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1、中考形容詞副詞專項(xiàng)復(fù)習(xí)1。注意形容詞、副詞在句中的作用。2 .比較級(jí)與最高級(jí)的構(gòu)成,一些不規(guī)則變化,以及用法。3 .掌握有關(guān)形容詞與副詞的一些句型及用法。4 .形容詞修飾不定代詞的用法。形容詞:用來說明或修飾名詞、代詞的詞稱為形容詞。1、形容詞的句法作用:作句子中名詞的定語、句子的表語以及賓語補(bǔ)足語。2、形容詞在句子中的位置:作定語時(shí)放在名詞的前面。形容詞修飾名詞。 如:a big yellow wooden Chinese ship (一個(gè)黃色的大型中國(guó)木船 )前置形容詞(作定語)的順序?yàn)?冠j+描述,性形容詞( pretty/ugly/kind 等)+表特征形容詞(大形新年色)+專屬形容詞

2、(國(guó)籍等)+料+名而作表語時(shí)放在連系動(dòng)詞之后,構(gòu)成系表結(jié)構(gòu)。如: The idea sounds great.連系動(dòng)詞主要有:be(am, is, are), look(看起來),sound (聽起來),smell (聞起來),taste (嘗起來),feel (感到,摸起來)作賓語補(bǔ)足語時(shí)放在賓語之后。如: We must try our best to keep our environment clean . keep/find/make/think+ 賓語 + 形容詞(作賓補(bǔ))后置的情況:修飾復(fù)合不定代詞時(shí)放在代詞之后。如:Something serious has happened t

3、o him .(他發(fā)生了嚴(yán)重的事故 )與表示 長(zhǎng)、寬、高、重、老、遠(yuǎn)離 ”的詞連用時(shí)形容詞后置。如:He' s 1.8 metrestall.(他身高 1.8 米。)The moon is about 380,000 kilometres away from the earth .(月球離地 38 萬公里)二、副詞:用來說明事情發(fā)生時(shí)間、地點(diǎn)、原因、方式等含義或說明其它形容詞或副詞程度的詞叫做副詞。1、副詞的分類:(見下表)時(shí)間副詞頻度副詞地點(diǎn)/方位副 詞程度副詞方式副 詞疑問/連接副詞其他副詞today, tomorrow,once,here, there,very, too,wel

4、l,how,too, also,yesterday, now,twice,home, below,enough,hard,where,nor, so,then, early, late,always,anywhere,rather, quite,alone,when,as, on,off,once, soon, just,usually,above, outside,how, so,fast,why,either,tonight, long,often,in, inside, out,much, just,together,whetheryes, no,already, yet, before

5、,sometimes,back, up, down,nearly, onlysuddenly,however, etc.not, neitherago, later, ever sincenever,away, off, far,almost, hardly,-ly結(jié)尾關(guān)系副詞maybe,after, whenever(seldom),near, nearby,as long as 等,的副詞where,perhaps,first, someday,ever,wherevereven, all,why, howcertainly,sometime, last,everywhere,a litt

6、le, a bitwhen,2、副詞在句子中的位置以及作用:(副詞可以修飾動(dòng)詞、形容詞或副詞,也可放句首修飾整個(gè)句子。)作狀語: 時(shí)間副詞:一般放在句首或句尾,注意,early、late、before、later、yet等一般放在句尾,already、just 一般放在動(dòng)詞的前面。頻度副詞:一般放在be動(dòng)詞之后或者助動(dòng)詞與主要?jiǎng)釉~之間,但sometimes、often等還可以放在句首或句尾,usually可放在句首,once可放在句尾,twice、three times等一般放在句尾。 方式副詞:一般放在行為動(dòng)之后,suddenly可以放在句首、句尾或動(dòng)詞之前。如:Old people can

7、hardly walk as quickly as young people.(老年人幾乎不可能走得和年輕人一樣快)/ Suddenly hesaw a light in the dark cave (山洞).(突然,在黑酸酸白山洞里,他看見了一絲亮光) 地點(diǎn)副詞:一般放在句尾,但here、there還可放在句首。如:There you can see thousands of bikes running in all directions(方向).(在那里,你可以看到成千上萬的自行車朝各個(gè)方向流動(dòng))/ Thefrightened wolf ran away.(受至U驚嚇的狼逃開了 )/ He

