




1、HOW do Zhang Ziyi and YaO Ming Learn English?章子怡和姚明是如何學(xué)習(xí)英語的?ACtreSS Zhang Ziyi5 27, is now not only a household n ame in China, but also the face Of ASia n Cinema in Hollywood. AIthOUgh Zhang received PraiSeS for her WOrk in the OSCar-Winning movie "Crouchi ng TigerJ Hidde n Drag On "(臣卜虎藏
2、龍),she did n't SPeak a WOrd Of Erl glish at that time. When She met ClireCtOr SteVen SPielberg for the title role Of AmeriCan film,f, MemOirS Of a GeiSha H (藝伎回憶錄 )5Zhang COUlCl Only blurt OUt a few WOrdS her age nt had taught her five minu tesago: "Hire (雇傭)me!”She fin ally got the role, W
3、hiCh meant She had to SPeak Only En glish in the film. TO improve her En glish5 Zhang IiSte ned to and repeated WOrdS and PhraSeS She heard On music CDs. One Of the artists She WaS IiStening to WaS Eminem, WhiCh ObViOUSly Ied to SOme embarrassing (尷尬的) mome nts for Zhan g. l did n't always know
4、What Eminem WaS talk ing about, SO I WrOte dow n the IyriCS (歌詞)and repeated them. Later5 I Understood how rude they were.11Zhang Said her favourite En glish idiom is HtO ClriVe One UP the WaIrle f,Lear ning En glish is ClriVing me UP the wall/1 She SaiClLike Zhang, basketball Star YaO Ming also had
5、 to Iearn EngliSh to help his Career development. YaO IandeCl in the NBA in 2002. HiS team the HOUStOn ROCketS found a translator (翻譯)for Yao. TO adapt (適應(yīng))himself to the new environment, YaO USed English as much as POSSible. On court, he had to USe the Ian guage to COrn mun icate With his teammates
6、. Off court, he tried to have COn VerSati OnS in En glish With his teacher just to practise.YaO Ming also had to memorize (記?。㊣OtS Of new VOCabUIary. HSOmetimeS I Iearn a new WOrd but quickly forgot it. BUt I find my memories are COn SOlidated (強(qiáng)化)Whe n SOme One USeS it later. NOW YaO is good at En
7、glish. He does IYtn eed a tran SlatOr anymore.MatCh POint for new Star鄭潔:個子小怎么啦,我一樣行。ZHENG Jie is not Iike Other girls her age. WhiIe most girls StrUggle to Stay SIirn (苗條),Zheng WiSheS She COUlCl PUt On SOme Weight and PaCk On more muscle. And, While Other girls Wear SUn SCree n (防H西霜)and White nin
8、g Cream in the SUmmerJ Zheng Jie StayS in the SUn all day long, WithOUt any make-upnMy goal is to Play the best tennis/1 the 23-year-old explained Zheng Jie is now one Of the highest-ra nking Chin ese WOme n,s PlayerS- She made it to the SeC OnCl round (輪)Of the China OPen IaSt Week.Zheng Jie has ac
9、hieved far more than many PeOPle expected. The moment She PiCkeCl UP a tennis racket, the girl from Chen gdu WaS told She WaS not SUited to the game.?MThey SaiCl I CIid rft have much POte ntial to develop.11 COmPareCl With Other kids, Zheng IOOked Weak and She WaS also the ShOrtest. She WaS Very UPS
10、et and thought about givi ng up.HMy height is my biggest CliSadVantage but it is SOmething I CarrtControl, SaiCl Zheng Jie5 WhO now Sta nds 1.64 metres tall. BUt She refuses to Iet this Sta nd in her way. HIf OtherS Say I am not good eno ugh, the n I must get better. If I give up, it WiIl PrOVe they
11、 are right/1 She SaiclSO Zheng makes full USe Of What She Can COn trol. She has WOrkeel hard On her PhySiCal fitn ess (體能)and runs en ClleSSly On court. nNow Whe n SOme One SayS I am too ShOrt for the game, it WiIl not hurt me any more. It Only StimUlateS (朿(激)me to try harder/1 She SaiCI.Zheng Jie
12、and Yan Zi Signed in for the AUStraIia OPen WOmenlS doubles (雙打)in January.BUt the Staff (工作人員)thought they Were too ShOrt to be PrOfeSSiOnal PlayerS and told them they Were in the WrOng place. BUt Zheng and Yan fin ally WOn the fin als. They Went On to PiCk UP their SeC Oncl Gram Slam doubles title
