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1、第六部分:非謂語動詞一、學(xué)習(xí)指導(dǎo)非謂語動詞,顧名思義,即動詞經(jīng)過變形后(如加ing,ed或to)不再作為句子的謂語部分,而是充當(dāng)其他成分使用的語法現(xiàn)象,它們沒有人稱和數(shù)的變化,但仍保留動詞的某些特征,如及物動詞可有賓語,可帶狀語,甚至還有時態(tài)和語態(tài)的變化。非謂語動詞分為三類:動名詞,不定式和分詞(現(xiàn)在分詞和過去分詞),下面就輔以例句逐一講解.(一)動名名:I. 概念及構(gòu)成:動詞加-ing后作為名詞使用,則稱之為動名詞。注意:動名詞雖在句法中與名詞作用類似,但意義仍有本質(zhì)的區(qū)別。動名詞更強調(diào)動作性,而名詞則偏重物質(zhì)性。如:home為房屋,具體實物;而housing則指安頓人居住這一動作或狀態(tài),故

2、住房問題應(yīng)譯為:housing problems. 又如:Once your business becomes international, _ constantly will be part of your life.A. you fly B. your flight C. flight D. flying此處應(yīng)選D。因其強調(diào)空中旅行頻繁這一動作,而非一次航班flight.II. 句法功能:象名詞一樣,動名詞通常在句中充當(dāng)主語,表語,賓語及定語。1:動名詞作主語表示抽象或習(xí)慣性的動作,謂語動詞多用單數(shù)形式。如:Watching TV was, and still is, a major pa

3、stime for many people.看電視對許多人來說曾是且仍然是一種主要的消遣活動。Collecting all sorts of information is very important to businessmen.對商人而言收集各類信息相當(dāng)重要。如主語部分過長,則可用It來作形式主語,將動名詞短語后移。例如:It is no use arguing with such a boneheaded person.同這樣固執(zhí)己見的人爭論是無用的。注意:(1)通常用動名詞作真正主語的結(jié)構(gòu)有:It is no use / good doing sthIt is not any use

4、/ good doing sthThere is no doing sth例如:It is no use crying over spilt milk. 覆水難收。There is no telling what will happen. 不知道會發(fā)生什么。(2)有時需認(rèn)真辨識方能看清動名詞作主語的情況。如:- What do you think made Mary upset?- _ her new bicycle.A. As she lost B. Lost C. Losing D. Because of losing此處的發(fā)問詞不是why而是what,故選動名詞作答句的主語。Losing

5、 her new bicycle made Mary upset.2:動名詞作表語置于系動詞之后。例如:Her job is teaching foreigners Chinese.她的工作是教外國人中文。Seeing is believing.眼見為實。3:動名詞作賓語有動詞賓語同介詞賓語之分。(1)動名詞作動詞賓語。詞法與句法密切相關(guān),應(yīng)當(dāng)記住在下列動詞后多用動名詞作賓語。建議同學(xué)利用近義詞和反義詞的關(guān)系成對對記憶。高中階段常用的動詞有:admit/confess/deny, suggest/advise/propose, delay/postpone, excuse/pardon/for

6、give, permit/allow/forbid, avoid/escape, involve/include, appreciate, consider(考慮), imagine, practise, risk, resist, dislike, fancy, quit, mention等。例如:Peter advised saving unnecessary expenses.She just couldn't imagine living a hard life like that.同時需要記住的還有一些動詞詞組,如:feel like, give up, put off, c

7、an't help (情不自禁), can't stand/resist, be (well) worth doing等。(2)動名詞作介詞賓語。介詞后多加名詞或相當(dāng)于名詞的動名詞作賓語。如:We left without saying anything.Do you know what prevented him from pursuing his goal?值得注意的是介詞to與in。a. to即接動詞原形構(gòu)成to do的不定式結(jié)構(gòu)又可作介詞表示方向性。同學(xué)們應(yīng)當(dāng)記住以下的to均為介詞,后接動名詞:be used/accustomed to, object to, devo

