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1、語言學導(dǎo)論第05章練習及答案SemantiCSI. DeCide Whether each Of the following StatementS is TrUe Or False.I. DiaIeCtal SynOnymS Can Often be found in different regiOnal dialects SUCh as BritiSh EngIiSh and AmenCan English but cannot be found Within the Vanety itself, for example Within BntiSh EngliSh Or AmeriCan E

2、nglish2.Sense is COnCerned With the relationship between the IingUiStiC element and the nonlinguistic WOrId Of e×perience, While the reference deals With the in here nt mea ning Of the Iin guistic form.3.Linguistic forms having the Same SenSe may have different references in different SitUatiOn

3、S4.In Semantics, meaning Of IangUage is COnSidered as the intrinsic and inherent relation to the PhySiCal WOrld Of experience5. Contextualism is based On the PreSUmPtiOn that One can derive meaning from Or reduce meaning to ObSerVable contexts.6. Behaviorists attempted to define the meaning Of a Ian

4、guage form as the SitUatiOn in WhiCh the SPeaker UtterS it and the respOnSe it CallS forth in the hearer7. The meaning Of a SentGnCG is the SUrn total Of the meanings Of all its COmP On ents 8. MOSt Ianguages have SetS Of IeXiCal items Similar in meaning but ranked differe ntly accords ng to their d

5、egree Of formality 9. ''it is hotz is a no-place PrediCatiOn because it contains no argument.10.In grammatical analysis the SentenCe is taken to be the basic Unit but in Semantic analysis Of a Sentence, the basic Unit is PrediCation, WhiCh is the abstractiOn Of the meaning Of a SentenceII. F

6、iII in each Of the following blanks With One WOrd WhiCh begins With the Ietter given.II.SCan be defined as the StUdy Of meaning.12. The COnCePtUaIiSt VieW holds that there is no dIink between aIinguistic form and What it refers to.13. Rmeans What a IingUiStiC form refers to in the real, PhySiCalworl

7、d: it deals With the relationship between the Iinguistic element and the non-linguistic WOrId Of experience.14. Words that are CIOSe in meaning are CaIled S15. When two WOrdS are identical in SoUneL but different in SPeIIing andmeaning they are Called h16. ROPPOSiteS are PairS Of WOrdS that exhibit

8、the reversal Of arelatiOnShiP between the two items.17. Canalysis is based UPon the belief that the meaning Of a WOrd canbe divided into meaning COmPOnents.18. Whether a SentenCe is Semantically meaningful is governed by rulesCaIled SrestrictiOns, WhiCh are COnStraints On What IeXiCal items Cango Wi

9、th What OtherS19. An ais a IOgiCal PartiCiPant in a PrediCatiOrU IargeIy identicalWith the nominal element (S) in a sentence.20. According to the ntheory Of meaning, the WOrdS in a Ianguage aretaken to be IabeIS Of the ObjeCtS they stand for.III. There are four ChOiCeS following each StatenIent. Mar

10、k the ChOiCe that Can best COmPIete the Statement.21. The n ami ng theory is advanced byA. PIatOB. BlOOmfieIdC. GeOffrey LeeChD. Firth22. 'We Shall know a WOrd by the COmPany it keeps." ThiS StatementrepresentsA. the COnCePtUaliSt VieW B Conte×utalismC. the n ami ng theory D. behaviori

11、sm23. WhiCh Of the following is not true?A. SenSe is COnCer ned With the in here nt mea ning Ofthe Iin guistic form.B. SenSe is the COIIeCtiOn Of all the features Of the IingUiStiC form.C. SGnSe is abstract and de-cOnte×tualizedD. SenSe is the aspect Of meaning dictiOnary COmPilerS are not inte

12、rested in.24. VCan I borrow your bike? ,UYOU have a bike."A. is SynOnymous WithB is inCOnSiStent WithC. entailsD. PreSUPPoSeS25. is a Way in WhiCh the meaning Of a WOrd can be dissectedinto meaning COmPOnents, CaIled Semantic featuresA. PrediCatiOn analysisB COmPOnential analysisC. PhOnernic an

13、alysisD GrammatiCal analysis26. ''alive" and ''deadz, are.A. gradable antonyms B. rebtional OPPOSiteSC. COmPlementaryD. NOne Of the abovean tonyms27. deals With the relatiOnShiP between the Iinguistic elementand the non-linguistic WOrId Of e×perience.A. ReferenceB. COnCePtC

14、. SemanticsD SenSe28. refers to the PhenOmenon that WOrdS having differentmeanings have the Same form.A. POlySemyBSynOnyrnyC. HOmOnyrnyDHyPonymy29. Words that are ClOSe in meaning are CalledA. hornOnymsB.POlySemyC. hypOnymsDSynOnyms30. The grammaticality Of a Sentence is governed by.A. grammatical r

15、ules B SeleCtiOnal restrictionsC. Semantic rulesD Semantic featuresIV. Define the following terms.31.Sema ntics32.SenSe33.reference34.SynOnymy35.POIySemy36.horn Onymy37.homophones3&HOmOgraPhS39.COmPIetehomonyms40.hyp Onymy41.an tonymy42.COmP On entialan alysis43.grammatical44.PrediCatiO n45.ArgU

