1、Unit3 Things I like to do第四課時(4thPERIOD)一、主要新授內容(New con te nts)Lets enjoy - Song二、學習目標(Objectives)1學習with me.句型,注意with中th發(fā)音的正確性。2、 結合新舊動詞、短語和句型,改編歌曲,學會向同學發(fā)出邀請共同做一件事。3、 對于同學的邀請,學生能聽懂并學會作出不同的回應。4、 通過學習歌曲,培養(yǎng)同學之間互相團結友愛和合作精神。三、教學建議1、任務前期準備階段(Pre-task preparation section)Pre-task Preparation是指我們要求學生運用目的語
2、(即所學的語言)之前,呈現(xiàn)給學生的新語言材料。也就是我們常說的:In put。在這個環(huán)節(jié)主要讓學生獲得對新語言材料的第一次感知。Activity 1 (Si ng a song)(引入1)1、教學輔助(Aids)1)字母卡片2)磁帶3)錄音機2.活動過程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1Si ng a songStude ntssingthesongtogether with the teacher.將字母發(fā)音以歌曲的形 式加以操練。2Make a new songEncourage students use otherletters(AaEe), so
3、unds and wordsto make a new song accord ing to thetune.鼓勵學生用已學字母極 其發(fā)音、單詞改編歌曲, 讓學生活用知識。The tune: Be my echo (teacher) Be my echo(stude nts)E says /e/ (teacher)E says /e/ (stude nts)F F F (teacher)F F F (stude nts)Egg and elepha nt (teacher) Egg and elepha nt (stude nts)Activity 2(A miming game)(引入1)1
4、、教學輔助(Aids)1)單詞卡片2.活動過程(Process)StepsCon te ntsMethodsPurpose1Amimi nggameInvite a student to come to the front and mime.Others guess what does heishe like to do?Ss: You like to根據低年級特點,以 互動的游戲使學生盡 快進入語言情景中。2WorkinpairsTeacher asks stude nts to play the game in pairsand gives a limited time. At last
5、teacher sees whocan hit more right an swers.在規(guī)定的時間內的演 與猜,加快比賽的節(jié) 奏,提咼了參與的積 極性。Activity 3(Sim on says)(引入1)1、教學輔助(Aids)2.活動過程(Process)StepsCon te ntsMethodsPurpose1Play a gameTeacher tells the rules and gives對已學指令進行復in struct ions to review.習,同時對動詞短語lei lei lei (teacher)lei lei lei (students)e.g._ (n
6、ame), come with me.進行鞏固,為改編歌Run fast. Read an En glish book.曲做鋪墊。Activity 4(Ask more)(引入1)1、教學輔助(Aids)2.活動過程(Process)StepsCon te ntsMethodsPurpose1Ask and an swerAsk and an swer in pairs:-What do you like to do?-I like to sing.-What do you like to sing?-I like to si ng a song.-Where do you like to s
7、ing a song?-I like to sing a song at home.層層逼近的問題,使 學生逐步學會將句子 說完整、全面。Opti onal questi on:What dont you like to do?2、任務中期實施階段(While-task procedure section)While-task Procedure, 這是指語言技能的習得過程。 其中分為機械性操練和意義性操練兩部分。機械性操練可以讓學生準確地模仿、復說新授的語言,讓他們經過從模仿到識記的過程,使新知識由感知、理解、模仿直到儲存。Activity 1(A chant)(引入1)1、教學輔助(Aid
8、s)2.活動過程(Process)StepsCon te ntsMethodsPurpose1Say a cha ntAsk students to say a chant with the teacherand act.從職業(yè)引出新句型,使 學生在熟悉的情境中 逐步積累知識。2Make the new one In vitethe stude nts tocon ti nuesay ing the cha nt and all the others followthem.從聽、做的被動參與,到說、做的主動引領, 逐步培養(yǎng)學生的自主 能力。The cha nt:With, with, with
9、, Come with me.I am a teacher. Write with me.I am a dan cer. Dance with me.Activity 2(Fi nd new friends)(引入1)1、教學輔助(Aids)2.活動過程(Process)StepsCon te ntsMethodsPurpose1In troduct ionIn vitestude ntsto in troducetheirprefere nces.I like towith me.通過新句型的表 述,在互相尋找自 己志趣相同同學的 過程中,逐步學會 使用語言。2Findnewfrien ds
10、Teacher asks stude nts who wants towith(Name), raise your hand.Activity 3(Si ng a song)(引入1)1、教學輔助(Aids)1)磁帶2)錄音機2.活動過程(Process)StepsCon te ntsi MethodsPurpose1Si ng a songSing the song on page 16.動動唱唱中,保持學生學習的興趣。2Sing and actEncourage students to sing in groups and actActivity 4(Make a new song)(引入
