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1、口語五級(jí)六個(gè)話題三一五級(jí)常見話題一.話題:關(guān)于節(jié)日西方節(jié)日Christmas day1. Whe n is Christmas dayChristmas day is on Dec. 2$ . people usually have severals days off from their work.2. How do people celebrate on Christmas day.People go shop ing before Christmas so the shops are very busy. People celebrate Christmas in several way

2、s. They decorate Christmas trees, excha nge prese nts, sing son gs, eat candy and hang up stock in gs. They have a big family dinner. They also tell stories about Santa Claus. Santa Claus flies all over the world on Christmas Eve, the night before Christmas, and gives presents to all the children. O

3、n Christmas morning when children wake up, they run to the Christmas tree to see what toys Santa has brought them.3. why it is important or why you like itChristmas is an important Western holiday. All the family memebers come together to celebrate it. It is time for family reunion.Tha nksgi ving Da

4、y1. When is Thanksgiving DayTha nksgi ving Day is the fourth Thursday of November2. what Thanksgiving Day means.( why it is important or why you like it)Thanksgiving Day was originally a harvest festival. Like Mid-autumn Day in China. It is a festival to express our gratitude to our families, friend

5、s, relatives and neighbours.3. What people usually do on Thanksgiving Day.People ofte n have a big family dinner on this day. Roast turkey is the traditi onal dish for tha nkgi ving dinner and America ns like to watch a big football game on TV.Hallowee n!1. WhenHalloween is celebrate on the night of

6、 October 31th.2. How do people celebratePeople play a lot of games and dress up as ghosts and witches. You can see many pumpk in lanterns at Hallowee n. kids ofte n go to n eighbours' houses, knock on their doors and say“ treat and trickThey can get a lot of can dies.中國(guó)傳統(tǒng)年過節(jié)日Spring Festival 春節(jié)Sp

7、ring Festival is the most importa nt festival in Chin a. It is on the first day of the first l un ar mon th 陰歷正月).On the eve of the festival, people will paste spring poems貼春聯(lián))with lucky words. They prepare delicious food, dumpling is a must. They also clean their house, but there is no sweeping on

8、spring festival for people th ink it will sweep away good luck. People ofte n come back home to enjoy family reunion, the whole family will get together for the big dinner. They also exchange greeting with other friends and relatives.Drag on Boat Festival 端午節(jié)This day is on the fifth of the fifth lun

9、ar mon th, People ofte n get together to watch the won derful “ Dragon Boat Race龍舟大賽),Rice dumpling is a must on Dragon Boat Festival. This festival is in memory of the poet n amed Qu Yua n.Mid-autu mn Day 中秋節(jié)It comes on the 15th of the eighth lunar mon th. People ofte n gaze at the嫦娥')Lady in t

10、heenjoy the moon. And we can eat moon cakes and all kinds of fruits, Mid-autumn Day is also a family reuion. People miss families very much.Lantern Festival 元宵節(jié)It comes on the 15th of the first lunar month and it marks the end of the Spring Festival. On this day, people ofte n eat sweet dumpli ngs元宵

11、)for good luck. They will visit the display of lanterns(燈展)or go for temple fair(廟會(huì))New Year 元旦It falls on the first day of the year. It marks the beg inning of a year. People will pla n what to do in the new year. Because they believe that the whole year's work depe nds on a good start in spri

12、ng.二.話題:生日1. When is your birthday?My birthday is on2. What do your family usually do for me?My family usually buy me a birthday cake and noodles.they will make some noodles and take photoes fo rme.3. The birthday presents I have received.I have received a watch, a PSP,a nd an IPAD4. what will you d

13、o on your birthday and why?I will eat cake and noodles. May I will take a trip with my parents5. How do you feel about birthdays and why?I feel it t is very importa nt for me because it mea ns I grow up one year.a nd I have more things to do.Futhure more I will take more resp on sibilities.6. Is you

