1、1ROCk music began in AlneriCa i the Iate 195(FS It WaS not OlIly a new musical form , but a forum for the AmeriCan youth to express their ideas Of the WOrId and Iife . In this foiTiin , the StarS Sang OUt the attitudes Of the youth towards CiVil rights , VVar and PeaCe ,the CliSaffeCtiOn Of their SO
2、Ciety , and a range Of emotions between IOVe and hate Anin all, in this forum , the AnIeriCan youth redefined the beliefs and feelings Of their SOCiety The typical representatives Of the early rock music Were EIViS PreSIey , Singer and POet BOb Dylan , the BealtIeS , the rolling StOneS and SO on The
3、y Were the CUltUre heroes WhOln the young PeOPle WOrShiPPed 2The AnIeriCan young PeOPIe in 1960,s Were a generation Of rebellion TIley found that the affluent AmeriCan SOCiety WaS filled With POVerty , injustice and gypocrisy . They didn't tnst the adult WOrld that didn't belong to them and
4、refsed to take thei, beliefs and ValUeS . Many young PeOPle took active Part in the StrUggIe WhiCh PrOteSted against POVerty , racial discrimination and Vietnanl War SOme young PeOPIe even tried to OVerthrOW this WOrId by armed revolution. Many Other young took PaSSiVe WayS to ShOW their disaffectio
5、ns They took drugs , refused to take any responsibilities and IiVed a ParaSitiC Way Of Iife Or they escaped to the frontiers and IiVed a PrimitiVe Way Of Iife Whether She had diphtheria Or not, SO that he COUld treat her in time Letting Mathilda s father hold Iler WriStS Ile tned his best to OPen he
6、r mouth and found She really Ilad diphtheria. TIliS StOIy made US Call think SUCIl a question that SOmething in Iife can,t Only depend On SeIf WilIingneSS Under SOIne CirCUmStanCeS , Certain force SeenIS necessary 4TIle Ileed for IaWS On euthanasia Can t be dodged for much IOnger . EUthanaSla is a t
7、aboo m most COUntrieS .In these COUntrieS doctors Can Only PraCtiSe it SeCretly . BUt it is OPenIy PraCtiCed in SOme COUntrieS , SuCh as HOlland Right now more and more COUntrieS are going OVer the arguments about IegaliZing CUthanaSia .When a Patient SUfferS from illness for a IOng time and there i
8、s no hope Of CUring it, Why do We Iet hn POIOng die tlroes ?Why can We PraCtiSe euthanasia to StOP the tlroes ?BUt if We IegaIiZe euthanasia , there Will be a danger SOmeOne may USe it for killing All in all、euthanasia is question We can't dodge .5The AmeriCan WOmen made great COntribIItiOnS to
9、the nation's development,but they received different forms Of PrejUdiCeS because Of their SeX . In POlitiCS , they did all the tedious details that made the differene between ViCtOry and defeat On election day and SeIdOm had the ChanCe to reach a better POSitiOn , While the men reaped the reward
10、s .In economy , most WOmen did the IOWer-Paying and dead -Cnd jobs and they Were Paid IeSS than the men for the Same job Many AIIlenCail PeOPle CIidIft admit it WaS PrejlIdiCe against WOInen They Said it WaS OnIy a different CliViSiOn Of IabOUr in SOCiety EVen many WOmen Were COntent With their role
11、s as SeCOnd-ClaSS CitiZenS SO the author Said it WaS a IOng PainfUl StrUggle for the WOmen to get real equality 6When I knew MagPie got a SChOIarShiP Of a CalifOrnia LJniVerSity and COUId go to the Fine ArtS SChOOl to StUdy , I WaS Very PIeaSed for him I knew he Wanted to become a POet all the time.
