1、路 (弄/新村)(號/幢)室(部位)(以下簡稱該房屋)。該房屋上海寫字樓出租(預(yù)租)合同(中英文)SHANGHAI MUNICIPALITY HOUSE LEASE/COMMODITYHOUSE ADVANCE LEASE CONTRACT合同編號:(Co ntract No:)本合同雙方當(dāng)事人:Parties To This Con tract出租出租方(甲方):Lessor (herei nafter referred to as Party A):and承租方(乙方):Lessee (here in after referred to as Party B):預(yù)租預(yù)出租方(甲方):Adv
2、a nee Lessor (here in after referred to as Party A) and預(yù)承租方(乙方):Adva nee Lessee (here in after referred to as Party B)根據(jù)中華人民共和國合同法、上海市房屋租賃條例(以下簡稱:條例的 規(guī)定,甲、乙雙方在平等、自愿、公平和誠實信用的基礎(chǔ)上,經(jīng)協(xié)商一致,就乙方承 租甲方可依法(出租/預(yù)租)(房屋/商品房)事宜,訂立本合同。Pursuant to the Contract Law of the Peoples Republic of China and the Regulations
3、of Shanghai Mun icipality on House Leas ing (here in after referred to as Regulati on s), and on thebasis of equality, willi ngn ess, fair ness and sin cerity, Party A and Party B have hereby en teredinto this Con tract, after their bilateral Con sultati on, regardi ng the lawful_ lease (lease/advan
4、ee lease) of Party As commodity house (house/commodity house) to Party B.出租或預(yù)租房屋情況ArticleIAbout the House for Lease or Adva nee Lease1-1甲方(出租/預(yù)租)給乙方的房屋座落在本市(區(qū)/縣)出租實測(出租實測/預(yù)租實測)建筑面積為 平方米,房屋用途為 ,房屋 類型為 、結(jié)構(gòu)為 。該房屋的平面圖見本合同附件(一)。甲方已向乙方出示:1.1 Party A is to (lease/advance-lease) its house at this city Road,
5、_(Lane/Xin Cun)_ _(District/County), Shanghai (hereinafter referred to as theHouse) to Party B for use) square meters, the land for use of , the house type being , and thestructure being .For the plan of the house, please refer to Appe ndixIof this Con tract PartyA has prese nted to Party B thefollo
6、wing.1)出租房地產(chǎn)權(quán)證/房屋所有權(quán)證/ 證書編號:。1. Certificate of the Real Property Right/Ownership Certificate of the House(Certificate No:_ )2)預(yù)租預(yù)售許可證許可證編號:。2. Permit for Advance Sale(Permit No:_)1-2甲方作為該房屋的(房地產(chǎn)權(quán)利人/代管人/法律規(guī)定的其他權(quán)利人)與乙方建立租賃關(guān)系。簽定本合同前,甲方已告知乙方該房屋(已/未)設(shè)定抵押。1.2 Party A, as the (owner of the real property ri
7、ght/agency/other right owner as defined by law),has hereby established the lease relation with Party B. Party A has informed Party B that thehouse (has been/has not yet been) settled for mortgage before signing this Contract with PartyB 1-3該房屋的公用或合用部位的使用范圍、條件和要求;現(xiàn)有裝修、附屬設(shè)施、設(shè)備狀 況和甲方同意乙方自行裝修和增設(shè)附屬設(shè)施的內(nèi)容、
8、 標準及需約定的有關(guān)事宜, 由甲/乙雙方分別在合同附件(二)、(三)中加以列明。甲、乙雙方同意該附件作為甲方 向乙方交付該房屋和本合同終止時乙方向甲方返還該房屋的驗收依據(jù)。1.3 The range, conditions and requirements of the common or shared space of the saidhouse ,the conditions of the current fitments, accessory facilities and equipment of the saidproperty, and the accessory facilitie
9、s Party A has allowed Party B to install or add, their criteriaand other related matters that demand agreement to by Party A shall all be specified by Party Aand Party B respectively in Appendix口andAppe ndix川of this Con tract. Both Party A and Party B have agreed that these appendicesshall serve as
10、basis in the inspection-and-acceptance procedure upon the hand-over of the saidhouse by Party A to Party B and upon the return of the said house by Party B to Party A at thetermination of the Contract.租賃用途Article 2 Purpose of Use2-1乙方向甲方承諾,租賃該房屋作為 使用,并遵守國家和本市有關(guān)房屋使用和 物業(yè)管理的規(guī)定。2.1Party B has pledged to
