



1、2019-2020 年九年級英語 Unit3 The Great Lakes 教案 新課標 人教版1. Where did you say you were born?2. I lived on Lake Superior.3. I swam as far as 2 kilometers at one time.4. You can swim in the 800-metre race.5. Maybe I will e and swim on your team.6. The ship had set off7. look up the word in a dictio nary8. alo

2、ng the shores of the Lakes9. put the waste into the Lakes10. ask the gover nment for a special program11. Environmen tal Research Laboratory12. I reached over and grabbed some.13. There was no reply.三、知識講解1. Its so big that when you sail on it , you cant see theIan d.它那么大,以至于當你在上面航行時,你看不見陸地。區(qū)分so tha

3、t與sothat的不同:a. so that起連詞的作用,意思是“以便,為的是”。He uniocked the bike so that he can use it at any time.他沒有鎖車,為的是隨時都能用.I put on a red coat so that he could see me easily.學習目標:一、詞匯1. on Lake Superior2. the Great Lakes3. at one time4. set off5. catch up with6. pay atte nti on to7. fresh water8. in the Ice Age

4、9. warm up(使.)10. ever since11. clea n up12. makehealthy-13. dry up15. die out16. reach over17. spill all over sb18. break ope n19. find a solution to20. a large bag of popcor n二、 日常用語在蘇必利爾湖邊五大湖出發(fā);啟程趕上注意淡水在冰河時代變暖自從那時起一直清理干凈使健康干涸滅絕越過某人拿某物灑了某人一身破開;裂開找到的解決方法一大袋爆米花我穿了一件紅外套以便他能很容易地看見我。b. sothat的意思是如此,以至于

5、”。The weather is so coldthat they had to stay at home.天氣如此冷,以至于他們不得不呆在家里。The coat is so expensive that I dont want to buy it.這件外套太貴,我不想買2. When I lived in Michigan . I swam as far as 2 kilometres at one time.當我住在密歇根的時候,我曾經(jīng)游過遠至兩千米。a. as far as有兩種意思,一是表示“遠至,直到所提到之處為止”The little boy couldnt run as far

6、as the endof thatbridge.這個小孩不能跑到橋頭那兒。b.還有一種意思是表示“就而言”As far as I know, he has gone to town.就我所知,他到鎮(zhèn)子上去了。at one time是過去時的時間狀語,意思是“曾經(jīng)、往昔” 。At one time , he run20 kilometers.曾經(jīng)我跑過20公里。3. The factories would put their waste into the Lakes.工廠把它們的垃圾扔進湖里。would在這個句子里并不是will的過去式,它表示的是過去的習慣和傾向。 比較would和used t

7、o:a. Would與used to都可用來表示過去經(jīng)常性或習慣性的動作, 常??梢該Q用。 如:When we were boys we usedto/would go swimming everysummer.小時候,每到夏天我們都要去游泳。He used to/would spend every penny he earned on books過去,他通常把掙來的錢全花在買書上。b. would與used to的區(qū)別:used to表示過去經(jīng)常性或習慣性的動作或狀態(tài)現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)結(jié)束would則表示有可能再發(fā)生。如:People used to believe that the earth wa

8、s flat過去,人們總以為地球是扁平的。 (現(xiàn)在已不再這樣認為)He would go to the park as soon as he was free過去,他一有空就去公園。 (現(xiàn)在有可能再去)4. I waited and waited until finally a bright scene came on.我等著,等著,直到最后一個明亮的畫面出現(xiàn)了。e on除了“出現(xiàn)”的意思,還有其他的多種含義:Night came on , The Christmas trees lighted up.夜幕降臨,圣誕樹都亮了起來。 (出現(xiàn))All the plants in the garde

9、n are ing on nicely.花園里所有的植物生長得都很好。(生長)Youd better go now. I will e on later.你最好現(xiàn)在走吧。我一會兒跟著。(跟隨)Hows your English ing on ?你的英語進展如何?(進展)He is ing on in the next scene.他將下一個出場。 (出場)What time does the news e on ?這個消息什么時間播放(上演、播放)e on ! We are goi ng to be late.快上!我們要遲到了。(快點、加油)5. To make a loud no ise