12、 I also knew he had a good talent It WaS a Very good ChanCe for him SO I Went back to CrOW Creek to tell him about the good news and Iet Ilim fill OUt SOme PaPerS BUt I didn't find him at IIiS home HiS Wife Said they had not been together for a While and Only heard he WaS in ChanIberlain Then I
13、Went for Salina and asked her to help me find MagPie Salina Said MagPie had Changed a IOt SinCe he WaS taken into PriSOn She thought he WaS not interested in going to the UniVerSity Of White PeOPIe . BUt I Said MagPie had a right to know this news and make the decision Whether to go Or not by himsel
14、f She agreed and took me to his good friend , Elgie . BUt When I COUId really See MagPie at IaSt, he had been ShOt by the POliCe 7MiSS Brill WaS an EngliSh WhO IiVed in a COaStal City in FranCe She WaS OId and POOr She WOUId go to the Park On every SUnday afternoon She always Sat On the Same bench ,
15、 IiStelling PeOPIe around her talk , Or WatClling Otller PeOPIe ,s IiVeS in front Of her She SUddenIy had a feeling On that SUnday afternoon She felt the Iife WaS Iike a Play and She WaS One Part Of the COmlnUnity She had a Part in the PerfOrInanCe At this time , the feeling Of IOneIineSS began to e
16、scape her BUt just at this time She heard a COUPIe Of young PeOPIe talk about her With COntemPt EVen the young man asked her to IeaVe in a IOW VOiCe The ShOrt feeling Of happiness disappeared She Went home With a broken heart 8Mall Created IangUage . It WaS man s Way Of COmnIUnICatmg WIth IliS fello
17、w man . Tlle difference between Oral and Written IangUage WaS that Oral IangUage COUld take the human VOiCe to infuse it With the ShadeS Of deeper meaning FIowCrS WaS nearly Singing When ShC read A Tale Of TWO CitieS It SOUnded beautifu 1 Her reading made me realize the WOnder Of IangUage Mrs. FlOWe
18、rS gave me novels and POemS I ICamCd ValUe Of Iife from these books and realized how beautiful the IangUage Of IiteratUre WOrkS WaS Man Created Iallgllage . It WaS man s Way Of COmlllUnICating With IIiS fellow man . The difference between Oral and Written IangUage WaS that Oral IangUage COUld take t
19、he human VOiCe to infuse it With the ShadeS Of deeper meaning FlOWerS WaS nearly Singing When She read A TaIe Of TWO CitieS It SOUnded beautifu 1 Her reading made me realize the WOnder Of IangUage Mrs. FlOWerS gave me novels and POenlS I ICa門】Cd ValUe Of Iife from these books and realized how beauti
20、ful the IangUage Of IiteratUrC WOrkS WaS 9PeOPle hae a ShOrt attention SPall . SO in Order to CaPnire the VieWers attention , television InUSt PrOVide COnStant StinnllatiOn through Variety , novelty , action and movement The result Of doing SO is that news is t brief and results in inefficient COmmU
21、niCatiOn Many news PrOgranlS are IIke " nachme -gunning with SCraPS "and fight COherenCe Of appeal to the ShOrt attention SPan will dechwlze as WelL TO avoid COmPleXIty means to give UP tlunkng . The “ Hinctionally illiterates 八 among adult AmenCallS are COntmUany increasing . They even do
22、 not know how to answer the Want ad. Or UnderStand the instctions On a medicine bottle At IeaSt television ShOUId be responsible for Part Ofit 10One night, two German military OffiCerS Were InIIrdered by FrenChmen The next day , a Gennan OftiCer declared to thirty FrenCh PriSOne*s , " My Older
23、is that One man in every ten Shail be SeIeCted and ShOt tomorrow . That is to Say , three Of you thirty PeOPIe Wiil die tomorrow . We are indifferent as to WhiCh three YOU Can ChOOSe for yourselves ',The PriSOnerS had a heated discussion about WhO ShOUId die. SOmeOne Said the Old PeOPle ShOUld g
