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1、語法復習:名 詞(一)考綱要求名詞應掌握以下內容:分清名詞的可數(shù)性與不可數(shù)性;可數(shù)名詞有單復數(shù),有些名詞只有復數(shù);物質名詞、抽象名詞不可數(shù)但可以具體量化使用;名詞所有格和of格的語言現(xiàn)象;名詞直接作定語;國家名詞的正確使用;名詞詞義的區(qū)分和搭配;單位名詞的搭配;名詞前的修飾語so, as, quite等;time及??键c。(二)命題導向名詞的“可數(shù)”與“不可數(shù)”是高考命題的熱點之一。不可數(shù)名詞前不能與不定冠詞連用,之后不能加-s。有些抽象名詞卻有復數(shù)形式,但意義與原來詞不同。有些可數(shù)名詞復數(shù)有兩個意思,一個與單數(shù)意義相同,另一個和單數(shù)含義不同,高考中這些含義很可能成為考查的內容。詞語的固定搭配

2、及名詞作定語也是高考命題的注意點。(三)知識概要英語的名詞分為專有名詞和普通名詞兩大類。專有名詞是指個人、團體、地方、機構或事物等所專有的名稱,它的第一個字母必須大寫。如:Einstain, Beijing, Asia等。普通名詞是指一類人、一類事物、某種物質抽象概念的名稱,可分為:個體名詞(可數(shù),如:worker, father, book, tree, school等);集體名詞(可數(shù),如:people, family, class, team等);物質名詞(不可數(shù),如:iron, paper, snow, water, chalk, gold等);抽象名詞(不可數(shù),如:life, tho

3、ught, idea, strength等)。注意:可數(shù)、不可數(shù)是英文名詞和中文名詞的一個重要差異即學習的重點。而很多英語名詞具有雙重性。即,名詞的類別不是固定不變的,它們會根據(jù)詞義的變化和場合的不同而相互轉換,其名詞類別的轉換可歸納如下:1、個體名詞轉抽象名詞或抽象名詞轉個體名詞e.g. Our school is not far from my home.(個體)我們學校離我家不遠。School is over at six.(抽象)六點鐘放學。2、物質名詞轉個體名詞或個體名詞轉物質名詞e.g. He broke a piece of glass.(物質)他打破了一塊玻璃。He broke

4、 a glass.(個體)他打破了一個杯子。3、個體名詞轉專有名詞 e.g. His father is a teacher.(個體)他父親是個教師?!癢hat are you doing there?” Father asked.(專有)“你在那兒干什么?”父親問道。(四)名詞的數(shù)名詞分為可數(shù)(有單、復數(shù)形式)和不可數(shù)名詞(只有單數(shù)形式)。1、可數(shù)名詞單數(shù)變復數(shù): 一般加s :lesson lessons, pen pens 以s, x, ss, ch, sh, o結尾的加es :buses, boxes, classes, watches, brushes, hero heroes但有些以

5、o結尾的名詞,是加s構成復數(shù):kilo kilos, piano pianos, radio radios, photo photos, zoo zoos 以輔音字母 + y 結尾的改y為i,再加es :city cities, story stories 以f 或fe結尾的,一般將f或fe改為v,再加es :knife knives, leaf leaves但有些以f 結尾的名詞,是在f后加s,構成復數(shù)形式:belief beliefs, roof roofs, safe(保險箱) safes, proof(證據(jù)) proofs, chief chiefs, handkerchief han

6、dkerchiefs2、有些名詞,不按上述規(guī)則構成其復數(shù)形式,有以下幾種情況: 單復數(shù)形式相同:Chinese, Japanese, deer, sheep 不規(guī)則變化:man men, woman women, goose geese, foot feet, tooth teeth, child children, mouse mice, ox oxen 。但是,German Germans 復合名詞的復數(shù)形式:editor-in-chief editors-in-chief, daughter-in-law daughters-in-law, grown-up grown-ups, wom

7、an teacher women teachers, man driver men drivers3、注意以下幾個名詞單復數(shù)問題 物質名詞一般不用復數(shù)形式,但有些物質名詞要用復數(shù)形式來表示不同的類別,如:fishes各種魚,fruits各種水果,steels各種鋼材。 物質名詞表示數(shù)量時,一般用表示數(shù)量的短語來表示。如:a cup of tea, three bags of apples, four pieces of bread。 有些抽象名詞的復數(shù)形式表示不同的含義。如:work(工作) works(著作),arm(手臂) arms(軍火),glass(玻璃) glasses(眼鏡),cl

8、oth(布) clothes(衣服)。 定冠詞加上姓氏的復數(shù)形式,表示全家人或夫婦二人;姓氏的復數(shù)形式前不加冠詞,則表示若干個姓的人。如:the Wangs王家,three Wangs三個姓王的。 只用作單數(shù)的復數(shù)形式的名詞。如:physics, mathematics, news, the United States 有些名詞形似單數(shù),但實為復數(shù)。如:police, people, cattle 有些名詞如被看作整體時就作單數(shù)用,如被看作組成該集體的各個成員時就作復數(shù)用。如:class, family, couple, audience, government, public 有些抽象名詞在

