



1、萬圣節(jié)英語小故事: The Ghostly CheerleaderLacey Delgado walked down the long dark hall leading to the locker room bathrooms. Something about the chill of the hall and the odd echo of her footsteps gave her the creeps, even though she could still hear her teammates working on their cheers in the gym behind he

2、r. The hall seemed to go on and on, and the burned out lights and dark windows in the doors to the abandoned classrooms definitely made her nervous. Twice she swore she could hear a slight scuffle behind her, but when she turned around, there was nothing there. She felt like she was being watched, l

3、ike unseen eyes were following her, perhaps from one of those empty rooms. Just when she was about to give up and go back to the lighted gym, she saw it.the girl's bathroom.雷茜德爾加羅走過黢黑而又漫長的大廳來到了浴室的更衣室。大 廳寒冷的氣息和她的腳步在大廳遠處奇怪而又沉悶的回響,令她瑟瑟 發(fā)抖,一種毛骨悚然的感覺油不過生。她甚至能夠聽到她的隊友在她 身后的體育館中一邊歡呼著一邊工作的聲響。這座大廳看起來又是如 此

4、綿延不絕。在被遺棄的教室門口,那燒完的燭火還有黑洞洞的窗戶 令她緊張不安。她曾發(fā)誓有兩次她甚至聽到有腳步在地上拖著行走而 發(fā)出的輕微的聲響。但當她轉過身看去,背后卻是空無一物。雷茜認 為自己肯定是被某種東西盯上了。一雙看不見的眼睛總在某處悄悄地 跟隨著她。也許這些該死的鬼玩意兒就是從那些空蕩蕩的房間里竄出 來的。就當她打算就此放棄,回到燈火通明的體育館時,她看見了那, 那女孩的浴室!Pushing the door open, Lacey entered an old fashioned school restroom. Obviously the place hadn't seen

5、much use lately. The mirror over the sink was clouded and coated with a thin layer of dust. The stained sinks were dry anddiscolored where water had dripped for many years. The chipped tile floor was littered with torn paper towels and peeling paint. Still feeling a bit spooked, Lacey pushed open th

6、e door of the nearest stall and did what she came for.推開浴室銹跡斑斑的房門,雷茜來到了一個老式的學校休息室。 很顯然,這房間已經棄置不用多時了。水槽上方的鏡子灰蒙蒙的沾滿 了塵埃,銹跡斑斑的水槽上,龍頭還在滴著水,看來已經有好幾個年 頭了。碎了的瓷磚地板上布滿了撕碎了的手紙和褪色的油彩。仍然覺 得有點詭異,雷茜推開了最近的房門。The stall door opened with a creak as Lacey walked out and started to wash her hands. Glancing up into the

7、dusty mirror, she felt her heart leap into her throat as she saw written in the grime the shaky words "Get out.NOW!" Lacey bolted for the door, running blindly, panics overtaking her. A fear like none she'd ever felt before flowed through her body.The hair at the back of her neck seeme

8、d to be crawling and she felt unseen eyes on her as she sprinted towards the hall. Just as she reached the door, the entire room began to shake. Lacey was knocked to the floor as the floor seemed to tilt. The noise was deafening, lights crashed to the floor, lockers broke loose from their moorings a

9、nd tipped into the hallway outside, the dusty mirror shattered and sprayed the bathrooms with shards of glass. Lacey covered her head with her arms and lay still as the tremors passed. She knew this part of California was prone to earthquakes, but she'd never actually experienced one, and her kn

10、ees were weak as she climbed to her feet, determined to get out of the building before another shock hit.隨著房門打開時的嘎吱的聲響,雷茜走了出來,打算去洗洗自己 的收。當她的目光突然注視到墻上那灰蒙蒙的鏡子的時候,她感到自 己的心快要跳到了嗓子眼,鏡子上的灰塵中竟然明明白白寫著“快出 去,趁現在!”雷茜立即打開門,埋頭沖了出去,恐懼的狂熱充斥著 雷茜的大腦。那從未有過的驚悚在她體內流竄著,她的頭發(fā)好似在她 背后蠕動一樣,雷茜拼盡全力沖向大廳,而那看不見的眼睛仿佛又在 注視著她了。正當雷茜剛

11、碰到門把,整個房間竟然開始搖晃起來。雷 茜惶恐地敲打著開始微微傾斜的地板,巨大的搖晃聲振聾發(fā)聵。一道 光柱隨即投射在了地板上,櫥柜支離破碎地倒了下來,橫檔在了外面 大廳的過道上。墻上那面鏡子碎了一地,迸起一堆玻璃片。雷茜驚恐 地雙手捂著頭,蜷縮在一邊。她深知這片地帶是加州地震高發(fā)區(qū),但 她還從未真正經歷過。她的膝蓋是如此的虛弱,但雷茜咬著牙心想, 必須在下一個地震來臨之前,逃出這屋子。Lacey pulled hard at the bathroom door, but it wouldn't budge. The old building had shifted in the ear

12、thquake and the door was jammed shut. Then she heard an urgent whisper coming from behind her."This way,quick , I know another way out!"Spinning around, Lacey was shocked to see another cheerleader standing in the bathroom behind her. She hadn't known anyone else was in there with her,

