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1、、單項選擇only play on weeke nds.A. from play ing B. play ing C. to play D. play()2. Shall we go to that restaura nt for dinner, Mr. Smith?Wed better not. The dishes there are_A. cheap B. delicious C. fresh D. awful()3.Toms mother was very angry yesterday because Tom_ her.A. talked to B. talked with C. c

2、ared about D. talked back to()4.- Have all the stude nts known that our class will visit the factory this after noon?-Yes. Every stude nt _about itA. tellsB. toldC. was toldD. has told()6.- Did you go to Marys birthday party?-No, I _ to her party.A. have nt i nvited B. was nt in vited C. am not in v

3、ited()7.Milli ons of tourists_ to travel to Mount Tai every year.A. attract B. have attracted C. are attract ing D. are attracted()8. Our teacher is always strict_ us and strict _ hiswork.A. with, withB. i n, i nC. with, i nC. i n,with()9.Whe n I was a baby, my mother ofte n kept me_ dan ger.A. inB.

4、 toC. fromD. away()10. - Let s go to the community if it_ tomorrow.-But n obody knows if it_ tomorrow.A. won t rain; rainsB. doesn t rain, rainsC. doesn t rain; will rainD. won t rain; will rain()11. Bill has fini shed his homework._ .Un it 6-7測試題()1.My pare nts always keep mecomputer games on schoo

5、l days,so I can()5.- Hey, Molly. You _here and the man left a phone nu mber.-Oh? I was in the library.A. wan tedB. are wan tedon the phone justC. were wan tednow. But you were ntD. have wantedD. did ntinvite22A. pull dow n B. be pull dow n C. be pulled dow n D. be pull ing dow nherself un derstood i

6、n En glish.二、完形填空to introduce a new inventiondesigned_1_us to you here. Its called“flyingcar ”Nowadays, the nu mber of_2 is in creas ing ,and it leads to abad in flue nee.Peoplethat its gett ing more and more_3_to move around in thestreets. Traffic jams turn out to be a big problem.Thats_4_we have t

7、he idea.The car not only looks like a car but also looks like a plane. It has_5_rires(輪has the advantages of small volume(體積)and lightMaryD.So Mary has()12. Dontputofftodayswork fortomorrow.Imean, todaysworktoday.A. may doB. must doC. may be doneD. must be done()13. Teen agers shouldto choose their

8、own clothes.A. allowB. to allowC. be allowedD. allowedA. So does MaryB. So is MaryC. So has()14. The buildi ng is old and dan gerous. It should()15. She man agedA. makeB. madeC. to makeD. makingGoodmorning ,every one. rm Flyki and my part ner is Michelle.Today, we two wantlivi ng in the cities have

9、found胎)and “foldable wings ” . It alsoweight. Whe n it tran sforms into a plane,it can fly_6_a speed of 110 miles perhour. Its aroadable aircraft ”All you n eed is just a drivi ng lice nse. Then3you can drive it just like driving a car.The car will make our life more convenient, _7_it can switch bet

10、ween a carand a plane. To begin with , it can drive on any surfaces and thanks to its foldablewings ,it canyou easily reach the dest in ati on. Much time can be_9_This kind of car makes our lives_10_and more comfortable. If you have sucha car , you will feel very good!Thatsall.)1.A.with B)2.A. cars

11、B.planes C . taxis D . buses)3.A.expensiveB . in teresti ng C . convenient D . difficult)4.A.what B.why C . that D . which24(A)Today almost every one knows computers and the Intern et. If I ask you “ What isthe most important in your life?” , maybe you will say“ Computers and theIntern et.”The first

12、 computer was made in 1946. It was very big but it worked slowly. Today computers aregetti ng smaller and smaller. But they work faster and faster. What can computers do? A writer has said,“People can t live without computers today. ”The Internet came a little later than computers. It is about twent

13、y-fiveyearslater tha n computers. But now it can be found almost everywhere. We can use it to read books, writeletters, do shopp ing, play games or make frien ds.Many students like the Internet very much. They often go into the Internet assoon as they are free. They make friends on the Internet and

14、maybe they have n everseen these friends. They don t know their real names, ages, and even sex. They are so interested inmaking the“ unreal friends” that they can t put their heartsinto study. Many of them can t catch up with others on many subjects because of that.Wecan use computers and the Intern

15、et to learn more about the world. But at the same time, weshould remember that not all the things can be done by computers and the Intern et.1. The Internet can not be used for_.A. study ingB. thinking C. shopp ingD. play ing2. When the first computer was inven ted, it was_ .A. large and worked quic

