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1、精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上Module 1 EuropeI.單詞及短語:根據(jù)漢語提示完成句子.1.The g_ is having a show of French oil paintings.2.The white bird pigeon is a s_ of peace and freedom.3.We were impressed by the ruins of the a _ building, which was built many years ago.4.Tom, who designed the great building, is considered to be a goo

2、d a_.5.The w_ of the book lived in the eighteen century.6.This _項目seems to be very attractive.7.We saw _ 雕刻品of ancient Roman gods yesterday.8.Philadelphia is the _發(fā)源地of the United States.9.That tall building is seen as a(n)_ 標(biāo)志性建筑 in this city.10.Chinese _文明 is one of the oldest in the world.11.Pari

3、s is the capital and largest city of France, _ _坐落于the River Seine.12.Their work has influenced other writers _ _從那時起。13._ _ _ size and population, how big is the European Union _ _與相比 China?14.the European Parliament _ _ _ _ 掌控 what happens in each of the member countries.15._ _ _,一點點地 the number i

4、ncreased during the second half of the twentieth century.16.How many countries _ _ 屬于it now?17.In 2004, the European Union _ _增加到 25 members.18.The expanded European Union _ _ _ _ more than half a billion people, _ _ _ _ 是兩倍多the population of the United States.19.Twenty percent of the country _ _被覆蓋

5、 islands.II.翻譯句子1. Paris is the capital and largest city of France , situated on the River Seine ._2. The expanded European Union has a population of more than a billion people , twice as big as the population of the United States _3. But each of them sends representatives to the European Parliament

6、 , which has some control over what happens in each of the member countries ._4. Little by little , the number increased during the second half of the twentieth century . _5. France and Germany arent going to sign the agreement _III.句型轉(zhuǎn)換1. One of the worlds largest art galleries , the Louvre , also

7、lies in PairOne of the worlds largest art galleries , the Louvre , _ also _ _ Paris .2. Their works has influenced other writers from then on .Their works has influenced other writers _ _.3. Liu Xiang was born in Shanghai.Shanghai is _ _ _ Liu Xiang .4. About a million tourists visit Florence each y

8、ear .Florence _ _ _ about a million tourists each year .5. Gaudi worked on the project from 1882 until his death in 1926 .Gaudi worked on the project from 1882 until _ _ in 1926.Module2 Developing and Developed CountriesI.單詞及短語:根據(jù)漢語提示完成句子. 1.Many people in Africa die of _(饑餓). 2.Her _(收入) is about 2

9、0,000 yuan a year. 3.They live in _(貧窮) and have no money. 4.The karate has many _(相似 ) to a boxing match. 5.Its a big _(工業(yè) ) city where they make cars and electronic equipment. 6.I shook hands and _(交流,交換) a few words with the manager. 7.Our new classroom _ (測量) 8 meters in length and 6 meters in w

10、idth. 8.London is a big city with over 1000,000 _(居民). 9._(不幸地 ), many people died of hunger. 10.London is a great _(娛樂) center 11. We should _ _ _(鼓勵發(fā)達國家)to give more help. 12. _ _ _ _ _( 在過去十年間)in China, 150 million people have _ _ _ _(擺脫貧困). 13. Water is _ _ _ _ _.(大部分安全的喝起來) 14. Though _ _ _,(取得

11、些進步)we need _ _ _.(作更大努力) 15. These are _ _ _ _ (五個最富國之一)countries. 16. It is right _ _ _ _ _.(他們這樣做) 17. But they _ _ _.(有一些別的共同點) 18.They _ _ _(有類似的特征)such as tourisms. 19,People want to _ _ _ _ .(練習(xí)說另一種語言) 20. Standing _ _ _ _the tall building, you can get a good view of the night of the city.II.

