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1、普通話語音和播音發(fā)聲(Putonghua pronunciation and broadcastsound)The practicalcourse of broadcasting,has carriedon the simpleanalysis from the Mandarin speech and sound two aspects asbroadcastingprofessionalbasiccourse,itcan be saidthatthefirst volume is the basis of the foundation, priority amongpriorities. A

2、s the building height and its foundation depth,solid degree and scale of Pyramid and its base on the size ofthe basic knowledge and skillsof learningand trainingfor weare engaged ina professionalradio hostplaysa very importantrole. Learn the art to have the savvy, I think the reason isvery simple, b

3、ecause for any art, the theory of knowledge arerelatively boring and abstract, everyone understand and feelfor a kind of things is not the same, which requires us tocontinue in the learning process, combined with the practiceof the abstracttheory throughdigestionand understandingintotheir own insigh

4、ts and skills. This is a long process, so weonly throughunremittinglythebasictrainingand artpracticeas well as usual for the learningand accumulationof knowledge,thought, aesthetic, mood, to reach the highest temple of art.In this way, we have to go through a lifetime, there is noshortcut to go.Each

5、 textbook hasa focus,and in my opinion,the firstvolumefocuses on the learning and training of basic skills. If the"practical broadcasting tutorial" to a Book of martial artscheats, then the first volume should be the body of practice,in a nutshellis the externalskills;and second volumes is

6、 theheartmethod self-disciplineis the internalskills;thirdandfourth copies of the book is the two volume of previousprofessional foundation, a radio and TV two. Different school of martial arts cheats.Through nearly a semester of professional learning, I also accumulated some learning experience, he

7、re to share with you, and I hope you can put forward valuable suggestions and opinions.Natureisbeauty! Anything beautiful,I believe,natureis itsfoundation.For our study of radiohostprofessional, the firstbook of the study we need to master the use of breathing, oraluse, resonance,thecombination ofem

8、otion informationskills,and theseskillsarerequiredforlearning and trainingin thenatural state, the psychological and physiological organ,skill and emotion in conjunction with each other. To achievefusionina naturalharmony. Thiskind of nature is beautiful!The ultimate goal of our study and training i

9、s nature, andeverything comes from nature and back to nature. Recognizingthis will help us to adjust our mental and physical state inthe courseof learningso as togetintogood studyand trainingas soon as possible.Before I study this major, I think we should know somethingabout the following three poin

10、ts.Firstof all,establishselffeedback. Self feedback includes two kinds, one is thekinesthetic feedback, namely: we talk at the same time, thebrain received feedback signals of pronunciation correctionaction.Thisguaranteesupervisionand controlprocessof vocalorgan actiondoes notdeviate from thecorrect

11、movement, istheprocessof kinestheticfeedback pronunciation.1 isanotherkind of auditory feedback, that is, when the pronunciation isnotaccurate,the brainwillissuecorrectioninstructions,sothatthepronunciationorgans correctpronunciationerrors.2in class, we ensure the accuracy of our voice through thesu

12、pervision of our teachers. However, the teacher can'tsuperviseus allthe time.In theusual trainingand learning,we rely on self feedback to identify and ensure the accuracyof sound,so thetimelyestablishmentofselffeedback,you canavoid detours in the learningand training,improve thequalityand effici

13、ency of our study and training. Secondly, we shouldestablish a class of sensory memory, when the teacher pointedout that when the sound problems, when to help you fix theproblem,thenthe stateshould focuson memory sound and feel,thisis a kindofexperience,a processofunderstanding.Heart,brain, learning

14、 to capture the moment of the inspiration, tostrengthen the memory, and then consolidated by the dailytraining,so thattensofmillionsoftimesthantheboringandmechanical reading is more effective.Third,theobjectiveandaccurate understanding of their own voice. Because eachperson'sphysiologicalstructu

15、re,vocalmethods and many otherdifferences, so that everyone's voice is different,Only correctunderstandingof theirvoice,and avoid weaknesses,can gradually through learning and training, on the basis oftheir existingvoice conditionswillbeautifythesound,voicecapabilities will be expanded. If using

16、 acoustic methods ortraining intensity is beyond the scope of your ability, willhave the opposite effect, serious or even cause physiologicaldisease,affectthe broadcastinglife,which againrequires usin the process of learning and training in order to seek anaturalsounding state. As we know, announcin

17、gtheuse ofvoiceis close to English with sound, in general should be in thenatural range, the sound in the area are used. The booksummarizes such a concept- freesound, namely: inour naturalrange, except the highestand lowestseveral not freelysound,a sectionin the middle we calledfree sound area.3,and

