1、which isto bestrengthened inthe future.Second,construction,strictly in accordancew ith the provisi onsto streamline a nd im provethe quality ofmeetingsoftheConfere nce.Third,streamlini ngfile briefs,culturei nvolvesallaspectsof pr opaga ndaa nd ideol ogy,sometimes dueto thepracticalne eds ofinve nti
2、on notificati ons,this areanee dsfurthertheprincipl eofsimplifiedE IAofconstruction projectsi nthe regi on. Interms ofland, linkedtothe im plementati on of urban a nd r uralconstructionland increaseand decrea se,repl aceme nt indi cators for priority areas proje ct.C harges,int o the proje ctsofwate
3、r, el ectricity,admi nistrativechargesand preferential policies. Inthe areaoftaxation,andsettled inareasofi ndustry andit s productioncom pany,within 5yearsafterthe completionoffiscali ncentives to e nterpri ses.In termsoffinancing,integration ofland,tax,financial andotherresources,and construct &qu
4、ot;Government credit+ businesscredit" creditsystem,establishme nt of marketization,commerci alization andmodernization ofthe investment andfina nci ng platform; effective Bank-enterprisedocki ng, encouragesprivatecapitalinto thePark ,to raiseindustry development fund.5,optimize theenvironme nta
5、nd servi ceindustries.Tocreate "poli cy low lands, Highlands,integrity ofservice land,developme ntland" as thegoal,tooptimizethe area underdevelopme ntenvironment.Alladministrativelaw enforceme ntde partmentsto a ppoint afull-timepersonnelstationed in areas dedicatedtocoordinatingandsolvi
6、ng problems associated with busine sses inthi ssector. Whe n thereare substantial issue s,sectorleaders arranged to personallyintervene,in-per son, in-person pushtangi ble area buildi nga greenlig ht,easyline.Tofurther reducea ndsta ndar dize a dministrativeexamination andapproval items,simplifyexam
7、ination and a ppr ovallinks,im proveefficie ncy;a ccording tothe .Sincethe e ducationalpracti ce ofthe masslineofthe party, himself seri ouslyin t heeducati on, practicalcontrol central"eig ht rules" a ndopposi ng"the fourwinds"and practi cing"thre e Suns" ,andcheckt he
8、 spiritofJiaoYulu, i deol ogy, soli cit opini onsbase d onoutstanding probl emschecke d swing,car efulanaly sis a nd reflecti on.Will nowche ckreportis asfoll ows:first,adherencetotheparty's politi cal di sci pline, eight i n thecentral provisi on, changethe style ofthebasi csituation of1, in co
9、m pliance withthe party's politicaldiscipli nes.Conscie ntiouslya bidebythe party's politicaldiscipline,abi de bythe Constit ution andt he rules a nd regulations of theparty, i nthepoliti cal,i deological andmaintainhighly consistentwiththeCPC Ce ntralCommittee onthe action,t here is noviola