8、 walked out quietly and turned back soon.(他悄悄地走了出去,很快又返回)程度副詞:修飾動(dòng)詞時(shí),放在動(dòng)詞之前;修飾形容詞或副詞時(shí),放在形容詞或副詞之前。但一意,enough總是放在被修飾的形容詞或動(dòng)詞的后面;only位置比較靈活,總是放在被修飾的詞的前面。如:I nearly forgot all about it if he did not tell me again.(如果他不再次告訴我,我?guī)缀醢涯鞘氯耍? It was so_strange that I could hardly believe my ears. (它那么奇怪一直我都不能相 信

9、我的耳朵)/ She got to the station early enough to catch the first bus .(她早早地趕到車站趕上了 首班車) 疑問副詞:用于對(duì)句子的狀語進(jìn)行提問,位置總是在句首。如:When and where were you born?(你何時(shí)何地出生? )/ Why did little Edison sit on some eggs?(小愛迪生為什么要坐在雞蛋上?)/How do you do?(你好?。?連接副詞:用來引導(dǎo)主語從句、賓語從句和表語從句,在從句中彳狀語。How I am going to kill the cat is sti

10、ll a question.(我打算怎樣殺死那只貓還是個(gè)問題)/ That is why everyone is afraid of thetiger.(那就是人人都害怕老虎的原因)/ He wondered how he could do it the next day .(他不知道第二天怎樣做那事)關(guān)系副詞:用來引導(dǎo)定語從句,在從句中作狀語。如: This is the place where Mr Zhang oncelived. (這就是張先生曾經(jīng)住過的地方)/ Please tell me the way how you have learned English sowel.(請(qǐng)告訴

11、我你的英語是怎樣學(xué)得這么好的方法) 其它副詞:too也”用在句尾;also放在動(dòng)t前;either也”(用于否定句),放在句尾;nor也 不”放在句首;so如此,這樣”放在形容詞、副詞前;on/off肝/關(guān)”放在動(dòng)詞之后;not放在be 之后、助動(dòng)詞之后、不定式或動(dòng)名詞之前;maybe/perhaps放在句首;certainly放在句首或動(dòng)詞之前。如:He went to the Palace Museum and I went there,too.(他去了故宮博物院,我也去了)/ Maybe your ticket is in your inside pocket.(也許你的票就在你的里邊衣

12、袋里)/ -Tom doesn ' t havea computer. -Nor. do I.(湯姆沒有計(jì)算機(jī),我也沒有。)(2)作表語:地點(diǎn)副詞一般可以作表語,放在be等連系動(dòng)詞之后,說明人物所處的位置。如:I' m very sorryhe isn in_at the moment.(彳艮抱歉,他止匕亥U不在家 )/ I have been away from my hometown for nearly20 years.(我離開家鄉(xiāng)有將近 20年了 ) / Jim is over there.(吉姆就在那邊)(3)作定語:時(shí)間副詞(如now、then)以及許多地點(diǎn)副詞都可

13、以作名詞的定語,放在名詞的后面。如 Peoplenow often have their festival dinners at restaurants.(現(xiàn)在的人們經(jīng)常在餐館里吃節(jié)日晚宴)/Women there were living a terrible life in the 1920s .(在二十世紀(jì) 20 年代的女人過著可怕的日子)(4)作賓語補(bǔ)足語: 地點(diǎn)副詞一般可以作賓語補(bǔ)足語。如:Put your dirty socks away, Jim! They are givingout bad smell!(吉姆,把你的臟襪子拿開!它們?cè)谏l(fā)著臭氣。)/ Father kept h