9、具體化時,可以復數(shù)形式出現(xiàn)。表示特指時,可和定冠詞連用;表示“某種”或“一次”意義時,可和不定冠詞連用。如:How did you smooth away the difficulties?(指各種具體困難);It is a great pleasure to talk with you.;What a surprise!(五)名詞的所有格名詞的所有格在句中表示所有關系,作定語用。1、有生命名詞的所有格一般在詞尾加上“”或“s”。如:Toms bike, Engless (Engles) works, a works school, Womens Day, the editor-in-chie

10、fs office2、如果一個事物為兩個人所有,只在后一個名詞的詞尾加“s”,如果不是共有,就要在兩個名詞的詞尾都加上“s”。如:Tom and Mikes room.(共有),Toms and Mikes books.(不共有)。3、表示時間、距離、國家、城市的無生命名詞,可以在詞尾加“s”或“”表示所有格,如:todays papers, ten minutes walk4、表示店鋪或某人的家時,常在名詞所有格之后省去shop, house, home。如:the tailors5、無生命名詞的所在格通常用of短語來表示。如:the window of the room6、表示有生命的名詞

11、有時也可用of短語來表示所有關系,而且當該名詞帶有較長的定語時。如:the teachers of the No. 1 Middle School.7、雙重所有格結構前的被修飾名詞通常指整體中的部分或一個,雙重所有格只能用于有生命的名詞,這個名詞是確定的。被修飾名詞前有不定冠詞、指示代詞、疑問代詞、不定代詞或數(shù)詞等限定詞時,一般只能用雙重所有格。如:an old friend of my uncles, a daughter of Mrs Greens, the house of one of my friends(六)名詞的普通格作定語表材料、地點、用途、性質、泛指時間、整體等普通名詞可以作

12、定語,一般用單數(shù)形式。e.g. stone figures(石像);paper money(紙幣);country music(鄉(xiāng)村音樂);table cloth(桌布);river bank(河岸);school gate(校門口);book stores(書店);traffic lights(交通燈);summer holidays(暑假);evening dress(晚禮服)。但在個別情況下,也有需用復數(shù)的。e.g. sports meet(運動會);the United States government(美國政府);students reading-room(學生閱覽室);goods

13、 train(貨車);two men doctors(兩個男醫(yī)生)。練習、名詞1. The _ of the room were covered with _.A. roofs, leafsB. roofs, leavesC. rooves, leafsD. rooves, leaves2. There are three _ in our factory.A. woman doctorsB. women doctorsC. woman doctorD. women doctor3. Which do you prefer _ or _?A. potatos, tomatosB. potato

14、s, tomatoesC. potatoes, tomatosD. potatoes, tomatoes4. They are _ of different presses(出版社). Now they are having a meeting in one of the _ office.A. editor-in-chiefs, editors-in-chiefsB. editors-in-chief, editor-in-chiefsC. editors-in-chiefs, editors-in-chiefsD. editors-in-chief, editors-in-chiefs5.

15、 The ant has two _.A. stomachesB. stomacksC. stomachD. stomachs6. He doesnt like _ for supper.A. chickB. chickenC. chickensD. chicks7. It was _ hot weather that many of us went swimming.A. soB. suchC. so asD. such a8. _ wonderful space they saw on the room!A. HowB. How aC. WhatD. What a9. We know _

16、travels not so fast as light.A. soundB. soundsC. the soundsD. a sound10. My family raise a lot of _, including two _.A. cattle, cowsB. cows, cattleC. cattles, cowsD. cow, cattles11. A number of soldiers _ at he camp gate(軍營門口).A. have gatheredB. has gatheredC. isD. was12. The Browns have spent a lar

17、ge _ of money on their new car.A. dealB. amountC. numberD. size13. _ work has been done to improve the peoples living standard.A. ManyB. A great manyC. A great deal ofD. A number of14. Mr Li shook _ warmly with a friend.A. handB. a handC. handsD. the hands15. Two _, please.A. coffeeB. coffeesC. cup

18、of coffeeD. cups coffee16. I cant pay as _ as he asked for.A. high price aB. high priceC. a high priceD. high a price18.I stayed at _.A. Xiao WangsB. Wangs home C. the Wangs D. home of Wang19. Sister Carrie works in a _ factory.A. shoesB. shosesC. shoe D. shoes20. Have you ever read _?A. today newsp

19、aperB. newspaper todayC. newspaper of todayD. todays newspaper21. Two _ walk didnt made me tired.A. hourB. hoursC. hoursD. hours22. The mother over there is _ mother.A. Julia and MaryB. Julia and MarysC. Julias and MarysD. Julias and Mary23. Li Mings handwriting is better than _ in the class.A. anyo

20、nesB. anyone elseC. anyones elsesD. anyone elses24. The children are playing _ on the _.A. sand, sandB. sands, sandsC. sand, sandsD. sands, sand25. If these trousers are too big, buy a smaller _.A. setB. oneC. copyD. pair26. Tom usually takes a _ in bus on rainy days.A. walkB. rideC. tripD. travel27