11、1)1、教學輔助(Aids)1)單詞卡片2.活動過程(Process)StepsCon te ntsMethodsPurpose1Make a new songStude ntstry to use the verbs andphrases to make a new song in groups.以舊帶新,不斷積 累語言。2Sing and actIn vite each group to sing and act.Activity 5(School time)(引入1)1、教學輔助(Aids)(1)電腦(2A-U3-11)(2)屏幕2.活動過程(Process)StepsCon te nt
12、sMethodsPurpose1Free talkWhat do you do at school? Do you like towrite/ read/?從學歌曲、到任意改編、 再到圍繞主題進行歌曲 改編,在循序漸進的過程 中使學生的語言運用能 力不斷提高。2The songs for theschoolscheduleShow a school schedule and encouragestudents to make a song for each time. e.g.reading time, rest time, music time, art timeActivity 6(Mak
13、e an in vitation)(引入1)1、教學輔助(Aids)2.活動過程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1Free talkWholikes to write? Where do you like to write?2In vitatio(1) Teacher says: I like to write.n(Name-I nvite a stude nt who likes在了解學生的愛to write), write with me, please.好后,有目的地En courage the stude nt to an swer:向不同的學生
14、發(fā)OK. I like to write, too.出邀請,使學生(2) T:(Name-I nvitea stude ntwho學會在生活中根doesn t like to write), write with me,據自己的實際情please.況做出不同的回En courage the stude nt to an swer:應。Sorry, I dont like to write.3PracticeAsk stude nts to in vite their frien ds.-1like to(Name),with me, please.-OK. I like to/ Sorry,
15、I dont like to3、任務后期完成階段(Post-task activity section)Post-task Activity,這是指經過機械性操練和意義性操練,引導學生運用他們所獲得的知識與技能來完成一個交際性的任務task”,也就是語言的輸出:output。學生通過前兩個階段的學習,在知識和能力上已具備綜合新舊知識進行交際的能力,教師可以根據學生的實際水平設計或選用提供的活動,使學生在相應的盡可能貼近生活的語境中,正確有效使 用習得語言,完成交際性的任務。Activity 1(Play a game)(引入1)1、教學輔助(Aids)1)單詞卡片2)掛牌2.活動過程(Proc
16、ess)StepsCon te ntsMethodsPurpose1Preparatio nTeacher asks a student: What do you like to do?Then let the student hold the word card he/shesays.讓每個學生都有 機會參與,在交 流中培養(yǎng)交際能 力和同學之間互 相團結友愛和合作精神。2Find friendsAsk these students to hold the word cards and goout to ask: I like to .with me, please.3The hobby we
17、 likeSee the result:Which hobby do we like best?Activity 2(Animals)(引入1)1、教學輔助(Aids)1)電腦(2A-U3-12)2)屏幕3)頭飾2.活動過程(Process)StepsCon te ntsMethodsPurpose1Say and act the animalsShow some picturesof animals.Invite students to act the animals.e.g.-I am Miss cat. I like to eat fish.Mr Dog, eat fish with m
18、e.-Tha nk you, Miss cat.I dont like to eat fish.I like to eat meat.讓學生自主選擇動物 表演,給學生更大空 間來創(chuàng)造發(fā)揮。Activity 3(Family members)(引入1)1、教學輔助(Aids)1)頭飾2)圖片2.活動過程(Process)StepsCon te ntsMethodsPurpose1Free talkHow many people are there inyou family? Do you play withyour father? etc.讓學生在不冋的情景中, 學2Say and actLet
19、stude nts actthe family會根據各種實際情況來回members.應,使學生在學會知識的基e.g.S-Sam G-Gra ndmother礎上,學會使用語言。S: I like to playfootball.Gran dmother,play withme, please.G: Sorry, Sam. Im old. Idont liketo playfootball.Activity 4(Make a dialogue)(引入1)1、教學輔助(Aids)2.活動過程(Process)StepsCon te ntsMethodsPurpose1Say and actTeac
20、her in vites astude nt toact a dialogue. Teacher may givestudents two examples in two situations.根據生活實際來進行對話操練。2MakeadialogueEncourage students to make adialogue in pairs.學生在有意乂的情境中對話。e.g. (1) T: I like to write. Write with me, please.S: OK. I like to write, too.T: I like to writeeggon the blackboar
