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1、 7 Road Engineering : Road Design Horizontal and Vertical Alignment道路的平面和縱斷面設計1 Background 本文背景One definition of a visually attractive and unobtrusive highway is the degree to which the horizontal and vertical alignments of the route have been integrated into its surrounding natural and human enviro

2、nments. This takes careful planning and design, as noted in the AASHTO Green Book: Coordination of horizontal alignment and profile should not be left to chance but should begin with preliminary design, during which adjustments can readily be made . The designer should-study long, continuous stretch

3、es of highway in both plan and profile and visualize the whole in three dimensions.一條公路是否引人注目取決于這條公路的平面和縱斷面設計與周圍環(huán)境的融合程度,這需要認真的規(guī)劃和設計,就像AASHTO Green一書中提到的:“水平面的位置和分布的協(xié)調不應該由可能性決定,而應該是由容易調整的初步設計決定”設計者應進行長時間的研究,并具有把整個不斷延伸的公路的平面和剖面形象化的展示在三維空間中。This application of a holistic approach to highway design, whe

4、re the road is integrated into its surroundings, separates the outstanding project from one that merely satisfies basic engineering design criteria. An excellent description of this holistic design process is contained in the publication Aesthetics in Transportation, from which the following is exce

5、rpted: A general rule for designers is to achieve a “flowing” line, with a smooth and natural appearance in the land, and a sensuous, rhythmic continuity for the driver. This effect results from following the natural contours of the land, using graceful and gradual horizontal and vertical transition

6、s, and relating the alignment to permanent features such as rivers or mountains.這種對于公路設計的整體分析,應用在道路融入周圍環(huán)境,將杰出的項目從僅僅滿足基本的工程設計標準的項目中分離出來等方面。對于一個良好整體設計過程的描述被寫在已出版的Aesthetics in Transportation一書,摘錄如下:一般意義上的設計者是用在地上光滑和自然的外表實現(xiàn)“流動”的線,具有感官上的節(jié)奏感和連續(xù)性的掌控者。其結果是適應土地的自然輪廓,運用優(yōu)美漸變的水平和豎直線過渡,并對河水和高山這類永久特征性進行調整。 2 Hor

7、izontal and Vertical Alignment Considerations 平面和縱斷面設計中的考慮因素 The greatest opportunities for influencing the horizontal and vertical alignments of a highway occur during the planning and preliminary engineering phases associated with a new-location facility. The designs of such facilities have the mo

8、st dramatic effects on the natural and human environments through which they pass.影響高速路平面和縱斷面定位的最大的機會出現(xiàn)在規(guī)劃和初步設計階段并與新位置設備有關。這些設備的設計對于道路所通過的自然和人文環(huán)境具有最大的效果。 The more typical design problem faced by todays highway engineers is the improvement of an existing highway or street. In many instances, the basi

9、c alignments may have been established well over 100 years ago. Regardless, the same basic design principles with respect to horizontal and vertical alignments can, however, be applied to both new and existing facilities.當今高速公路設計者最典型的問題是對于已有的高速公路和一般道路的修繕。很多時候,原有的道路可能已存在超過100年。不管怎樣,重視水平和豎直定位的最初的基本設計原

10、則能,并能很好的應用到新的和現(xiàn)有的設施中。 Important points to consider regarding horizontal and vertical alignments are that they should be consistent with the topography, preserve developed properties along the road, and incorporate community values. The superior alignments are ones that follow the natural contours of

11、 the land and do not affect aesthetic, scenic, historic, and cultural resources along the way. Construction costs may be reduced in many instances when less earthwork is needed, and resources and development are preserved. It is not always possible, however, to avoid having an impact on both the nat

12、ural and human environments. That is why the superior alignments incorporate input received by the community through a participatory design process. 重要的是需要考慮平面和縱斷面,他們應該符合地形,沿路保護開發(fā)屬性,并整合社區(qū)的價值觀。那些遵循自然輪廓的土地,不影響美觀,風景優(yōu)美、歷史和文化資源是優(yōu)美的對齊。在許多情況下建設成本可能會減少,需要更少的土方工程、資源保存和發(fā)展。然而,為了避免對自然和人類環(huán)境產生影響,這并不總是可能的。這就是為什么通過