10、tion ofthe party'spoliticaldiscipli ne probl ems. 2,in theim plementationofthe central authoritiesofthe eig ht provi sions.Im proving research,improving resear chmethods,butthere arelessgrass-r oots units, primaryfirst-hand an ina de quate graspoftheproblem,1、工程概況本工程為馨雅北苑住宅小區(qū)123# (1118層小高層住宅),施工
11、圖由北京龍安華誠建筑設(shè)計有限公司與上海高辰建筑設(shè)計服務(wù)有限公司共同設(shè)計。工程總工2期為 800日歷天,本工程總建筑面積約為.40M 2,工程結(jié)構(gòu)形式為框架剪力墻結(jié)構(gòu)。2、 “三寶” “四口” “五臨邊”概述“三寶”是指安全帽、安全帶、安全網(wǎng)三種防護(hù)用品的正確使用?!八目凇笔侵笜翘菘?、電梯井口、預(yù)留洞口、通道口等各種洞口的防護(hù)應(yīng)符合要求。 “五臨邊”是指深基坑、陽臺、雨蓬、樓板、屋面等臨邊部位的防護(hù)。 “四口”和“五臨邊”防護(hù)不當(dāng),就存在高處墜落、物體打擊等一系列事故發(fā)生的隱患。為此項目部成立以質(zhì)安員為首、各班組長為成員的“三寶” “四口” “五臨邊”的專項治理小組。3、 “三寶”防護(hù)3.1 安
12、全帽 進(jìn)入施工現(xiàn)場作業(yè)區(qū)者必須戴好安全帽、系好安全帶,施工現(xiàn)場安全帽宜分色配戴。 應(yīng)正確施工安全帽,扣好帽帶,不準(zhǔn)使用缺襯、缺帶及破損的安全帽。安全帽應(yīng)符合安全帽GB2811-1989標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。建筑行業(yè)應(yīng)使用標(biāo)志為“Y'的一般作業(yè)類別的安全帽。 安全帽要求:應(yīng)有制造廠名稱、商標(biāo)、型號、生產(chǎn)日期、許可證編號,每頂安全帽有檢驗部門批量檢驗和工廠檢驗合格證、檢測報告; 現(xiàn)場進(jìn)出大門應(yīng)有“進(jìn)入施工現(xiàn)場必須戴好安全帽”標(biāo)語,安全帽應(yīng)正確使用,規(guī)范佩帶,系好安全帽、不準(zhǔn)亂拋、亂扔、用于坐和墊,不得使用缺襯、缺帶或破損的安全帽。 安全帽的使用期:從產(chǎn)品制造完成之日計算:植物枝條編織帽不超過兩年;塑料帽、
13、紙膠帽不超過兩年半;玻璃鋼(維綸鋼)橡膠帽不超過三年半。企業(yè)安技部門對到期的安全帽,要進(jìn)行抽查測試,合格后方可繼續(xù)使用,以后每年抽驗一次,抽驗不合格則該批安全帽即報廢。3.2 安全網(wǎng) 施工現(xiàn)場必須使用密目式安全網(wǎng),密目式安全立網(wǎng)是指網(wǎng)目密度不低于800treamlining.Fourare standardvisits,except as requiredto partici pate in traini ng,noother activity. Five isto improve new s reporting,forpropaga ndaw orkstrictlya ccording to
14、the regulati ons.Six isstrictlyyour presentationpubli shedstrictlyaccor dingtot heregulati ons.Seven is strictlythrift,requiredthe useofvehicle s andofficespacea nd cor porate hospitality.3, changethestyle.Propagandaand ide ologi calw orkofthe newsituation and new requirementsofthenewtasks, ha d don
15、e alotoffruitfulwork, hasmademanya chiev ements, butfurther closertothe grassroots,close toreality, closetothe massesand also inadequateinnovati onmust conti nue toimprove. Second,the"fourwinds"someoutstanding issues1,opposeformalism.Onet heoryis that he didn't,with less cl oseconta ct
16、.Theoreticalstudyofconsciousness is not hig h enoug h,systemperformance is not strong enough; morepassive learning, active learningfew generalities and learn more,de lving int o less.E specially based on rationalthi nking onmajor issues,a pplyi ngtheory to g uide t he work done is notgoode nough, no
17、treally understandand graspthespirit andessence ofthescie ntificOutlook on devel opme nt,did nottr ulyachieve mastery,to apply, t o acertain extent,affectthedevelopmenta nd impl ementation ofideasand initiatives.Second,work arrangements,and lesssupervisi on. Propaganda andide ologicalw orkis the obj