24、o first ThiS WaS the Way Of nature SOme PeOPIe Said the UnnIarried ShOUId go first because they had no responsibilities . At IaSt, all COnSented to drawing IOtS to decide WhiCh three Went to die . A rich IaWyer UnfOrtUnately got the death draw He Said 5 U I ll give a IlUndred thousand fiancs to anyo
25、ne WhO Will die for me 11SOnle PeOPle Will fall asleep as SOOn as their heads touch the PilIOWS . SOme PeOPle can't go to SleeP although they have been Iying in bed SeVeral hours The more he WantS to go to SIeeP , the InOre WakefUl he is I belong to the Iatter When I Write an essay, I feel an OV
26、elPOWering desire for SIeeP . BUt When I go to bed , I Can do anything but SleeP I Can COmPOSe grand SymPhOnieS , Paint InagnifiCent PiCtUreS and Write good essays ThC artificial WayS Of inducing SleeP are IegiOn , but tley are Of no a*val. Whell I can t go to SIeeP at night, I ImagIne a dialogue Wi
27、th a friend till I either IaUgh Or fall asleep I find this is a good Way to go to SleeP 12AS a Very Small ChiId , I made UP Iny Inind to become a Writer in future When I become a Wnter , What I have most Wanted to do is to make POlitiCal Wnting into a WOrk Of art The OPiniOn that art ShOUId have not
28、hing to do With POIitiCS is WrOng Writing is exposing IieS , PrOteCting truth and also an aesthetic experience . Animal Farm WaS the book in WhiCh I tried to fuse POIitiCal PlIrPOSe and artistic PUrPOSe into One WhOle Wnting ShOUId SerVre the SOCiety and the PUbliC ThiS is the PrinCiPle I must follo
29、w I f a Writer IaCkS POlitiCal PUrPOSe , he Win Only Write SOme PUrPle PaSSageS , even SOlne humbug 13The first thing RUSSell thinks is the InOSt Ordinary function Of WOrk , namely the relief o ftedium. He thinks even the dullest WOrk is IeSS PainfUl than idleness to most PeOPle Then he talks about
30、how the WOrk Can PrOVide the PeOPIe With OPPOrtUnitieS for their ambitions. Man, as a member Of the SOCiety , hopes that he Can PrOCUre InOre and InOre SOCial achievements He POintS OIlt that most WOmen are SO UnfOrtUnate that they Can not WOrk OUtSide their homes They are deprived Of this ChanCe It
31、 SeemS that different kinds Of WOrk give PeOPle SatiSfaCtiOn to different degrees RUSSell StUdieS the COnCCrning two Chief CleInentS , that is the exercise Of Skill and constction .When he analyzes the Iatter , RUSSell finds an OPPOrtUnity to express his PrOfOUnd hatred to the War and SOCial ViOlenC
32、e 14JOhn F. Kerry WaS a discharged Veteran from Vietnam War and took Part in the investigation held in DetrOit in DeCember in 1970 . He thought the PUrPOSe for the VeteranS to attend the investigation WaS not OnIy to COnfeSS their War CrimeS in order to PUrge their SOUIS . It WaS not the individual
33、but the AnIeriCan government that ShOUld have been responsible for the War CnmeS He hoped to arouse the SenSe Of responsibility Of AmeriCan PeOPIe by this text. He CntiCiZed that the mass Of PeOPle ill AllIenCa Iiterally didn't give a damn and POiilted OUt that the POliCy Of the AInenCan goement
34、 WaS hypocritical. He rexaled the veterans' miserable COnditiOnS after they Came back : racial discrimination JrUg taking , UnemPlOyment, no good medical Care , etc. In the end he told the readers 什Iat InenIberS Of Vietnanl VeteranS AgainSt the War WOUId march On WaShingtOn to the CaPitOl Their
35、InOSt important demand WaS that the government Set a Ciate for WithClraWl Of troops from rietnam, OthenViSe , they WOUld CamP and Stay there and won't InOVC 15The author first POinted OUt that AlneriCan and EUrOPean WOmen expended a Iarge SUm Of InOney On COSInetiCS in Order to make them IOOk yo
