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1、第12頁(共21頁)2020年貴州省遵義市中考英語試卷第一部分聽力(共2小節(jié)f滿分7.5分)第一節(jié)聽力選擇(共5小題r每小題1.5分r共計(jì)22.5分)A.圖片理解請聽句子從A. B、C中選擇與句子意思相符的正確圖片,并用2B鉛筆把答題卡上對應(yīng)題目的答案標(biāo)號涂黑.(聽兩遍)B.c.C.5 (15 分)B.小對話理解請聽對話及問題,從A. B. C中選擇正確的答案r并用2B鉛筆把答題卡上對應(yīng)題目的答案標(biāo)號涂黑(聽兩遍)6 ( 15 分)A In the hotel .B In the factoryC . In the bookstore7 ( 15 分)A SOmetimeS .B HardIy

2、 ever .C NeVer 8 ( 15 分)A ROCk InUSiC B CIaSSiC InUSiC .C Light music 9 ( 15 分)A SPring B SUmmer .C Willter 10 . ( 1.5 分)A DOing SPOrtS B Staying UP Iate .C StUdying for a test G長對話理解請聽長對話I根據(jù)其內(nèi)容從A、B、C中選擇能回 答所給問題的最佳答案并用2B鉛筆把答題卡上對應(yīng)題目的答案標(biāo) 號涂黑.(聽三遍)11 .( 7.5 分)(1 ) What does Lily Wailt to do ?A TO get g

3、ood grades .B TO meet friends C . To be a VOIUIlteer .(2 ) WhO Win go With Mark to the OId PeOPIetS home this Week ?A HiS CIaSSmateS .B HiS PareiltS .C HiS friends (3 ) What time does Mark Start to WOrk On SatUrday afternoon ?A At 2 : OO a . m .B At 2 : OOP m C At 6 : 00 p . m (4 ) HOVV does Mark al

4、ways feel from helping OtherS ?A SatiSfiedB WOrried C EXCited (5 ) Where are they going to meet ?A At the Park .B At the SChOol gate C At the bus StOP .第二節(jié)聽力填空(共1小題I每小題7.5分共計(jì)7.5分D、短文理 解請聽短文根據(jù)其內(nèi)容填寫表格f并將正確答案用黑色墨水筆或 黑色簽字筆填寫在答題卡規(guī)定的位置上.(聽三遍)12(75分)DragOlI BOat FeStiValWhell ?It USUany COmeSin( 1 )-HOW IO

5、ng ?TheV Wellt toQUyUantS hometown forWhat to do ?What to WatCh ?HOW ?( 2 )days They ViSited the museum and( 3 ) SOme PhOtOS .TheValsoWatChedtheboat(4) .It WaS really interesing and(5) .第二部分語篇完形(共2小節(jié)滿分15分)第一節(jié)完形填空閱讀短 文根據(jù)其內(nèi)容從A. B、C. D中選出最佳答案,并用2B鉛筆把 答題卡上對應(yīng)題目的答案標(biāo)號涂黑(共1小題每小題15分共 計(jì)15分)13 ( 15 分)Jim and S

6、teVe Were twins They PIayed on the Samefootball team f and Shared all the Same toys r the Same bedroomand the Same friends They Shared ( 1 ).One SUnday r Jim and SteVe Went( 2 )to ride their blue bike f but they WaIIted to go to different PlaCeS . Their mother heard the two boys arguing and Came OUt

7、Side . She told ( 3 ) to take turns to ride the bike .However r they didn't Wallt to Share it .A few days Iater r their mother brought a pet( 4 )homefor the boys . UCanft We each have OUr OvVll Cat ? ,tasked the boys angrily They Were ( 5 )Of Sharing everything Hrin SOrry . but you must Share On

8、e Cat f the mother Said . ttYou Wiil have to ( 6 )the Cat and make SUre it hasenough food and doesn,t do anything WrOng .l,Then the boys began to Share the jobs One day r the Cat got into the mother's bedroom . After a few minutes f the Cat had fun Playing With the ball Of yarn(線)and (7 ) away t

9、he yarn all OVer the room . SteVe SaW it andquickly Went to find Jim r telling him( 8 )the Cat had done .HOh r no! IttS OUrjOb to Clean UP the mess r ItCried Jim .The boys quickly PiCked UP the yarn and ( 9 )HJUSt think f Jim I if We had two CatS f they VVOUId have madea ( 10 ) mess r ,tsaid SteVe .