8、te . to, get down to, be reduced to, with a view to, what do you say to, look forward to, pay attention tob. in則往往被省略,造成同學(xué)們對其后的doing無從分析成分。其實也是動名詞作介詞賓語的現(xiàn)象。spend/waste time/money (in) doing sth花時間浪費時間金錢做某事have trouble/difficulty (in) doing sth做某事有困難There is no point (in) doing sth做某事是無意義的4:動名詞作定語。與名詞

9、作定語表修飾對象的用途一樣,動名詞也有此作用。如:a shopping arcade = an arcade for shoppinga swimming pool = a pool for swimmingIII. 其他形式:根據(jù)表達(dá)的需要,動名詞也可做各種變形。1:動名詞的時態(tài)與語態(tài)變化主動式被動式一般式完成式一般式完成式doing having done being done having been done注意:否定式的not置于最前部。例如:I am sorry for not having kept my promise.又如:_ to sunlight for too much

10、time will do harm to one's skin.A. Exposed B. Having expose C. Being exposed D. After being exposed答案選C。句中的主語應(yīng)由動名詞充當(dāng),且意思是“曝露在陽光下過久對皮膚衣有傷害”,故選被動態(tài)being done。2:動名詞所有格旨在說明動作的執(zhí)行者是誰。如:Father's coming back is what we have expected.父親的歸來是我們所期盼的。作賓語的動名詞短語中,所希有格's可省略。如:She didn't mind Tom('

11、;s) coming late.Victor apologized for _ to inform me of the change in the plan.A. his being not able B. him not to be ableC. his not being able D. him to be not able弄清擺放位置,選C。(二)不定式不定式的基本結(jié)構(gòu)為to加動詞原形,其用途比動名詞更為復(fù)雜:既可充當(dāng)句子的主語,賓語等,又可起修飾作用,作定語,狀語,補語。分類說明如下。I. 句法功能1:不定式作主語。與動名詞一樣,不定式也可作為句子的主語。如:Seeing is bel

12、ieving.也可譯成To see is to believe.(考慮到與主語平行,表語也用不定式to believe)區(qū)別僅在于:(1)動名詞用于泛指一類情況,而不定式多特指具體某個動作。試比較:Playing with fire is dangerous. 玩火是危險的。To go on like this is dangerous. 再這么干下去是危險的。(2)另外,在有些結(jié)構(gòu)中僅用不定式做真正的主語,如:It is easy/difficult/wrong/important/necessary/essential (for sb) to do sthIt is a(n) pleasu

13、re/pity/honor (for sb) to do sthIt takes/costs/requires + n. (for sb) to do sthNothing is more + adj. than to do sth* 加上for sb可說明不定式中動作的執(zhí)行者。注意:It is adj. for sb to do sth與It is adj. of sb to do sth的內(nèi)在結(jié)構(gòu)區(qū)別。前者是不定式做真正的主語,即To do sth is adj. for sb.如:It is convenient for you to buy your breakfast in a ba

14、kery.在面包房里買早餐對你而言十分方便。而后者是不定式補充說明形容詞,等同于sb is adj. to do sth. 故此句型中的形容詞多為可修飾人的形容詞,如:brave, careful, clever, considerate, cruel等。例如:It's kind of you to think so much of us. = You are so kind to think so much of us.你真好,那么替我們著想。2:不定式作表語。置于系動詞后補充說明主語。如:My mission is to help patients. 我的任務(wù)是幫幫助病人。注意:(

15、1)在對夢想或?qū)泶蛩愕拿枋鲋?,多用不定式而非動名詞做表語,如:My hope/idea/proposal/plan/aim/intention is to .(2)當(dāng)seem/appear做系動詞時也用不定式做表語。(3)be to do的特殊含義:The school regulations are to be observed. (必須)The highway leading to the neighboring province is to be open to traffic on October l.(將要)(4)不定式做表語時,如主語部分出現(xiàn)了實義動詞“do”,則此時“to”可

16、省略。如:All I did was (to) give her a little push.我所做的僅僅是給了她一點督促。3:不定式作賓語,分動詞賓語和介詞賓語兩種。(1)不定式做動詞賓語。以下列出的是高中階段常見的后跟不定式做賓語的動詞:afford, agree/refuse, intend/attempt/plan/choose/decide, wish/hope/expect, demand, offer, learn, manage, pretend, threaten等。有時會帶sb做間接賓語,如:tell/teach/show sb + wh- to do當(dāng)有賓補構(gòu)成復(fù)合賓語,

