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1、Un it 1檢測題(RJ)姓名:(5 分)(A)1.、聽句子,選擇與句子相符的圖片。時間:120 分鐘 滿分:120 分 班級:聽力部分(30 分)每個句子讀兩遍。a(B)2.(C)3.(B)4.(A)5.二、聽小對話,選擇正確答案。對話讀兩遍。(C)6.What can the boy help the girl with?A. Geography.B. Chinese.C. Chemistry.(A)7.What club did Tim joi n?A. A singing club. B . A Chinese club.(5 分)2C. A chess club.(B) 8.Why

2、 does Alle n want to lear n Chin ese?A. To visit China.B . To try something new.C. To make friends.(C) 9.How can the boy get to understand the English news according to the woman?A. Listening to special English first.B. Remembering more words.C. Listening to special English first and remembering mor

3、e words.(C)10.How can the girl un dersta nd her foreig n teacher?A. By his writing. B . By his expressions.C. By his body Ianguage.三、 聽長對話,選擇正確答案。對話讀兩遍。(5 分)聽下列長對話,回答第1112 題。(C)11.What subject did Lily do well in last term?A. Math.B. Chinese.C. English.(B) 12.How does Lily learn English?A. By listen

4、ing to tapes.B. By reading aloud.C. By writing diaries.聽下列長對話,回答第1315 題。(B)13.When is the basketball game?A. Next Tuesday.B. Next Mon day.C. Next Friday.(B)14.Will Peter go to watch the basketball game with Susan?A. Yes , he will.B. No , he wont.C. Yes , he is.(B) 15 .Is Peter going to have an En gl

5、ish test next Mon day or n ext Tuesday?A. Next Monday.B. Next Tuesday.C. Neither.四、 聽短文,選擇正確答案。短文讀兩遍。 (10 分)(C) 16.Whats the best way to learn English?A.By reading English books.B. By watching English movies.C. By talking in it as much as possible.(A)17.What is the most important when you learn Engl

6、ish?A. Not being afraid of making mistakes.B. Reading English loudly.C.Watching English Ianguage videos.(C)18.How should you feel when you make mistakes?A. Keep quiet.B. Get angry.C. Keep your sense of humor and be kind.(A)19.Which of the following is TRUE?A. Mak ing mistakes is very com mon whe n y

7、ou lear n a Ian guage.B. Nobody will laugh at you when you make mistakes.C. Every one can lear n En glish well quickly?3(B)20.Which is the best title for the passage?A. How to learn EnglishB. The best way to learn IanguagesC. The importanee of mistakes五、聽短文,完成下列表格(每空不超過 3 個詞)。短文讀兩遍。(5 分)Stude ntWay

8、to lear n En glishProblemPeterReadi ng21. En glish stories.He has difficulty in un dersta nding22 . what people are say ing.HelenStudy ing grammar.23.Speak ing is really hard for her.Tim24.Watchi ng En glish film.He finds it difficultbecause peoplein the films 25.speak too fast.筆試部分(90 分)六、單項選擇。(10

9、分)(A)_ 26. does she study En glish?_work ing with a group.A. How; ByB. How InC. When For D . When At(D)27.If_youwant to send your photos by email , connect the camera_ yourcomputer.A. for B . ofC. in D . with(A)28.The Brain(最強大腦 )gave the child a chanee to show his specialA. ability B . patternC. ed

10、ucation D . information(C)29 .I ts no isy here .I cant hear you clearly.Ca n you speak_ ?A. fast B . slowlyC. aloud D . quietly(B) 30. What did Tina say?Sorry , I did nt_ what she said just now.A. fall in love with B. pay attention toC. get on well with D . look forward to(C) 31. Why do stude nts lo

11、ve Mrs. Smith?Because shes very _ . She always explains problems over and over again.A . outgo ing B . kindC . patie nt D . cool(A)_32.( 德州中考)Many peoplelike reading newspapers_ they can learnwhats happe ning in the world.A . so that B . ever sinceC . as soon as D . even though(A)33. Jack, what does

12、 this word mean?Why dont you_ ? You have an English Chinese dictionary, right?4A . look it up B . look up it5C. look it for D .look for it(C)_34.(青島中考) do you go to a movie?Twice a week.A. How long B . How soon C. How often D . How far(D)35. I dont know why your En glish grades are always very good.