13、 at WimbledO n in August.However, Zheng Jie has rt got time to relax and enjoy her success. HIf I am not in the training centre,then I am On the court. If I am not on the COUrtJ I am On the Way to it,” She SaieI, humorously CleSCrib ing her hard SChedUle.BUt Zheng admitted (承認(rèn))fame and SUCCeSS have
14、Changed SOme things. Before, When I PlayeCl a tourn ame nt abroad, the training COUrt give n to me WaS Very far away and inconVenient. BUt now I Can have a better COUrt and the Staff PiCk me UP after trainin g5 She Saiel.YOUr turn: EVeryOne has COnfrOnted SOme kind Of CliffiCUlt times. What are your
15、 reactions Whe n OtherS Say you are not good eno Ugh to deal With a task? DO you give up?SUPer Girls* first birthday一起來看看李宇春、周筆暢、張靚穎同學(xué)一年級的期末成績單吧。LAST year's HSUPer Girrl WirmerS have just finished their Hfinal exams11 for their first year in the en terta inment WOrlCI. So, how are they doing?Li
16、YUCh Uri, 22, has CIOne a good job in develop ing her musical career. Her first album H The QUeen and the DreamSH (皇后與夢想)WaS released On SePtember 13. SingleS (單曲)SUCh as HLOVi ng” a nc The Story of Ice a nd Chrysanthemum” (冰菊物語)have topped the Chi na MUSiC RadiO Chart (掃乍行榜)for two weeks. Li has al
17、so PraCtiSeCl hard to improve her dancing SkillSJ SUCh as Lati n StePS and hip hop dancing.l know WhO I am and Where I am going. ThOSe Un true StOrieS WOrft bother me, She Said Li has no Pla ns to become an actress for now. She Saicl She is focused On her music.Zhang Liangying, 22, has been Written
18、about more than any Other SUPer GirL The StOry about her Singing in a PUb before She WaS famous, and rumoured IOVe affairs (緋聞),have made the headli nes. Zhang COmPla ined Iife WaS hard as an en terta iner (藝人)and Said She COUld rft focus On music because Of the PreSS atte nti OrL And, Zhang has nft
19、 yet take n any roles in films Or TV dramas.BUt Zhang is now Con Siderecl as One Of the top-level foreig n Ian guage Sin gers in China. She Will release her new album Callecl ,The Onen in October. She hopes for a breakthrough after She WaS CritiCiZed for her PreViOUS SOngs. AIthOUgh the SOngS displa
20、yed her UniqUe Singing techniques, CritiCS COmPla ined She WaS n,t Offeri ng anything n ew.ZhOU BiChang, 21, has had more troubles than the Other top Winners. Her Career IOOked in doubt after a COntraCt CliSPUte (合約糾紛).And, although her two SingleS "Biji,' and " Swan"(天鵝)are popul
21、ar, She is accused (指責(zé))Of COPying Other musicians. She WaS the first SUPer Girl to release an album. "Who HaS TOUCheCl My String” (誰動了我的琴弦)Came OUt in August. The albumWaS a SUCCeSS but does not fully CliSPlay the hip hop Style for WhiCh She is known.BeSideS her music, ZhOU also appeared in two
22、 films,H MCDUIl The AlUmniH (春田花花同學(xué) 會)and HThe 601st PhOne Cal,. She Changed her boyish girl image for the role Of a IOng-haired bus in ess WOma n.NeW PrinCe Of German footballHE is talked about as Germany's answer to top England goal-scorer ( 射手)Wayne ROOney. But, While RoOney is StrOng and POW
23、erfUI, LUkaS POdOlSki has elegance (優(yōu)雅)and a striker's instinet (本能).Many young Chin ese became fans Of the 21-year-old duri ng the WOrIel CUP this SUmmer. He SCOred three goals in Germa ny's run to third PlaCe and PiCkeel UP the FIFA young Player Of the tourn ame nt award. HiS good form (彳犬
24、態(tài))CIid rYt end there. He SCOreCl five goals in Germa ny's record 13-0 Win OVer San Marino IaSt week.POdOlSki WaS first ChOSen to Play for COlOgne (科隆隊),the ClUb he IOVeCl as a boy, in 2003. The manager3 hungry for goals to PreVent relegatiOn (降級),turned to the then 18-year-old POdOlSki Clid not
