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1、技術開發(fā)委托合同(中英文對照)-系統(tǒng)技術方案 technology development contract 技術開發(fā)(委托)合同 contract no.: p-1309-33 date:2021-11-08 entrusting party (party a): 委托方(甲方): address: 地址: tel: fax: entrusted party (party b): 受托方(乙方): address: 地址: tel: fax: party a entrust party b to research and develop technique proposal of smart

2、 t/r verification system. party b will develop key circuits verification for the solution and will be in charge of general thought plan.the following articles are reached and abided by the both parties. 甲方委托乙方設計智能收發(fā)驗證系統(tǒng)技術方案,乙方將設計開發(fā)方案的驗證電路及負責整體思路的建立,為此訂立以下協(xié)議,并由雙方共同恪守。 article 1 definitions 第一條 定義 智能收

3、發(fā)驗證系統(tǒng)技術方案(以下簡稱"方案'),是指設計滿足附件要求的總體技術方案,所需要的解決方案。該解決方案包括全部設計方案資料及關鍵電路驗證技術資料。 1.2technical documentations shall mean all the necessary documents to design the solution and all the verification documents that party b will use in designing the solution. 技術資料,指研發(fā)解決方案所必需的資料,包含乙方在設計方案的過程中,所使用的全部有關驗

4、證技術資料。 1.3 "ramp;d' shall mean research and development. "ramp;d',是指研究和開發(fā)。 1.4't/r'shall mean transmit and receive. "t/r',是指發(fā)射和接收。 1.5'soc'shall mean system on chip. "soc',是指系統(tǒng)級芯片。 1.6'asic'shall mean application specific integrated circuit

5、.'asic',專用集成電路。 article 2 contents amp; scopes of contract 第二條 合同內容和范圍 2.1 the requirements of the contract solution 合同技術方案要求 2.1.1 technical content 技術內容: (1)design technical proposal; 設計技術方案; (2)key circuits verification; 驗證關鍵電路; (3)detailed technical requirements see technique attachment.

6、 詳細技術要求見技術協(xié)議附件。 2.1.2 technical method and strategy 技術方法和路線: (1)should adopt soc and asic technology; 采用 soc 和 asic 技術; (2) should adopt the smart t/r system to verify the key circuits. 采用智能收發(fā)組件系統(tǒng)對關鍵電路進行實驗驗證。 2.2 the obligations of both parties 雙方義務 乙方應在本合同生效后 2 個月內向甲方提交研究開發(fā)計劃。 (1)phase one 第一階段: 啟動

7、階段:晶圓廠的選定、設計文件的獲得、工藝文件的分析、計算機系統(tǒng)的建立、eda 軟件的租用及購買、驗證電路與整體方案設計思路的初步溝通; 3)test phase: primary test and consecutive test. 測試階段:初測及繼續(xù)測試。 (2)phase two: alter the solution according to the first phase results, and start second run. 第二階段:根據(jù)第一階段測試結果對方案進行修改,同時配合總體設計進行修改。 2.2.3with the both parties confirmation

8、 and on the request of party a, party b shall provide technical guidance and training to the personnel designated by party a or provide the technical service related in the fulfillment solution after the solution is qualified by the verification circuits. 雙方確定,乙方應在合同方案的關鍵電路驗證合格后,根據(jù)甲方的請求,為甲方指定的人員提供技術

9、指導和培訓,或提供與完成方案相關的技術服務。 2.2.4 with the confirmation of the both parties, within the validity of the contract, party a shallas party as project contact personas party bs project contact person. if any changes of the contact person occur, one party shall inform the other party based on written material

10、s in due time. if one party fails to promptly inform the other party, it shall be held responsible for any influence or damage caused by the untimely notification during the performance of the contract. 雙方確定,在本合同有效期內,甲方指定 為甲方項目聯(lián)系人,乙方指定 為乙方項目聯(lián)系人,一方變更項目聯(lián)系人的,應當及時以書面形式通知另一方。未及時通知并影響本合同履行或造成損失的,應承擔相應的責任。