13、Let me tell you._ you work , _ results you will get.A. The harder ; the bestB. The hard ; the goodC. Harder; betterD. The harder ; the better七、完形填空。(10 分)Last term , Tom did ntlike his En glish class _36_ his teacher spoke so quicklythat he did nt un dersta nd her most of the time.He was afraid _37_

14、 ask questions because of his poorpronun ciati on.He always hid beh ind his textbook and n ever said_38 . Then one day he watched an English movie 39Toy Story.He fell40_ it.Sohe began to watch other English movies.Slowly, his pronunciation improved as well_41listening to the conversationsin English

15、movies.He discovered that listeningto _42_ is the secret to Ianguage learning.He also learned useful sentences like a dictionary in order tounderstand the story.Now he is good at English.He wants to learn new words and more grammar _45_he can have a better understanding of English movies.(A) 36.A.be

16、cause B . because ofC. so D . although(B) 37.A.of B. toC. with D . for(C) 38.A.nothing B . somethingC. anything D . anybody(B)39.A.call B . calledC . n ame D . calli ng(A)40.A.in love with B . in loveC . love in D . love in with(C)41.A.to B . onC . by D . with(C)42.A.i nteresti ng someth ingB . in t

17、erest ing anythingC . someth ing in teresti ngD . anything in teresti ng(B) 43.A.served B . servesC . is serv ing D . was servi ng(C) 44.A.looked at B . looked afterC . looked up D . looked dow n(B)45.A.in order to B . so thatIts a piece of cake.” or “ It _ 43_ you right.He also _ 44_ the new words

18、in6C. such that D . so as八、閱讀理解。(30 分)AIn my opinion , famous people should be able to speak good English, I feelreally disappo in ted whe n I hear some of our sin gers or sports peoplespeak.Clearly , they may sing or play sports well , but English is where they never shine.Marc, FrancePers on ally

19、I think that pop groups in my country should nt sing in En glish .Imean, I know its more com mon , but they arent En glish, and not everybody inJapa n un dersta nds En glish .I think they should sing in Japa nese.Sam JapanIn some sec on dary schools in my country they are now teachi ng other subject

20、s like math andscie nee in En glish .I think its a really good idea of course ,the teachers En glish should be good.Lina , GermanyIn Italian there are lots of English words likeweekend, stress , OK cook ,words like that. I pers on ally hate it.l think we should use our own words for these things , n

21、ot justborrow from English.And people even use some words which dont exist( 存在),like footing.TheEnglish word is jogging.Paola , Italy(D)46.What does the un derli ned word“ disappo in ted ” mean in Chin ese?A.自豪的 B .害羞的C.放松的 D .失望的(D)47.Why does Samthink that pop groups in his country should ntsing i

22、n En glish?A. Because their English is terrible.B. Because En glish does nt sound beautiful.C. Because the Japanese dont like English songs.D. Because many Japanese cant understand English.(B) 48.L ina thinks it is a good idea to_A. teach English in schools in her countryB. teach other subjects in E

23、nglishC. learn scieneeD. learn math(C) 49.Which of the followi ng does Paola agree with?A. English is difficult to learn.B. Its good to create new words.C. Many Italian words are from English.D. Its good to borrow words from English.(B)50.What are the four people talki ng about?A. How they learn Eng

24、lish.B. Learning or using English.7C. Why English is important.D. English teaching in their countries.B(畢節(jié)中考)There are some ways to improve your English , but I think the most important thing is to makeEnglish all around you.Heres some advice for you. Liste n to the radio in En glish.If there are no

25、 En glish radio statio ns whereyou live , listen to one on the Internet. Watch TV and movies in English. If you have English channels on your TV, watchthem.If there are no English channels, you can buy some DVDs of English movies. Speak En glish to your frien ds.You can find a friend who is good at

26、En glishand speak English with him as much as possible.Youd better find friends whose native Ian guage is English.Ask your friend to correct you whe n n eeded. Study or travel to an En glish speak ing coun try. Of course the best way toimprove your En glishis to live in En glishenvironmen ts.Youllfi