13、參與設計過程將收到的社區(qū)上級對齊。 When possible, the alignment should be designed to enhance attractive scenic views, such as rivers, rock formations, parks, historic sites, and outstanding buildings. The designation of certain highways as scenic byways recognizes the importance of preserving such features along ou

14、r Nations roadways. 在可能的情況下,對齊應旨在提高迷人風景的觀點,如河流、巖石,公園,歷史遺跡,杰出的建筑。某些高速公路以及我們國家的道路景觀通道的設計是認識到保持這些特性的重要性。 Equally important as the consideration of the horizontal alignment is that of the facilitys vertical alignment. A number of factors influence the vertical alignment of a highway, including the follo

15、wing: (1) Natural terrain; (2) Minimum stopping sight distance for the selected design speed; (3) The number of trucks and other heavy vehicles in the traffic stream; (4) The basic roadway cross-section; i.e., two lanes versus multiple lanes; (5) Natural environmental factors, such as wetlands and h

16、istoric, cultural, and community resources. 考慮設施的平面和縱斷面是同樣重要的。許多因素影響高速公路的縱斷面線型,包括:(1) 自然地形; (2)根據(jù)最小停車視距選擇設計速度;(3)卡車的數(shù)量和其他重型車輛的交通流;(4)巷道基本截面,即兩條車道與多個車道;(5)自然環(huán)境因素,如濕地、歷史、文化和社會資源。3 Combination of Horizontal and Vertical Alignment 平面和縱斷面的組合設計 The interrelationship of horizontal and vertical alignment is

17、 best addressed in the route location and preliminary design phases of a project. At this stage, appropriate tradeoffs and balances between design speed and the character of the road-traffic volume, topography, and existing development-can be made. A mistake often made by inexperienced engineers is

18、designing the horizontal alignment first and then trying to superimpose the design onto a vertical profile. Because they must be complementary, horizontal and vertical geometries must be designed concurrently. Uncoordinated horizontal and vertical geometries can ruin the best parts and accentuate th

19、e weak points of each element. Excellence in the combination of their designs increases efficiency, and safety, encourages uniform speed, and improves appearance-almost always without additional cost.在一個工程項目中,最好在路線選址和初步設計階段解決平面和縱斷面相互組合的問題。在這一階段,應該根據(jù)道路的交通量,地質等條件和當?shù)禺斍暗陌l(fā)展狀況來確定道路設計速度。然而有經(jīng)驗的工程師經(jīng)常犯這樣一個錯誤:

20、先把道路平面線型設計好,然后再去設計道路的縱斷面線型<這樣做是明顯不可行的>,因為平面和縱斷面是應該相互補充,應該同時設計。不協(xié)調的平面和縱斷面線型可能會破壞的最優(yōu)美的地方,并且會突出那些不利因素。而優(yōu)秀的平面和縱斷面組合設計在沒有增加額外成本的情況下可以增加行車效率和安全性,還可以使車輛保持平穩(wěn)行駛,提高行車舒適性。 One tool to assist in coordinating horizontal and vertical geometries is the use of computer-aided design (CAD). CAD enables highway

21、designers to quickly assess the interrelationships between horizontal and vertical alignment, particularly in areas of difficult terrain.計算機輔助設計<CAD>是作為一種可以用來協(xié)調公路平面和縱斷面線型的工具,對公路設計者來說可以用來快速評價一條公路平面和縱斷面線型的相互關系的好壞,尤其是在地形復雜的地區(qū)。 Proper consideration of these basic design considerations will help to

22、 ensure that both new-location facilities and improvements to existing highways fit harmoniously into their surroundings.適當?shù)乜紤]這些最基本的設計因素將有助于確保這些新位置設施的合理性并能更好地促進該進現(xiàn)有公路,以便更加和諧地融入周圍環(huán)境。 (1)Issues There are numerous examples around this country of excellence in integration of the horizontal and vertical

23、alignments of highways into their surroundings.Unfortunately, here are also examples of new or widened highways that have scarred a rural landscape or disrupted an established community. While these past actions cannot easily or inexpensively be rectified, future problems can be avoided by applying