12、漢譯英:1.這個指數(shù)從三種方面衡量了一個國家的成就:壽命,教育和收入。_2.該指數(shù)展示了一些讓人驚奇的事。挪威位于名單之首, 而中國居于名單的中間。_3.發(fā)達國家提供了一些經(jīng)濟援助,但他們應(yīng)提供更多的援助。_4 . 姐妹城市協(xié)議鼓勵2個城市的人們互相訪問。_5. 這是因為跟一家外國人在一起生活一兩個星期意味著你得講他們的語言,所以你就會進步地很快。_III.句型轉(zhuǎn)換1. To help others when they are in trouble is our duty._ _ our duty _ others when they are in trouble.2. Because of

13、the heavy rain , we had to stay at home .We had to stay at home , _ _ _ _ the heavy rain.3. Although she is clever , she doesnt study hard .Clever _she is , she doesnt study hard .4. In the Human Development Index , the Uk is in the 13th position . In the Human Development Index , the Uk is_ _ _.5.

14、No matter how many difficulties we may come across , we should try to deal with them ._ many difficulties we may come across , we should try to deal with them .Module 3 The violence of NatureI.單詞及短語:根據(jù)漢語提示完成句子.1.The little boy is still studying in middle school, so he has not much social_ (經(jīng)驗 ).2.Sh

15、e is still fast asleep, with her head_(埋) into her arms.3.According to the weather report, there will be a _(猛烈的) storm tonight.4.After many years silence, Mount Vesuvius_(噴發(fā)) the other day.5The snake is so _ (嚇人的)that all of us felt _(可怕的).6.A good idea _(想到)me.7. He was_( 警告 ) to be careful with t

16、he danger.8. I helped him choose the _(家具) for his house9. Strong _(海潮)can be very dangerous for swimmers10.The explosion _(發(fā)生)at 5 am11. I _(撿起) a magazine that was lying on the table12.You should _your toys _ the table (拿走)13._(平均),there are 800 tornadoes in the US each year14.The party _(結(jié)束) with

17、 a beautiful song15.There were _(總共)1000 people present16. The storm _great _ _the crops17.His dad _(失去生命)in a car accident 18.His name was _(提及)in the meeting19.I_(記下)his address20._ I would travel Europe (我突然想起)II.句型轉(zhuǎn)換:1.They can destroy houses, but leave the furniture inside exactly like before.T

18、hey can destroy houses, _the furniture inside exactly_ _ _.2. Suddenly I thought a good idea that I could go there by ship. Suddenly _ _ _ _ that I could go there by ship.3. He moved to Galveston and there he died in 1899. in 1900 the hurricane struck. He moved to Galveston, _ he died in 1899, a yea

19、r _ the hurricane struck.4. There are violent winds of 120 kilometers per hour, which cause huge waves. Violent winds blew _ _ _ _ 120 kilometers per hour, _ huge waves.5. It took up 800 square kilometers.It _ 800 square .III.漢譯英:1 中國位于亞洲的東部。(situate)_-2 我打算去洗衣店取我的大衣。_3. 這次宴會以一首優(yōu)美的歌曲結(jié)束。 _4. 地震襲擊了這個城

20、市。 _5. 他跑到電影院,結(jié)果被告知電影票已經(jīng)賣完了。 _ Module 4 Sandstorms in AsiaI.單詞及短語:根據(jù)漢語提示完成句子.1. Ross has never been particularly_關(guān)心的 about what other people think of him.2. The snow was _融化 in the early morning sun.3. We have all our bottles and newspapers _再循環(huán) to save some resources.4. There are _證據(jù)that somebody h

21、as been living here.5. She always _抱怨 of her bad working conditions.6. He told us a _可怕的story last night.7. Weather experts have _ 預(yù)言 another sandstorm in a weeks time.8. Teaching him to read was a slow _.過程9. Cars _污染 the atmosphere.10. We admire the work they have done to save the _.環(huán)境11.We should

22、 _消減our expenses because we earn less money now.12.There was _一群 children in the yard.13.Luckily for him, he _ 幸免于難the big earthquake.14._, 如果可能的話I shall go there tomorrow.15The house is _ 在過程中 being restored and it will take some time.16At last they _ 意識到the seriousness of the situation.17.We _ 遭遇到