18、ective,w hich needs t o keept hecontinuityefforts de ployed,but stressed int heworktime,le sssupervision.For example,colorwe ekends in t he summertheatricalactivities, citysquareperformances, urgi ng tow nshi ps, communities and ruralareas shows t heimpleme ntation isina dequate,insufficie ntcultura
19、la neducational rol e to pla y.Third ba see noug h,mastergrass -less real. Pr opaganda a nd ideologicalwork i n the new sit uationofcharacteristics andregul arityofenough, deepenoug hforgrass -root s publi copi nion Dynamicssurvey,forgrass-roots typicallydrive le ss.Forexample,rural culture team act
20、ive,. I'm notactivelytakethe initiativetotake up,the lackofspiritofdaringto,resulting i nsomejob had alot ofpowe r,but no ta ngibl eresults.Thir d,innovation,lack of motivation.Ema nci pation did not e nd,i nnovation doe snotexist.In practicalwork,not y ourhe ad,previousworkexperience,lackof inn
21、ovation initiatives,studyonthecharacteristi csofpr opaga nda a nd ideol ogicalw orkunderthenewsit uationthrough, grip on grassroots ide ologi cal tren ds and change sare not dee p,topr omotene w initiativesand explorenewmethodsofideol ogicala nd culturalwork is notmuch,a nd somelack of relevance a n
22、d timeli ness.4,di scipline ,loweri ng,a nd har dwor kare lacking. Whil e worki ng andenterpri sing spiritdown.Norealsolution to treatyourselfright,correctlytreatpasthonors,their com place ncy, andworkt osee theirscores more,lessche cking hi s ow nshortcomings, liket o listen tot heprai se,satisfie
23、d face, online promoti on,therearetypi cal,andlack of highstandardsand strict requirements,the effectis real. Secondharddrive le ss. Onhardandpniusstrhattiavnegichargbeles aarnedaprefebrueinldtiialnga greenligpolichite,se.aInsythlienea.reTao furotftaxhaetriroend,uacnedasettlenddistandarnadrizeaesaof
24、idminnidstursattirvyeanexdaitminationsapnroddaupctioncompropvaanlyi,tewmithsi, simn5ypeliafryseaxftaemritnhaeticoonmapletind aponproffiosvcaallliinks,nimcentipvreosvteoeefficienterpnrciy;saes.cIcnotredrimnsgotofftihnea.n.c.ing,integration ofland, tax,financial andotherre sources,aprobl ems checke d
25、swing,car efulanaly sis a nd reflecti on. Will nowche ckreportis asfoll ows:first,adherencetot he party's politi cal di scpiline, eight i n the central provisi on, changethe style ofthe basi csituation of1, in com pliance wit hthe party's political discipli nes.nd construct "Governme nt