11、 2.3 delivery 交付 party b shall deliver the contract solution to party a in accordance with the contents as specified in item 2.2.2 of the contract. 乙方應按本合同條款 2.2.2 規(guī)定的內容,將合同方案技術資料交付甲方。 2.4 assessment amp; acceptance 合同方案的驗收 confirmed by the both parties, party a shall adopt the signed standards and

12、methods to examine and accept the contract solution by party b. 雙方確定,按所簽訂的驗收標準對乙方完成的合同方案技術進行驗收。 2.4.1 to ensure that the contract solution supplied by party b is correct, reliable and advanced, party a,b shall jointly perform the assessment and acceptance of the technical solution and core circuit i

13、n accordance with the provisions of items 2.1-2.3 of the contract and technique attachment. if the technical solution are qualified, both parties shall jointly sign a certificate of acceptance in two copies,one for each party. 為了保證乙方提供合同方案的正確性、可靠性和先進性,由甲乙雙方技術人員一起,按本合同 2.1-2.3 及技術協(xié)議附件規(guī)定,共同對技術方案設計和核心電

14、路進行考核和驗收.考核驗收合格后,雙方代表要簽署驗收合格證書一式兩份,雙方各執(zhí)一份為憑。 2.4.2 if the solution cannot meet the requirements of the contract, both parties shall hold friendly discussions to analyze the reasons and take measures to correct any defect and prepare for the second assessment and acceptance of the contract solution.

15、if the solution are still not qualified after the second assessment and acceptance and the responsibility lies in party b ,party b shall be responsible for all the losses thus caused, party a shall have the right to terminate the contract and raise a claim against party b according to article 6; if

16、the responsibility lies in party a, both parties shall mutually discuss the further implementations of the contract. 如果考核驗收達不到本合同的規(guī)定要求,則雙方要友好協(xié)商,共同研究分析原因,采取措施,消除缺陷,進行第二次的考核和驗收。若經(jīng)過第二次考核仍不合格,如屬乙方責任,則乙方應承擔由此而造成一切損失,甲方有權終止合同并按第 6 條的規(guī)定由甲方向乙方索賠,如屬甲方責任,則雙方應共同協(xié)商本合同的進一步執(zhí)行問題。 2.5 contract technical solution re

17、sults and related intellectual property ownership 合同技術方案研發(fā)成果及相關知識產權的歸屬 confirmed by the both parties, the technical solution results and related intellectual property right generated from the contract shall be settled by the following methods. 雙方確定,因履行本合同所產生的研究開發(fā)成果及其相關知識產權權利歸屬,按以下式處理: 2.5.1 party a

18、has the right to apply for the patents. the use and the relevant allocation of benefits .甲方享有申請專利的權利。專利權取得后的使用和有關利益分配方式如下:專利權為甲方所有,利益歸甲方所有。 2.5.2 the profit caused from the use and transfer of the ownership of patent right shall be dealt by the following ways: 有關使用和轉讓的權利歸屬及由此產生的利益按以下約定處理: 技術秘密的使用權:歸

19、甲方所有; 技術秘密的轉讓權:歸甲方所有; 相關利益的分配辦法:歸甲方所有。 2.5.3 the owner of the physical fixed property which were bought by party b rights of equipments, 乙方利用研究開發(fā)經(jīng)費所購置與研究開發(fā)工作有關的設備、儀器等實物固定財產,歸 乙 方所有。 2.5.4 with the both parties confirmation, party a has the right to utilize the research and development achievements p

20、rovided by party b in accordance with the stipulation in the contract to make follow-up improvement. thereby the new technologic achievements with the feature of substantial or creative technology progress and its right adscription shall be shared by 雙方確定,甲方有權利用乙方按照本合同約定提供的研究開發(fā)成果,進行后續(xù)改進。由此產生的具有實 歸質性