25、CliSaPPO int him, SCOri ng 10 goals in 19 games. ThiS is a Germa n record for SOme One SO young. JUSt SiX mon ths before he had bee n WatCh ing games With Other fans in the stadium. NOW they Were Singing his nickname nPrince POlClin as he tried to SaVe his CIUbSadly9 POdOlSki WaS not eno Ugh to StOP
26、 COlOg ne going dow n to the Germa n SeC OnCl CliViSi On (乙級聯(lián)賽).Usually, talented young PlayerS IeaVe SeCOnel CliViSiOn ClUbS in Order to Iearn from StarS at a major club. Bayern MUniCh (拜仁慕尼黑隊),a top German club, ShOWeCl interest in him.BUt POdOlSki Stayed IOyal to COIOg ne. lt does rVt matter as I
27、 Will Stay With my frien ds, he Saicl.In 2004 his 24 goals helped COIOgne back to the first CliViSiOrL It also earned POdOlSki a PlaCein the German national team. He became the first SeCOnd CliViSiOn Player SinCe 1975 to Play for then ati Onal side.With a desire HtO COmPare With the best'1, POdO
28、lSki fin ally joined Bayer n MUn ich after theWOrld Cup. If you Want to Cheer for him, CheCk CCTV-5 On SatUrday ni ghts.NeW YOrk towers rise again當(dāng)自由大廈拔地而起的時候,曼哈頓又增添了一道別樣的城市風(fēng)景。FlVE years have PaSSed SinCe NeW YOrkerS SaW the twin towers Of the WOrld Trade Cen tre, and many Iives5 destroyed by terror
29、ists. However5 four new buildings Will SOOn rise again On the site, bigger and better tha n before.FamOUS POIiSh architect (建筑師)Daniel UbeSkinCI, and AmeriCan DaViCl ChildS Were ChOSe n by the PUbliC in 2003 to Iead the project.They WiIl WOrk On the site,s tallest building, the FreedOm Tower, and Se
30、Veral memorials (纟己念 碑)to the ViCtimS (遇難者)Of SePtember 11.The tower WiIl be 1776 feet (541.3 metres) high, ,lt represents the DeClaratiOn OfIndependence (獨立宣言),flSaiCl UbeSkincI5 referring to the year in WhiCh the US WOn in depe ndence from Brita in.WOrk WaS StarteCl in APril this year. The SkySCra
31、Per (高樓)ShOUlCl be COmPleted by 2008 and ready to USe by 2011.A museum On the ground floor Will make SUre those WhO died On SePtember 11,2001 are n ever forgotte n.Three Other SkySCraPerS Will be built On the site. NOrmal Foster, RiChard ROgerS and FUmihikO Maki have each COntribUted a design. HOWev
32、er, the buildings Will be Smaller than the FreedOm Tower.The Site WiIl be developed by bus in essma n Larry SilVerStein WhO Will WOrk together With NeW York's POrt AUthOrity (WhiCh ContrOIS the area) . They Will Pay for the rebuilding costs. They Want to fill the hole in the heart Of the City Wi
33、th interesting buildings. AnCI, they hope to make NeW YOrkerS feel PrOUd Min honour Of the memories (纟己念)Of the heroes We losf,.SnaiIS are Off the menuA 34-year-old man admitted himself to Beijing Friendship HOSPital in JUne COmPlaining Of nausea (嘔吐)and Unbearable headaches. DOCtOrS rushed to ident
34、ify this mystery sickness, and soon found the root Of the PrOblem in a Snail (螺)Originally from SOUth AmeriCaI the AmaZOnianSnail (亞 馬遜螺)WaS imported by restaura nts in the Iate 1980's. It SoOn became a fashi On able dish.KnOWn as HFUShOUluo5 the Sn ail WaS give n its n ame as it WaS believed to
35、 bring good IUCk and IOngevity (長壽).But, the Snail may also CaUSe a PainfUl disease, if eaten raw (生的)Or Partly COOkeCl In Beijing, the number Of PeOPIe COmPlaining Of these SymPtOmS (癥狀)had risen to 131 by SePtember 5. The One thing that Un ited the CaSeS WaS that they had all eate n at the ShUgUO
36、Yanyi Cha in Of restaura nts.By SerVi ng half-cooked Sn ail meat to customers, the restaura nts had not en SUreCl a dan gerous ParaSite (寄生蟲)in the meat had been killed.Ten days after they ate the Snails, the ClinerS became ill. The WOrmS have attacked the Cliners, nervous systems, CaUSing fever, he