17、則多用it來做形式賓語,而真正的賓語即不定式后移。如:find/think/consider/feel/believe it + adj./n. to do sth注意:前面已提到某些動詞后只可跟動名詞或不定式,取其一構(gòu)成固定搭配。但另一些動詞則是既可跟不定式又可跟動名詞做賓語的。a. 意思接近:begin/start/continue; hate/like/love/prefer等,后跟doing與to do意義差別不大。b. 意思不同:remember/forget, regret, mean, try, stop, go on等。后跟doing和to do意思相去甚遠(yuǎn)。如mean doi

18、ng - 意味著,而mean to do則是“打算”。c. 形式不同:need/want/require/deserve表被動意時,或用動名詞主動態(tài)doing或用不定式被動態(tài)to be done. 如:The shoes need polishing. = The shoes need to be polished.鞋子要上光了。(2)介詞賓語。介詞賓語多由動名詞充當(dāng),在少數(shù)介詞后可用加wh-的不定式做賓語。如:He wrote a book on how to cook vegetarian meals.他寫了一本如何烹飪素食的書。注意:在介詞but/except(除了)及besides(除

19、了詞)之后的不定式常省to,條件是前半部分出現(xiàn)了實義動詞do,試比較:I have no choice but to wait.I can't do anything but wait.又如:What do you like to do besides swim?還有結(jié)構(gòu)can't but do,can't help but do也屬做介詞賓語的不定式省to的現(xiàn)象。4:不定式做賓語補足語,補充說明賓語所做的動作。如:The cold weather caused the plant to die.寒冷的天氣氣導(dǎo)致植物死亡。(1)常跟不定式做賓補的動詞有persuade/

20、advise, permit/allow, force, ask sb. to do sth.等。注意:hope與demand無此種用法。(2)常跟不定式做賓補的動詞詞組有:arrange for/wait for/rely on/depend on/count on/call on/appeal to sb. to do sth.(3)think/consider/suppose/imagine sb (to be) .want/order/wish/like sth (to be) done .這兩個結(jié)構(gòu)中作賓補不定式to be常被省去。如例句所示:He is considered (to

21、 be) my friend.他被認(rèn)為是我的朋友。My boss wanted the job (to be) done at once.我老板要求工作立刻完成。(4)感官動詞后作賓補的不定式通常省to,如:see/watch/hear/notice sb do sth注意:變?yōu)楸粍诱Z態(tài)時,應(yīng)將to復(fù)位。如:She was seen to come in.(5)部分使役動詞后作賓補的不定時也不帶to,如:make/let/have sb do sth注意:變?yōu)楸粍诱Z態(tài)時,將to復(fù)位,sb is made to do.但let是個例外,即使在被動態(tài)中也不加to,如:She was let go

22、by the police at last.最后她被警察放了。5:不定式作定語。放在所修飾的名詞之后,相當(dāng)于一定語從句。(1)被修飾名詞與不定式內(nèi)動詞構(gòu)成主謂關(guān)系。如:He is not a man to flinch before difficulties.他不是個會在困難面前退縮的人。= He is not a man who will flinch before difficulties.注意:被修飾的部分中含有the first/the last(序數(shù)詞)/the best(最高級)/the only/the next,則多用不定式作定語。如:She was the only woma

23、n to win the prize.(2)被修飾的名詞與不定式內(nèi)的動詞構(gòu)成動賓關(guān)系。如:Each of us has a role to play in society.我們中的每個人都要在社會中扮演角色。= Each of us has a role which we should play in society.注意:此句的主語each of us是不定式內(nèi)動詞play的執(zhí)行者,故不定式一定要用主動態(tài)。但There is nothing to do/There is nothing to be done.由于沒有明確的動作執(zhí)行者,則兩句均成立。(3)被修飾的名詞與不定式內(nèi)介詞構(gòu)成介賓關(guān)系

24、。如:There are five pairs of pants to choose from.有五條褲子待選。When I handed the report to John, he said George was the person to send it to.= When I handed the report to John, he said George was the person whom I should have sent it to.= When I handed the report to John, he said George was the person to w

