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1、基因家族分析套路作者:日期:基因家族分析套路(一)近年來(lái),測(cè)序價(jià)格的下降,導(dǎo)致越來(lái)越多的基因組完成了測(cè)序,在數(shù)據(jù)庫(kù)中形成了大量的可用資源。如何利用這些資源呢?今天小編帶你認(rèn)識(shí)一下不測(cè)序也 能發(fā)文章的思路-全基因組基因家族成員鑒定與分析(現(xiàn)在這一領(lǐng)域可是很熱 奧);一、基本分析內(nèi)容數(shù)據(jù)庫(kù)檢索與成員鑒定進(jìn)化樹(shù)構(gòu)建保守 domain和 mo ti f分析.基因結(jié)構(gòu)分析.轉(zhuǎn)錄組或熒光定量表達(dá)分析.二、數(shù)據(jù)庫(kù)檢索與成員鑒定1、數(shù)據(jù)庫(kù)檢索1 )首先了解數(shù)據(jù)庫(kù)用法,學(xué)會(huì)下載你要分析物種的基因組相關(guān)數(shù)據(jù)。一般也就是 下面這些數(shù)據(jù)庫(kù)了Brae hypod iumdb:TAIR:Rice Ge nome Anno

2、tation Project:.Phyto z o m e :E nsem ble:NCBI基因組數(shù)據(jù)庫(kù):2 )已鑒定的家族成員獲取。如何獲得其他物種已發(fā)表某個(gè)基因家族的所有成員呢,最簡(jiǎn)單的就是下載該物種蛋白序列文件(可以從上述數(shù)據(jù)庫(kù)中下載),然后按照文章中的ID,找到對(duì)應(yīng) 成員。對(duì)于沒(méi)有全基因組鑒定的,可以下列數(shù)據(jù)庫(kù)中找:a. N C B I : nucleotid e and protein db .b. EBI:.c. Un iProtKB :2、比對(duì)工具。一般使用 blast和hmm er,具體使用命令如下:Local BLASTformatdb -i d b. fas -p F/T;

3、bl a st a ll -p bl a s t p(o r else) 4 kn o wn. fas d db.fas -m 8 -b 2 (or else) e 1e-5 -o alignresu It . t xt.-b:ou tp uttw o d i ff e ren t m e m b ers in subj ec t s e que nce s ( d b ).Hmmer ( h idd e n Ma r kov Mod e 1 ) s earc h. Thesame as PS BLA ST in f u nct ion. It has a hig her se n s i t

4、ivit y , but the sp eed islower.Command: hmmbuild-infor m ataf ak now n .hmm a 1 i gnknown. fa;hmmsearchk nown.hmmdb. fas a 1 ign.out.3、過(guò)濾。Identit y :至少 50% .Co ver re g ion:也要超過(guò)50%或者蛋白結(jié)構(gòu)域的長(zhǎng)度.domain:必須要有完整的該蛋白家族的。工具p famdb ()和NCBI Batch CD- s earch .().EST支持Blast and Hmmer同時(shí)檢測(cè)到4、通過(guò)上述操作獲得某家族的所有成員基因家族

5、分析套路(二)本次主要講解在基因家族分析類(lèi)文章中,進(jìn)化部分分析的內(nèi)容。主要是進(jìn)化樹(shù)的 構(gòu)建與分析。一、構(gòu)建進(jìn)化樹(shù)的基本步驟1、多序列比對(duì). Muscl e progra m.2、Mode 1選擇.分別針對(duì)蛋白序列和核酸序列的模型選擇程序。ProtTest prog ram f o r protei n a n d ModelTe s t or Jmodetl e s t for D NA().3、算法選擇。三種. NJ, ML an d BI.4、軟件選擇ME GA (boot strap 1 ea s t 1 0 00 r e p 1 icates) , phyML and Mrbay e

6、s ().5、進(jìn)化樹(shù)修飾.M EGA: view opti o n s and s u bt r e e - d raw options. Al s o ca n b e d ecor a t e d in word ()二、具體步驟2.1 多序列比對(duì)。一般采用 mus cle。因?yàn)?MUS CLE i s on e of the be s t 一perfor m i n g m ultiple ali g n m e nt pro g rams acco rdingto pu b 1 ished ben chmar k t e s ts, wi t h acc u r a cy and sp