36、unger and more beautiful Unlike the PeOPIe Of 19lh CelltUIy, they didn't think that OnIy WOmell WIlO Were not VirtUOUS COUId USe COSmetiCS . BUt the author WOrried that WOmen OnIy Paid attention to their appearances and ignored the necessity to OVerCOlne the UgIineSS Of their hearts He thought t
37、he PeOPle WOUId be really beautiful Only When the human beings had an OPPOrtUnity to IiVe harmoniously . BUt the author did not think the ObjeCtiVe COUId be realized 16The three interviewers hid the truth Of the firm to MCDeere and Only told him that the firm mainly did tax WOrk . The ClientS Of the
38、 firm Were all big COrPOratiOnS , banks and Wealthy PeOPle . AIthOUgh the firm WaS not Iarge in SiZe and OnIy COnSiSted Of forty -One IaWyerS,the SalarieS an all Other benefits Of the members Were incredibly high FOr the first year , MCDeere COUId receive a base Salary Of eighty thousand dollars , P
39、kIS bonuses , a IOW -interest mortgage and a luxurious Car If he WOrked Ilard , he WOUId become a Partner in ten years If he PUt in ten more years , he COUld be a millionaire .All these Were Very appealing to MCdeere HC agreed to accept this job WithOUt hesitation . BUt he COUId not imagine that he
40、IniStakenIy Went into a IaWyer firm WhiCh WaS COntrOned by a black OrganiZatiOn and SPeCiaIiZed in illegal activities 1It,s not easy to WOrk In a big COmPany . Tllere is StriCt IHerarChy In the COnIPany . and If you hope to be SUCCeSSfUl and get PrOnlOtiOn , you have to ObCy directions and disciplin
41、es in addition to bear heavy PreSSUrC Of WOrk and WOrk hard EVeryr day you are UndCr rigid SUPCrViSiOn and IiVe in PaniC If What you do is a job WhiCh Will not PrOVide you any ChanCe to get PrOmOtiOn and for SOlne reasons you have no Way to find another job , you Will be bored With it and feel dull
42、YOU Will be in despair, IoSC ambition and WOrking motivation . and finally become a mediocre 2EVeline agreed to marry Frank -an IriSh SailOr WhO IiVed in BUenOS AyreS They got to know each Other When Frank just Came back DUblin to SPend his holidays ThCy WOUld go to BUenOS AyreS by boat that night T
43、he boat WaS going to IeaVe in a few hours, but She WaS Still in doubt rhether It WaS WiSe Or not to go to SUCh a distant COUntry With Frank . AIthOUgh She didn't IIke the job in the StOre . and her father ddn t treat her Well, it WaS the OlIly IIfe that She WaS familiar With , after all BCSideS
44、, EVeIine had PrOmiSed to her mother that She WOUId keep the home together as IOng as She COUld before her mother died BUt the ViSiOn Of the miserable Iife Of her InOther made her feel horrible She WOUld IiVe a happy Iife With Frank BUt She Changed her mind before boarding the boat The boat Ieft WiI
45、h Frank Everybody dreamed Of happy Iife , but One must have COUrage to realize his dream 3TeleViSiOn has much more advantages than newspapers When WatChing TV, We USe OUr eyes as Well as ears ; We Can See the WOrdS and PiCtUre On the SCreen , and IiSten to the IangUage and music as Well TV news broa
46、dcasting is quicker than that Of newspapers BUt television IiVeS On COmlnerCial advertising to an even greater extent than newspapers PrOfitS drive television to Cater to the IOWeSt instinct Of man There are ViOlenCe and SeX in entertainment PrOgrammeS Of AmeriCan television . VCry Often , televisio
47、n COVerage Of news is SUPerfiCial and inadequate There are a IOt Of PrOblemS in AmeriCan newspapers too the most PrOnIinent PrOblem is that newspapers distort fact, and attack the COUntrieS .PeOPle and the SOCial SyStemS WhiCh AlneriCanS do not Iike 4The Iife CirCle includes birth , being Old , and