10、HThat,s right r UIaUghed Jiln . UMaybe Sharing isnlt SO bad!11(I)A. anyone B . SoineOne C nothing D everything(2 ) A . OUtSide B . insideC IIPStairS D . downstairs(3 ) A . usB themC himD her(4 ) A . dogB CatC fishD bird(5 ) A . tiredB fullC ShOrtD PrOUd(6 ) A . CatChB . meetC feedD beat(7 )A .throwi

11、ng B . givingC running D . going(8 ) A . WhereB WhyC vhatD who(9 )A .put it UPB PUtit C PUt it OnD PUt it OfTback(10 )A .happier B . easier C SmalIer D bigger第二節(jié)口語交際(共I小題r每小題10分共計(jì)10分)情景七選 五請閱讀下面一段對話,根據(jù)其情景,從方框內(nèi)七個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出能 填人對話的五個(gè)選頂并用2B鉛筆把答題卡上對應(yīng)題目的答案標(biāo)號Aft 14(10分)Hi' I i I Cl Hn%s JrC)ou p)kn lhc¼

12、; d4>j>?HUAWTSMiy?I hope 3. BUt OnCe 1 PIay COrnPUter gmeaner CIKi.n)y PafCfUiIl be Angr)!Staybe jour ParenUarcnght. .fler all. PhMng ginc¾ IoO LOEg IS bad lor vow CyCS f 4 / _OK lTuka l( Mr. WXngA PleaSe remember to PrOteCt your eyes B HaVe a good day f bye!C DOnt WOrry!You WiIl go back

13、to SChOOl SOOn D I have to go to SChOOl everyday .E BeCaUSe I Call Play basketball Wih my neighbors .F BeCaUSe I have to take OnIine IeSSOnS at home .G ACtUally , I feel a Iittle bit bored (1) (2)(3)(4)(5)_第三部分閱讀.詞匯與語法(共4小節(jié)f滿分40分)第一節(jié)案標(biāo)號涂 黑閱讀詞匯與語法(共4小節(jié)滿分40分)閱讀理解(共4小題f 每小題10分共計(jì)40分)閱讀材料A、B. C. D .根據(jù)其內(nèi)容

14、選擇 正確答案I并用2B鉛筆把答題卡上對應(yīng)題目的答15(10分)By the YOUthWhen We Were SCared F Sad and WheIl We had COUghS Or fevers F helpless f you gave US COUrage I you I _ f tried your best to Warnlth and hopes SaVe OUr IiVeS ; LOOking after theWhell : We had to Stay at home PatientS in the hospital day and to keep away fro

15、m the illness r IIight r you never gave UP UntiI you r WOrkerS r helped US buy the SiCk got Well .IiVing things ;There are many PeOPle doingLeaVing your ChiIdren behind r jobs in SiIenCe ;you WOrked in the neighborhood There are many PeOPIe giving every day I you never COmPIained hands WithOUt telli

16、ng their but SmiIed the WhOle day .names Whell We needed all kinds Of ThankS for your hard WOrk and materials I you f drivers I drove SeIfIeSSnessthem there WithOUt thinking YOUfre the heroes Of the times twice ;YOUfre the most beautiful in OUrrunning On the StreetS r between heartsthe CiteS f you I

17、nade SUre things We IOVe you!Went Wen as USUaI .(1 ) We had to Stay at home becauseA We didn't Want to go OUtB We had enough foodC We didn't Wallt to WOrkD We Wanted to avoid the illness(2 ) ACCOrding to the POeln r the drivers WereA Warm - heartedB awfulC CrUelD COId(3 ) WhiCh Can be the be

18、st for_ _ ?A SCieiItiStS .B OffiCerS .C doctors and nurses D drivers (4 ) WhattS the WriterS PUrPOSe Of Writing this POein ?A TO ShOW his PraiSeS .B TO ShOVV his regrets .C TO ShOVV his WOrrieS .D TO ShOW his WiSheS .(5 ) What,s the best title for the POem ?A TO the POliteSt PeOPIe B TO the most bea

19、utiful PeOPIe .C TO the CleVereSt PeOPIe D TO the most humorous PeOPle .16 ( 10 分)Many StUdentS in ZUnyi Iike eating OUr IOCal food -InaShed (搗碎的)POtatOeS r because it is CheaP and delicious .However r do you know how to Inake it ? Here are SOme ingredients and StePS .IngredieIItS :Ikg Of POtatOeS25