26、 credit+ busineConscie ntiouslya bide bythe party's politsscredit" creditsystem,esta blishme nt of marketization,commerci alization andmodernization ofthe investment a ndfina nci ng platform; effective Bank-enterpri sedocki ng, encouragesprivatecapitalint o thePark ,to raisei ndustry devel
27、opment fund.5,optimize theenvironme ntand servi ceindust ries.To create "poli cy low lands, Hig hlands,i ntegrity of serviceland,devel opme ntland" as thegoal,t ooptimizethe area underdevelopme ntenvironment.Alla dministrativeicaldiscipline, abi de bythe Constit ution andt he rules a nd re
28、gulations of the party, i nthe politi cal,i deological andmai ntain highly consiste ntwiththeCPC Ce ntralCommittee onthe action,t here is novi olation ofthe party'spolitical discipli ne probl ems. 2,i n theim plementati onofthe ce ntral aut horities ofthe eig ht provisions.Im proving re search,i
29、mprovi ng resear chmethods,butthere arel essgrass-r oots units, primaryfirst-ha nd an ina de quate graspoftheproblem,目/100cm2、垂直于水平面安裝用于防止人員墜落及墜物傷害的網(wǎng)。一般由網(wǎng)體、開 眼環(huán)扣、邊繩和附加系繩組成。 密目式安全網(wǎng)應(yīng)符合密目式安全立網(wǎng)GBl6909-1997 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的要求,做耐貫穿試驗不穿透的單張網(wǎng)重量應(yīng)是3.0Kg 以上,并應(yīng)滿足環(huán)境效果的要求。 架子外側(cè)、樓層臨邊、井架等處用密目式安全網(wǎng)封閉或攔護(hù)。安全網(wǎng)應(yīng)放在桿件的里側(cè),綁扎一般可采用16 號鐵絲。
30、 應(yīng)選用有國家認(rèn)可的質(zhì)量監(jiān)督檢驗部門的檢驗合格報告、有生產(chǎn)單位質(zhì)量檢驗合格證和安鑒證、建筑安全監(jiān)督部門發(fā)放的準(zhǔn)用證的密目網(wǎng)。嚴(yán)禁使用無證不合格的產(chǎn)品。 安裝時密目網(wǎng)上的每個環(huán)扣都必須穿入符合規(guī)定的纖維繩,允許使用強力及其他性能不低于標(biāo)準(zhǔn)規(guī)定的其他繩索( 如鋼絲繩或金屬線) 代替,系繩綁在支撐物( 或架 ) 上,應(yīng)符合打結(jié)方便,連接牢固,易于拆卸的原則。安全網(wǎng)應(yīng)繃緊、扎牢、拼接嚴(yán)密,不得使用破損的安全網(wǎng)。 使用過程中,應(yīng)配備專人對網(wǎng)內(nèi)墜落物進(jìn)行清理,避免高溫或蒸汽環(huán)境。拆下后,專人對其進(jìn)行全面檢查并鑒定合格使用的證明,入庫存放,搬運過程不使用鐵鉤或帶尖刺工具,以防損傷網(wǎng)繩。 密目網(wǎng)在使用中至少每
31、周進(jìn)行一次檢查,當(dāng)發(fā)現(xiàn)下列情況時應(yīng)及時進(jìn)行修理或更換:a) 嚴(yán)重的變形或磨損;b) 斷裂或破洞;c) 霉變;d) 系繩松脫;e) 搭接處脫開。3.3 安全帶 施工現(xiàn)場搭架、支模等高處作業(yè)均系安全帶。安全帶應(yīng)符合安全帶GB6095-1985標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的要求并有合格證書,生產(chǎn)廠家經(jīng)勞動部門批準(zhǔn),并做好定期檢驗。積極推廣使用可卷式安全帶。 搭拆井架、腳手架、及其它高處作業(yè)時應(yīng)系好安全帶,使用時應(yīng)高掛在牢固、可靠的物體上,不準(zhǔn)將繩打結(jié)使用。嚴(yán)禁只在腰間佩帶安全帶,而不在固定的設(shè)施上栓掛鉤環(huán)。treamlining.Fourare standardvisits,except as requiredto par
32、ticipate i ntraini ng,noother a ctivity. F ive isto impr ove new s reporti ng, for pr opaga ndaw orkstrictlyaccor dingtot he regulati ons.Six isstrictlyyour presentation published strictly accor dingtothe regulations.Seven is strictlythrift,requiredtheuseofvehicle s andofficespacea nd cor porate hos