25、hom to send it.(正式語體中也會將不定式與關(guān)系代詞合用)注意:此時的中心詞是介詞而非動詞賓語,故介詞不可漏。Here is pen for you to sign with. (X)Here is pen for you to sign with.(/)但如果被修飾的中心詞是time, place, way則可將不定式中的介詞略去。如:Taking a plane is the fastest way to travel.(4)被修飾的名詞與不定式構(gòu)成同位關(guān)系。如:He made a promise not to do that again. 他承諾再也不那么做了。= He ma

26、de a promise which was not to do that again.如動詞與不定式搭配,則其名詞形式也多跟不定式作定語修飾,如choice, decision, wish, need, desire, ambition, failure, intention, plan, ability to do sth.6:不定式作狀語。(1)不定式作目的狀語表示“為了”,等同于in order to或so as to,如:Although he is not rich, he sets aside some money to help the poor children in the

27、 mountain areas every year.盡管他并不富喜裕,但他每年留出些錢去幫助山區(qū)的貧窮孩子。注意:a. 此時不可用for doing來充當(dāng)目的狀語。I came here for seeing you. (X)I came here to see you. (/)b. 句子的主語應(yīng)與不定式的邏輯主語相一致,避免垂懸結(jié)構(gòu)。In order to improve English, a lot of tapes were bought. (X)In order to improve English, Jenny bought a lot of tapes. (/)(2)不定式作結(jié)果

28、狀語多用于如下結(jié)構(gòu)中:too . to (太以至于不能),so . as to, such . as to(如此以至于),only to ., enough to .如:He lifted a rock only to drop it on his own feet.他搬起石頭砸了自己的腳。Would you be so kind as to help me out?你能好心幫個忙嗎?(3)不定式作評注性狀語,置于句首,對整句話而非一個動作進(jìn)行評注。To be honest/frank, To be exact, To tell the truth, To begin with, To mak

29、e the matter worse, To cut the long story short,等。7:不定式作形容詞補足語,置于形容詞之后,補充說明形容詞。如:I'm glad to meet you. 很高興見到你。如上文所提到過的,有時該句型可轉(zhuǎn)化成It is adj. of sb to do .,如:He is clever to say so. = It is clever of him to say so.注意:(1)不定式補充說明形容詞時,多用主動態(tài)表被動意。如:The question is difficult to answer.這題很難回答。(/)The quest

30、ion is difficult to be answered. (X)He is hard to talk to.很難跟他搭上話。(2)We are only too pleased to accept your invitation.此句中的to引導(dǎo)的不定式并非結(jié)果狀語,故不能譯為too . to,“太以至于不能”,而是不定式補充說明形容詞pleased,表示我們只是太高興能收到你的邀請了。II. 其他形式:不定式也有各種時態(tài)與語態(tài)的變化。根據(jù)表達(dá)的需要,取適當(dāng)形臣式。1:時態(tài)與語態(tài)主動式被動式一般式進(jìn)行式完成時完成進(jìn)行時一般式完成式to do to be doing to have do

31、ne to have been doing to be done to have been done否定式的not或never置于最前面,例如:When his mother returned, he pretended to be reading the English novel.Thirty-six people was reported to have been killed.注意:以下結(jié)構(gòu)含虛擬意:was / were to have done本算做而未做的;hoped / expected / meant / would like to have done = had hoped

32、/ mean / expected to do2:不定式的省略a. 不定式省略通常保留符號to,如:- Will you go with me?- I'm glad to.I don't want to go there but I have to.b. 如果不定式里的動詞是be或have,常保留be或have (been)e.g.:- He hasn't finished yet. - Well, he ought to have.c. 由and或or并列的不定式后半段常省toTell them to stay there and wait till I come b

33、ack.告訴他們呆在那兒等我回來。d. 強調(diào)對比關(guān)系則應(yīng)保留toTo try and fail is better than not to try at all. 嘗試后失敗總比不嘗試好。(三)分詞I. 概念與構(gòu)成 與形容詞和副詞類似,分詞在句中往往起修飾作用,充當(dāng)定語,狀語或補語成分。具體分為現(xiàn)在分詞和過去分詞兩種。下表列出了可能存在的變形?,F(xiàn)在分詞過去分詞主動式被動式一般式完成式一般式完成式doing having done being done having been done doneII. 句法功能1:分詞作為句子的表語成分:強調(diào)主語所處的狀態(tài),現(xiàn)在分詞表主動,過去分詞表被動。如:T