14、r birthday important for you and your family? Why?It is really importa nt. Because my pare nts love me so much. And I love them, too. They do a ot for me I want to tha nk them on my birthday.7. Will your parents hold a birthday party for you?No, I just celebrate it with my parents at home.8. What pr

15、esents will you buy for your friend?I will not buy presents for them. I will give them card made by myself. They will like it ver much. Or I will play games with them.9. how much money will you spe nd on birthday prese nt every year?I don ' t know.10. what do you think is the most valuable prese

16、 nt for your birthday?The most valuable prese nt for me is a useful gift and somethi ng relate(有(關(guān))to my hobbies. Last year myparents gave me an IPAD. So I can play interesting games on it. That' s really good. Also wheplay it everywhere. And my parents can enjoy the songs,movies and play gams w

17、ith me.11. what did you do on your last birthday?My pare nts and I ate out and they gave me a surprise. Because they bought me an IPAD that I have expected for a long time.三.話題:近期發(fā)生的事情Sports meet1. when and where will you hold the sports meet?We will hold it before MID-term exam on our school playgr

18、ound.2. why it ' s one of the most important events in your school?Because there is on ly once sports meeet in a term. And all the classmates will join it. Also it gives us an opportunity to practise our body and make our mind strong. The sports meet is very interesting and we all look forward t

19、o it.3. Different games at the sports meet and the ones I prefer?There are high jump, l ong jump and running in the sports meet. I prefer running because I am good at it. Once I got the first prize.4. what have you done to prepare for it?Our school has prepared posters and colourful flags. And all t

20、he classmates have practised.5. who do you think will win,and why?I think class 3 grade 5 will win because every time they win, the players in their class are excellent.Weeke nds1. what do you usually do at weekend?I usually read books,watch tv and play computer games. Sometimes I have classes and v

21、isit my gran dpare nts.2. what did you last weekend?I read books, watched tv, played computer games at home on Saturday and my pare nts and I climb theFragrant Hill 香山 and Badachu Park八大處.3. how do you feeel at weeke nds?I feel busy and interesting at weekends. Sometimes I feel tired but I enjoyed m

22、yself.4. what activities do you prefer?I prefer climb ing the mountains because I can breath the fresh air and be close to the n ature. On the mountain I also enjoy the beautiful views. The most impotant thing i think is I can keep health.5. what will you probably do next weekend?I will do my homewo

23、rk, read books and visit my gran dpare nts.Holiday 假日1. when and where did your family go on vacation? My family went to xi ' an last summer vacation by train. We stayed there for 5 days.2. what did you do together there?3. We visited many museums. For example Shanxi province museum. And we visi

24、ted the famous place-Terra-Cotta Warriors(兵 馬俑).After visit ing them, I got kno wledge about chi nese history and ope n mymi nd. We also taste the spcial food of xi' an. Fo rexamp Steamdeitrniattd n bubble羊 肉泡饃.They are different from the food in Beijing.4. why it ' s important fo rmy family

25、 to go on vacation together?We should have time to relax together because my parents works busy and I study hard. They have little to play with me. So it is a good chance for us to reunion. I will never forget the experiences with parents.5. your family ' s plan for the next vacationwe plan to g

26、o to Huai ruo of Beijing because the roast fish of there is really delicious.6. the best vacation you have ever had, and whythe best vacation I have ever had is the trip to XI' AN. It is the Iongest trip with my parents and Imany museums.Hobby愛好1. what my hobby is (what do you like doing in your

27、 spare time?) and how long I have been interested in it? My hobby is play ing computer games.a nd I have bee n in terested in it 8 years.2. how I started.Once I saw my father was playing it. I had a try. I found it was so interesting because when I succeeded I soon became fond of it.3. why I prefer

28、it to other hobbies./ what have you lear ned from it.I prefer it because it make me relax. And I can play it at any time if I am free. Also I make lots of friendsby play ing it.I also like swmming. But it is hard for me to enjoy it every day and I can't share with myI really learned a lot from i