21、d. What doyou like to write?S: I like to write on the book.(2) S: I like to sing. Sing with me, please.T: Sorry, I don t like to sing. I like to dance.S: OK. Dance with me.T: Thats great. 1-2-3.Unit 3 Things I like to do第五課時(5thPERIOD)一、主要新授內容(New con te nts)Lets act - Come andwith me.二、學習目標(Objecti
22、ves)1、 本課學會用and連接兩個動作,使用Come andwith me.來發(fā)出邀請共同做一件事。2、 對于同學的邀請,學生能聽懂并在不同的情景中學會做出不同的回應。3、 在交流中了解彼此的愛好,培養(yǎng)同學之間互相團結友愛和合作的精神。三、教學建議1、任務前期準備階段(Pre-task preparation section)Pre-task Preparation是指我們要求學生運用目的語(即所學的語言)之前,呈現(xiàn)給學生的新語言材料。也就是我們常說的:In put。在這個環(huán)節(jié)主要讓學生獲得對新語言材料的第一次感知。Activity 1 (Rhymes )(引入1)1、教學輔助(Aids)
23、1)字母卡片2.活動過程(Process)StepsCon te ntsMethodsPurpose1Say the rhymesSay two rhymes about the letters通過首字母含有此發(fā)音的“Ee”and“Ff”.單詞組成詞組,以兒歌形式Elega nt elepha nts, e e e讓學生復習字母及其發(fā)音,“e”is the sound of“E”.在反復吟讀中語音辨別能Five fish,f f f,力得到提高?!癴”is the sound of“F”.2ReadthelettersClap and read the letters(AaFf)拍手朗讀字母,
24、幫助低年級 學生注意力集中。3Make the newrhymesEn courage stude nts to make the newrhymes using the letters they have learned在前面學習兒歌的基礎上, 學生根據發(fā)音將已學單詞 歸類,并自編兒歌,學會活 用。Activity 2(Fi nd the same hobby)(引入1)1、教學輔助(Aids)1)單詞卡片2.活動過程(Process)StepsCon te ntsMethodsPurpose1FindtheInvitea student to say a chant about one o
25、fsame hobbyhis/her hobbies. Then some students mayin vite him/her:with me. The stude nt can在游戲中幫助學choose which classmate(s) he/she wants to生進一步了解自with.己同學的具體愛e.g. S1: I like to eat.好,也讓學生養(yǎng)S2: Ive got an apple. Eat with me.成把話說具體的S3: Ive a sweet. Eat with me.習慣。S4:S1: I like to eat sweets and apples.
26、2WorkinLet stude nts work in groups and make thegroupsin vitatio n.Activity 3(A competitio n)(引入1)1、教學輔助(Aids)1)磁帶2)錄音機2.活動過程(Process)StepsCon te ntsMethodsPurpose1Divide intogroupsWho likes sports/ music/ art/ toys/?根據學生的愛好來 分組。2Sing songsFirst let two groups have a competiti on.以擂臺的形式,促and compete
27、Stude nts from sports groups sing a song(accord ing to page 16) to challe nge artgroup.e.g. Run with me. I like to run very fast.The n ask two stude nts from two groups tohave a race to see who runs fast.使學生思考多樣、 完整的語句表達。在學生學會的同 時,也需要創(chuàng)設機 會讓他們去運用語 言。2、任務中期實施階段(While-task procedure section)While-task
28、Procedure,這是指語言技能的習得過程。其中分為機械性操練和意義性操練兩部分。機械性操練可以讓學生準確地模仿、復說新授的語言, 讓他們經過從模仿到識記的過程,使新知識由感知、理解、模仿直到儲存。Activity 1(Read a story)(引入1)1、 教學輔助(Aids)1)電腦(2A-U3-13)2)屏幕. IL/ V2.活動過程(Process)StepsCon te ntsMethodsPurpose1Read a storyRead a story about the bird.讓學生在故事的情境 中學習新句型。2Act the storyEn courage stude
29、nts in groups of four and actthe story.Story:Bird: Miss. Rabbit, Ive got a new toy. Play with me.Rabbit: Thats great. I like toys.Bird: My house is in the tree. Come with me.Rabbit: The tree is too tall. Sorry, I cant fly.Bird: Mr. Fish, play with me.Fish: Sorry, I cant swim in the tree.Bird: Who ca
30、n play with me? Miss Bee, do you like to play with my toy?Bee: Yes, I do.Bird: Come and play with me.Bee: OK.Activity 2(Quick resp onse)(引入1)1、教學輔助(Aids)2.活動過程(Process)StepsCon te ntsMethodsPurpose1Quick responseTeacher gives in struct ions: Come andwith me. to in dividuals, groups, girls, boys and the
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