34、he news is frustrating. 消息是令人沮喪的。The audience remain seated. 觀眾們坐著不動。注意:此時的系動詞加過去分詞結(jié)構(gòu)與動詞的被動語態(tài)有本質(zhì)的區(qū)別:前者強調(diào)狀態(tài),而后者強調(diào)動作。試比較:The pen is broken. 筆是斷的。The pen was broken by my brother.那支筆被我弟弟折斷了。2:分詞作定語。如形容詞一樣修飾一個名詞,這是分詞的主要用途之一。單個分詞多置于被修飾詞前,而分詞短語則習(xí)慣作后置定語。如:the following day 接下來的一天the man standing by the win

35、dow站在窗邊的男人分詞作定語時需注意以下幾點:(1)區(qū)別現(xiàn)在分詞與動名詞作定定語時的不同。現(xiàn)在分詞是真正的修飾語,可轉(zhuǎn)化成定語從句,如:an entertaining performance = a performance that entertains;但動名詞僅能說明被修飾名詞的用途a walking stick a stick which/that walks,而是a stick for walking. 在構(gòu)詞時應(yīng)當(dāng)謹(jǐn)慎選擇。(2)現(xiàn)在分詞強調(diào)主動,過去分詞強調(diào)動作是被執(zhí)行的。如:freezing weather“凍死人的天氣”;但frozen food“被冷凍起來的食品”。如難以判

36、斷建議轉(zhuǎn)化成定語從句來看主被動。如:the flower which smells sweet = the flower smelling sweet(系動詞smell表示“聞起來”時,應(yīng)用主動態(tài))。注意:遷移現(xiàn)象。a worried look, a frightened voice, a puzzled feeling, an excited manner. 本是修飾人的分詞,遷移至其表情,聲音,感覺上。(3)對于不及物動詞,則現(xiàn)在分詞強調(diào)動作正在進(jìn)行,而過去分詞強調(diào)動作已經(jīng)完成。如:the changing society“不斷變化巾的社會”;an escaped prisoner“一個已

37、逃獄的犯人”。加上前面已分析的不定式,三者做定語修飾同一名詞時差異主要在于時間上。試比較the problem to be settled(不定式:有待被解決的問題);the problem being settled(現(xiàn)在分詞:正在被解決的問題);the problem settled(過去分詞:已經(jīng)被解決的問題)。注意:現(xiàn)在分詞的完成態(tài)having done和完成被動態(tài)having been done一般不作定語修飾名詞,直接用過去分詞即可表達(dá)出該意。如:一個改變?nèi)绱酥蟮娜耍篴 man having changed so much(X)a man changed so much(/)修飾

38、語中的動作如發(fā)生在主句動作之前或有明顯時間狀語時,不能分詞短語修飾名詞,只能用定語從句。如:They built a monument to the soldiers dying in World War II. (X)They built a monument to the soldiers who died in World War II. (/)又如:the tsunami happening in the Indian Ocean in 2005 (X)the tsunami which happened in the Indian Ocean in 2005 (/)3:分詞做賓語補足

39、語:補充說明賓語的狀態(tài)?,F(xiàn)在分表主動,正在進(jìn)行中;過去分詞表被動完成。如:I found the room broken into. (對于賓語“房間”而言,應(yīng)是被闖人)I found him working hard on his book.(對于“他”而言,是主動在寫書,故用現(xiàn)在分詞working)注意兩類動詞:如 see, hear, watch, notice, observe等。其后可跟分詞或不帶to的不定式做賓補,意思各不相同。以see為例:see sb do(不定式做賓補)看見整個過程,如:I saw the girl walk across the street.see sb

40、doing/see sth being done(現(xiàn)在分詞做賓補)看見動作面中,如:I saw the truck being unloaded.我看到卡車正在被卸貨。see sth done(過去分詞做賓補)看見動作以被完成,如:I saw the door locked.有些感官動詞如smell, catch, listen to, look at, 因其意思的限定,后多跟現(xiàn)在分詞做賓補。如:Can't you smell something burning?你難道沒聞到有東西燒起來了嗎?(2)使役動詞。使役動詞set后一般用現(xiàn)在分詞做賓補,如:What you said set