7、e e d th at are consistent 1 y bett e r than C L USTALW.2. 2模型選擇。對(duì)于用蛋白序列構(gòu)建進(jìn)化樹(shù)的可以采用下面命令:java -Xmx250 m - c la s spath pat h /Pro t T e st.ja r pro t tes t .P rotTest - i a lign m .運(yùn)行結(jié)果如下圖1) ”. Phy” format. O,A- dr + + M * * * + *+* * *+ * * +* * *TrVr*M* * +M*44*+ +Beat model aGCorlinj to ftIC; 胞6福十7

8、ir * * *+* *肯b*$* +t+*+*Model如LeWKIZAICw-InL降口,。015550.510,73-7751,25儂“工犯+F2.00155fi2.510.27-?7S1.2SLG 評(píng)+.F15.611S579.120.00*7760.5ls+i+g+f30.6115581.130,00-1760.56質(zhì)1。死26.7315587.230.00-77S3.621SAG+I4G28.731558923 *門(mén)等宿 u_i Fl1 01c suin2j+F37.42L55i7.93o.oa-一 一?En ly allo w ten c h a rater s .注意名字不能重

9、復(fù)相同。2)AIC : Akaik e Inf o rmati o n Cri t erio n framework.3)Gam m a distri b u t i o n param e t er (G): gam m a sha p e.3)proport ion of inv a r ia b le s i tes : I.2 .3構(gòu)建進(jìn)化樹(shù)aMP” p,m*z 出MPK6TA1MPK6OsMPHaMPkS 一面6.PtMPK15-2 |PtMPK15-1 4Kisf。12-0 nds-wz0 3-a 4-心生信/Pliyltigcncttc analysis showed tlwt

10、the 77 MAPKs tell into four distinct gnjups (A Di with each giriGp con Wining at least hvo ZmAfPM. indjeaUng that the basal split between groupf; A. Bt (; and D was an early duplication event tkit lias been gciuMated betbre the divergence of the four species. Clado D could be divided into three sub-

11、groups, each of which contains both cucticor and monnent meniticrs U ig. indicar- nig that the diversification t)f members in group D was al ixxdy cscibiishcd bdbre 齒匕 cvolntioniiry d enjciKc of the ., -p 二彎廠 /1mwocots and cudi8K 為曲尸心 昕 型過(guò) msdy awed Xrth ?gene was lost diulng riec wolutian. l-urthcr

12、niorc, recently duplicated MARK genes (eg, ZmX/PKJ-J,辦加味/8-3, ZwM臉?!埃琎3Mp7, OkMPK& and OMPK9) in nionocotf; have an evolutionary illations hip thai is different fixim that of the related Ara bid opsis and poplar homologues (卻 FtMPKlfblr and PtMFK20-l k indicating a monocnt-spcci fie ,中 生Pl% x疣國(guó)力ampl

13、ification of these gene sets, fly contrast, the anccs*2.3.1 意義:a聚類(lèi)分析。如亞家族分類(lèi)。像MAPKKK基因家族通過(guò)進(jìn)化樹(shù)可以清楚分為MEKK , Ra f and ZIK三個(gè)亞家族.b親緣關(guān)系鑒定。在進(jìn)化樹(shù)上位于同一支的往往暗示這親緣關(guān)系很近c(diǎn)基因家族復(fù)制分析。研究基因家族復(fù)制事件 (dupli c a t i o n e vents ),兩 種復(fù)制事件類(lèi)型常采用的標(biāo)準(zhǔn):Tan dem d u plicat ion: Ide nt i ty an d cove r re g ion more th an 70 % and tigh

14、tly 1 inked (H o lub , 2001).Ch r omosomal segment d u plicat i on: Plant Geno me Duplication Database (PGD D :)2.3.2 進(jìn)化樹(shù)。一般ML樹(shù)比較準(zhǔn)確,但應(yīng)結(jié)合方法,如NJ樹(shù),相互驗(yàn)證。2.3.3 進(jìn)化部分分析:Ka Ks計(jì)算2. 3.3.1簡(jiǎn)單的方法.可以使用下面的網(wǎng)頁(yè) PAL2N AL ()2 .3 .3.2標(biāo)準(zhǔn)方法:.a. P araAT : Par a AT.pl h test, homolog s -n test.cds -a test, p ep -p proc f a