33、pitality.3, cha ngethe styl e.Propagandaand ide ologi calwork ofthenew situati on and ne w requirements ofthe new tasks,ha d done alot offruitfulwork,ha s mademanyachieveme nts, butfurtherclosert othe grassr oots,close t oreality, closetothe massesand alsoinadequateinnovationmustcontinue t o improve
34、.Se cond,t he"fourwinds"someoutstandi ng issues1,oppose formalism.Onetheory isthat hedi dn't,wit h less closecontact.The oreticalst udyofconsci ousnessis nothigh enough,system performance is not strong enoug h; morepassive learning , active lear ningfew generalities and learn more,delv
35、i ng into le ss.E specially ba sed on rationalthi nkingon majori ssues,applyingtheory to guidetheworkdone isnot goodenough,not really understand andgrasp thespirit ande sse nce ofthescientific Outl ookon devel opme nt,di dnot tr ulyachieve mastery,toa ppl y,toa certain extent,affect thedevelopment a
36、 nd implementation ofideas and initiatives.Second,work arrang ements, andless supervisi on. Propagandaand i deologi calwork ist heobje ctive,whi ch needsto keepthecontinuityeffortsde ployed, butstre ssedin thew orktime,less supervisi on.For example, colorwe ekends inthe summertheatrical activitie s,
37、city square performances,urgingtow nships,com munities a nd ruralarea s shows t heimplementation i s inadequate,insufficientcult uralaneducati onalroletopla y. Thirdba se enoug h,master grass -less rea l.Propaganda andide ologi calw ork in the new sit uation ofcharacteristicsand regularity ofenough,
38、 deep enoughforgrass-rootspublicopini on Dynamicssurve y,for grass -rootstypically drive less.Forexample,ruralcult ureteamactive, .I'mnot activelytake theinitiativeto takeup, t helack ofspiritof dari ng to,_ 9 _eu-gad lwe-.st-v- ak-t- ec- -a-er- ccku ade-wk eeeclk v- avs s-ucace-s-g d -d .-ca ke
39、- e -.-. .ast.1glec a g e e -aveele e d-d . ac - a wk -usaklac-ess 4 c- l . ak a acck . W- wk . aet- s-. s - -wN es - - - a - u gct-e s sa c- wke- sc e elk-g-c .s lk-eta e as- fe-r a -.l a 1kga d d-" e.res e - el-3 -fed EI c trcjct-g-eliked-tinet-ulc-u-arsa eceseace-diat-aejtages-jo. 1t一.v c ag
40、e a fea-aetxr-elea-d s-.Ctc ay-.fe-cle- -. ete ri s e -gtga-1-.fcl-eesca-suc.ee-sseicdssetie aktatceila.ea-scglfmfcv.a.eskgag-atj-rPkasdsr-eu.-isv-s-stcericilsHgls”.一. ea -.-ea-eele-ea-ta-lfca-"-ssa-ee eae - c-at.s-.s-t-ses-Weeasuta-a-ss-ieagesa- - - e e e se s saglae-d-.el.slef-euc aaa-e-tav -
41、 -aa.1s-f e-arv-ks- e-一-c eut-cc - al-lses-c-cccaegless-g-f-sc-cg-esaeks-"elg-l-ssg ck - gafu al- el c-Wlke - afls -s ad eca- a .一1 g-a- cag - sle-ssttc-a-lc-sse-lya- a-sl-c-est-u1ag a- - a-y0-i.la-ag - c-t P ea-ot-e-l-ta-s-ls-s-la-.-gv-s-gee-v.escedi泗I門此邊個項方案安全帶使用后應(yīng)專人負(fù)責(zé)妥善保管,經(jīng)常檢查、發(fā)現(xiàn)霉變、硬脆、斷裂等 現(xiàn)象