18、 ourlearning and training in the use of sound should be built onthe basisof free voice area, to findtheir own freevoice area,also met his own voice.Sound is formed by the cooperation of three systems, namely,power system,sound source system and sound system. Of course,this isonlypurelyfroma physical

19、and physiologicalpointofview. The dynamic system refers to the system that providespower forthesound of the human body,consistingmainly ofthelungs, trachea,thorax,and diaphragm,abdominal muscles, andrelatedmuscles.4sound source system mainlyrefersto vocalcords. The vocal system consists of the oral

20、cavity and thesympathetic organs. Speech production process is short,dynamic power system, the power flowissound; when the airflowthrough the sound source system, vocal vibration resulting inweak and singlevowel sound throughthe throat;the system willbecome the original laryngeal speech, through res

21、onanceamplification, modified to send out. Thus, for we learn aprofessional radio host, how to make our more lasting power,the use of breathfreely;how to make the speech more accurateand clear, mellow sound sounds; how to recognize, understandand grasp the dynamic system and the principle and skills

22、 ofthe sound system is the key. Isn't the sound source systemimportant?The sound source system is not important,therearetwo reasons: first, the vocal cords are born, we cannot be acquired through the efforts to change it; two, because the source system is a passive organ, and sound source system

23、 inthe natural state of relaxation is the best state, so here we don't emphasize its use).Breathing applicationThe use of breathinginbroadcasting and hostingmainlyrefersto the combined respiration of the chest and abdomen.Thoracoabdominal breathing is not simply a combination ofthoracic breathin

24、gand abdominal breathing, butby trainingthetwo together to form a new way of breathing. This type ofbreathing through long-term training, can provide a moreadequate and lastingairas announcer,so as tostrengthentheability of the host member broadcasting control flow, expandthe ability of announcer in

25、 art master manuscript. If thebroadcast host is compared to a sportsevent, then thereisnodoubt that the announcer is the professional athlete of the sport.So, how do you findthefeelingof chestand abdominalbreathing?With the air from the nose and mouth while inhaling, two ribson both sides to expand

26、at the same time, belt feeling tight,alvine control crescendo. 5's book is very detailed,buttherearestilla lot of people inaccordancewiththe bookdescribedinpractice,but can not findthe chestand abdominaljointbreathing feeling.Thisis because each person'sfeelingsand experiences are different,

27、 so the feeling of chest andabdominal breathing is still to be sought and understood inlong-term training.Here, I share my knowledge of chest and abdominal breathing, and some of my experiences in practice. Thoracoabdominalbreathing is the natural breathing based on deep breathing,chest and abdomen

28、and experience the process of change, thechest and abdomen to form a similar overall channel whenbreathingthe same air containerto savings.Everyone breathes.In fact, our breathing in the natural state of life is the simultaneous breathing of the chest and abdomen, but this feeling of breathing is re

29、latively weak,And we can use this way to breathe freely, so we shouldstrengthen the practice of breathing through unremittinglyfeeling,strengthenthe use of thoracoabdominalbreathing,soas tobetterserveour vocalservice.Artis derivedfrom life,but it is higher than life. The same is true of breathing. T

30、hethoracoabdominal breathing itself is the breathing state oflife, but it is different from the breath in life. Forthoracoabdominalbreathing conditionof practice,we need notbe anxious,do notbe longtrainingbut can notfindthe feelingstate of retreat, we want to take on their pilgrimage to thetempleof

31、art,through unremittinglytraininghardand willbeabletomaster thisbreathing.In practice,I also tend to placetoo much emphasis on abdominal breathing and neglect chestbreathing. To know the thoraco abdominal breathing, which isa whole process, and as a channel of breathing, the air isinhaledintothe abd

32、omenthrough the chest,thisalsomeans thatin the whole process of breathing, feeling slightly chestabdomenbeforethemicro feeling,we can oftensee the supportforce many beginners find the breath of the waist waistline,but sometimes deliberatelylookingforthefeelingof abdominaland ignore the chest feeling

33、, is not conducive to accuratelyfindthe correct breathing.Therefore,inpractice,we can notignore the feeling of chest breathing, and deliberatelystressed the search for abdominal sensation, chest and abdominal joint breathing, joint financing is the true chest and abdominal combined breathing.In addi

34、tion,we shouldpay attentiontotheuse of airflowandvolume control during thetrainingprocess.Excessiveairflowoften increases the burden on the vocal organs and, to someextent, causes tension in the local muscles or vocal organs.In general,we oftenhave toomuch airflow in practice,whichresults in loud vo

35、lume, which is commonly called loud voice.Announcer is facing the microphone volume, we tend to be morenatural voice, so inpracticewhen we don'temphasize thatairis too large, the key lies in nature, in the rational use of enough breath breath is good, but not loud exercise is good. Of course, th