15、x t - k -o outputb . K aK s _C a lcula t or -m N G(or else) - i tes t .ax t - o te s t. ax t .kaksc.分歧時(shí)間計(jì)算:Diverg e nttime (T) ca 1 cu lation.T=Ks/2 卜入:mean 5. 1 -7.1 X10-9 .d . K a / Ks 意義:Ka/K s =1 .中性進(jìn)化。.K a/KsKa/Ks1. 正選擇。Po si t i v el y s elected g en e s and pro d uc e fi t n es s adv a nta g

16、emutatio ns to evolve new functions.基因家族分析套路(三)本節(jié)主要講基因結(jié)構(gòu)分析套路1、Motif 分析Sitpplv*ii-c Hint t iyurc S?_ I )l r ihttl ion nt :uld il ioikiI ktnicrv c nnti 1 identi tic J hv l| - Mb-、4fTh J* (EHt之生信r -T1. t m.臼使用軟件MEME ,命令如下:m e me s a mp 1 e. f a - d na - r evcom p - nmotifs 10 - mod zoops min w 6 m axw

17、5 0mem e _ht m l F ormat. h t ml2、基因結(jié)構(gòu)分布圖可以使用在線網(wǎng)站 GSDS2.0:webs i t e :用法如下:用一 GSDS2.0 Gene Structure DisplaServerHome I Help | About | Unks: PlantRegMapL Gene FcitlLiresamat hlqrr jiiijtjl itiInput lIcjIj.AYT?7 .7 .二.70* 7 37 YOTT57 avuTTj? AYrrTTiT :.TOV/T 加普, 上行工如G iY5:dr:3 .殖r- 7 I ; t i r- L J -

18、h- 5 b 5 n J nr 2 15 9- J- T 9 3 7 s 1 4 IT 1 I I ? 2 I- Il、可以杵費(fèi)方仲相入女件怖寸“匕JhgjiJ 可口注石用成的式?、當(dāng)?shù)仙璅A5TR琴式是*由/集給主瞅5與基 國(guó)摩利1。一段*i . mwi rfltt Ahhwi - winrtflBV tfesn t一 rfvun 一NKTMVM 。1 J r3、基因結(jié)構(gòu)常見(jiàn)統(tǒng)計(jì)信息:自己e x cel或?qū)懗绦蚪y(tǒng)計(jì)a . The num b e r of intro n an d exon.b . The splicing i ntronpa t te r n in c ulding 0 ,

19、1, 2 phas e .c. Th e mark e d r e gion. Fo r example kinase domaid . seque n ce lengt h .e. UTR .4、啟動(dòng)子分析。網(wǎng)站:主要做植物的:Search for CARESequim nee I ubial 1as eav DMA sequence: or a -iSequence nameDale of submission*B- 、f-1I - -ita| Search : RtgoiFflmi | | gg |MIE PCCCCG Ti:XCA7Ch?T I 工 G 巧 TAAT TTTTCC7陸

20、TSH TCCAIC7(iC TTAA T-JLLllrJA: IC r I1J1IIA1WL二 JmLALSGi;匚匚TEG 里 hAATG 匚匚 lif&UJJLI A GKbG I GOGACTiJ QTG T ?TT二 4TGGG TTustQrs39.207 genes in clustersSlrawbeny33納9.S9518.170人神求助關(guān)干基因家族聚類(lèi)分析的venn圖376A基因家族分析套路(四)、轉(zhuǎn)錄組及芯片原始數(shù)據(jù)下載網(wǎng)站用法見(jiàn)下圖GPL: platorleries.iles.on the data le concentatebeled GDS can banalyze

21、dorne geneoGPLusedrimenSoft rd 內(nèi) NtaWt 加加 rSand* : !imahng的 階 理酬力槽9* A4 弓工位 E二21 :/t qI 匚e sNMNHM auim imE- GSMgtrmnabng yatn. Pluttl icects prt?pw tar 期 rrwHion 4mg th Mtd tUvtfiiMtt* ftavitlfinqigM nt a th* Mayrgonw wiJinsnipt 蜩 nuturjiiDn 護(hù) mnthm DTMitM他Hkif Mio compare inexpl匚。,遭2博之蛭3hjf4尊tauf.3