14、im in_and doing hislessons.(父親把他關(guān)在家里做作業(yè))注意一勁詞+副詞二的賓諳如果是代詞則代詞放在動(dòng)迥與副詞之畫,如果賓諳是名詞則亙以放叨電一 也可放后面。如:He wrote down the word.(他寫下了那個(gè)詞。)-He wrote it down.(他把它寫了下來。) 類似的有: put it/them ontake it/them off turn it/them on/off hand it/them in三、形容詞、副詞的原級(jí)、比較級(jí)和最高級(jí)1、分類:形容詞和副詞有原級(jí)、比較級(jí)和最高級(jí)三級(jí)。原級(jí)變?yōu)楸容^級(jí)和最高級(jí)有規(guī)則變化和不規(guī)則變化兩種。2、規(guī)則

15、變化:(1)單音節(jié)和部分雙音節(jié)形容詞和副詞,在原級(jí)的后面加上 er,est構(gòu)成比較級(jí)和最高級(jí)。a)直接加er,est : b)以重讀閉音節(jié)結(jié)尾的,要雙寫最后一個(gè)輔音字母,后加er,est: c)以輔音字母+y結(jié)尾的,先把y改為i再加上er,est:(2)兩個(gè)音節(jié)或兩個(gè)以上的音節(jié)的,在原級(jí)前加 more / most.3、不規(guī)則變化:原級(jí)比較級(jí)最tWj級(jí)good好的well好;(身體)好的,better更好的best最好的bad, badly糟糕的 糟糕地worse更糟糕的 更糟糕地;worst最糟糕的,最糟糕地;川(身體)不舒服的(身體)更小舒服的(身體)最不舒服的many許多的(可數(shù))muc

16、h許多的(/、可數(shù));非常more更多的;更most最多的;最little少的less更少的least最少的far遠(yuǎn)的;遠(yuǎn)地farther更遠(yuǎn)的;更遠(yuǎn)地farthest最遠(yuǎn)的;最遠(yuǎn)地further進(jìn),步的(地)furthest最深刻的(地)4、形容詞和副詞的原級(jí)、比較級(jí)和最高級(jí)的用法:級(jí)別比較程度表達(dá)方式和意義例句備 注原級(jí)同 等 程 度目士 7E形式As+原級(jí)+as(像一樣)Art is as interesting as music.Play as well as you can.否士 7E形式not + so (as) + 原級(jí) +as(不如那樣)English is not so di

17、fficult as science.She does not think swimming is as interesting as hiking.注思I don tthink否定前移句型比較級(jí)/、同程度(用于兩者比較)比較級(jí)+than(比 )Jim is older than Luky.I like pork better than beef.比較級(jí)前卸 可以加much, far, even, still, a lot, a little, a bit 等程度加深比較級(jí)+and+比較級(jí)(越來越)The + 比較級(jí),the +比較級(jí)(越,越)He is growing taller and

18、taller.He studies better and better.The more books she reads, the better she understand.最高級(jí)最高程度(用于三者或三者以上)The + 最高級(jí) +of (in)(最)Spring is the best season of the year.Lin Tao jumped (the) farthest of all.副詞最高級(jí)前面的the往往省略注意:有些形容詞,如 dead, empty, round, sure, woolen等受本身含義的限制,沒有比較級(jí)。5、形容詞比較級(jí)與最高級(jí)的特殊用法舉例: His

19、 bike is newer than hers.( 見到 than 必須用比較級(jí))Jim is the tallest in our class.(在班集等 集體內(nèi) 用介詞in 來表示 比較的 范圍) Jim is the tallest of all (the studens). = Of all the students, Jim is the tallest. Jim is the tallest of the three.( 見到 of the three 要用最高級(jí)) Which is bigger, a tiger or a monkey ?(兩者比用比較級(jí)) Which is

20、the biggest, a tiger, a dog or a monkey ?(三者或三者以上比用最高級(jí)) This ruler is short , Please give me a longer one.I'd like the bigger (one) of the two cakes. (兩者中 "較" 用 " the+比較級(jí)”) Tom is two years older than I.湯姆比我大兩歲。Tom is twice as old as I.湯姆的年齡是我的兩倍。(11) The number of the students in