11、 Party A to use the leased house for the purpose of , and to observethe related regulations by the State and Shanghai Municipality on the use of the house and theadministration of the real property.2-2乙方保證,在租賃期內(nèi)未征得甲方書面同意以及按規(guī)定須經(jīng)有關(guān)部門審批核準前, 不擅自改變上款約定的使用用途。2.2Party B has promised that Party B shall not
12、alter, within the period of lease, the purpose ofuse as agreed on, without a written permit from Party A and an official approval as required, bya related competent authority.交付日期和租賃期限Article 3 Date of Hand-over and Term of Lease3-1甲乙雙方約定,甲方于 年 月 日前向乙方交付該房屋。出租房屋租賃期 自 年 月 日起至 年 月 日止。預(yù)租房屋租賃期自預(yù)租商品房使用交
13、接書簽定之日起至 年 月 日止。3.1Both Party A and Party B have agreed that Party A shall hand over the said house to PartyB prior to(mm/dd/yy). The lease period begins on andends on. The article lease period shall be decided upon the signing of theletter of hand-over of the use right of the commodity house, as a
14、agreed on by Party A and PartyB in this Contract.3-2租賃期滿,甲方有權(quán)收回該房屋,乙方應(yīng)如期返還。乙方需繼續(xù)承租該房屋的,則 應(yīng)于租賃期屆滿前 個月,向甲方提出續(xù)租書面要求,經(jīng)甲方同意后重簽定租賃合同3.2Party A shall have the right to take back, upon the termination of the lease, the said housewhich Party B shall hand over as due. For a request for a renewal of this lease
15、, Party B mustgive, prior to the conclusion of the current lease, Party A a - month notice in writing to that effect,before the signing of a new lease contract, with the consent by Party A, can be proceeded.四、 租金、支付方式和期限Article 4 Rent ,Payment of Rent and Deadline of Payment4-1甲、乙雙方約定,該房屋每日每平方米建筑面積租
16、金為( 幣) 元出租月租金總計為(幣) 元。(大寫: 萬仟 佰 拾 元角整)。預(yù)租月租金由甲乙雙方在預(yù)租商品房交付使用書中 按實測建筑面積計算確定。該房屋租金 (年)內(nèi)不變。自第 (年)起,雙方可 協(xié)商對租金進行調(diào)整。有關(guān)事宜由甲、乙雙方在補充條款中約定。4.1Party A and Party B have agreed that the daily rent per each architectural square meter forthe aforesaid house is (_ _USD/RMB)_ The monthly rent totals( USD/RMB)_ (inwor
17、d: only).The monthly rent shall bedetermined according to the actual floorage measured, which is to be specified by Party A andParty B in the letter of hand-over of the commodity house for advance lease.This rent shall stay unchanged for _. Beginning from the (year/month), both parties maymake adjus
18、tment over the rent through bilateral consultation. Party A and Party B shall reach aseparate agreement in the Supplementary Provisions regarding the said adjustments.4-2乙方應(yīng)于每隔一個月 日前向甲方支付租金。逾期支付的,每逾一日,則乙方需 按日租金的%支付違約金。4.2Payment of rent shall be made to Party A every other month by Party B onthe day
19、 of the month. A delay in the payment of the rent due will result in a contractual fineof_ % of the daily rent for each day delayed4-3乙方支付租金的方式如下:4.3 Payment of rent shall bemade in the followingmanner:五、 保證金和其他費用Article 5 Deposit and Other Fees5-1甲、乙雙方約定,甲方交付該房屋時,乙方應(yīng)向甲方支付房屋租賃保證金,保證金 為 個月的租金,即( 幣) 元
20、。甲方收取保證金后應(yīng)向乙方開具收款憑 證。租賃關(guān)系終止時,甲方收取的房屋租賃保證金除用以抵充合同約定由乙方承擔(dān)的 費用外,剩余部分無息歸還乙方。5.1Party A and Party B have agreed that Party B shall pay to Party A, upon the hand-over ofthe house, a deposit for the lease of the house, the amount worth a _rent, that is(RMB/USD)_ _. For more details, refer to SupplementaryP
