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1、副詞和形容詞1、 形容詞的用法1 .形容詞修飾名詞,并且放在名詞的前面,這時形容詞在句子中作定語例女口 : a beautiful lady、a 型 man、a big houseA beautiful lady is standing in front of a taJ! man.2 .形容詞放在be動詞的后面,這時形容詞在句子中作表語/主語補足語。例如:The lady is型.(tall在句子中作表語,說明lady是怎么樣的)The beautiful lady is tajj. (beautiful 在句子中作定語 Tall 作表語)The beautHul lady is tall

2、and slim .3 .形容詞放在連系動詞(become成為、seem看起來、taste嘗起來、look看起來、smell聞起來、feel 摸起來/感覺、turn變成,等等)后面,在句子中作表語/主語補足語。例如:The leaf (葉子)turned yellow .樹葉變黃了。She looks beautiful./ He looks handsome.她看起來漂亮。/他看來帥氣。The food taste 322d.這些食物好吃。The sweater feels soft.(柔軟的;舒服的)He becomes careful.(小心的)他變得小心了。The flower sme

3、lls very good.花聞起來很香。Everythi ng seems good. 一切看起來都好。2、 副詞的用法1 .副詞修飾動詞,并且通常放在實義動詞后面,這是副詞在句子中作方式狀語。例如:The man runs fast, (fast 修飾 runs 這個動作)She jumps high. (high 修飾 jump 這個動作)He finished his homework quickly, (quickly 修飾 finished 這個動作)2 .副詞修飾形容詞,并且通常放在形容詞的前面例如: He becomes very han dsome.She looks ver

4、y beautiful.The lady is very tall and slim .在副詞+形容詞”這樣的結構中,中心詞是形容詞,副詞只是為了說明程度大小即:very handsome 的中心'詞是 handsome3 .副詞前面也可以加副詞,例如上面的句子都可以改寫成:The man runs very fast.She jumps very high.He finished his homework very quickly.very本身是副詞,意思是非常,很”,所以后面也可以跟副詞或者形容詞。3、 填形容詞還是副詞?動詞后面一般都跟副詞,但不是所有動詞后面都跟副詞,實義動詞后

5、面跟副詞,連系動詞后面跟形容詞。例如:She sings beautifully, (sing是實義動詞,beautiful用來說明唱得如何)Tom draws well, (draw是實義動詞,well用來說明畫得如何)My teacher is young and tall, (is是系動詞,后面跟形容詞)She looks sad. (look是連系動詞,后面跟形容詞)7/5*還有一些不是連系動詞的詞,例如 make和get,要根據(jù)句子的意思判斷填形容詞還 是副詞。區(qū)分:He is making a kite carefully . (carefully 用來修飾 make 這個動詞)H

6、e made the teacher anqry . (angry 是指 the teacher,而不是修飾 make 這個動詞)The student got quiet when the teacher came in . (quiet 是指 the student » 而不是修 飾 got 這個動 詞)I get up early, (early 修飾動詞 get up)She leaves the room quickly, (quickly 修飾 leave 這個動詞)Please leave the door open, (open是指the door,而不是修飾leav

7、e這個動詞)于是有詞組: make sb+adj. leave sb+adj. get+adj因此,填形容詞還是副詞,首先要弄清楚句子的意思,判斷所修飾的成分是名詞/代詞還是動詞,修飾前者的用形容詞,修飾后者的用副詞。4、 形容詞和副詞分別長什么樣子?1 .形容詞的詞尾通常有in g/ful/ed/yinteresting、tiring、boring、exciting、surprising、amazing (與物有關)interested、tired、bored、excited > surprised、amazed (與人有關)careful、hopeful、wonderful、help

8、ful、colorful、meaningful、beautiful rainy、windy、cloudy、dry、 messy、easy、funny、busy、angry 區(qū)分: The children were exceed when they heard the exciting news.The man was tired (勞累的)after doing so many tiring (累人的)jobs.*但是在interesting與interested中,形容人或物的都用interesting,而interested常以詞組be interested in的形式出現(xiàn),表示對-感興

