements in the re

19、gions adjacent to the structures may occur. They may be subdivided into permanent and elastic ones, and may be in lateral and vertical directions. The movements are usually relative rapid at the beginning and slow down as the construction proceeds.Formerly, Geodetic methods were the only ways of tes

20、ting relative movements in structures. They have lost some of their significance since physical methods have gained in importance. They are, however, still very useful in combination with the latter methods and have the advantage of giving immediate results. Its for this reason that they are still e

21、mployed, especially as control measurements for the behavior of dams. The dimension of the movements depends largely on the slope and the building material of the structure, the purpose for which it is used, the uplift pressure form ground and the shear forces.If it is desirable to check the behavio

22、r of a structure after its completion, provisions may be made during the construction for the location of the survey marks, shafts for plumb line devices, clinometers seats, theologize stations etc.4.2 The setting-up of the horizontal control network GPS1. Brief introduction to GPSTo better understa

23、nd the concept of GPS, I want to anatomize the term: “Global positioning system Global: Anywhere on earth. Well, almost anywhere, but not inside buildings, underground, in sever precipitation, under heavy tree canopy, or anywhere else not having a direct view of a substantial portion of the sky. The

24、 radio waves that GPS satellites transmit have very short lengths-about 20cm. A wave of this length is good for measuring because it follows a very straight path, unlike its longer cousins, such as AM and FM band radio waves, that may bend considerably. Unfortunately, short waves also do not penetra

25、te very well. So the transmitter and the receiver must have much solid matter between them, or the waves are blocked, as light waves are easily blocked.Positioning: Answering brand new and age-old human questions. Where are you? How fast are you moving and in what direction? What direction you shoul

26、d go to get to some other specific location, and how long would it take at your speed to get them? And, most importantly for GIS, where have you been?System: A collection of components with connections among them. Components and links have characteristics.The EarthThe first major component of GPS is

27、 Earth itself: its mass and its surface, and the space immediately above. The mass of the Earth holds the satellites in orbit. From the point of view of physics, each satellite is trying to fly by the Earth at four kilometers per second. The Earths gravity pulls on the satellite vertically so it fal

28、ls. The trajectory of its fall is a track that is parallel to the curve of the Earths surface.The surface of the Earth is studded with little “monuments-carefully positioned mental or stone markers-whose coordinates are known quite accurately. These lie in the “numerical gratitude which we all agree

29、 forms the basis for geographic position. Measurements in the units of the gratitude, and based on the positions of the monuments, allow us to determine the poison of any object we choose on the surface of the Earth.Earth-circling satellitesThe U.S.GPS design calls for a total of 24 solar-powered tr

30、ansmitters, forming a constellation such that several are “visible from any point on Earth at any given time. The first one was launched on February 22, 1978. In mid-1994 all 24 were broadcasting. The standard “ constellation of 24 includes three “spares. The satellites are at a “middle altitude of

31、20200 km, roughly 12600 statute miles or 10900 nautical miles, above the Earths surface.This puts them above the standard orbital height of the space shuttle, most other satellites, and the enormous amount of space junk that accumulated. They are also well above Earths air, where they are safe from

32、the effect of atmospheric drag. GPS satellites are below the geosynchronous satellites, usually used for communication and sending TV and other signals back to Earth-based fixed antennas. These satellites are 35420 km above the Earth, where they hang over the equator relaying signals from and to gro

33、und-based stations.The NAVSTAR satellites are neither polar nor equatorial, but slice the Earths latitude at about 55 degree, Executing a signal revolution every 12 hours. Further, although each satellite is in a 12hour orbit, an observer on Earth will see it rise and set about 4 minutes earlier eac

34、h day. They are four satellites in each of six distinct orbital planes. The orbits are almost exactly circular. The combination of the Earths rotational speed and the satellites orbits produces a wide variety of tracks across the Earths surface. Below is a view of tracks, which occurred during the f

35、irst two hours after noon on St. Patricks Day, 1996. You are looking down on the Earth, directly at the equator, the north-south meridian passes through Lexington, Kentucky. As you can see, the tracks near the equator trend to the almost north-south.GPS satellites move at a speed of 3.87 km/sec. Eac

36、h weighs about 860 kilograms and has a size of about 8.7 meters with the solar panels extended. Space buffs might want to know that they usually get into orbit on top of Delta rockets fired from the Kennedy Spaceflight Center in Florida.Ground-based stationsWhile the GPS satellites are free from dra

37、g by the air, their tracks are influenced by the gravitational effects of the moon and by the solar wind. Further, they are crammed with electronics. Thus, both their tracks and their innards require monitoring. This accomplished by four ground-based stations, located on Ascension Island, at Diego G

38、arcia, in Hawaii, and kwajalein. Each satellite passes over at least one monitoring station twice a day. Information developed by the monitoring station is transmitting back to the satellites, which in turn rebroadcasts it to GPS receivers. Subjects of a satellites broadcast are the health of the sa

39、tellites electronics, how the track of the satellites, and other, more esoteric subjects which need not concern us at this point. Other ground-based stations exist, primarily for uploading information to the satellites; the master control station is in Colorado Springs, Colorado.ReceiversThis is the