21、. We have no _ about where she has gone.A. informationB. newsC. messageD. flash28. Food and _ are daily necessities(需要)for the people.A. clothB. clotheC. clothesD. clothing29. My _ of hearing is not so good as it used to be.A. strength B. sense C. powerD. skill30. The _ caused by carelessness _ yest

22、erday. Many workers were killed.A. incident, was happenedB. matter, happenedC. event, was taken placeD. accident, took place31. The room was so quiet that she could hear the _ of her heart.A. beatingB. waysC. knockingD. striking32. _ has been told not to throw waste things anywhere.A. The publicB. P

23、eopleC. WomenD. Man33. He was an _ in the government _.A. office, officialB. official, officeC. officer, officeD. official, officer34. There are several _ in this novel who are different in _.A. character, characterB. characters, charactersC. character, charactersD. characters, character35. We visit

24、ed him _ when he was in hospital.A. every other daysB. each other dayC. every other dayD. every two day36. My friend will return in _.A. one day or twoB. a day or twoC. one day or twoD. a or two days37. _ is always difficult for me.A. TranslationB. TranslateC. The translationD. A translation38. _ of

25、 this novel is excellent, quite to my surprise.A. TranslationB. TranslateC. The translationD. A translation39. The police _ looking into the matter now.A. beB. isC. areD. are going to40. The Chinese are _ brave and hard working people.A. the B. aC. /D. one41. No news _ good news.A. isB. areC. haveD.

26、 has42. Maths still _ very difficult for me, though I have done my best.A. looksB. seemsC. isD. are43. “Where _ my trousers?” the boy asked.A. isB. wasC. were D. are44. How happy they are! Obviously, they are _.A. in nice spiritsB. in nice spiritC. in high spiritsD. in high spirit45. I saw many _ se

27、ated in the corner reading something.A. JapaneseB. JapanesesC. of JapaneseD. of Japaneses46. Father went to his doctor for _ about his heart trouble.A. an adviceB. adviceC. advicesD. the advices47. We are _ and they are _.A. Englishmen, GermansB. Englishmen, GermanC. Englishmans, GermansD. Englishme

28、n, Germen48. _ are made of _.A. A glass, a glassB. Glasses, glassC. The glass, the glassD. Glasses, glasses49. Ill have to buy _ trousers.A. aB. two C. a pair of D. a couple of50. There are two _ in our class.A. LiuB. LiusC. LiusD. Lius51. _ is needed in cold countries.A. A lot of clothesB. Much clo

29、thingC. Many a clothD. Lots of clothes52. They are _.A. mathematics studentB. mathematic studentsC. students in mathematicsD. mathematics students53. The laboratory assistant recorded the _ reactions(反應).A. mousesB. miceC. micesD. mices54. This letter was sent by _.A. my father friendB. my father fr

30、iendsC. a friend of my fathersD. a friend of my father55. Ten years had passed. I found she had _.A. a little white hairB. some white hairC. a few white hairD. a few white hairs56. I have made _ with Billy.A. friendsB. friendC. a friendD. the friend57. The population of Beijing is _ than that of Xia

31、n.A. moreB. largerC. fewerD. small58. There are thirty-two _ in our school.A. woman teacherB. women teacherC. women teachersD. woman teachers59. He had tried everything but it made little_ .A. use B. good C. difference D. result60. You must get there within half an hour. There should be no_ in sendi

32、ng the blood to the dying man.A. wait B. delay C. time D. hurry61. Enough of it! Nobody here thinks what you are saying should make any_ .A. excuseB. senseC. use D. value62. -How dare you play on such thin ice?-Playing on ice is not my _of spare time.A. ideaB. thought C. mind D. intention63. Helen s

33、aid she would like to go to Atlanta by air, but I wonder if she has enough money to pay for the_ .A. travel B. tourism C. journey D. course64. One splendid mountain_ followed another during our journey from Mieheel more to Rurunz.A. view B. glance C. screenD. scene65.The new law will come into _on t

34、he day it is passed. (1999上海)A. effectB. useC. service D. existence66. When you play' football, what _do you play?A. situationB. placeC. part D. position67. It's important for us to employ a word or a phrase according to the_in language studies.A. situation B. expression C. condition D. tran

35、slation68. I wrote him a letter to show my _of his thoughtfulness.A. achievement B. agreement C. viewD. appreciation69. One of the advantages of living on the top floor of a high-rise is that you can get a good_ .A. sight B. sceneC. view D. look70. Nowadays natural gas, wind and other forms of _are

36、widely used in the country.A. energy B. force C. power D. materials71. _with foreign countries can bring us much information about the world.A. ContrastB. Competition C. Contact D. Combination72. We all know that_speak louder than words.A. movements B. performances C. operationsD. actions73.We have

37、worked out the plan and now we must put it into _.(NMET1997 38)A. factB. reality C. practice D. deed 74.We've missed the last bus. I'm afraid we have no _but to take a taxi.(Met 1993 ,33)A. way B. choiceC. possibility D. selection75.He dropped the _and broke it . (Met 1993, 38)A. cup of coffee B. coffee's cup C. cup for coffeeD. coffee cup76.Here's my card. Let's keep in _. (NMET1994 ,33)A. touch B.


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