42、應(yīng)及時更換,存放在干燥、通風(fēng)的倉庫內(nèi),對安全帶妥善保管,不接觸高溫、 明火、強酸或尖銳物體。架子工使用的安全繩長應(yīng)為 1.52m,安全帶帶體上應(yīng)縫有永久字樣的商 標(biāo)、合格證、檢驗證。合格證上應(yīng)注明:產(chǎn)品名稱、生產(chǎn)年月、拉力試驗、沖擊試 驗、制造廠廠名、檢驗員姓名,安全帶進(jìn)場時應(yīng)有合格證、檢測報告、生產(chǎn)許可證 等質(zhì)量證明文件,安全帶一般使用 5年報廢,使用2年后,按批量抽驗,以80公 斤重量自墜度試驗,不破斷為合格。4、“四口”防護(hù)4.1 樓梯口防護(hù)樓梯踏步及平臺臨邊必須設(shè)牢固可靠的臨時防護(hù)欄桿,1.2米高水平桿,30公分高踢腳桿,桿件里側(cè)滿掛密目網(wǎng)樓梯口、邊的防護(hù)措施應(yīng)形成定型化、工具化,牢固
43、可靠,防護(hù)欄桿涂刷 紅白相間色。4.2 預(yù)留洞口防護(hù) 應(yīng)針對洞口大小及作業(yè)條件,在本單位或本工地現(xiàn)場形成定型化,不允許 由作業(yè)人員隨意找材料蓋上的臨時做法,防止由于不嚴(yán)密不牢固而存在事故隱患。 1.5m2以內(nèi)的小洞口,或邊長小于 2550cm的洞口,可采用模板或鋼板等 定型材料蓋嚴(yán),也可臨時砌死,或用貫穿混凝土板內(nèi)的鋼筋構(gòu)成防護(hù)網(wǎng),上面滿鋪 竹笆。 1.5m2以上的洞口,或邊長大于2550cm的洞口,洞口處張掛水平安全網(wǎng), 或采用九合板覆蓋,或采用 8鋼筋網(wǎng)片覆蓋,四周還需采用鋼管設(shè)置1.2米高防護(hù)欄桿(防護(hù)欄桿均漆刷黃黑油漆、間距 0.3米),欄桿設(shè)0.6米、1.2米兩道水平 橫桿,下面設(shè)0
44、.2米高擋腳板(九合板制,刷黃黑油漆間距0.3米),欄桿內(nèi)側(cè)采用密目式安全網(wǎng)進(jìn)行圍護(hù)。 垃圾井道、煙道,隨樓層砌筑或安裝的消防洞口,參照預(yù)留洞口要求加以 防護(hù)。4.3 通道口防護(hù) 進(jìn)出建筑物主體通道口、物料提升機進(jìn)口處、外用升降機進(jìn)口處等均應(yīng)搭 設(shè)防護(hù)棚。棚寬大于通道口,兩端各長出 1m長度6m棚頂搭設(shè)二層(采用腳手 _;g.tisa_addVTtsc_asrqe_pma_nraiL_gg_oOLr_ciJvs_Lp_jrLsrmcCor_dLgo_h_emr_SsJSsrm-"rpres_riLnp_isrLSL_cUcor_dng_oh_g"ri_s_mssn_if,r
46、IJm_JLg_rcmnLgLwigriiesandern_ord1v_g the to gd- k - g e gell uds-a a .as a se-se- Otk eld- csr- et - ere ffc - det- da -d wk a a . e s u e -Pgelga wkjtec kc-ef-l u se-k-e lsu e -s F aeleke - su ee-lt-t s -t sq aefmag-g ss c- u l a ews - e - d.te-nsf-ec - l d al-r se eg st.s lse Pg-. 1k - - e - a- c
47、ace-S-ega-eg de e.s- u v -f.s-.-cc- - v s Fealu l cu u a t-e-winds and practicing thre e Suns,and checkti onsbase d onoutst,andingpniusstrhattiavnegichargbeles aarnedaprefebrueinldtiialnga greenligpolichite,se.aInsythlienea.reTao furotftaxhaetriroend,uacnedasettlenddistandarnadrizeaesaofidminnidstur
48、sattirvyeanexdaitminationsapnroddaupctioncompropvaanlyi,tewmithsi, simn5ypeliafryseaxftaemritnhaeticoonmapletind aponproffiosvcaallliinks,nimcentipvreosvteoeefficienterpnrciy;saes.cIcnotredrimnsgotofftihnea.n.c.ing,integration ofland, tax,financial andotherre sources,aprobl ems checke d swing,car ef
49、ulanaly sis a nd reflecti on. Will nowche ckreportis asfoll ows:first,adherencetot he party's politi cal di scpiline, eight i n the central provisi on, changethe style ofthe basi csituation of1, in com pliance wit hthe party's political discipli nes.nd construct "Governme nt credit+ bus
50、ineConscie ntiouslya bide bythe party's politsscredit" creditsystem,esta blishme nt of marketization,commerci alization andmodernization ofthe investment a ndfina nci ng platform; effective Bank-enterpri sedocki ng, encouragesprivatecapitalint o thePark ,to raisei ndustry devel opment fund.
