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1、經(jīng)典句子,希望對您有幫助!經(jīng)典英文友情句子本文是關(guān)于 經(jīng)典句子 的,僅供參考,如果覺得很不錯,歡迎點評和分享。經(jīng)典英文友情句子1、Friends are like fiddle-strings, they must not be screwedtoo tight.朋友像琴弦,不能太擰緊。2、Without a friend the world is a wilderness.沒有朋友,世界就等於一片荒野。3、Between friends all is common.朋友之間不分彼此。4、In time of prosperity, friends will be plenty; In tim

2、e ofadversity, not one amongst twenty.富在深山有遠親,窮在鬧市無人5、A father is a treasure, a brother is a comfort, but a friendis both.父親是財富,兄弟是安慰,朋友兼而有之。6、Trust not the praise of a friend, nor the contempt of anenemy.不要信賴朋友的贊揚,也不要仇敵的輕蔑放在心上。7、Friendship the older it grows the stronger it is.經(jīng)典句子,希望對您有幫助!友誼地久天長。8

3、、Familiar paths and old friends are the best.熟路好遵循,老友最可珍。9、To preserve a friend three things are required: to honour himpresent, praise him absent, and assist him in his necessities.維持友誼需要三點:當面尊重他,背后贊揚他,需要時幫助他。10、A bosom friend afar brings distant land near.海內(nèi)存知己,天涯若比鄰。11、A FRIEND is a gift if of ou

4、r heart treasures. Thank you forbeingthe treasure in my heart.朋友是心里的一個寶物。12、Hunger knows no friend.饑難周友。13、He is rich enough who has true friends.有真朋友的人是富翁。15、Friends must part.天下無不散之筵席。16、Better lose a jest than a friend.寧可不說一句俏皮話,以免得罪朋友們。18、Ive had a great life because Ive got you ae a real friend

5、.我的生活精采因為有了你這個朋友。經(jīng)典句子,希望對您有幫助!19、A friend in court is better than a penny in purse.囊中有錢,不如朝中有友。20、If I should meet thee,After long years,How should I greettheeWith silence and tears!多年離別后,抑或再相逢,相逢何所語淚流默無聲!21、You are the best friend becuase you always can listento what I dont say!你是那位可以聽到我心里深處的朋友!22、

6、A true friend is known in the day of adversity.疾風知勁草,患難見真情。23、A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody.廣交友,無深交。24、A friend without faults will never be found.沒有缺點的朋友是永遠找不到的。25、We can live without a brother, but not without a friend.我們生活中可以沒有兄弟,但不能沒有朋友。26、We can live without our friends, but not w

7、ithout our neighbours.生活可無友,鄰居不能無。27、A friend exaggerates a mans virtue, an enemy his crimes.朋友宣揚人的美德,敵人夸大人的罪過。經(jīng)典句子,希望對您有幫助!28、A ready way to lose friend is to lend him money.失友皆從借錢起。29、Friendship is love with understanding.友誼是愛加上諒解。30、Better an open enemy than a false friend.明槍易躲,暗箭難防。31、When we me

8、et difficults,we can lean on other.Then wewill be okay!遇困難時,讓我們互相扶持!32、We are good friend forever.我們永遠都是好朋友。33、A friend is never known till a man has need.不到患難時,永遠不能認識真正的朋友。34、You the real friend who walks in when the rest of the world walksout.謝謝你是那位全世界都遺棄我時還在我身邊的朋友。35、A friend is best found in adv

9、ersity.患難見真友。36、Friendship - one soul in two bodies.友誼是兩人一條心。37、Although I are each to rush the thing with you, I will notdisappear now with your friendship.雖然我和你各奔東西,但是我和你的友情不會就此消失。each經(jīng)典句子,希望對您有幫助!38、A good book is a best friend who never turns his back upon us.一本好書,莫逆之交。39、Always my a pair comity

10、 is constant.我倆友誼永不變。40、Admonish your friends in private, praise them in public.在私底下要忠告你的朋友,在公開場合又表揚你的朋友。41、Everything is good when new, but friend when old.東西新的好,朋友老的好。42、A thousand friends are few, one enemy is too many.朋友千人尚覺少,仇敵一人猶嫌多。43、When a friend asks, there is no tomorrow.朋友的要求不要拖。44、Choose

11、 an author as you choose a friend.選書如擇友。45、He that has a full purse never wants a friend.只要袋里有,不愁沒朋友。46、A true friend is one soul in two bodies.真正的朋友好似兩個身子長著一顆心。47、A joke never gains an enemy but often loses a friend.開玩笑總不能化敵為友,反而有時會失去朋友。48、A near friend is better than a far-dwelling kinsman.遠親不如近鄰。

12、49、A faithful friend is hard to find.益友難得。50、Friends may meet, but mountains never greet.朋友可相逢,經(jīng)典句子,希望對您有幫助!高山永分離。51、A friend is a second self.朋友是另一個我。52、Friendship multiplies joys and divides griefs.友誼可以增添歡樂,可以分擔憂愁。53、Books, like friends, should be few and well chosen.書籍如朋友,應該少而精。54、An empty purse frightens many friends.囊中無分文,親友不上門。55


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