21、rovisions Party A shall issue to Party B a voucher upon the reception of the deposit On theconclusion of the lease relation, Party A shall return to Party B the remaining portion of thedeposit of the deposit with no interest added, except the portion that is to be borne by the latteras agreed on is
22、the Contract.5-2租賃期間,使用該房屋所發(fā)生的水、電、煤氣、通訊、設(shè)備、 等費用由(甲方/乙方)承擔(dān)。其他有關(guān)費用,均由(甲方/乙方)承擔(dān)。5.2During the period of lease (Party A/Party B) shall undertake the payment for water,electricity, gas, telecommunication, and equipment while (Party A/Party B) shall be responsiblefor the payment of all the other fees invo
23、lved5-3(甲方/乙方)承擔(dān)的上述費用,計算或分攤辦法、支付方式和時間:5.3The method of calculation or allocation of and the method and time of payment by which(Party A/Party B) undertake are as follows:六、 房屋使用要求和維修責(zé)任Article 6 Use Requirements and Repair Responsibilities over the House6-1租賃期間,乙方發(fā)現(xiàn)該房屋及其附屬設(shè)施有損壞或故障時,應(yīng)及時通知甲方修復(fù), 甲方應(yīng)在接到乙
24、方通知后的 日內(nèi)進行維修。逾期不維修的,乙方可代為維修,費用 由甲方承擔(dān)。6.1During the lease period, Party B should notify Party A, in time, of the repair of the damageor defect found in the house or any accessory facility. Party A shall arrange for the repair indays following the receipt of the notification by Party B. Should there b
25、e a delayin the repair, Party B may have the damage or defect fixed. All the expenses involved shall becovered by Party A.6-2租賃期間,乙方應(yīng)合理使用并愛護該房屋及其負數(shù)設(shè)施。因乙方使用不當(dāng)或不合 理使用,致使該房屋及其負數(shù)設(shè)施損壞或發(fā)生故障的,乙方應(yīng)負責(zé)維修。乙方拒不維 修的,甲方可代為維修,費用由乙方承擔(dān)。6.2During the lease period, Party B should take good care of and make proper use o
26、f the saidhouse and the facilities within. Should any damage or defect be caused due to the improper use,Party B should be responsible for a prompt repair arrangement. If Party B refuses to do so. PartyA may have the damage or defect repaired, and Party B shall pay for the repairs involved6-3租賃期間,甲方
27、保證房屋及其附屬設(shè)施處于正常的可使用和安全的狀態(tài)。甲方對 該房屋進行檢查、養(yǎng)護,應(yīng)提前 日通知乙方。檢查養(yǎng)護時,乙方應(yīng)予以配合。甲 方應(yīng)減少對乙方使用房屋的影響。6.3During the lease period, Party A should ensure that the house and its accessory facilitiesare in normal and safe conditions for use . Party A shall be responsible for the maintenance andrepair of the said house. Part
28、y A should send Party B a days notice in writing prior to itsmaintenance and repair work, in which PartyB should readily assist and cooperate. Party A should try as much as possible to avoidunnecessary inconveniences caused to Party B.6-4除本合同附件(三)外,乙方另需裝修或者增設(shè)附屬設(shè)施和設(shè)備的,應(yīng)事先征得 甲方的書面同意,按規(guī)定須向有關(guān)部門審批的,則還應(yīng)由(
29、甲方/甲方委托乙方)報請有關(guān)部門批準后,方可進行。乙方增設(shè)的設(shè)施和設(shè)備歸屬及其維修責(zé)任由甲、乙雙方 另行書面約定。6.4Party B, who intends to redecorate the said house or add facilities and/or equipment to thesaid house, should obtain a written consent from Party A and if the plan is to be examined andapproved by the relevant authority in accordance with t
30、he related regulations, then (PartyB/Party B authorized by Party A) should submit it to the relevant authority for approval beforeproceeding to the actual redecoration and addition project. The ownership of and themaintenance responsibility for the added facility/facilities and equipment are to be a