36、e use of breath control and volume readings and lectures condition is different, should be clear.Oral useIn the understanding of oral use, it is necessary for us tounderstanda concept articulationorgan. Inthe mouth of soundplayFestivalmaking varioussites,isthe articulationorgan.It includes the lips,

37、 tongue, tongue can be divided into thetip ofthe tongue, tongue andtongue,blade,and theupper andlowerteethunder the gums, the palate(includinghard palate,soft palate) and lower jaw. The lip and tongue in the processof formingthe most positiveactioninpronunciation,playsthegreatest role. 6 so, in my o

38、pinion, the use of words is thekey to this unit of oral use. Through the oral use of learningand training,can make us inthe process of broadcastsound moreaccurate,clear, mellow, concentratedand fluentexpressionofideas, the transmission of information.In learning and life, we can often hear words lik

39、e beads, andother similar language to describe a precise sweet words. Infact, these words contain a lot of knowledge and skills aboutoraluse. I refertothem as "fourcharactersecrets"for oraluse. To enunciate as beads for example, it is China'straditional rap describe rounded articulatio

40、n, it vividlysketched out theclose relationshipbetween the pronunciationand articulationround action.7"namely"image describedinthe sound airflowinthe runningdirectionand controlof breathdexterity in oral use is the requirement of lip and tongue inresistance, resistance to, in addition to k

41、eep the positivestateof resistancein the processof "pearls"willbe invisiblespeech image, performance the mellow voice.When"theword is"tone warping and full,and the "circularcavity" not only refersto the tone we called full, more important is that a positiveoral state, i

42、s round degree of oral requirements of theexhibition. Holding the pop-up, "hold it" is required lips inoraluse, for each voice grasp and control shouldbe cleverandclumsy,"Ejection" is the dexterity and movement of the tongue thatrequiresthe movementofthetongue in the mouth. Oral

43、use mostmentioned four words, and the secret is: playing very loose,playing,zygomatic muscles,teethvery soft palate,Panasonicpakistan. These requirements are undoubtedly to provide apositivesound good voice,tocreate a good space forthe tonguein the mouth movement, on theotherhand for oral resonance

44、tocreate favorable conditions.Because oral use is closely related to the initial and finalspeech in two pieces of content, so oral use this unit oflearning and training, combined with the speech unit ofconsonants and vowels in the learning and training together.Many people think thatthe initial andf

45、inalpart ofthe firstprofessional book book of the learning and training of littleimportance, but in fact the consonants and vowels for lip andtongue has put forwardhigherrequirements,and use oforallipand tongue as the key, which directly affect the final stagein the broadcast voice sound stage. If a

46、 word is compared toa Chinese word,then the consonants and vowels invowel isusedin the oral word stage, namely by the preceding paragraph,prefix part determines the running direction of the initialatmosphere, a word is used in the initial efforts, oral"hunting"key isfinal;the use of oralwo

47、rds and tone toneutralphase, namely word and suffixabdominal part,by themiddleandposteriorsegment, which directlydeterminesthepronunciationof a full degree, we often say "not stand" is the problems inthe pronunciationof vowelsinvowel,and a word isno flavor,is part ofthe coda toaudioprocess

48、ingis appropriate.Vowelscan be divided into head, belly and tail. Visible, oralapplicationforword,word and sound to request,isinfactforthe initial and final sound requirements. Well, learn theinitial consonant and vowel sounds, direct effect on the oralcavity, use this unit of learning and training,

49、 they are complementary and inseparable.According to the different parts of the initial consonantpronunciation can be divided into lips resistance, resistance, resistance, the lips tongue tongue in tongue, tongue blocking resistance, resistance and base resistance; according to thepronunciation meth

50、ods can be divided into, stops, fricatives and affricates, nasals and laterals; in stops and affricatesin the aspirated and divided into the aspirated and unaspirated; according to the vocal cords is divided into voiced and voiceless fibrillation. According to the final phoneticstructure can be divi

51、ded into single vowel and compound vowels and nasal vowels, and according to the characteristics of lipvowels can be at the beginning of vowel vowels are divided into four categories, namely, Hu, opening mouth, even teeth vowels hekouhu and pursed mouths. Based on the initial and final theoretical l

52、earning and vocal training, we can easily graspthe movement process in the oral use of lip and tongue, articulation and their vocalization and pronunciation requirements for each lip etc. In this way, we have a more comprehensive and thorough understanding of some common phonetic problems. After a long period of targeted training, we can better serve our broadcasting, vocal and artistic creation.Resonance applicationAs we carry the resonance sound, we have in the bass sound, a high pitched sound,


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