13、 but there stood a blonde girl in a blue cheerleading uniform. The name Alicia was spelled out in gold letters on her tunic.雷茜竭盡全力想推開浴室的房門,但它依舊沒有任何動靜。這棟 老建筑已經在地震中變了形,房門自然也已經扭曲得不像樣。隨后, 她聽到了一陣急促的低語從她身后傳來,“這邊走,我知道另一條出 路?!崩总缇X地環(huán)顧四周,驚訝地發(fā)現浴室里竟然有一個啦啦隊隊 長正站在她的身后。雷茜甚至不知道這房間里還會有其他人,但在她 面前,的的確確站著個亞麻色頭發(fā)的女孩,還穿著啦

14、啦隊的隊服。在 她的運動衣上的金色卡片上赫然寫著“艾麗卡”。The girl began prying at a large piece of plywood on the far wall. The plywood had been revealed when the tiles covering it had shaken off in the tremor. The plywood came off with a loud groan, and Lacey followed the girl into a dark musty hallway. Thick dust covered th

15、e floor and spider web blurred the dim ceiling. It was obvious that this place hadn't been used in a long time. The only light came from a grimy window at the far end of the hall, and Lacey hurried to keep the blue uniform in sight. Broken glass fallen plaster and other things that Lacey didn

16、9;t want to think about crunched under her feet as she made her way towards the distant light. To her relief, she realized that the light was coming from a door leading to the outside. The blonde girl pushed open the door and indicated that Lacey should exit first. Lacey stumbled into the sunlight a

17、nd gasped the fresh air. Almost immediately an aftershock shook the earth and Lacey was knocked to the ground. When she stood up, the girl was gone and the door was closed.那個女孩開始對著遠處墻上的一大塊膠合板開始祈禱,余震中簌 簌而下的瓦礫使膠合板慢慢的裸露了出來。雷茜跟著那女孩跑進了一 個黑暗而又充滿霉味的大廳過道。地板上布滿了濃厚的灰塵,朦朧的 天花板上布滿了一層又一層的蜘蛛網。顯然,這處地方已經好久沒有 人來過了。只

18、有一絲亮光從遠處盡頭的玻璃窗投射在地板上。雷茜緊 跟著藍衣服的女孩。破碎的玻璃,下墜的水泥,還有其他雜物讓雷茜 不顧一切地沖向遠處的亮光。當她逃出過道時,她意識到那亮光是從 一個門縫外面?zhèn)鬟^來的。那個女孩推開了大門,并示意讓雷茜第一個 出去。雷茜跌跌撞撞地闖進了亮光中,大口地呼吸著新鮮的空氣。就 在此時,又是一波余震襲來,雷茜倒在了地上,當她再一次爬起來的 時候,那個女孩隨著那扇大門的關閉,她就這樣消失不見了。Lacey's coach came running towards her, shouting to rescue workers that Lacey had been fo

19、und. Urgently, Lacey pleaded with the workers to find Alicia, to find the girl who had led her to safety. The door was pried open and the party entered the dusty hallway. Oddly, only one set of footprints could be seen winding down the dusty hallway, but workers followed them quickly to the abandone

20、d bathroom. Alicia was nowhere to be seen.雷茜的教練立即朝她趕了過來。大聲地對著救護隊喊著雷茜已經 被發(fā)現了。雷茜不顧自己的傷勢,讓救護隊員趕緊去那個協助她脫離 險境的艾麗卡。房門被撬了開了,救援隊伍沖進了布滿塵埃的大廳過 道,但是奇怪的是,在大廳的過道中只有一條彎彎曲曲的腳步,救援 隊伍隨后又沖進了棄置的浴室,但他們還是沒有發(fā)現艾麗卡。Later, in her living room at home Lacey was propped up on the couch recovering from her ordeal. Luckily no on

21、e had been hurt in the quake. Alicia had never been located, but no cheerleaders were missing, so it was assumed she'd been a girl from another squad. A knock was heard at the door, and Lacey could hear her mother speaking softly with a woman at the door. After she led a blonde woman into the ro

22、om and introduced her to Lacey awhile. The woman said she'd like to talk to Lacey for a bit if she was up to it. This is what she told her :之后,在雷茜家的起居室內,從災難中脫險的雷茜被教練扶了起 來。幸運的是,沒有人在地震中受傷,救護隊伍至始至終都沒有找到 艾麗卡,也沒有什么啦啦隊隊長失蹤的消息,所以人們都猜測艾麗卡 她可能是另一個隊伍中的救護隊員。此時,想起了一陣敲門聲,雷茜 聽見了她的媽媽正在門口和一個女人竊竊私語 . 在雷茜的媽媽將這女人 領到雷茜面前時,那女人說她希望能夠和雷茜談談,如果雷茜不介意的話。下面就是那個女人告訴雷茜的話:The woman whose name was Amy Porter had been a cheerleader along with her twin sister Alicia, at the old school many years ago. One night during cheerleading practice, a terrible earthquake had hit. Alicia and Amy ha


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