29、t. To some degree, playing games make me quick to see colourful things. It is interesting to know many flowers ' names when I enjoy Plaets vs. Zombies.四.話題:MusicChin ese in strume ntsGuzhe ng pipa drum erhuWestern in strume ntsPiano violin saxophone's? ks?f?un guitar fluteKind/ type of music

30、Chinese music; western music Light music ;heavy musicClassical music; pop music; jazz; folk music; coutry music; rock and roll; hip pop1. Which do you prefer ,Chinese music or western music?I like Chinese music, because it is native and tradition. It is easy to understand the songs.2. which do you p

31、erfer heavy music or light music?I like light music because whe n i make me relax, I prefer someth ing quiet. and heavy music is too no siy.3. which do you prefer pop music or classical music?I definitely prefer pop music because it sounds nice and easy to learn and remember. The pop music mane the

32、world closer. Classical music is more serious and sad.it is hard to un dersta nd.4. what kind of music do you like?I prefer liste n to pop music because it sounds nice and easy to lear n.5. do you prefer differe nt music in the morning and in the after noon?I like light music in the after noon becau

33、se whe n i make me relax, but in the morning I like jazz or rock and roll. That ' s helps me wake up, I feel excited to go to school?6. Do you dow nl oad music from internet or buy CDS?( How you liste n to this ki nd of music )I dow nl oad from internet I thi nk it is easier and cheaper to get s

34、ongs on the in ternet. And I liste n to music on my computer.7. who is your favourite artist(si nger)I just like to listen the mucis or songs I like. It doesn' t depend on who sings it.8. have you ever bee n to the con cert?No. I haven ' t.9. Do you thi nk differe nt people have differe nt t

35、aste in music?Of course differe nt people have differe nttastes in music. That depe nds on their pers on alities.some people like classical or light music because they are quiet. some people like rock and roll.some peopdon ' t like music.10. Do you like to liste ning to music?(where do you liste

36、 n to music)Just so so.i am not sure. I think liste ning to music is waste of time.i prefer play ing computer games tha n liste n to it. I just liste n whe n I am in my fatherliste n to thesrcairoVMftaybe my pare nts like to liste n.And they ofte n liste n to the pop music.11. do you think children

37、should play instruments?It is good that a child can play an in strume nt. But only they really love play ing it. If not, childre n will hate music. At last it will just waste the time. For me I don ' t like play any instrument. But I can learn musickno wledge in my school.12. can music affect pe

38、ople's mood(what fuinctiodoes music play in your life)?Music is a way to express people' s fealinge.happy you can enjoy the beautiful music. If you aresan or an gry. Some music may help you to cha nge your mood.五.話題:Entertainment娛樂Ways of en terta inment:see a film ; watch tv; go to a bar; j

39、ion differe nt club; go dancing; do some sports; read bookskinds of moviecarto ons comedies tragedies scie nee fictio n actio n movies thrillers1. What do you usually do for the entertainment? (why do you like to read books?)I usually read books after Ifinishing my homework. I like weapons兵器 very mu

40、ch so the books I read are all about arms. Here are some books I always read. They are ARMS; SMALL ARMS ; famous gunsn amed min gqia ng. It is so in teresti ng to see all kinds of arms. They are won derful whe n you see the shape or the fun ctio n of them. I am always attracted by them and forget to

41、 sleep.2. How ofte n do you see a film at the cin ema?( How ofte n do you go to the cin ema ? why?)Twice a year. I like see ing movies at the cin ema because it has a bigger scree n and better soun d.but my pare nts and I do not have eno ugh time to the cin ema. So sometimes we enjoys movies at home

42、 on internet or DVD player.3. what will you do for the en terta inment n ear future?I will play computer games. My classmates and I are all in terested in a game n amed pla nts vs zombies.4. Who is your favorite (movie) star ?why ?Guo Degang is my favorite star. He looks funny and I like hiscross ta

43、lk very much. for example, how is yourpressure? It is pretty humorous. His way of talking is interesting. He is alao a host(主持人)of some program. Sometimes he is aactor in the movie or play.5. what kind of movie do you like ? which film do you like best? Why(story about itI like action ande science f