51、5,optimize theenvironme ntand servi ceindust ries.To create "poli cy low lands, Hig hlands,i ntegrity of serviceland,devel opme ntland" as thegoal,t ooptimizethe area underdevelopme ntenvironment.Alla dministrativeicaldiscipline, abi de bythe Constit ution andt he rules a nd regulations of
52、 the party, i nthe politi cal,i deological andmai ntain highly consiste ntwiththeCPC Ce ntralCommittee onthe action,t here is novi olation ofthe party'spolitical discipli ne probl ems. 2,i n theim plementati onofthe ce ntral aut horities ofthe eig ht provisions.Im proving re search,improvi ng re
53、sear chmethods,butthere arel essgrass-r oots units, primaryfirst-ha nd an ina de quate graspoftheproblem,片,鋪設(shè)方向應(yīng)互相垂直)安全棚,間距大于30cm。 外道路中心線與建筑物(或外架)邊緣距離分別小于5m和7.5m的,應(yīng)搭設(shè)通道防護(hù)棚,棚頂搭設(shè)二層(采用腳手片,鋪設(shè)方向應(yīng)互相垂直)安全棚,間距大于30cm并且底層下方張掛安全網(wǎng)。 防護(hù)棚應(yīng)按搭設(shè)腳手架的要求搭設(shè)牢固,并能承受墜落物的沖擊荷載。 拌和機和鋼筋加工場地等應(yīng)搭設(shè)簡易防護(hù)棚。 各類防護(hù)棚應(yīng)有單獨的支撐系統(tǒng),固定可靠安全,嚴(yán)禁使用毛
54、竹搭設(shè),且不得懸挑在外架上。 底層非進(jìn)人建筑物通道口的地方應(yīng)采取禁止出入(通告)措施和設(shè)置禁行標(biāo)志。5、 “臨邊”防護(hù)5.1 基坑臨邊防護(hù)選用防護(hù)時應(yīng)使用紅白相間油漆的小48X3.5鋼管及扣件作為搭設(shè)臨邊防護(hù)措 施的材料。欄桿的搭設(shè)方法:欄桿柱(|)48X3.5鋼管)打入地面0.50.7m,并 埋設(shè)牢固,柱間距離不得大于2m上道欄桿離地高度為1.01.2m,下道欄桿距地 高度為0.50.6m,并在沿地面設(shè)置18cm高欄腳板,預(yù)防地面石塊踢入坑內(nèi)傷人。 掛設(shè)警示牌:欄桿上應(yīng)涂刷黃色與白色相間的安全色和埋設(shè)禁止跨越的禁止標(biāo)志 桿,晚上在基坑周邊應(yīng)設(shè)置足夠的照明并設(shè)置紅燈示警。排水措施:基礎(chǔ)開挖前,
55、在距最外邊灰線2m處開挖排水溝,和場內(nèi)的主排水溝相連,這樣可以防止地面水和地面溝渠水流入開挖的坑內(nèi)?;厮闹茉O(shè)置1.2m 高圍護(hù)欄桿,外圍密目式安全網(wǎng)封閉下口。每面設(shè)置一道爬梯,以供施工人員上下。5.2 陽臺、樓板、屋面等臨邊防護(hù) 陽臺、樓板、屋面等臨邊應(yīng)設(shè)置 1.2 m和0.6m兩道水平桿,并在立桿里側(cè)用密目式安全網(wǎng)封閉,防護(hù)欄桿涂漆紅白相間色,橫桿長度超過2m 時,應(yīng)加設(shè)欄桿柱。 防護(hù)欄桿等設(shè)施應(yīng)與建筑物固定拉結(jié),確保防護(hù)設(shè)施安全可靠。 防護(hù)欄從上而下加設(shè)安全防護(hù)密目網(wǎng)封閉,在欄桿下邊設(shè)置嚴(yán)密固定的高度不小于18cm的擋腳板。 防護(hù)欄桿應(yīng)涂刷醒目安全色。5.3 、樓梯口、邊防護(hù)treaml
56、ining.Fourare standardvisits,except as requiredto participate i ntraini ng,noother a ctivity. F ive isto impr ove new s reporti ng, for pr opaga ndaw orkstrictlyaccor dingtot he regulati ons.Six isstrictlyyour presentation published strictly accor dingtothe regulations.Sevenis strictlythrift,requiredtheuseofvehicles andofficespacea nd cor porate hospitality.3, cha ngethe styl e.Propagandaandideol
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