40、 part o the system with which you will become most familiar. In most basic form, the satellites receiver consist of 1.an antenna 2.electronics to receive the satellite signals 3.a microcomputer to process the data that determines the antenna position, and to record position valued4. controls to prov

41、ide user input to the receiver, and a screen to display information. More elaborate units have computer memory to store position data points and the velocity of the antenna. This information may be uploaded into a computer and then installed in a geographic information system. Another elaboration on

42、 the basic GPS unit is the ability to receive data from and transmit data to other GPS receivers-a technique called “real time differential GPS that may be used to considerably increase the accuracy of positioning finding.Receiver manufacturersIn additional to being an engineering marvel and of grea

43、t benefit to many concerned with spatial issues as complex as national defense or as mundane as refinding a great fishing spot, GPS is also big business. Dozens of GPS receiver builders exist from those who manufacture just the GPS “engine to those who provide a complete unit for the end user.The Un

44、ited States Department of DefenseThe U.S.DoD is charged by law with developing and maintaining NAVSTAR. It was, at first, secret. Five years elapsed from the first launch in 1978 until news of GPS came out in 1983. In the decade since-despite the fact that parts of the system remain highly classifie

45、d-mere citizens have been cashing in on what one manufacturer calls “The Next Utility. There is little question that the design of GPS would have been different had it been a civilian system “from the ground up. But then, GPS might not have been developed at all. Many issues must be resolved in the

46、coming years. For instance, the military deliberately corrupts the GPS signals so that a signal GPS unit, operating by itself (i.e., autonomously), cannot assure accuracy of better than 100 meters. But the DOD is learning to play nicely with the civilian world. They and we all hope, of course, that

47、the civil uses of GPS will vastly outpace the military need. 2. GPS in useThis time, we decided to choose GPS Trimble 4800 and 4700 manufactured by the America. Its specified precision is 5mm+1ppm×D (D means the distance between the tow stations). The field work is strictly according to the req

48、uirements of the ?Code for GPS Survey?.Specifically speaking:. Before the observation was conducted, we carried out forecasts and choose the advantageous period. As known to us all, measuring also entails performing a physical operation such as preparations (either instrument setting-up or calibrati

49、on or both), centering, pointing, matching, setting, comparing and reading etc. During the observation was conducted; we observed consecutively 120 minutes or so. Meanwhile, we looked for some information about the satellites through the menu on the receiver. If we found some unusual phenomena, we w

50、ould record them down onto the recorder. After the observation was conducted, we transmitted data to the computer to conduct adjustment of observations by some software. LEICA DI 2002As known to all of us, elctro-opitcal distance measuring techniques are also subject to a number of systematic effect

51、s whose sources and chatacterictics must be determined and alleviated. Of these errors, the following are mentioned here: a change in the signal frequency (due to variations in wave propagation velocity; the instrument (and sometimes the reflector or remote unit) may not be properly centered on the

52、ends of the line to be measured; and the path of propagation of the signal may not conform to the straight line assumpted and may be deviated because of environmental and other factors. To avoid or alleviate the above-mentioned effect on the results, we decided to take the following steps strictly a

53、ccording to certain codes. Set the measuring instrument and reflector at the two ends of the line to be measured respectively, center. Switch on the measuring instrument, target the reflector precisely, and check the signal reflected by the reflector. If qualified, begin to measure; if not qualified

54、, repeat the above-mentioned steps. To avoid the coarse errors, it is quite necessary to read twice per targeting. Then, repeat it! The reason why we followed such work was to minimize the effect of the error into accidental ones. Record the data down to the booklet. Then, read the vertical angles,

55、record them down into the correspondent parts. When measuring, remember to read the temperature displayed on the thermometer and the pressure displayed on the QIYTAJI. When all the jobs were done, remember to conduct oblique correction according to the vertical angles and the atomospherical correcti

56、on according to the T&P. Finally, we got the horizontal distance. trigonometric leveling traverse observationThe routine is (BM01) TN01-TN02-SBY05-TN03-TN04 (BM04). This step was conducted strictly according to scale requirements specified by the ?Code for Hydraulic and Hydroelectric Constructio

57、n?. the horizontal displacement In this step, we mainly utilize three sides forward intersection to calculate the three- dimensional coordinates (X, Y, Z) of the monitored points.5. Vertical control network and vertical displacement monitoring In this step, we mainly carried out the structure subsid

58、ence monitoring by precise leveling. No attempt was made to carry out oblique monitoring etc. Specifically speaking:. Leveling routine (twice)SBYII05-BM01-LD05-LD06-BM02-LD02-LD01-BM04-BM03-SBYII01-BM03-BM04-LD01-LD02-BM02-LD06-LD05-BM01-SBYII05;BM03-LD02-LD01-BM04;BM01-LD05-LD06-BM02;. Rigorous adjustment After this step, we got such the following results:The primary elevation results for both working points and monitored points; The primary plane and altitude results for both working points and monitored points; The horizontal distance projected to


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