41、him laughing.make后則有兩種情況:make sb do(不帶to的不定式做賓補)表主動;make sth done讓某事被做。同樣有兩種賓補的還有keep和leave。keep/leave sb doing(主動);keep/leave sth done(被動)。最為復(fù)雜的賓補結(jié)構(gòu)當(dāng)屬get和have,各有三種。get sb to do 讓某人一次性做某事get sb doing 讓某人不停做某事get sth done 讓某事被做have sb do讓某人一次性做某事如:The teacher had him fetch some chalk.have sb doing 讓某

42、人不停地做某事如:Let's have the fire burning all night long.have sth done 讓某事被做如:He had his foot injured in the race.* 有時會見到have sb's doing sth,如:I won't have you(r) telling me what to do. 此時have為及物動詞譯為“容忍”,并非“使”,“讓”的意思。還有,have sth to do,如:I want to have a book to read.中的have也不是使役動詞,而是實義動詞“有”,不定

43、式to read是定語修飾a book,“我想要本可以讀的書.”4:分詞做狀語??梢耘c各類狀語從句切換。在選擇現(xiàn)在或過去分詞做狀語,應(yīng)認(rèn)真研判句子的主語。對主語而言,如動作是主動的,則用現(xiàn)在分詞;如是被執(zhí)行,則用過去分詞。(1)時間狀語。When I looked through the essay, I noticed a few mistakes.= Looking through the essay, I noticed a few mistakes.有時可在分詞前加一些連詞如when, while, until, as soon as等以明確時間性。如:When heated, gas

44、 expands.但after, before, on (一就),since往往被看作是介詞,后面只跟動名詞doing或being done,不跟過去分詞。After being examined, the new model car was put into use. (/)After examined, the new model car was put into use. (X)如想體現(xiàn)分詞動詞與主句動作的時間關(guān)系,還可靈活借用現(xiàn)在分詞的不同形式,如being done“正在被”;having done“已經(jīng)完成”;having been done“已經(jīng)被”等。如::Being repa

45、ired, the road is blocked.維修期間此路不通。Having suffered from heart trouble for years, he decided to turn to a new hospital.受心臟病之苦多年,他決定去另一家醫(yī)院看看。Having been shown around the school, we left.在被帶著參觀過了校園之后,我們離開了。(2)原因狀語。如:As she was frightened of losing her job, she kept it a secret.= Frightened of losing he

46、r job, she kept it a secret.又如:Made of wood, the chair is light.因為是木頭做的,這個椅子很輕。注意:此時用過去分詞即可,不必用being done或having been done強調(diào)時間性。(3)條件狀語。如:If you are given another chance, you'll do it better.= Given another chance, you'll do it better.再給一次機會,你會做得更好。也可根據(jù)表達(dá)的需要在分詞前加once, unless等連詞。如:Unless invi

47、ted to speak, you should keep silent. 除非被邀請發(fā)言,否則請保持沉默.(4)讓步狀語。前面多有even if, although, whether等詞加以說明。如:Although tired out, they didn't stop to have a rest.雖然以筋疲力盡,他們沒有停下休息。(5)方式狀語。表伴隨狀態(tài),一般與主句動作同時發(fā)生。如:He cooked the dinner in the kitchen, singing cheerfully to himself.他快樂地唱著歌兒,在廚房堅做著晚飯。The teacher s

48、tood there, surrounded by the students.老師站在那兒,被學(xué)生圍著。有時同學(xué)們會會發(fā)現(xiàn)這樣的結(jié)構(gòu):With winter coming, trees are beginning to sheds. 冬天來了,樹開始落葉了。He lay there, with his left leg broken. 他躺在那兒,左腿斷了。此時分詞的主語并非句子的主語,而是獨立存在,如第一句里的winter,第二句中的his left leg.這種分詞有獨立主語的現(xiàn)象被稱為“獨立主格”。除了作方式狀語外,也可作原因,條件等其他狀語。如:Mother being ill, I