10、usually because of an ger or fear .因生氣或害怕發(fā)出大的噪音。注意區(qū)分so that與sothat:a是連詞,引導原因狀語從句。I did nt buy the tapes because I did nt have eno ugh mon ey.我沒有買那些磁帶,因為我錢不夠。He wrote to his friends very ofte n because he missed them.他頻繁的給他的朋友們寫信,因為他思念他們。b. because of是一個介詞短語,后面常接名詞或代詞。We beat them because of good luc

11、k.我們由于運氣好而打敗了他們。I lost my watch because of careless ness.我由于粗心而丟了手表。語法:復習過去完成時的構(gòu)成。過去完成時由”助動詞had(用于各種人稱和數(shù))+過去分詞”構(gòu)成。過去完成時在肯定、否定、一般疑問句和簡略答語等四種結(jié)構(gòu)中的形式如下:同步練習:一、填空練習用because或because of填空。1. They cha nged their pla n_ the bad weather.2. I got angry_ he cheated me.3. He was beate n by his father_ his wron g

12、-do in gs.4. He didnt e_ his illness.5. We enjoyed the story_ it was really touch ing.二、完型填空Swimming is very popular in summer. People like swimming in summer because watermakes them _ cool. If you like swimming but swim in a_ (2)_place, it maynot be safe. These years, more tha n ten people(3)_while

13、 they were enjoyingthemselves in the water and (4)_ of them were stude nts. But some people are(5)not careful in swimming. They often think they swim so (6) thatnothing can happento them in water. Summeris here again. If you go swimming in summer, dont forget (7) better swimmershave died in water. T

14、hey died because they were not careful, not because they(8)swim. So dont get into water whe n you are alone.(9)_there is a No Swimmi ngsig n, dont getinto water, (10). If you remember these, swimmi ng will be safer.(1) A. feltB. feelC. feeli ngD. to feel(2) A. difficultB. smallC. rightD. wrong(3) A.

15、 diedB. dieC. have diedD. will die(4) A. muchB. mostC. lotD. moreA. yetB. alreadyC. stillD. even(6) A. fastB. oftenC. wellD. hard(7) A. whatB. thatC. whichD. who(8) A. could ntB. would ntC. need ntD. must nt三、閱讀理解Thirty years ago, Lake Ponkapog in Hartwell, NewJersey, wasfull of life. Many birds and

16、 animals livedbeside the water,which was full of fish. Now there are few birds, animals, andfish.The lake water ispolluted(污染的).It is in a colour of dirty brown,and it is filled with stra nge pla nts.Howdid this happen? First, we must think about how water gets into Lake Ponkapog. When it rains,wate

17、r esin to the lake from all around. In the past, there were forestsall around Lake Pon kapog, so the rain water was clea n.Now there are many homes around the lake. People often use chemicals (化學品)intheir garde ns. They use other chemicals in side their housed for clea ning or killi ng in sects (昆蟲)

18、.There are also many bus in esses. Busin esses use chemicals in their mach ines or shops. Otherchemicals fall onto the gro und from cars or trucks. Whe nit rains, the rain water picks up all the chemicalsfrom homes and bus in esses and the n carries them into the lake. They pollute the water and kil

19、l theanimals.Boats on the lake are also a problem. Lake Ponkapog is a popular place for motorboats. But oil andgas (油和汽)from boats often get into the lake. So more bad chemicals go into the water this way.People in Hartwell are worried. They love their lake and want to save it. Will it be possible?

20、A clea nlake must have clea n rain water going into it. Clea n rain water is possible only if people are more carefulabout chemicals at home and at work. They must also be more careful about gas and oil and otherchemicals on the ground. And the mustnt use motorboats any more on the lake. All these m

21、ay changepeoples lives.Only then can Lake Ponkapog be a beautiful, clean lake again.1) In the past, the water in Lake Pon kapog was made clea n by_.A. forests B. rain C. birds D. fish2) Chemicals from homes and bus in esses _A. are always clea nB. can help the ani malsC. are good for the lake D. get into the rai nwater3) Clea ner rain water will mean_A. more boats on the lake B. more dirty things in the lakeC. a clea ner lakeD. a dirtier lake4) To save Lake


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