21、 our school is bigger/larger/smaller than yours. 我們學(xué)校的學(xué)生數(shù)目比你們學(xué)校大 /小。(兩個(gè)數(shù)量/目只級(jí)比較大小,不能比較多少 (價(jià)格price只能比較高低,用"high "或"low",不能比較貴或便宜)6、比較級(jí)與最高級(jí)的互換 .Jim is taller than any other boy in our class.(吉姆比我們班上任彳一個(gè)男孩都高 )=Jim is taller than the other boys in our class.(在我們班上吉姆其它的男孩高)=Jim is tal

22、ler than any of the other boys in our class.=Jim is the tallest boy in our class.(吉姆是我們班最高的) .Jim is taller than any girl in our class.(吉姆比我們班的任何一個(gè)女孩都高) .Tom isn 't as/so tall as Mike. = Tom is shorter than Mike.=Mike is taller than Tom. = Tom is less tall than Mike. .This book isn't as/so i

23、nteresting as that book.=This book is less interesting than that book =That book is more interesting than this book. 7、比較級(jí)前常用的修飾語:比較級(jí)前常用 a bit/a little(一點(diǎn)),much/a 10t (4E常),even/far(更力口),still等詞語表示程度。而表示數(shù)量的 more 之前還可以加 some/ any/ no/ one/ two/ many/ several/ a lot 等詞。例如:She is a little taller than I

24、 (me). Rose is much more careful than Tom.Would you like some more coffee?( 你還要些咖啡嗎?) He did not eat any more.(他沒有再吃)8、使用形容詞和副詞比較級(jí)和最高級(jí)應(yīng)注意事項(xiàng):1 . than必須放在形容詞比較級(jí)的后面。2 .形容詞的最高級(jí)前必須有the,而副詞的最高級(jí)前the可以省略。3 .在進(jìn)行比較時(shí),必須是同類事物相比較。 His ruler is longer than I.( 錯(cuò)) His ruler is longer than mine.( )The weather here

25、is hotter than that in Beijing.(that不能少)聚焦2008年江蘇省中考El()1. It was weather that they decided to go out for a picnic 無錫市A. such fineB. such a fine C. so fineD. so fine a()2. My parents will go there by taxi because it is raining. 無錫市A. badlyB. hardly C. probablyD. heavily()3. Daniel is a careful drive

26、r, but he drives of my friends. 蘇州市A. more carefully B. the most carefully C. less carefully D. the least carefully()4. Mrs King kept weighing herself to see how much she was getting. 南京市A. heavyB. heavierC. the heavierD. the heaviest()5. Did you watch the basketball match last weekend? Yes, I did.

27、It was covered, and I think it was wonderful. 揚(yáng)州市A. liveB. aliveC livingD. lively( )6. The girl's voice sounds. Maybe she can become a good singer when she grows up. 淮安市A. sweetB. sweetlyC. beautifully( )7. - How are you today, Bob? - I'm even now. I don't think the medicine is good for

28、me. 南通市A. betterB. worseC. happierD. unluckier( )8. Billy has all kinds of different ideas. He is to be a famous writer. 宿遷市A. enough creative B. creative enough C. energetic enough D. enough energetic( )9. Helen learns to dance three times a week. Now she dances Anita does. 宿遷市A. so good asB. as we

29、ll asC. as good asD. so well as( )10. When the fire broke out, many people were so that they ran. 宿遷市A. frightening; wildB. frightened; wild C. frightened; wildly D. frightening;wildly( )11. The work is too difficult for Mr Zhu to finish in a week. He needs days. 宿遷市A. more twoB. two moreC. two anot

30、herD. another more( )12. In the Science Museum, the children felt to see so many things. 鎮(zhèn)江市A. surprised; amazed B. surprising; amazing C surprising; amazed D. surprised; amazing()13. It was music that I lost myself in it. 泰州市A. such a beautifulB. so beautiful aC. so beautiful D. such beautiful()14.