22、 Efk_電Uek 3 2獨(dú)寸土二上后GDS GSEGSE: m ulThe dl i nei 1 yG EO數(shù)據(jù)ID命名規(guī)則:GPL - GT he d i f fer e nn b eGEO da t e s ets / p r o )口由E QP|t i s si m n le anda i n the samG SM: m u ltipIO 2T22m內(nèi)中”店口對(duì)第甥Organism for searchExperimentDetail informatio下面是在線分析轉(zhuǎn)錄組數(shù)據(jù)的用法:E Online Anatysis(GDS)DMLftMt Ibh 1sOt3dliVs,npw

23、ihImi F0iffc j .011- *Hyiilfc *liij11httrIndMCHTMimd M4rtt hacbirn H drihurig ZArmtng i#t4iMmuf*MhH Mg fM 幡IM/* 凱d V *4 E *W4 / uml Mpt j* )厘“ W 9*wwuJ;wfl廿*1ngi g U 叫M.5 惴w %HMb 第學(xué)Zr mjhl EIM 快KuhMMU 中壯r *舊臚護(hù)*M4 y押8 g 上叩加M4KOfHdAttnlP vWf-tfrrtatfonH白孔 IM;“rirr ll Alhmcni Uhn Jwnt 5 力rMSmnwnAiH U44

24、E Wnta A MM V* Mrr r*Aritanm* wMMtoft BlAlMhHfMv*fWMrwhMrtMbifttMUl Hmm HtMiHnKllnBlHhHNiy lit也 I UI *.1IHMI*44erMe WtIml 0119X3BMvb cmmA0Hiw*cwtMta4 iMilirW/umRefe/exe for ctornftg gene2、E BI ArrayExpr e s s ()該數(shù)據(jù)庫(kù)下載數(shù)據(jù)用法如下AccK.wnnotTff*Crg/mor依“化Eh asri 心1 業(yè)1d 總M 到姐gbbd *& ne業(yè)xnA:將 MM flit BHtf 叫j4

25、gH 岫l的 wi時(shí)A聆中4附蚪呱加.qdW C&Udlm伸腳口網(wǎng)13豆工七出訃的里工 g*cc al 產(chǎn)業(yè)g r uxjgd mF:蟲(chóng) urHter com stsss rtweas 紂edt dev3nd也時(shí)林 r WaGmAjEW-H4drwKWpodin dMtlcfi*b. LA 2(313上、E玷監(jiān)蠅植加對(duì)dcodm皆掙用Mm dcbdTw甥T/M8., det y / -i-j-j 甘m乎酹說(shuō)口 bffliflf sstiEgg (nBoclp抬皿)的燈31 p小西t am c-加心中汨昕reins* h wastd#電覽 wp# 通” r s *i 學(xué)2u,fi -E獲田四臚柏

26、:513T鼻WM000111H010Y11001010lOVG100001C11101硼f磔醐跳淅腳部貓桶SW胸怖21 2,.F| ; U TOeno expressloii resources for plarts md punt pathogensFind Your Gene Publications - Tools 10g ID:Password:( LOfl1n Log in needed to continue.The page you attempted to access is only available to registered users. If you have and

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29、IaKIc* SxpcrimGrt*。for Triic&arti nocz上ACCMBKX) NoTASName M WTwvcRNA 9 UyGEOngArrV。9lfor ft2 co mTAX USVJaazt:EL fites( gz)16.00 MTAI CEL.tar.cSoft file(expression ftestgz)930 00 KXAl_MA$_RMA.0rRRMA treatment means for all pfobesets (.txt TA1 RMA 5:means txt MAS treatment means for all probesets (.t

30、xt TAl MAS tmt mans.txtHMA tratmntfor prbeatTA1 M li b rary(affy ); 1 i b rary (ma k ec d fe n v);lib r a ry bar ley G e n ome = make.cdf.e n v ( b arleyGen o m e.c d f)myd a ta ese t wr i te.ex p rs(e s et, fil e = m ydata.tx t ) design v-m ode 1 .m a trix(-1 + fact o r (c(1 , 1,2, 2,3 ,3) # Create s appropriate d e sig n m atrix . co 1 nam e s(de s ign) fi t c on tras t. m atrix fit2 f i t2 t o pTable(f i t2, coe f = 1 ,adj u s t = fdr, sor t .by=B , number= 10) # G e ne r ate s list oft op 10 (/ numb e r= 1 0) di f f e r e n tia 1 l y e x pr e s s e d genes s orted by B -


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