23、a shower on our way home.18.After a long walk, our strength all _.筋疲力盡19.Her words _ 沒起作用him.20.I want to go out to _ 呼吸some fresh air.II.句型轉(zhuǎn)換1. It appears that she has caught a cold.She _ _ _ _ _ _.2. Its easy to answer the question.The question _ _ _ _.3. He advised us to start at once. He advised

24、 that _ _ _ _ _.4. Because he was caught in a traffic jam, the journalist got to the murder scene an hour later._ _ _ _ _, the journalist got to the murder scene an hour later.5. Hot weather affects his health.Hot weather _ _ _ _ his health.III.翻譯句子1. 什么也干不了。_.2. 那是我遭遇過的最可怕、最危險的境況。_3. 因“荒漠化”越發(fā)嚴重,中國今

25、年來發(fā)生沙塵暴的次數(shù)明顯增加了。_4. 在沙塵暴中騎車真可怕。_5. 然后垃圾被運走,如果可能的話,再被回收利用。_.Module 5 Great People and Great Inventions of Ancient ChinaI.單詞及短語:根據(jù)漢語提示完成句子.1.He _(長大) in the countryside and was _(撫養(yǎng))by his uncle2.Mencius was a thinker whose teachings _(與.非常相似) those of Confucius3._(創(chuàng)立) in 1820 , the college has a hist

26、ory of more than 100 years.4.For many years he travelled from state to state, teaching the _(原則)of Confucius.5.Tom is _ Jim _ height.(一樣高)6.He holds an important _(職位) in the company.7.He was one of the _(最有影響的政治家) at that time.8._(說實話), I have never seen a worse film.9.He has made great _(貢獻) to Ch

27、inese education.10.They had an _(爭論)with the waiter about/over the bill.11. Hard work is a _(條件)of success.12. Do you know when the electricity was _ and when the electric light lamp was_?()13.He _(辭職) from the company in order to take a more challenging job.14. They drew different _(結(jié)論) from the fa

28、cts.15. Mike was the kind of son any parent would _(引以為豪的).16.With the _ (工業(yè)的)development, water pollution is even worse.17.He_(強調(diào)) the importance of kindness, duty and order in society.18.It was also a time when there were many great _(哲學(xué)家).19.The price of homes goes up and people from the area can

29、not (支付)_ to buy a house.20.He thought that (公正)_ was the most important thing in the world.II.句型轉(zhuǎn)換:1. Mencius believed that man is different from animals is because man is good. Mencius believed _ _ _ man is different from animals is _man is good. 2.When you see from the top of the hill, you can se

30、e the whole city._from the top of the hill, the city looks more beautiful._from the top of the hill, you can see the whole city. 3.Cars at the end of nineteenth century were as slow as horses.Cars at the end of nineteenth century were_ _ _ horses.4.Confucius is the philosopher whose influence has be

31、en the greatest.Confucius is the philosopher _ _ _ _ has been the greatest5.Ill never forget those days. I lived with my grandma in that village then.Ill never forget those days _ I lived with my grandma in that village.III.漢譯英:1. 年輕人總是夢想為社會做貢獻。_2. 己所不欲,勿施于人。_3. 因為他有責(zé)任感,他在朋友中很受歡迎。_4. 他命令三天內(nèi)完成這項工作。_5

32、. 我會買和你一樣的字典Module6 Old and NewI.單詞及短語:根據(jù)漢語提示完成句子.1.我們正努力學(xué)習(xí)以實現(xiàn)我們的夢想。 We are all working hard to _ _ _.2. 他不僅是個老師,還是我們的好朋友。He is _ _a teacher, and he is our good friend.3.一小時等于六十分鐘。An hour _ _ _ six minutes.4.在中國,針灸術(shù)可以追溯到古代。In China the needle treatment _ ancient times.5.聽到這個消息,他沒有抑制住自己的淚水。Hearing th

33、e sad news, he could not_ his tears.6. 如今,他的理想變成了現(xiàn)實。Now his dream _.7.三峽大壩意境結(jié)束了洪水的威脅。The Three Gorges Dam _ the danger of flooding.8. 黃河是中國第二長河The Yellow River is _ _ _river in China.9. A new _ (水庫)is being built in my hometown.10. Next week well have the t_ examination.11. The flood _(淹沒)that city.