31、 Be. Make sure not to make the same spelling mistake next time.鹽城市A. peacefulB. carefulC. helpfulD. thankful()15. When an earthquake happens, and you are outdoors, you should keep calm and go to an openarea as as possible. 鹽城市 A. slowly B. quietlyC. widelyD.quickly()16. I've got nothing to do. I

32、'm. 徐州市A. boredB. interested C. excitedD. frightened()17. She was well dressed that she attracted everyone's attention at the party. 常州市A. so B. quiteC. tooD. very()18. Peter drives Amy, so it will take Peter time to get to the hotel. 常州市A. much faster than; lessB. more slowly than; lessC as

33、 fast as; moreD. as slowly as; more二、單詞填空:1. Many Chinese have trouble using a knife and fork(correct). 無錫市2. When you feel tired, you' d better wear(energy) colours, such as green市3. Don ' t get(patient) about your personal trouble. 無錫市4. (醫(yī)療的)workers are badly needed in those earthquake-hi

34、t areas. 無錫市5. Sleep is(必要的)to health.蘇州市6.I changed into my sports shoes so that I could walk more(舒服地). 蘇州市7.She has been a very(勇敢的)little girl. 蘇州市8. The book should be returned no(遲)than next Friday. 蘇州市9. Susan often goes swimming in summer when it's warm and (晴朗的). 南京市10. I like working h

35、ere because everyone is(friend). 南京市11. Finally help reached the flood victims in the damaged village.(成功).連云港12. The gui is a top student in her school. Shell go abroad for study next month. ( far) 揚(yáng)州市13. 一 Do you want to learn how to cook healthy and food? - Of course, (taste) 揚(yáng)州市14. His father wa

36、s looking at him because he had made a serious mistake. ( angry) 揚(yáng)州市15. I could( 幾乎不)find my old house because great changes had taken place there. 淮安市16. The museum has lots of amazing things. It's(值彳導(dǎo))a visit. 南通市17. I have a weight problem and it's( 必要的)for me to change my diet and take m

37、ore exercise. 南通18. It is very( 有意義的)for me to join the Tree-planting Club. 宿遷市19. The weather today becomes even( bad). Why not take a raincoat with you? 宿遷市20. If someone doesn't show good manners to others, he or she is( polite). 宿遷市21. How(quick) Betty answered the teacher's question! 宿遷

38、市22. Blue is a calm and(peace) colour. It can make you feel relaxed. 鎮(zhèn)江市23. "Why didn't you tell me earlier?" the boss shouted(生氣).鎮(zhèn)江市24. Mary was too( 緊張)to describe the accident clearly. 鎮(zhèn)江市25. If you don ' t see the doctor at once, you' ll get even(M)r位ter on.26. The firemen

39、 have saved the boy from the fire(successful). 泰州市27. He is quite an(energy) man because he always stays up late but gets up early. 泰州市28. What ' s the weather like in your hometown now?It' s usuallyverynd often rains a lot. 鹽城市29. Scientists have found that talking to another person for 10

40、minutes a day can help you remember things(女f) than not to. 鹽城市30. The(high) you climb, the more beautiful view you will see. 徐州市31. Nancy is patient and she doesn't give up(easy). 徐州市32. He seemed(friend) at first, but now I've got to know him and I realize he's warm and kind.( 努力).徐州市徐

41、州33. Mary passed her examination because she studied very主要地,大部分地)Europeans.常州市常州市34. In the eighteenth century, more people came to America,(徐州35. It's(friendly) of him to say such bad words to his classmates.36. We hope the weather will be fine, but it is getting even(bad).37. The computer is(

42、 廣泛)used in our daily life. We can do many things with it. 常州市聚焦2009年江蘇省中考題I()1. I'm much than my two friends, but I jump of us three. 南通市A. taller; higherB. shorter; higherC. taller; highestD. shorter; highest() 2. I like the pop star that I never miss his concert. 南通市A. very muchB. too muchC.

43、quite muchD so much() 3. Lily is hard-working than any other student in her class. 淮安市A. muchB. moreC. mostD. the most() 4 . Grandma, you must feel after cleaning the house. Let's take a rest. 淮安市A. tiredB. wellC. goodD. angry() 5. Curing sick people is importantdoctors must be careful. 泰州市A. to

44、o, toB. so, thatC. enough, toD. such, that() 6. John sings so well. Has he ever been trained?No. He learns all by himself. Hegoesto any training class. 常州市A. usuallyB. oftenC. neverD. even()7. Mark speaks Englishwell, but you him. Thankyou. 常 州市.A. speak as badly asB. speak worse thanC. don t speak