37、adaches andmuscle (肌肉)PairLThe Mini Stry Of Health PUni Shed the restaura nts at the root Of the OUtbreak for PUtti ng din ers' health at SUCh risk. All dishes COntaining UnCOOked Snail meat Were banned. DOCtOrS SaiCl that COOk ing the Sn ail at high temperatures for UP to five minu tes ShOUIel
38、be eno Ugh to kill the ParaSiteS they COntairL HOWeVer, anything IeSS than thoroughly (徹底地)boiling the Snails may PUt Consumer,s health at risk. FreShWater crabs, shrimp, fish and SheIIfiSh may have the Same health risk if not thoroughly COOkecI.ReCently, health inspectors ViSiteCl 2,000 restaurants
39、 in Beijing and found no one SerVing Un COOked seafood.SadlyJ the PrOblem Of Clan gerous SeafOOCl is not just found in Beiji ng. GUan gzhou has recen tly reported a Similar case.Fortunately, the illness is fully treatable if found Within ten days, according to doctors in Beijing. HOPefUIly5 the CaSe
40、 Will be a Warning to food IOVerS to be CarefUl before they risk eati ng raw seafood.HOng KOng dreams高考狀元香港求學(xué)的自白:忙碌、新鮮而充滿希望。,l NEVER expected that I WOUlCl be SO busy. Why CarVt there be 25 hours in a day?M COmPlained UU Ran in HOng KOng as mid-term exams Were going OrLThe 18-year-old WaS Shandong P
41、rOVinee's top SCOrer in this year,s COIlege entrance exam in ati on. After graduati ng from Tai,a n No 1 High SChOOI, She ChOSe the Chin ese Un iversity Of Hong KOng (香港中文大學(xué) ),although both Peking and TSinghua University PrOmiSed her a place.,fl Want to experience a more internatiOnal SChOOl and
42、 SOCial Iife in Hong KOng. m majoring in (專業(yè)是)journalism, SO HOng KOng Will SUrely helpWiden my horizOnS (開闊視野 )lLiu SaicI.It is two mon ths SinCe UU first Set foot On HOng Kong. She missed home a IOt at the begi nning, because Of the food and Ian guage PrOblems.IfThe Can tee n OfferS mostly WeSter
43、n Or GUan gdo ng food, but it,s ConVenient (方便的)to COOk for OUrSelVeS in OUr dorm if We like. PeOPle SPeak Cantonese and almost all ClaSSeS are in En glish, UU expla in ed.Her English and CantOnese are now both improving, but She StiIl needs more time to adapt to the new environment.'Tm happy th
44、at I made the right decisi On to StUdy here. With a mix Of the EaSter n and WeSter n cultures, there is SO much to CliSCOVer and Iear IV She SaiCI.UU has 18 CreClit hours (學(xué)分)Of CIaSSeS every Week and 23 non-CreClit hours every Other week. She has Signeel UP for four associatiOnSinClUCling the Chine
45、Se LangUange Debating Tearn and the Clrama club. Essays, book reports and presentations (課堂發(fā)言 )also take Plenty Of time to prepare. And, Of course, there are VariOUS PartieS to attend.,l WaS rYt a Party ani mat before, but that may be the in teresti ng Part Of COllege. I SenSe myself Cha ngin g1 LiU
46、 Said.SChOIarShiPS and expensesFOUR years Of StUdy in Hong KOng is not CheaPJ COSti ng at IeaSt 400,000 yua n, but many top StUde nts receive SChOlarShips.UU is among the IUCky On es. The Chin ese Uni VerSity Of HOng Kong gran ted (正式給予)LiU a full SChOIarShiP HK$500,000.NOt all StUde nts are SO fort
47、Un ate. SOme POOrer StUde nts are forced to give UP ClreamS Of a Hong KOng educati On if they ClOrYt Win a SChOlarShiPAUtU mn GUO got admissi On IetterS from both Nanji ng Un iversity and Hong KOng POlyteCh nic IJni VerSity (香港理工大學(xué))this fall. HOWeVer, the HOng KOng Uni VerSity did n't Offer the
48、19-year- Old ChOngqing girl a SChOlarship.l hesitated a IOt as 400,000 yuan is a huge amount Of money for my family. BUt Hong Kong WOn my Pare nts and me OVer With their En glish COUrSeS and Cha nCeS to ViSit foreig n Uni VerSitieS On educational exchange programmes. I believe it Will be easier for