20、g Of OilSaIt and PePPerStePS :FirSt r Peel the POtatOeS Try to CUt the POtatOeS into SmalI PieCeS SeCOnd r COOk Ihe POtatoeS in a POt filled With Water for half an hour NeXt r WheiI the POtatOeS are SOft r PUt them in a bowl r and InaSh them With a fork After that r add the Oil r Salt and PePPer .If

21、 you Iike r add SOme meat!Finally fry it for a few IllinUteS NOW itls ready .(1 ) The reason Why StUdeIItS in ZUnyi Iike mashed POtatOeS is that.A it's CriSPy and SaltyB it,s CheaP and deliciousC it's SWeet and CheaPD it's expensive and delicious(2 ) What ingredients do We need to make m

22、ashed POtatOeS ? POtatoeS OiI(3)Salt and PePPerSu§arA B C D(3 ) HOvV IOng ShoUId We COOk the POtatOeS in a POt ?A 30 minutes B 45 IllinUteS .C 60 IninUteS .D 90 minutes (4 ) HOW Inany StePS are necessary for making mashed POtatOeS ?A . 2B3C . 4 .(5 ) Where Can you PrObabIy read this PaSSage ?A

23、. In a StOry book .B . In a COOkbOOk .C . In a guidebook D On a news WebSite 17 ( 10 分)China has accepted WeStern fashion and technology as it has developed these years f but a IOt Of young PeOPle are returning to the PaSt for their CIOtheS ChOiCeS and PUtting On traditional*,hanfu AS the government

24、 encourages the renaissance (復(fù)興) Of traditional CUItUre r hanfu is getting more and more PoPUIar With the teenagers . EVery year f We Can enjoy different hanfu ShOWS around the CitieS TheSe ShOWS bring US back to HaIl dynasty We IearIl more about the history r CUltUre and beauty from them HanfU hasn

25、 1 t been in the Same Style SinCe Hail dynasty HOWeVer r this kind Of CIOtheS has Something in COmmOn .They all have Iarge SOft robes(袍子)r With SIeeVeS that hang down to the knees r SO the hands Canft be SeeIl In modern China F the hanfu IOVerS are from history fans r第12貞(共21頁)CartOOIl fans to ClOth

26、eS fans .nClothes are the basic Part Of CUltUre I SO both the traditional ClOtheS and modern CIOtheS Play the Same role in CUItUre r HSaid Zhang JUn r a famous reporter "If the PeOPIe and the COUntry do not even UnderStand OUr traditional CIOtheS Or don,t Wear them f how Can We talk about Other

27、 important PartS Of OUr CUItUre ? H(1 ) What CIOtheS does the PaSSage talk about ?(2 ) HanfU is getting more and more POPUIar becauseA China has accepted WeStern fashionB China has accepted WeStern technologyC China has developed in recent yearsD the government encourages traditional CUltUre(3 ) WhO

28、 are hanfu IOVerS in China nowadays ?A HiStOry fans .B CartOOll fans .C ClOtheS fans .D All Of the above .(4 ) What does the Underlined WOrd nsleeves mean ?A衣領(lǐng)B衣袖C 紐扣D 拉鏈(5 ) ACCOrding to Zhang JUn r he thinks.A CIOtheS are not the Part Of CUltUreB ItIS not necessary for US to Wear hanfuC ClOtheS he

29、lp US UnderStand OUr CUItUre betterD hanfu isn't SO important as modern ClOtheS18 ( 10 分)(T)ChelIIiStry is everywhere in OUr daily Iife SOmetimeS itts easy to See . At Other times . it CaIl be VerV hard to See the everyday ChemiStry at WOrk r but nearly everything you touch has SOme CheiniCaIS (

30、化學(xué)物質(zhì))in it ChemiStry helps to make PrOdUCtS for USe . SOinething as SimPIe as toothpaste has at IeaSt three ChemiCaIS that keep your teeth CIeall .Other things in your daily Iife are Created by ChemiStry rsuch as hair PrOdUCtS and SOaP WithOUt ChemiStry f We WOUId never have known that We need SOaP

31、to get the Oil OUt Of CIOtheS (3)ChemiStry also helps US UnderStand the WOrId around US ThankS to ChemiStry r We know bleach (漂白劑)Calllt be mixed With Vinegar (醋) r because the IiliXtUre CaII PrOdUCe第14頁(共21頁)harmful gas .ChemiStry PlayS a big role in food PreParatiOn COOking food CaUSeS it to go th