45、so badly asD. speak much better than() 8. Love will last if we love the whole fine things around us. 鹽城市A. seldomB. alwaysC. neverD. sometimes() 9. I'm his best friend. I know him well probably than anyone else. 鹽城市A. lessB. widerC. betterD. deeper() 10. That lady is a vegetarian( 素食主義者). She ea

46、ts meat. 鎮(zhèn)江市A. oftenB. sometimesC. seldomD. usually() 11. Li Lianjie often donates much money to poor people. He is a well-known actor. 鎮(zhèn)江市A. creativeB. generousC. modestD. confident() 12 We arrivedlate that there were seats left 蘇州市A muchB tooC soD very() 13 Of the two T-shirts , I d choose theone

47、to save some money for a book 蘇州市A cheapestB cheaperC more expensive D most expensive() 14. Was Henry late for the concert yesterday? No. He got there even ten minutes than us two. 揚(yáng)州市A. earlierB. earliestC. laterD. latest() 15. The question isthat nobody can answer it. 宿遷市A. very hardB. too difficu

48、ltC. strange enough D. so strange() 16. I find this computer game to play. 無錫市A. enough easyB. easy enough C. enough easilyD. easily enough() 17. -Which of those radios sounds ? -The smallest one. 無錫市A. goodB. wellC. betterD. best二、單詞填空:1. Miss Li is ( 嚴(yán)格的 ) with us, but she is the most popular teac

49、her in our school. 南通市2. It is not safe for such a small child to swim ( 單獨(dú) )in the river. 南通市3. Learning Chinese is very popular among foreigners now. I'm sure it will be used (wide) intheworld. 淮安市4. Eating too much fast food is not (health). 淮安市5. (lucky), the sick boy had a successful operat

50、ion at last. 泰州市6. In some ways, the space shuttles travel fast, but the journey to Mars may be very (comfortable) . 7. -The radio says it will be (rain) tomorrow, so we can't have a picnic in thepark.-What a pity! 泰州市8. Congratulations! Y ou' ve answered all the questions(正確地).常州市9. (luck),

51、 John got back the notebook that he had lost at the cafe. 常州市10. Eat some vegetables and fruit every day because they are (health) food. 常州市11. -Will you take the trainers? -Of course. They are very (舒服的).連云港12. With the help all over the world, the children in Sichuan are living(幸福的).連云港13. Jane is

52、 my English teacher. She likes wearing( 紅色的)dresses.南京市14. -Where is Peter from? -He is French, if I remember(correct). 南京市15. -This pair of shoes is too tight. Could I try a pair in a(big) size? 南京市16. What a(sun) day today! Let's go hiking. 徐州市17. I'm(true) sorry I can't go with you. I

53、 have a lot to do this afternoon. 徐州市18. The basketball team was(luck) to lose in the final minute of the game. 徐州市19. Of the two coats, I'll choose the( 便宜)one to save some money for a book. 鹽城市20. We can(容易地)forgive a child who is afraid of the dark, but we can't forgivean adult who is afr

54、aid of the light. 鹽城市21. (幸好),I caught the early bus and got to the railway station just in time. 鹽城 市22. I like listening to light music. It can make me feel(relax). 鎮(zhèn)江市23. Tom had an accident yesterday. His teacher sent him to the hospital(quick) 鎮(zhèn)江市24. It's so(不公平的)! Mary gets more money. 鎮(zhèn)江市

55、25. The snow is (厚的)today than yesterday. What about playing with snow outside? 鎮(zhèn)江市26. Why do you think you did so (糟糕地)in your test? 蘇州市27. She looks(熟悉的)to me , but I don ' t remember her name州市.28. Every morning many people will gather in the Tian' anmen Square to watch therrising offlag.(國(guó)家的)揚(yáng)州市29. Thanks for your suggestions.(寶貴的) 揚(yáng)州市30. The coming bus is . Please let the old get on first. (crowd ) 揚(yáng)州市31. This question is very( 容易的).Every one of us can answer it. 宿遷市32. What an(enjoy) journey they had the day before yesterday! 無錫市33. The(humour)


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