34、12. He studied e_ when in college.13. I am_(適應(yīng)) to the food soon after I came here.14.They are planning to generate electricity by_(利用) the power of the wind.15. The water here can be used to_(產(chǎn)生,發(fā)) electricity16. The government _(提供) food and medicine for those who live in poor area. 17.There are s

35、ome new buildings under_ (建設(shè) )around our school . 18.It was a _(極冷的 )cold night and there wasnt anyone on the street.19.The girl looked absolutely _ ( 可笑的 )in this pair of shoes.20.你剛才所說的一點意義都沒有。 What you said just now doesnt _ _at all.II.句型轉(zhuǎn)換:1. A: Now his dream has been realized.B: Now his dream _

36、 _ _.2. A: More than a million people who lived in the region have moved from their home.B: More than a million people _ in the region have moved from their home.3. A: The dam will generate electricity equal to about 40 millions of coal without causing so much pollution.B: The dam will generate elec

37、tricity _ _ equal to about 40 millions of coal without causing so much pollution.4. A: A temple is a place of great importance to Buddhists.B: A temple is a _ _ place to Buddhists.5. A: Most of the Great Wall dates from the Ming Dynasty(1368-1644).B: Most of the Great Wall _ _ _ the Ming Dynasty(136

38、8-1644).III.漢譯英:1. 這個飛機場被設(shè)計成一年容納八千萬乘客。_2. 三峽大壩被建設(shè)是為了控制洪水和為華中地區(qū)提供水電力。_3. 孫逸仙,1911年革命的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人,在1919年首先提出了跨揚子江大壩的想法。_4. 不幸的是,燃煤造成嚴重的空氣污染并且增加了地球變暖。_5. 在晴朗的日子,在頂部的瞭望塔上你可以看到美國的五個州。_Answers:M1 I.單詞及短語: 1.gallery 2.symbol. 3.ancient 4.architect 5.writer 6.project 7.sculptures 8.birthplace 9, landmark 10.civiliz

39、ation11.situated on 12.ever since 13. in terms of compared with 14.has some control over 15. little by little 16.belong to 17.increased to 18.has a population of twice as big as 19.is covered withII.句型轉(zhuǎn)換:1. is situated/located on 2.ever since 3.the birthplace of 4. is visited by 5. he diedM2 I.單詞拼寫1

40、.hunger 2.income 3.poverty 4.similarities 5.industrial 6.exchanged 7. measures 8.inhabitants 9. Unfortunately 10.entertainment 11.encourage developed countries 12.In the last ten years 13. now mostly safe to drink 14.having made progress / to make greater efforts 15. among the five richest 16. that

41、they should do so 17. share something else 18. have similar features 19 practise speaking another language 20.at the top ofII.句型轉(zhuǎn)換: 1.It is , to help 2. as a result of, 3. as /though, 4.at number 13 5.HoweverIII.漢譯英: 1.The index measures a countrys achievements in three ways: life expectancy, educat

42、ion and income.2.The index has some surprises. Norway is at the top of the list, while China is in the middle of the list.3.Although developed countries give some financial help, they need to give much more4.Town twinning agreements encourage people from the two towns to visit each other. 5.This is

43、because living with a foreign family for one or two weeks means that you have to speak their languages, and as a result you improve fast.M3 I.單詞拼寫 1. experience 2. buried 3. violent 4. erupted 5. terrifying terrified 6.struck 7. warned 8.furniture 9.currents 10.occurred 11 picked up 12.take off 13. on average 14.ended up 15. in all


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