44、iction moviees. I like Inception best. It is the most interesting and attractive movie that I have see n.the plot is very good and n ew.Dom Cobb d?m k?b is a skilled thief, he can get valuable secrets from deep sleeping person when the pers on ' s mi nd is at its mosiln erable. 'v ?l n?r?bl易

45、受攻擊的 dream state. Cobb's rare ability has made him a welcome player in this new spy world, but it has also made him an intern ati on al fugitiv'fju:d ?itiv逃 亡 and cost him everything he has ever loved. The last task is not to steal an idea but to pla植入 one. If they succeed, it could be the p

46、erfect crime. The enemy is very dangerous and only Cobb could do it.6. And what will you see next?I am not sure n ext film, but I think I will choose some acti on movies.7. Do you like watching television? How often and What kind of television programs do you like best?Sometimes I watch the programs

47、 that in troduce famous see nery around the world, or the kno wledge about animals .my favourite program is aboutnationaldefensdi'fens and military 'milit ?ri國(guó)防軍事.I learn and enjoy the beautiful arms and know many wars of our countriy and other countries in the history. Watch ing televisi on

48、 is a good way to relax because there are many en terta ining programs on differe nt cha nn els.8.Do you prefer listening to the radio or watching television?Most of the time, I prefer watching television rather than listening to the radio. Television is much better than video because it has picture

49、s. I always think that pictures can offer more information than mere sounds.9. What do you think of violence on TV and films?People often say that the violence can make the programs or movies more exciting. Some producers, in order to meet the taste of some audie nces, add much more viole nce into t

50、he movies to make the plot more exciting. i also think if there is no violence in action movie , it will be boring but I hope all the movies have viole nce, we n eed differe nt kind of movies.10. what are your pare nts en terta inment?My parents like watching TV when they are free, and the favourite

51、 one is football game.六. 話題: cars and bicycles詞匯pretect the en vir onment保護(hù)環(huán)境En courage 鼓勵(lì)A(yù)llow允許Passe nger 乘客Nature sce nery 自然風(fēng)景Traffic jam交通擁堵Peak time高峰期Traffic accide nt 交通事故Pollute the air 污染空氣Air pollution空氣污染Noise pollutio n 噪音污染Lack en ergy缺乏能源Exhaust fumes 廢氣說出幾種基本的交通工具的優(yōu)點(diǎn)和缺點(diǎn) 可以參考書中109頁(yè)練習(xí)和

52、122頁(yè)inmy group 段落1. how do you go to school every day?I usually take a subway to school. Because it is fast,cheap and convient for me being at school on time Another reason is I can meet my classmats on the subway.we talk funny things when we are on it.2. .how does your father or mother go to work e

53、very day?(why does your father go to worlk by car?)He / she usually takes subway. There are so many cars in this cities. And traffic jams often happen duringthe peak time.高峰時(shí)間)so he / she goes to work by subway.2. how long does it take you to go to school?It takes me about 20 minutes to my school. I

54、t is not very far. It's ok.3. what are the advantages and dis advantages of this mean of transport?Taking a subway is fast, it saves your time. Also there are many lines in Beijing now so it is convient to take it. It is cheap.But it is crowded in the subway.4. what other transport will you try

55、in the future?Maybe I will ride a bike. I just ride in our neighourhood. I want to go more places than now.4. where would you prefer to go for the summer holiday?I 'd like to go to Changchun with my parents.5. how do you prefer to go there?By train.although it will take a bit long time but it is

56、 comfortable and I can see beautiful sights in the north.6. how longare you staying there?About four days. My new term is coming. I should do some preparations.7. what will you do there?We will go to Changbai Mountains to seeTiangchi. My father told me that Changbai Mountains is in the northeastern of China. There is a famous wonderland calleTdianchi. Tiangchi means “the lake on the sky in Chinese. It is beautiful and magic. So I look forward to seeing it.8. do you have a car of your own?No, I am onle 11 yeas old.it's not allowed.9. w


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