32、rough a ChemiCal Change . That is the reason Why COOked food Often tastes different from UnCOOked food TOO much Or too Iittle Of any ChemiCal material InakeS a difference to the result Of baking (烘焙).FOr example I the Cake Can be too SOft Or too hard (S)ChemiStry isnrt SOmething that just IiVeS in a

33、 IabOratOry ; itts Soinethig that you meet hundreds Of times in Iife . KnOWing how ChemiStry WOrkS Win give you a greater UnderStanding Of the Iife (1 ) What Can the ChemiStry in SOaP help US ?A TO CIeaIl the teeth B TO make the teeth StrOng .C TO CIean the Oil Off ClOtheS .D TO Inake the CIOtheS ne

34、w (2 ) FrOIn the third ParagraPh I We know thatA We Can mix bleach With VinegarB the mixture Can PrOdUCe USefUl gasC We can,t mix bleach With VinegarD CheiIliStry can,t help US make PrOdUCtS(3 ) The fourth ParagraPh mainly tells US thatA COOked food is InUCh better than UnCOOked foodB ChemIStry Play

35、S a big role in food PreParatIOnC there are no ChemiCaI ChangeS While We are COOkingD the Cake Calllt be too SOft Or too hard Wih CheIniStry(4 ) WhiCh Of the following ShOWS the StrUCtUre (結(jié)構(gòu))Of thePaSSage ?(二 ParagraPh 1 )IJiIH(5 ) WhattS the main idea Of the PaSSage ?A ChemiStry and food .B ChemiS

36、try around the WOrId C ChemiStry and PrOdUCtS .D ChemiStry in everyday Iife .第二節(jié)任務(wù)型閱讀(共小題,每小題10分共計(jì)10分)閱讀短文EI回答問題及翻譯畫線部分的句子I并將其正確答案用黑色墨水筆或黑色簽字筆填寫在答題卡規(guī)定的位置上19 ( 10 分)My name is Kate .m a POliCeWOman . My job is to helpPeOPle give UP drugs (毒品 ) I WOrk as a POliCeWOmall because Ofan UnfOrgettabIe exper

37、ience that happened in my teens On my 14th birthday I SOme CIOSe family members had a Partyfor me in a Park I received manv gifts . MV aunt gave me 100第18貞(共21頁)yuan .1 WaS excited and kept on thinking about how I ShOUId SPendthe money .Just after everyone Sang HaPPy Birthday to me r 突 然我看到_個(gè)小男孩正坐在樹

38、下哭泣.I WOndered Why he WaS Sad and WeIlt to him With a PieCe Of Cake . HWhatlS the matter ? nThe boy IOOked UP but Said nothing I PaSSed him the Cake and tried to talk With him SeVeral minutes Iater r I knew about his StOry HiS ParentS both died Of drugs a month ago r SO he had to IiVe With his Ullde

39、 and missed his ParelltS SO much .He always felt Sa(I and afraid . He didn't know What he COUId do . What a POOr boy!How terrible the drug was!I gave my money to the boy and told him to face the Iife bravely .From then on . I made IlP my mind to do SomethiIIg against drugs . PIeaSe ValUe your Ii

40、fe r and Stay away from drugs!(X)IS Kate 14 years OId now ?(2 ) HOVV did the boy feel after his Parent died ?(3 ) What did Kate do for the boy after hearing his StOry ?(4 )將畫線譯為英文(5 )將畫線&譯為中文第三節(jié)短文填空(共1小題r每小題1.5分f共計(jì)15分閱讀下面短 文在空白處填人一個(gè)適當(dāng)?shù)脑~,或填人括號中所給單詞的正確形式 20 . ( 15 分)In the US I the ( 1 )( SiXteen

41、) birthday isSPeeial PeOPle USUany have ( 2 ) ( importance )CeIebratiOnS for teenagers -That is( 3 ) the Party is theirfirst SteP to be an adult . SOme Of the PartieS are Very bigCeIebratiOnS and COSt a IOt Of money .Everyone( 4 )( Wear )beautiful ClOtheS .These Parties( 5 )( hold ) in hotels andthe

42、re are even music group PIaying PeOPIe USUany give gifts ( 6 )the SiXteeIl - year OldS SOme gifts CaIl be Very expensive Theyoung PeOPIe enjoy ( 7 ) ( they ) at the Party With Singingand dancing .However r Other PartieS are SimPIer and PeOPle justhave them at home . SOmetimeS ( 8 )( family ) CeIebratethem in Other WayS f SUCh as going on a SPedal trip together fWatCh


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