49、me to find jobs Or further my StUdieS abroad tha n it Will be for StUde nts On the mainlan d, She SaiCI.It drives me UP the WaIIIF you feel English SOmetimeS means enClleSS new words, CliffiCUlt grammar and Strange PronUnciation, you are not the Only One to StrUggle. DO you know that many Celebritie
50、S (明星)have the Same frustrations (挫折)as you?Getting OId fast, getting rich SIOWly中國未富先老,應(yīng)對老齡化社會的挑戰(zhàn)需要我們奉獻(xiàn)更多的愛心。ALONG With the golden IeaVeS and ChrySanthemum blossoms (菊彳它)at this time Of year COmeS the yearly grandparents holiday. The DOUble Ninth FeStiVaI, WhiCh w Celebrate today, is a day for youn
51、g PeOPle to ShOW how much they Care for their Older relatives.HCh ina has a IOng history Of respect ing the OlCI, and this VirtUe (美德)is especially imports nt as We have become an ageing SOCiety SinCe 1999,H Said Li Baoku5 Ieader Of the ChinaAgeing DeVeIOPment FOUndatiOn (中國老齡事業(yè)發(fā)展基金會).An age ing SOC
52、iety refers to One Where 10 Per Cent Or more Of its POPUlati On is OVer 60, Or OVer 7 Per Cent Of its POPUlati On is Older tha n 65. By the end Of 2004, Chin ese OVer 60 years Old have accoUnted for (占)10.97 Per Cent Of the nation,s total POPUIation, and those Older than 65, for 7.7 Per cent.FOr eve
53、ry five PeOPle OIder tha n 60 in the WOrlcI, Or every two in Asia5 One is Chin ese. It is expected that in 25 years time there WiIl be One SeniOr CitiZen for every four Chinese.,Ch ina is gett ing Olel before beco ming rich/1 SaiCl Cai ChUa ng, a PrOfeSSOr at the Chin ese ACademy Of SOCial SCien ces
54、. Un Iike the developed COUn tries China has become an age ing SOCiety at a SPeedy (迅速的)pace. ItS economy (經(jīng)濟(jì)狀況 )is not as good as the developed COlJntries had While en teri ng this stage.Fight ing POVerty rema ins a big issue for the COUn try. It does not have a highly developed SOCial SeCUrity net
55、work to SUPPOrt the Old WhO Carrt make a IiVing by themselves When today,s teen agers grow up5 each Of them Will have resp On Sibility for two Pare nts and four gra ndpare nts.AS more PeOPle grow old, China Will experie nee a IaCk Of IabOUr resources. ThiS has already OCCUrred in SOme COaStaI (沿海的)r
56、egiOnS SinCe 2004. ,Currently China,s economic growth depends Iargely On IabOUr-intenSiVe manufacturing (勞動密集型制造業(yè) ).This trend WiIl Certainly dull (使黯淡)China's edge (優(yōu)勢)in international trade," SaiCl CaiAHEVeryOne WiIl turn OId SOmeclay. EaCh Of US ShOUlcl try OUr best to take Care Of the a
57、ged ThiS is also important for OUrSelVeS in the future/1 SaiCl DOU Yupei, ViCe-MiniSter Of CiVil Affairs.POliCe SeCretS無間道風(fēng)云記錄黑白不同的人生軌跡COPS (警察)and Crim in als (罪矛犯)have always Playeel a Cat and mouse game Of chase.BUt What if the Cat Pretends to be One Of its OWn enemies and a mouse does the opposi
58、te?It COUld be a thrilli ng but dan gerous game.ThiS is What BiIly COStigan and COIin SUIliVan do in the new HOIlyWOOd film, HThe Departed.11 It OPened in Hong KOng and the US IaSt Friday and Will arrive On the Chinese mainland (內(nèi)地)Iater this year.The movie is Set in BOSt on, Where the POIiCe have b
59、ee n fighti ng aga inst IriSh-AmeriCa nOrga ni Zed crime. YOlIng Un dercover (臥 卜底)COP Billy is Sent to in filtrate (混入)the mob (匪 幫)group run by Frank COStellO- Billy quickly gains COStellOfS trustAt the Same time COIin SUlliVa n, a young Crim inal WhO has in filtrated the POIiCe departme nt, is rising to a POSitiOn Of POWer in the SPeCial InVeStigatiOn Unit (特另 U 調(diào)查組 ).He WOrkS as an in former for COStelIo. EaCh man StrUggleS With his double Iif
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