21、或創(chuàng)造性技術進步特征的新的技術成果及其權屬,由 甲 方享有。具體相關利益的分配辦如下: 甲方所有。 article 3 contract price 第三條 合同價格 3.1 according to the contract contents and scopes as specified in article 2, the total price of the contract solution provided by party b including the designs, drawings, technical service and training shall amount t

22、o 按第二條所規(guī)定的合同內容和范圍,乙方所提供的合同方案包括設計方案、設計圖紙、技術服務和技術培訓等的全部資 料總價格為 美元。 3.2 the above contract price is fixed and shall include the expenses of all the technical documentation specified in article 2 of the contract. such contract price shall also include the expenses for party b to carry out the other cont

23、ract obligations of this contract. 上述合同的價格為固定價格,包括本合同第二條所規(guī)定的全部技術資料。該價格包括乙方在本合同中所承擔的其他義務的全部費用在內。 3.3 all the calculations and payment of expenses of this contract shall be in us dollars. 本合同內的一切費用均以美元計算和結算。 article 4 payment amp; payment conditions 第四條 支付與支付條件 4.1 initialization expenses after contra

24、ct signing: party a shall pay eighty thousand dollars to party b; 合同簽訂后啟動費用:甲方支付乙方 8 萬美元; 4.2after the whole primary solution provided by party b is qualified, party a shall pay one hundred and twenty thousand dollars to party b; 乙方整個初步方案通過后,甲方支付乙方 12 萬美元; 4.3after selecting foundary , party a shall

25、 pay one hundred and fifty thousand dollars to party b; 選定晶圓廠后,甲方支付乙方 15 萬美元; 4.4after providing the design solution and simulated results, party a shall pay three hundred thousand dollars to party b; 提供設計方案及模擬結果后,甲方支付乙方 30 萬美元; 4.5after providing verification circuits and qualified, party a shall p

26、ay eight hundred and seventy thousand dollars to party b. 測試電路提供后并驗證了電路后,甲方支付乙方 87 萬美元。 article 5 infringements and confidentiality 第五條 侵權和保密 5.1 party b guarantees that the solution supplied by each party without any interference or charge from any third party. in case of any interference or charge

27、 from a third party, they shall be handled by each party and the third party. the responsibility and loss, either legally or economically, shall be borne by party b. 乙方保證所提供的總體方案不受任何第三者干涉和指控。如果發(fā)生第三者干涉和指控,則由乙方負責同第三者進行交涉,并由其承擔法律上和經(jīng)濟上的全部責任和損失。 5.2 after termination of the contract term, party a shall s

28、till have the right to use the solution and technical documentations to manufacture relevant products. 在本合同終止后,甲方仍有權繼續(xù)使用乙方提供的技術方案和全部技術文件進行相應產品的生產。 article 6 guarantees and claims 第六條 保證和索賠 6.1 with the both parties confirmation, either party breaches the contract and thereby causes a standstill, del

29、ay or failure in research and development work, the responsible party shall undertake the responsibility according to the following stipulations 乙 方違反本合同第 2 、4 或者 5 條約定,應當 按合同總額的 10%賠償支付 (支付違約金或損失賠償額的計算方法)。 6.2 as for the liability for risks involved in a failure or partial failure in research and d

30、evelopment caused by insurmountable technical difficulties under the current technology and condition occurring in the process of performance of the contact, it shall be undertaken by the both parties in .confirmed by both parties, the technical risk stipulated in the contact shall be assessed in th

31、e shall include its existence, scope, degree, loss and so on. the technical risk assessment should have the following basic conditions: 在本合同履行中,因出現(xiàn)在現(xiàn)有技術水平和條件下難以克服的技術困難,導致研究開發(fā)失敗或部分失敗,并造成一方或雙方損失的,雙方按如下約定承擔風險損失:雙方約定承擔,約定優(yōu)先 。雙方確定,本合同項目的技術風險按 當事人認可的專家權威機構確認 的方式認定。認定技術風險的基本內容應當包括技術風險的存在、范圍、程度及損失大小等。認定技術風險