27、nd yourselfsurroun ded(圍繞)with the Ian guage everywhere .It can be a more difficult and expensive choice , butyou may find it to be a very valuable and helpfulexperienee.(C)51.How many ways are men ti oned in the passage?A. Two. B. Three.C. Four.D. Five.(C) 52.If there are no English radio stations

28、where you live, you can_.A. buy a new radioB. buy some DVDsC. listen to one on the InternetD. find a friend to talk with you(B)53.What does the underlined wordavaluable ” mean in Chinese?A.無價值的 B .有價值的C.花費大的 D .必不可少的(D) 54.Which of the follow ing is NOT true accord ing to the passage?A. You can watc

29、h English channels on your TV to improve your English.B.Youd better find friends whose native Ianguage is English to talk with you.C.The best way to learn English is to live in all English environments.D.Study or travel to an English speaking country is agood choice because it does nt cost you too m

30、uch.(A)55.From this passage , we mainly know_A. how to improve your EnglishB. the best time to listen to the radio in EnglishC. make friends with foreignersD. the steps about how to study abroadC(赤峰中考)One pleasa nt New Year morning, Edward got up and dressed himself in a hurry. He wan ted to bethe f

31、irst to wish a happy New Year.He looked in every room, and shouted Happy New Year to every one of his family. The n he ran in to8the street to repeat it to those he met. Whenhe came back, his father gave him two new dollars. His facelighted up as he took them. He had wished for a long time to buy so

32、me nice books.As he ran down the street with a light heart to the bookshop, he saw a poor German family thefather, mother and three children walking in the cold wind.“ I wish you a happy New Year,” said Edward, as he was happily pass ing on. The man shookhis head. “You do not be long to this country

33、 ?” asked Edward. The man shook his head again,because he could not understand or speak English. But he pointed to his mouth, and to the childre n, heseemed to say,“ These little ones have hadnothing to eat for a long time.”Edward quickly un derstood that these people were poor and in trouble. He to

34、okout his dollars and gave one to the man, and the other to his wife. They said something in their Ian guage,which meant,“ Thank you very much, and we will remember youforever. ”根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,回答下列問題。56. When did the story happen?It happe ned on one pleasa nt New Year morning.57. What did Edward wish to buy

35、?Some nice books.58. Who did he see on the way to the bookshop?A poor Germa n family.59. Why did the man shake his head again?Because he could not un dersta nd or speak En glish.60. Did Edward give the man one dollar or two dollars?One (dollar).九、用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。(5 分)61. Dont run too quickly(quick). Its

36、 too dangerous.62. Un less it rai ns(rai n), well go to the zoo tomorrow.63.These are useful expressions(express). Youshould memorize them.64. I ofte n lear n En glish by work in g(work) withfrien ds.65 . How do you improve your pronun ciati on(pronounce)?十、補全對話。(10 分)從方框中選擇適當(dāng)?shù)木渥友a全對話(其中有兩項多余)。A: Hel

37、lo ! This isLearning Englishprogram.66.BB: Yes, please .I cant get the pronun ciati on right.How can I improve it?A: Thats easy.Listening to more English tapes is a good way.67.DB: OK.Ill try.And how can I understand the teacher in class?A: 68.E And if you have questions, you can ask your teacher ,

38、too.B: Thats a good idea.And then how should I learn new words?A: 69.C Then you can make sentences with them.And you can use them in conversations with yourfrien ds.9B: Thanks a lot.A: 70.A I hope you can improve your English soon.A. Youre welcome.B.Can I help you?C.First , you should remember their

39、 pronunciations.D.That will help you.E.Try to listen to him carefully and write down some important things.F. The more you read , the better your English will be.G. rm worried about my English.十一、短文填詞。(10 分)用方框中所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。mistakes , help, afraid ,way, something ,meanings,easy, for, good,whatIn learn

40、ing English , one should first pay attentionto listeningand speaking.ltis the groundwork of reading and writing.Youd better try your 71.best to do muchliste ning and speak in g.D ont be 72.afraid of making mistakes and dont let them stop you fromimproving your English.Through correcting the 73.mistakes , you can do better in lear ning En glish.Agood 74.way to correct mistakes is to write keep a diary ,writenotes or letters and ask other people to go through 75.what yo


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