31、greed on inwriting by both Party A and Party B.七、 房屋返還時的狀態(tài)Article 7 Condition of the House When Returned7-1除甲方同意乙方續(xù)租外,乙方應(yīng)在本合同的租賃期滿后的日返還該房屋,未經(jīng)甲方同意逾期返還房屋的,每逾期一天,乙方應(yīng)按(人民幣)元/每平方米向甲方支付該房屋占用期間的使用費用。7.1Unless a renewal of the lease is permitted by Party A, Party B shall return the leased housein _ _day/day
32、s upon the termination of the lease period, otherwise Party B shall pay to Party Afor the occupancy of the house_ _ (RMB yuan/USD)per square meter for each day the returnof the leased house is delayed.7-2乙方返還房屋應(yīng)當(dāng)符合正常使用后的狀態(tài)。返還時,應(yīng)經(jīng)甲方驗收認可,并相互 結(jié)清各自應(yīng)當(dāng)承擔(dān)的費用。7.2The house, when returned by Party B, shall be
33、 in a state in conformity with the conditionafter the normal use. When the house, upon its return, is inspected and accepted by Party A,both parties should proceed to the clearing up of their respective accounts undertaken.八、 轉(zhuǎn)租、續(xù)租和交換Article 8 Sublet, Transfer and Exchange8-1除甲方已在本合同補充條款中同意乙方轉(zhuǎn)讓外,乙方在
34、租賃期間內(nèi),需事先征得 甲方的書面同意,方可將該房屋部分或全部轉(zhuǎn)租給他人。但同一間居住房屋,不得分 割轉(zhuǎn)租。8.1Except for the case described in the Supplementary Provisions of this Contract, whereParty A has allowed Party B to sublet the said house, Party B shall not during the lease period,sublet part or all of the leased house to any third party with
35、out the written permission by Party Abeforehand Party B is not to sublet a single room to two or more sub-lessees in part ofsimultaneously.8-2乙方轉(zhuǎn)租該房屋,應(yīng)按規(guī)定與接受轉(zhuǎn)租方訂立書面的轉(zhuǎn)租合同。并按規(guī)定向該房 屋所在區(qū)、縣房地產(chǎn)交易中心或農(nóng)場系統(tǒng)受理處辦理登記備案。8.2Party B, who intends to sublet the said house shall sign, in accordance with the relevantre
36、gulations, a sublease contract with the sub-lessee. In addition, Party B shall have the relatedregistration procedure proceeded with the district/county real estate transaction center or therelated farm authority near where the said house is located.8-3在租賃期間,乙方將該房屋轉(zhuǎn)讓給他人承租或與他人承租的房屋進行交換,必須 事先征得甲方的書面同意
37、。轉(zhuǎn)讓或交換后,該房屋承擔(dān)權(quán)的受讓人或交換人應(yīng)與甲方 簽訂租賃主體變更合同并繼續(xù)履行本合同。8.3During the period of lease, Party B, who sublets the said house to a third party or tradesthe said house with the house leased by a third party must obtain permit in advance from PartyA. After the subletting, transferring or exchanging, sub-lease or t
38、he exchanger of the said houseshall sign with Party A an alteration contract of the lease subject and this Contract shall continueto be executed.8-4在租賃期間,甲方面如需出售該房屋,應(yīng)提前三個月通知乙方。乙方在同等的條 件下有優(yōu)先購買權(quán)。8.4 During the period of lease, Party A, who intends to sell the said house, shall give Party B athree-mont
39、h notice to the effect. Party B shall have the priority to purchase the said house underthe same conditions.九、 解除本合同的條件Article 9 Conditions for Dissolution of the Contract9-1甲、乙雙方同意在租賃期間內(nèi),有下列情形之一的,本合同終止,雙方互不承擔(dān) 責(zé)任:(一)該房屋占用范圍內(nèi)的土地使用權(quán)依法提前收回的;(二)該房屋因社會公共利益被依法征用的;(三)該房屋應(yīng)城市建設(shè)需要被依法列入房屋拆遷許可范圍的;(四)該房屋銷毀、滅失或被鑒
40、定為危險房屋的;(五)甲方已告知乙方該房屋出租前已設(shè)定抵押,現(xiàn)被處分的。(六)補充 _.9.1Within the period of lease, the Contract may be dissolved if any one of the following applies,and neither party shall undertake any responsibility for that:1. The use right of the land that the said house occupies is prematurely taken back under law.2.