9、趣”The story is interesting./The teacher is interesting.I am in terested in read ing.2 .副詞的詞尾通常是ly,但亦有一些不以ly結尾的副詞。badly、surprisingly、carefully、hopefully、quickly、greatly、possibly (通常是由形容 詞加 ly 變來)hard (努力地)、well (好)、high (高)、fast(快地)、pretty (十分,非常)、very much/a lot (非常)a little ( 一點)3.有些詞既是形容詞也是副詞early

10、behard adj.硬的adv努力 high adj.&adv.高 welladj.健康地adv好late adj.遲的adv 遲adj .早的adv.早地doesn * t feel w我覺得不舒服。Well done.做得好 late for (school)(上學)遲到五、形容詞變副詞的規(guī)律規(guī)則變化范圍變化規(guī)則例詞大部分形容詞力口 lycarelesscarelessly、quietquietlydifferent-differe ntly以Ie結尾的形容詞去e加lypossiblepossibly、terrible-terribly comfortable-comfortab

11、ly、 gentle-gently simplesimply、true-truly以y結尾的形容詞變y為iiyeasyeasily、angry-angrilynoisy-noisily、happy-happilyheavyheavily、healthyhealthily不規(guī)則變化本身既是形容詞也是副詞,無需 改變fast-fast、early-early、high-high hard-hard、late-late、far-far widewide、alonealone形容詞和副詞為完全不同的單詞goodwell雖然以ly結尾,但卻是形容詞,不 能直接用來修飾動詞friendly、lively、

12、lovely、lonely、likely有些形容詞本身即為副詞, 何時也有加ly的副詞形式。但加不 加卜意思不一樣,使用時需注意wide (形容詞,寬闊的,睜大的)-wide (副詞,睜大地)/widely (副詞,廣泛地),late (形容詞,晚的)late (副詞,晚地)Jately (最近)high (形容詞,高的)-high (副詞,高地)/highly (副詞,高特別容易犯錯的副詞形容詞副詞備注hardhardhard副詞容易寫成hardly, hardly意思為 幾乎不”,與hard無任何關系frien dly無不能用friendly直接修飾動詞,只能改成in a friendly

13、way用一種友好的方式。女口 :He smiled at me in a frien dly way.excitedexcitedly容易拼錯healthyhealthily容易拼錯politepolitely不用去掉子母e。類似的詞還有:widely, nicely, closely,1. Look at the childre n on the playgro und. They are flying kites(happy).3. Why do you think you did so (bad)in your test?5. We can (easy) forgive a child

14、who is afraid of the dark, but we can *fot rgive an adult who is afraid of the light.6. Congratulations! You ' ve answered aulletshteioqns (correct).7. The computer is (wide)used in our daily life. We can do many things with it.8. I changed into my sports shoes so that I could walk more (comfort

15、able).9. Mary passed her examination because she studied very (hard).10. “ Why didn ' t you tell me earlier? ” The boss shouted(hungry).12. It 1 s(true) possible that robot teachers will be popular in schools some day.13. How (comfortable) the giant pandas are living in Taiwan!14. Miss Xu smiled

16、 and said to me (soft),“ Never mind, my boy! ''15. Last night it rained (heavy) in the southern part of the city.17. Simon hates to be like others, he often tires to do everything (different).19. The children clapped their hands (excited) as soon as the astronauts appearedon the stage.20. To

17、m had an accident yesterday. His teacher sent him to the hospital _(quick).21. We should speak to the old man (polite)23. I 1 m (true) sorry I can't go withyou.Ihave a lot to do this afternoon.25. His father was looking (angry) at him becausehe had made a serious mistake.26. Mike walked(quiet) into the room not to wake up his grandpa.27. How (q uick) Betty answered the teacher's question!28. The firemenhave saved the boy from the fire (successful).29. She is an teacher because she often tells stories every day. (intere


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