32、的基本條件是: (1)the technique mentioned in the contract is difficult enough for the present technologic level; 本合同技術在現(xiàn)有技術水平條件下具有足夠的難度; 乙方在主觀上無過錯且經(jīng)認定研究開發(fā)失敗為合理的失敗。 6.3 once one party discovers that the situation is likely to cause a failure or partial failure in research and development, the discoverer sha

33、ll inform the other take appropriate measures to reduce losses. if one party fails to inform the other party in due time and take appropriate measures and as a result the losses are aggravated, the responsible party shall bear the liability for the aggravated part of the losses. 一方發(fā)現(xiàn)技術風險存在并有可能致使研究開發(fā)

34、失敗或部分失敗的情形時,應當在 5 日內通知另一方并采取適當措施減少損失。逾期未通知并未采取適當措施而致使損失擴大的,應當就擴大的損失承擔賠償責任。 在本合同履行中,因作為研究開發(fā)標的的技術已經(jīng)由他人公開(包括以專利權方式公開),一方應在 3 日內通知另一方解除合同。逾期未通知并致使另一方產生損失的,另一方有權要求予以賠償。 article 7 taxes and duties 第七條 稅費 any tax relating to the implementation of the contract imposed shall be afforded by each party respect

35、ively. 甲乙雙方將各自承擔所在國(地區(qū))所應支付的稅費。 article 8 force majeure 第八條 不可抗力 force majeure shall refer to war, flood, fire, typhoon, earthquake and other accidents that both parties mutually agree as force majeure. in case of force majeure, the affected party shall notify by telex or cable the other party of th

36、e accident as soon as possible and send by registered air - mail to the other party the evidence issued by the local government within 14 days from the accident. if the implementation is affected by force majeure and the accident lasts for more than 20 days, both parties shall hold friendly discussi

37、ons as soon as possible with regard to the further implementation of the contract. 人力不可抗力的因素,如戰(zhàn)爭、嚴重水災、火災、臺風、地震,以及雙方同意的其他人力不可抗力因素。發(fā)生人力不可抗力的責任方應盡快將發(fā)生人力不可抗力事故的情況,在盡可能短的時間內,用電傳或電報通知另一方,并于事后 14 天內,以航空掛號信將有關政府當局出具的證明文件給另一方,予以認證。因發(fā)生不可抗力而影響了合同的執(zhí)行,如果事故延續(xù) 20 天以上,則雙方應盡快通過友好協(xié)商方式協(xié)商合同的進一步執(zhí)行問題。 article 9 arbitrati

38、on 第九條 仲裁 所有與此合同有關的爭議應通過友好協(xié)商解決,若通過協(xié)商無法達成一致,此爭議應提交中 國國際經(jīng)濟貿易仲裁委員會進行仲裁。仲裁應在北京進行, 其結果對雙方均有約束力,任何一方均不應向法院或其他政府部門申請以改變仲裁結果。仲裁費由敗訴方負擔。 article 10 effectiveness of the contract and miscellaneous 第十條 合同的生效及其他 10.1 after this contract is signed by the duly authorized representatives of both parties, both part

39、ies shall submit the contract to their governments or boards of directors for approval, the date when the later party obtains the approval shall be taken as the effective date of the contract. both parties shall attempt to get the contract approval within 60 days from signing and notify by telex or

40、cable the other party of the approval which is confirmed by the following registered air - mail letter. 本合同由雙方代表簽訂后,雙方分別向各自的政府或審理機構申請批準,以最后批準一方的日期為合同生效日期。雙方均應盡最大努力在 60 天內獲得批準,并用郵件通知另一方。 10.2 any changes or amendments to the contract cause shall be mutually agreed upon by both parties and signed by duly authorized representatives. such changes or amendments shall be an integralpart of the contract and have the same force as the other clauses. 本合同條款的任何改變,修改


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