41、The said house is expropriated under law due to the demand of social, public interests or cityconstruction3. This house needs to be listed in the house and pull down and permit the range in accordancewith the law in conformity with the urban construction4. The said house is damaged, destroyed or pro
42、ved to be hazardous5. Party A has informed Party B that the said house had been settled for mortgage before itslease, and is under penalty.6. Supplementary _9-2甲、乙雙方同意,有下列情形之一的,一方可以書面通知另一方解除本合同。違 反合同的一方,應(yīng)向另一方按月租金的 倍支付違約金;為對方造成損失的,支付的 違約金不足抵付一方損失的,還應(yīng)賠償造成的損失與違約金的差額部分。(一)甲方未及時交付房屋,經(jīng)乙方催告 日內(nèi)仍未交付的;(二)甲方交付
43、的該房屋不符合本合同的約定,致使不能實現(xiàn)租賃目的的;或甲方交 付的房屋存在缺陷,危及乙方安全的。(三)乙方未征得甲方的書面同意改變房屋用途,致使房屋損壞的;(四)因乙方原因造成房屋主體結(jié)構(gòu)損壞的;(五)乙方擅自轉(zhuǎn)租該房屋、轉(zhuǎn)讓該房屋承租權(quán)或與他人交換各自承租的房屋的;(六)乙方逾期不支付租金累計超過 月的;(七)補充9.2Both Party A and Party B have agreed that either party may give the other party a writtennotice as to the dissolution of this Contract, if
44、 any of the following applies. The breaching partyshould pay a contractual fine that amounts to three times of the monthly rent for the said house.If the fine is not sufficient to cover the loss caused to the other party, the breaching party shouldalso compensate for the difference incurred.1. Party
45、 A fails to hand over the said house as due, and this failure continues for five days afterthe urge by Party B upon Party A2. The said house handed over by Party A has proved to be not in conformity with theconditions as agreed on in this Contract, so that the purpose of the lease is not achieved; o
46、r thesaid house handed over by Party A has proved to be defective and hazardous to Party B3. Party B has altered, without the permit by Party A in advance that purpose of the said house,resulting in a damage to the said house4. The damage is caused by Party B to the principal structure of the house5
47、. Party B has arbitrarily subleased the said house, transfer the leasing right of the said houseor trade the leased house with the leased house by a third leases6. The delay in payment of the rent by Party B has exceeded accumulatively half a month7. The delay in payment by Party B of the real estat
48、e administration fee, electricity bill, theexpenses for his permanent parking space, and the administration fee for the parking spaceexceeds accumulatively half a month.十、違約責(zé)任Article 10 Liabilities for Breach of Contract10-1該房屋交付時存在缺陷的,甲方應(yīng)支付自交付之日起的 日內(nèi)進行修復(fù),逾 期不修復(fù)的,甲方同意減少租金并變更有關(guān)租金條款。10.1 If the house
49、upon its hand-over is found to be defective, Party A shall be responsible for therepair in days after the day the said house is handed over. Party A has agreed that the rent shallbe reduced and the relevant previsions regarding the rent modified, if there occurs a delay in thesaid repair.10-2因甲方未告知乙
50、方,該房屋出租前已抵押或產(chǎn)權(quán)轉(zhuǎn)移已受到限制,造成乙方損 失的,甲方應(yīng)負責(zé)賠償。10.2 Party A shall be responsible for the corresponding compensation for the loss caused toParty B if the former has failed to inform the latter in this Contract that the said house has beenplaced under mortgage or the property right of the said house has been