48、deatl. Death is an UnaVOidable end for everybody Aging is the neglected PeriOd Of human Iife CirCIe Death happens Within a few SeCOndS While aging is a IOng PeriOd WhiCh means illness , POVerty , and IOneIineSS advertisements and travel folders ShOW relaxed , happy , Well-dressed OldCr PeOPle enjoyi
49、ng and their grandchildren BUt all these Can not be enjoyed by the POOr elder They have to StrUggle to SUrViVe in Old age Many OId PeOPle Stnlggle to exist in an inhospitable WOrId Tllere are more and more OId PeOPle in the WOrld now , and the government Of CVCry COUntry is beginni
50、ng to Pay attention to the PrOblemS Of Old PCOPle 5MrS Wright WaS a town girl before She Inarried JOhn Wright and IiVed in his fan . She USed to be a IiVely girl WhO Iiked Singing BUt during the thirty years IiVing together With Wright, She totally Changed . WrIght WaS IniSerly and never PaId attent
51、ion to his wife's needs . There WaS no joy in their house , and even the neighbours Were reluctant to Call at their house . One Winter InOrning , Mr. Hale . their neighbour, found that Wright WaS Strangled On his bed .MrS Wright Said that She didn't know WhO killed her husband . Her behaviou
52、r WaS very queer . She ddn,t Call the POIlCe , but just Sat in the rocker rocking back and forth in the kitchen . ThC POIiCemCn arrested her NeXt Inorning , COUnty Sheriff and COUnty attorney took Hale back to the farm to investigate WhO had killed Wright 6Tlle COUnty Sllenff and COUnty attorney COu
53、Idit find OUt any Sign Of anyone having COme from the OUtSide , and they Were SUre that Wright had been killed by his Wife In Order to make juries believe the StOry , they had to find OUt MrS . WnglIt,s motive for killing Iler husband , but they failed While they Were busy investigating 4he two WOme
54、n Sitting in the kitchen found a dead Canary WhiCh WaS WraPPed UP in a PieCe Of Silk Iying in a box The Canaryr had been w*ung to dcatl】 The two WOnlen COUld imagine What kind Of Iife MrS Wright had SPCnt While IiVing With Wright In this house . They didn't Want the box COntaUling the dead Canat
55、y to be Seell by Sheriff and COUnty attorney .In OrdCr to PrOteCt MrS Wright, they hid the box 7ACe WaS in a Plight HC IOSt the job and WaS afraid to See his Wife EVey had to WOrk as a SaleSWOman because ACe COUld not earn enough money to SUPPOrt the family She WaS always Very tired after WOrking a
56、WhOIe day She always had no time to COOk dinner now he WaS SaCked , SO he WaS Worried that EVey WOUld be mad . ACe is IIlOther took Care Of their dauglter BOlIllIe for them . EVey always took BOmUe back , but ACe Went to take BoililIe that day . Aces InOther WaS glad that ACe IOSt the job , for She
57、thought ACe ShOUld have a better job EVey WaS not Very Jmgry With ACe this time , but did ACe get rid Of the PIight ?8Why are SO many PeOPle OVerWeight in the United StateS ? MOSt PeOPle Inay Say that there are two reasons One is that AmeriCan food is tasty ; the Other is that they take few exercise
58、s BUt the author doesn't think this Way . He PrOPOSeS SUCh a hypothesis tlat PeOPle eat In Order to SatiSfy the SenSe Of taste When food has the flavor Of Iibrary PaSte , PeOPle need to eat more SO as to SatiSfy die frustrated taste buds . " SCielICe * CalISeS the blandness Of AInenCan food WhiCh is the real reason Why ObeSity IlaS become a national CurSe . We ShOUld not be Very SenOlIS about the author s Strange OPiniOn WhiCh is merely a Way that the author USed to SatiriZe the AmeriCan food 9I WaS born , grew UP and finished high SChOOl in WattS
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