49、had to stay home.因為母親病了,我不得不留在家。Time / Weather permitting, we'll go on a trip this spring.如果時間 / 天氣允許的話,我們今年春天要旅行一次。注意:有些固定結(jié)構(gòu)中,只用現(xiàn)在分詞,就不必考慮動作與主語的主被動關(guān)系了。如:Judging from/by . (據(jù) . 判斷 ),Generally / Strictly speaking(總的 / 嚴(yán)格來說),Considering(鑒于),Regarding(關(guān)于),Talking of / Speaking of(說起 .)非謂語動詞屬高中語法中的難

50、點,理論易懂,但需通過大量的練習(xí)方能熟練掌握和運用。近年來重大考試中非謂語動詞的考察呈現(xiàn)出以下三個趨:(一)利用復(fù)雜的句子結(jié)構(gòu)來制造障往礙。如:The scientific research that the Curies had devoted their life _ (cause) their death. 此處應(yīng)填caused,實為句子謂語,但.不少考生會將devote one's life to doing sth作為考點。(二)結(jié)合詞的固定用法考察。如:I feel it is your husband who is _ (blame) for the spoilt chi

51、ld.應(yīng)填to blame,sb is to blame for sth主動態(tài)表被動意,是固定搭配。(三)結(jié)合句型考察。如:_ (know) more words and expressions, and you will find it easier to read and communicate.既非Knowing也不是Having known,而填動詞原形Know,因為逗號后有連詞and,此句為一并列句。因其復(fù)雜與靈活,同學(xué)們更應(yīng)當(dāng)耐心細(xì)心地學(xué)習(xí)非謂語動詞這一語法章節(jié)。二、典型試題分析l. The prize of the game show is $30,000 and an all

52、expenses _ vacation to China.(2005全國高考)A. paying B. paid C. to be paid D. being paid答案選B此處是過去分詞短語all expenses paid作定語修飾vacation,游戲的獎勵為三萬美金和一次費用(已由節(jié)目組)全部支付的中國行旅游。2. I couldn't do my homework with all that noise _. (2005全國高考)A. going on B. goes on C. went on D. to go on答案選Awith all that noise goin

53、g on是分詞短語表伴隨狀態(tài)。又因其是獨立主格,分詞的主語是noise,主動進(jìn)行下去,故選現(xiàn)在分詞going on.3. Do let your mother know all tho truth. She appears _ everything. (2001上海高考)A. to tell B. to be told C. to be telling D. to have been told答案選D系動動詞appear后的不定式里用完成被動態(tài)方可體現(xiàn)出母親似乎“已被”告知了所有的事,所以你才必須說出真相??疾焱瑢W(xué)對非謂語動詞不同形態(tài)的掌握。4. Though _ money, his par

54、ents managed to send him to university. (2002上海高考)A. lacked B. lacking of C. lacking D. lacked in答案選C此句不僅牽涉到分詞做讓步狀語的用法,更重要的是它亦考察同學(xué)對動詞lack的掌握。必須清楚知道lack為及物動詞,sb lack sth的結(jié)構(gòu),才能作出正確的選擇。5. The discovery of new evidence led to _. (2003上海高考)A. the thief having caught B. catch the thiefC. the thief being c

55、aught D. the thief to be caught答案選Clead to(導(dǎo)致)中的to為介詞,故后接動名詞短語,又因小偷是被抓,故用the thief('s) being caught,所有格's被省去。6. It was unbelievable that the fans waited outside the gym for three hours just _ a look at the sports stars. (2005上海高考)A. had B. having C. to have D. have答案選C此句較長,考察同學(xué)對意群的識別。只有讀通讀懂了

56、全句,才能明白此處的just to have a look是目的狀語表示“僅為了看一眼體育明星”。7. _ some of this juice - perhaps you'll like it. (2000北京春考)A. Trying B. Try C. To try D. Have tried答案選B這是兩句獨立的句子。前部分為祈使句,讓你嘗一下這種果汁,所以用動詞原形try即可。8. Mr. Smith _ of the _ speech, started to read a novel.A. tired; boring B. tiring; bored C. tired; bored D. tiring; boring答案為A前一分詞形容人厭倦了那次演講be tired of;而后一形容詞修飾speech,“令人厭煩的,乏味的” - b


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