16、me ntmea ning46.PrediCate47.TWO-PlaCePrediCatiOnV. AnSWer the following questions.31. Why do We Say that a meaning Of a Sentence is not the SUrn total Of the meanings Of all its COmPOnents?32. What is COmPOnential analysis? IllUStrate it With examples33. How do you distinguish between Gntailment and

17、 PreSUPPOSitiOn in terms Of truth ValUes?34. How do you account for SUCh SenSe relations between Sentences as SynOnymous relation, inconSiStent relatiOn in terms Of truth values?35. According to the Way SynonymS differ, how many groups can We CIaSSify Synonyms into? IllUStrate them With examples36.

18、What are the major VieWS COnCerning the StUdy Of meaning? HOW they differ?SUggeSted AnSWerSI. DeCide Whether each Of the following StatementS is TrUe Or False.I.F2.F 3.T4.F 5.T6.T7.F &丁 9.T10.TII. FiIl in each Of the following blanks With One WOrd WhiCh begins With the Ietter given.11.Sema n12.d

19、irect13.Refere n14.SynOny15.homophoticsCemsnes16.ReIatiO17.COmP OneSeleCtiO19.argum20.n aming8ntialnalentIII. There are four ChOiCeSfollowingeachStatement.Mark theChOiCe that Can best COmPlete the Statemente2I.A 22.B 23.D 24.D 25.B 26.C 27.A28.C 29.D 30.AIV. Define the following terms.31. Semantics:

20、 SemantiCS Can be SimPIy defined as the StUdy Of meaning in Ianguage32. Sen se: SenSe is COn Cer ned With the inhere nt mea ning Ofthe Iin guistic form. It is the COIIeCtiOn Of all the features Of the Iinguistic form: it is abstract and de -Conte×tualized33. Reference: ReferenCe means What a Ii

21、nguistic form refers to in the real, PhySiCal world: it deals With the relationship between the Iinguistic element and the non-IingUiStiC WOrld Of e×perience34 SynOnymy: SynOnymy refers to the Sameness Or ClOSe Similanty Of mea ning.35. POIySemy: POlySemy refers to the fact that the Same One WO

22、rd may have more than One meaning.36. Homonymy: HOmOnyrny refers to the PhenOmenon that WOrdS having different meanings have the Same form, i.e. different WOrdS are identical in SOUnd Or SPeIling, oin both37. HOrnOPhOnes: When two WOrdS are identical in SOUnd, they are Called homoph On es.38 Homogra

23、phs: When two WOrdS are identical in SPelling, they are homographs 39. COmPIete homonyms: When two WOrdS are identical in both SOUnd and SPeIling they are Called COmPIete homonyms40. HyPOnymy: HyPOnyrny refers to the SenSe relation between a more gen era L more inclusive WOrd and a more SPeCifiC WOr

24、d 41. AntOnymy:AntOnymy refers to the relatiOn Of OPPOSiteness Ofmea ning.42. COmPOnential analysis: COmPOnGntial analysis is a Way to analyze WOrd meaning. It WaS PrOPOSed by StrUCtUral SemantiCiStS The approach is based On the belief that the meaning Of a WOrd can be divided into meaning COmPOnent

25、s, WhiCh are CaIled Semantic features43. The grammatical meaning: The grammatical meaning Of a Sentence refers to its grammaticality , i.e. its grammatical well-formedness The grammaticality Of a Sentence is governed by the grammatical rules Of the Ian guage 44. PrediCation: The PrediCatiOn is the a

26、bstractiOn Of the meaning Of a sentence.45. ArgUment: An argument is a IOgiCal PartiCiPant in a PrediCatiOn. It is gen erally ide ntical With the nominal eleme nt (S) in a Sen tence 46. PrediCate: A PrediCate is SOmething that is Said about an argument Or it StateS the IOgiCal relation Iinking the a

27、rguments in a Sentence47. TWO-PIaCe PrediCatiOrk A two-place PrediCatiOn is One WhiCh COntainS two argumentsV. AnSWer the following questions.48 Why do We Say that a meaning Of a Sentence is not the SUrn total Of the meanings Of all its COmPOnGnts?The meaning Of a SentGnCe is not the SUrn total Of t

28、he meanings Of all its COmPOnents because it cannot be WOrked OUt by adding UP all the meanings Of its COnStitUent words. FOr example:(A) The dog bit the man.(B) The man bit the dogIf the meaning Of a Sentence Were the SUm total Of the meanings Of all its COmPOnents, then the above two SentenCeS WOU

29、Id have the Same meaning. In fact they are different in meanings.AS We know, there are two aspects to Sentence meaning: grammatical meaning and Semantic meaning. The grammatical meanings Of Uthe dog,z and Uthe man" in ( A) are different from the grammatical meanings Ofuthe dog,z and Uthe man&qu

30、ot; in (B) The meaning Of a SentenCG is the PrOdUCt Of both IeXiCal and grammatical meaning. It is the PrOdUct Of the meaning Of the COnStitUent WOrdS and Of the grammatical COnStrUCtiOns that relate One WOrd Syntagmatically to ano ther 49. What is COmPOnGntial analysis? IlIUStrate it With examples.