16、kly B. small and worked slowlyC. large but worked slowly D. small but worked quickly3. The Internet was born in about_ .A. 1960 B.1971 C.1980D.19854. Which of the following is TRUE?()5.A.three B.four C . five D . six()6.A.in Bon C . for D . at()7.A.so Bthough C . if D . because()8.A. crowded Bfree C

17、 . wide D . short()9.A.wasted B()10.A.easier B三、閱讀理解cost C . saved D . lastedricher Cheavier D . worse5A. Few stude nts like going into the Intern et.B. These“unreal friends” often meet each other.C. Stude nts use the I nternet to make“ un real friendsD. Stude nts know the friends on the Internet ve

18、ry well.5. What does the writer think of the Intern et?A. It is helpful, but we can t do everything on it. B. It can make students studyharder.C. It is not good for stude nts. D. It is won derful.(B)To us, it seems so naturalto put up an umbrella to keep the water off whenit rains. But in fact the u

19、mbrella was not inven ted as protect ionaga inst the rain.Its first use was as a shade(遮蔽)aga inst the sun.Nobody knows who firstinven ted it, but the umbrella was used in very ancienttimes. Probably the first to use it were the Chinese, back in the eleventh centuryBC.We know that the umbrella was u

20、sed in ancient Egypt and Baby Ion as a sun shade.And there was a stra nge thing conn ected with its use: it became a symbol of honor and power( 權(quán)力).In the Far East in ancient times, the umbrella was allowed to be used only by those in high office orby royal people such as the kings or quee ns.In Eur

21、ope, the Greeks were the first to use the umbrella as a sun shade. The umbrella was incommoruse in ancient Greece, but it is believed that the first people in Europe to use the umbrella asprotect ion aga inst the rai n were the an cie nt Roma ns.During the middle ages in Europe, the useof the umbrel

22、la almostdisappeared. Thenit appeared again in Italy in the late sixteenth century.And again it becamea symbolof power.Umbrellashave not changed much in style during all thistime, though theyhave become much lighter in weight. It was nt un til theumbrellas for wome n bega n to be made in all kinds o

23、f colors.twen tieth cen tury thatthe263. The un derl ined word royal might mea n ”_ in Chin ese.A.皇室的B.富裕的C.中產(chǎn)的D.平民的4. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?A. The ancient Greeks used the umbrella in their daily life.B. Europea ns hardly used the umbrella duri ng the middle ag

24、es.C. The umbrellas for women were made colorful in ancient times.D. The style of the umbrella has nt cha nged a lot since it was inven ted.5. This passage is mainly about_ .A. the sales of the umbrella B. the differe nces among umbrellasC. the invention of the umbrella D. the history and the use of

25、 the umbrella四、 詞匯1. We were prepari ng some food for the_ (_ 野餐)whe n they came into the house.2. I met a woman who was wearing a_ (粉紅色的)scarf at the bus stationyesterday.3. She seems too young to_ ( 應(yīng)付)three childre n and that big house.4. Our _ ( 社區(qū))has its own library. We often read books there.

26、5. We all think the little boy should be_ (_ 表揚)for his honesty.6. May I have my own c _of the food and drink?7. Pare nts should e _ their childre n to behave well.8. My family was poor in the past. I had no c_to go to college.9. Can you I _ these books up and put them on the shelf?10. You should al

27、ways knock at the door before you e_ a room.五、 選詞填空since, picture, men ti on, work, large, atte nti on, invent,electricity,project,how,borrow,lowMost people think that only a genius can invent. That is not true. Many of the tools and products weuse in our daily life were 1._ by ordinary people1.Anci

28、entB. protect ion aga inst the sunD. protect ion aga inst the rainumbrella was probably first used inA. EgyptB. BabylonC. RomeD. China7by accident. William Kamkwambgrew up on a farm in a small village in Malawi, Africa. When he was 14,he had to drop out of school 2._his parents couldn tearn eno ugh

29、money to send him to school any more.One day, when William felt the wind, he began to think 3._ it couldbe used. He 4_ a book from the library called Using En ergy, which had5._of windmills (風(fēng)車)in it. Although the book didn t talk aboutusing wind to produce 6._, it gave him his idea.William started

30、7._ on a model of a windmill and he used it to powera radio! He then built a much 8._ windmill with old pieces of junk. Thevillagers were amazed when they saw he used it to power four light bulbs and to charge their mobilephone!六、閱讀表達Once upon a time there lived a poor farmer called Smith. He did nt

31、 like to share things with others.Smith had a friend who was famous for the won derful apples he grew.One day, his friend gave Smith a young apple tree and told him to take ithome and pla nted. The farmer was pleased with the gift, but whe n he got home, he did not knowwhere to pla nt.He thought and thought. Fin ally at ni ght he pla nted the tree in his woodwhere no one could see it. But without sun light and good soil, the tree soon died.Later the friend asked the fa


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