51、restricted even beforethe lease.10-3租賃期間,甲方不及時履行本合同約定的維修、養(yǎng)護責(zé)任,致使房屋損壞,造 成乙方財產(chǎn)損失或人身傷害的,甲方應(yīng)承擔(dān)全部賠償責(zé)任。10.3 During the lease period, Party A, who is unable to be responsible for the regularmaintenance and repair as agreed on in the Contract, resulting in the property loss or physicalharm to Party B, shall
52、 undertake the corresponding liabilities.10-4租賃期間,非本合同規(guī)定的情況,甲方擅自解除本合同,提前收回該房屋的, 甲方應(yīng)按提前收回天數(shù)的租金的 倍向乙方支付違約金。若違約金不足抵付乙方損 失的,甲方還應(yīng)負責(zé)賠償。10.4 During the period of lease, Party A shall pay to Party B a contractual fine worth_ _ time(s)the rent for the days after the premature take-back of the said house if P
53、arty A arbitrarilydissolves the Contract and claims back the said house for a reason beyond those specified inthe Contract. Should such a contractual fine be insufficient to cover the loss caused to Party B,Party A shall undertake the corresponding compensations.10-5乙方未征得甲方書面同意或超出甲方書面同意的范圍和要求裝修房屋或增設(shè)
54、附屬設(shè)施的,甲方可以要求乙方(恢復(fù)房屋原狀/賠償損失)。10.5 Party A may demand that Party B restore the house to its original state (restore the houseto its original state/compensate for the loss), if the latter has the said house decorated or hasnew facilities installed in the said house without a written permission by the f
55、ormer in advance orbeyond the range and requirement of the written permission by the former.10-6租賃期間,非本合同規(guī)定的情況,乙方中途擅自退租的,乙方應(yīng)按提前退租天 數(shù)的租金的 貳 倍向甲方支付違約金。若違約金不足抵付甲方損失的,乙方還應(yīng)負 責(zé)賠償。甲方從租賃保證金中抵扣。保證金不足抵扣時,不足部分則應(yīng)由乙方另行支 付。10.6 During the period of lease, Party A may forfeit, Party Bs deposit if Party B arbitrari
56、lydissolves the Contract prematurely for a reason beyond those specified in the Contract. Shouldthe deposit be insufficient to cover the loss caused to Party A, Party B shall undertake thecorresponding compensation一、其他條款A(yù)rticle 11 Miscellaneous11-1租賃期間,甲方需抵押該房屋,應(yīng)書面告知乙方,并向乙方承諾該房屋抵押后 當(dāng)事人協(xié)議以折價、變賣方式處分該房
57、屋前60天書征詢乙方購買該房屋的意見1 Party A, who needs to place thesaid house under mortgage during the period of lease, shall inform Party B in writing to thateffect, and shall promise to Party B to consult in writing with the latter over his purchase of thesaid house in_sixty_ days before the parties involved, af
58、ter the house is put under mortgage,have reached an agreement through their consultation as to the disposal of the house by meansof a discount or a disposition.11-2本合同各自雙面簽字后 立即 生效。生效后的15日內(nèi),由甲方負責(zé)按規(guī)定向 房屋所在地區(qū)、縣房地產(chǎn)交易中心或農(nóng)場系統(tǒng)受理處辦理登記備案后,凡變更、終止 本合同的,由 甲方 (甲方/乙方)負責(zé)在本合同變更終止之日起的15日內(nèi),向原 登記機構(gòu)辦理變更、終止登記備案手續(xù)。因甲方未辦
59、理房屋租賃登記備案或變更、終 止登記備案的,所引起的法律糾紛,由甲方承擔(dān)一切責(zé)任。11.2 Both Party A and Party B have agreed that in 15 days after the signature of thisContract, Party A shall be responsible for the registration procedure, in accordingwith the relevant regulations, with the district/county real estate transaction center near
60、 wherethe said house is located or with the related farm authority, and then proceed to pick up theregistration certificate for the lease of the house. Once theContract is registered for file. Party A (Party A/Party B) shall go through the change or thecancellation procedure with the original regist
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