31、COmPOnential analysis, PrOPOSed by StrUCtUral SemantiCists, is a Way to analyze WOrd meaning. The approach is based On the belief that the meaning Of a WOrd can be divided into meaning components, WhiCh are CaIled Semantic features PlUS and minus SignS are USed to indicate Whether a Certain Semantic

32、 feature is PreSent Or absent in the meaning Of a word, and these feature SymbOlS are USUally Written in CaPitaliZed letters. FOr example, the WOrd ''man,z is analyzed as COnSiSting Of the Semantic features Of + HUMAN, + ADULT, + ANIMATE, +MALE50. HOW do you distinguish between entailment an

33、d PreSUPPOSitiOn in terms Of truth ValUes?EntaiIment is a relation Of inclusiOrL SUPPOSe there are two SentGnCeS X and Y:X: He has been to France.Y: He has been to EUrOPeIn terms Of truth values, if X is true> Y is necessarily true> e.g. if he has been to France, he must have been to EUrOPeIf

34、X is false, Y may be true Or false> e. g. if he has not been to France, he may StiIl have been to EUrOPe Or he has not been to EUrOPe. IfY is true, X may be true Or false, e.g. if he has been to Europe, he may Or may not have been to FranCeIfY is false, X is false, e.g. If he has not been to Euro

35、pe, he cannot have been to FranCeTherefOre We ConClUde that X Gntails YOr Y is an entailment Of X.The truth Conditions that We USe to judge PreSUPPOSitiOn is as follows:SUPPOSe there are two SentenCeS X and Y:X: John's bike needs repaidngY: JOhn has a bike.IfX is true> Y must be true. e.g. if

36、 JOh n's bike n eeds repaid ng, JOhn must have a bikeIfX is false. Y is StiIl true, e. g If John's bike does not need repairlng, JOhn StiIl has a bike If Y is true, X is either true Or false, e.g. if JOhn has a bike, it may Or may not need repairing If Y is false, no truth ValUe can be Said

37、about X, e.g. if John does not have a bike, nothing can be Said about Whether his bike n eeds repaid ng Or not. TherefOre , X PreSUPPOSeS Y F OrYiSa PreSUPPOSitiOn Of X.51. HOW do you account for SUCh SenSe relations between Sentences as SynOnymous relation, inconSiStent relatiOn in terms Of truth v

38、alues?In terms Of truth COnditiOrh Of the two Sentences X and Y, if X is true, Y is true: if X is false. Y is false, therefore X is SynOnymous With Y.e.g X: He WaS a bachelor all his Iife.Y: He never married all his life.Of the two Sentences X and Y, if X is true, Y is false: if X is false, Y is tru

39、e> then We Can Say A is incOnSiStent With Y.e.g. X: JOhn is marriedY: JOhn is a bachelo52 ACCOrding to the WayS SynOnyms differ, how many groups Can We ClaSSify SynOnyms into? IllUStrate them With examplesACCOrding to the WayS SynOnymS differ, SynOnyms Can be divided into the following groups.i.

40、DialeCtal SynOnymSThey are SynonymS WhiCh are USed in different regional dialects BritiSh English and AmeriCan English are the two major geographical VarietieS Of the English Ianguage. FOr examples:BritiSh EnglishAmeriCanEngliShautumnfallIiftelevatorThen dialectalSynOnymS can also befoundWithin Brit

41、ish, Or AmeriCanEnglish itself. FOr example, "girl" is CaIled "lass" Or "lassie" in SCOttiSh dialect, and "liquor" is CalIed "whisky" in IriSh dialect.ii. StyliStiC SynOnymSThey are SynonymS WhiCh differ in Style Or degree Of formality. SOme Of the S

42、tyliStiC Synonyms tend to be more formal, OtherS tend to be CaSUaL and Still OtherS are neutral in Style FOr example:OId man, daddy, dad, father, male Parentchap, PaL friend, COmPani Oniii. SynOnymS that differ in their emotive Or evaluative meaningThey are the WOrdS that have the Same meaning but e

43、xpress different emotions Of the USer The emotions Of the USer indicate the attitude Or bias Of the USer toward What he is talking about FOr example, ''collaborator" and UaCCOmPIice,z are SynOnymous, Sharing the meaning Of "a PerSOn WhO helps another, but they are different in thei

44、r evaluative meaning. The former means that a PerSOn WhO helps another in doing SOmething good While the Iatter refers to a PerSOn WhO helps another in a Criminal activ. COllOCatiOnal SynonymsThey are SynOnyms WhiCh differ in their COlIOCatiOn. Foexample. We Can USe accuse, charge, rebuke to Say that SOmeOne has done SOmething wrong Or even CriminaL but they are USed With different PrePOSitiOnS accuse of, Charge with, rebuke.forv. Semantically different SynonymsSemantically different SynonymS refer to the SynOnymS that differ SlightIy in What they mean. FOr example, "amaze" and ,a


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