24、the principles outlined above and the creative approaches detailed below.(1)問題在我國有許多優(yōu)秀的公路案例,它們把平面和縱斷面線型設計融入到了周圍環(huán)境中,不幸的是在新建或者擴建公路的過程中,破換道路周圍美麗風光或者破壞一個已建立的社區(qū)的事仍時有發(fā)生。雖然這些過去的錯誤做法無法很容易挽回,但是未來我們可以通過應用上述設計原則和應用以下創(chuàng)新方法來避免設計的失誤。(2)Avoiding Impact on Adjacent Natural and Human EnvironmentsParticularly during t

25、he era of Interstate construction from the 1950s to the 1980s, a number of instances of new highway construction had a devastating impact on communities and areas of environmental sensitivity. It is readily acknowledged that there will be some degree of physical impact on the surroundings associated

26、 with the construction of any new location highway or major reconstruction or widening of an existing highway facility. However, from the perspective of horizontal and vertical alignment, much of this impact can and should be alleviated.(2)避免影響相鄰的自然環(huán)境和人類環(huán)境特別是在20世紀50年代到20世紀80年代州際公路建設時代,在修路的過程中大量的不恰當?shù)?/p>

27、措施對當?shù)氐纳鐓^(qū)和敏感環(huán)境產生了毀滅性的打擊。在新路的修筑或者老路的重修和擴建中,它會對周圍產生不同程度的物理影響,這是公認的。然而,從平面和縱斷面線型設計的觀點看,能并且應該減少這種影響。(3) Solution Impact on the surrounding environment can be minimized by careful attention to detail during the route location and preliminary design phases and a willingness of all concerned parties to work

28、 together toward a common goal. For example, minor adjustments to the originally proposed horizontal and vertical alignments (combined with the use of short sections of retaining wall) along the Lincoln Beach Parkway (U.S. Route 101) in Oregon eliminated the need to acquire any of the adjacent homes

29、 and businesses.(3)解決方案通過在路線選址和初步設計階段的精心設計,還有有關各方面都為了同一個目標而工作的積極性,公路修建對周圍環(huán)境的影響是可以避免的。舉個例子來說,在俄勒岡州Licon Beach Parkway(美國101公路)修建過程中,通過輕微調整,最初的平面和縱斷面線型設計(結合使用短擋土墻),從而消除了對鄰近住宅和商戶的影響。Similarly, a minor horizontal alignment shift at the beginning of the project allowed for the Hollister Bypass (SR 156) i

30、n San Benito County, CA, to avoid affecting a number of historic properties.與之相似的是在加利福尼亞州.圣貝尼托的霍利斯特支路這一項目的設計開始之時,通過對公路平面線型一點微小的變化從而避免影響許多歷史遺跡。The use of a “cut-and-cover” design, whereby the roadway is placed below the existing ground level and covered over with a park, building, or other public spa

31、ce can help to avoid negative impact. Lake Place Park in Duluth, MN and other public parks were the result of cut-and-cover tunnels that not only saved historic properties but also gave pedestrians improved access to Lake Superior. “隨挖隨填法”設計的使用可以減少負面影響?!半S挖隨填法”就是把道路置于地平線以下,而在它的上面則有公園、建筑物、公共場所等,明蘇尼達州.

32、德盧斯的Lake Place Park和其他公園一樣都是使用“隨挖隨填法”設計得到的成果,它們不僅保護了歷史遺跡,而且讓人們更加方便地去蘇必利爾湖。 In many cases, there is a potential for designing a divided highway with independent horizontal and vertical alignments for each direction of traffic.然而,在許多情況下,那里依然存在著一種對各個方向交通平面和縱斷面線型分開設計的可能性。4.Coordination between Horizonta

33、l and Vertical Alignment 平面和縱斷面線型的協(xié)調When horizontal and vertical alignments are designed separately from one another, unnecessarily large cuts and fills may be required, resulting in very dramatic and often visually undesirable changes to the natural landscape. 當?shù)缆返钠矫婧涂v斷面線型被分開設計時,可能會造成大量不必要的填方和挖方量,當然也可能導致出現(xiàn)一些戲劇性的變化,更有可能是對自然環(huán)境的毀壞。Solution: One of the ways


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