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1、2013高考英語“全面達(dá)標(biāo)”高效演練模擬卷一聽力 (共三節(jié),滿分30分)略單項選擇(每小題1分,共15分)21 I ordered coffee while I was waiting for 18:00 filmA a; the B /; a C a; an D the; /22 Which of the two cameras do you prefer? Actually I dont like A both of them B either of them C none of them D neither of them23 When I was young, I with my gr

2、andma for several years, which is unforgettableA lived B have lived C was lived D had lived24 ,I cant express myself in wordsA So long as I am fond of her B Now that I am fond of herC Much as I am fond of her D As I am fond of her very much25 I promise Shirley get a new iPod on her birthday Will it

3、be a big surprise to her?A should B must C would D shall26Could it be in the restaurant you had dinner with me yesterday you lost your handbag? Athat; which Bwhere; when Cwhere; that Dthat; when27 Must I pay special attention to my handwriting in the exam? Of course You can never be careful with tha

4、t A enough B too C so D very28 They have most carefully the time and money needed to complete the projectA picked out B left outC figured out D taken out29 most senior 3 students long for is to study in they call the Tower of Ivory in the near future A What; where B What; what C That; what D Where;

5、that30 Who is it up decide whether to go or not?A to to B for for C to for D with to 31 Did Vicky come back early last night? Yes It was not yet nine oclock she arrived homeA before B when C until D that32 Excuse me, could you tell me where I could make a call? Sorry, Im a stranger here A Thanks a l

6、ot B Thats a pity C Thanks anyway D Im sorry to hear that33 ONeal works extremely hard So he does He is often seen heavily before his teammates have even arrived at practiceA to be sweatedB sweated C be sweatedD sweating34 We would have to put off the visit to the Water Cube it rain tomorrowA were B

7、 would C should D could 35Jane was so for the news of her lost child that she was almost driven Aproper; madly Bthirsty; mad Csad,madly Dcurious; mad完型填空。(每小題15分,共30分)In 1990 a report was published about what the earth might be like 20 years from then on The report was a result of a three-year 36 Ac

8、cording to the report, the picture of the earth in the year 2010 is not a 37 one The world will be more 38 because the population will continue to grow The population could be 39 6 300 million, almost 2 115 million more than in 1985 More people would move into cities, especially cities in 40 countri

9、es Cities like Cairo and Jakarta probably would 41 have 15 million by thenFood production will 42 , but not enough to feed all the people Farmers will grow 90% more food than they did in 1985, 43 most of the increase would be in countries that 44 produce enough food for their people Little increase

10、is 45 in South Asia, Africa and the Middle East Poor farming ways are 46 large areas of crop land, changing farms into deserts More farmland is 47 as cities become larger and more houses are built 48 will get worse as industrial countries burn more coal and oil Many of the worlds 49 could disappear

11、as more and more trees are cut down Energy will continue to be a serious problem The experts say their picture of the earth for the year 2010 50 They only carried out the situation that 51 today By changing the situation, by 52 the problems, the picture can be changed There is 53 time for the nation

12、s of the world to work 54 a plan of action But they warned that 55 too long to make decisions would greatly reduce the chances of success36AlearningBprojectCnoticeDstudy37ApleasedBpleasantCsafeDblue38AdangerousBbeautifulCcrowdedDterrible39Ano more thanBas many asCas much asDas large as40AdevelopingB

13、developedCbigDmountainous41AnoneBeachCallDneither42AinsistBreduceCincreaseDcontinue43AsoBbutCorDhowever44AalreadyBhardlyCpartlyDnever45AwantedBlackedCfoundedDexpected46AdestroyingBprotectingCdisturbingDinterrupting47AsavedBlostCdiscoveredDused48AAir pollutionBWater pollutionCSome diseasesDAll farmla

14、nd49AanimalsBplantsCforestsDpeople50Amust be trueBwill come trueCcant be trueDmay be wrong51AhappensBdevelopsCexistsDappears52A.settlingBworking atCansweringDdealing53AnoBstillClessDplenty of54AaboutBinCoutDfor55AworkingBsuggestingCspendingDwaiting閱讀理解。(每小題2分,共40分)A Jesse McCartney began entertainin

15、g and delighting audiences at a very early age in off-Broadway stage shows including Oliver, A Christmas Carol, and Annie Get Your Gun At the age of seven, he began a national tour the stage musical show of The King and I 1998 brought his big chance in television with the role of Adam Chandler, Jr o

16、n All My Children McCartney stayed with the show for the next three years and won several awards for his role of Chandler In 1999 he showed great interest in music, when he auditioned(試聽) for and won a spot in a boy band called Dream Street Sales of the group's album once reached up to 300,000 c

17、opies Shortly after the album went platinum, they toured around the USA with Britney Spears before the band broke up in 2002 His first band was called the Sugar Beats, and in 2003 McCartney partnered with their producer Sherry Kondor to launch his solo(個人專輯)career The song Beautiful Soul became the

18、title track for McCartney's first solo album Following the great success of his album, it took McCartney one and a half year to make his new one, Right here You Want Me, which, according to McCartney himself, has had more personal experiences and thoughts McCartney never gave up acting and appea

19、red the films The Pirates of Central Park and The Strange Legacy of Cameron Cruz In 2004 he successfully played the role of Brandin Westerly on the TV series Summerland He has also combined music and film, contributing songs to films Born April 9, 1987, Jesse is the oldest of three children His pare

20、nts were actors in New York City His sister Lea Joyce was born in 1991 and brother Timmy, with whom Jesse is very close, came along in 1996 He graduated from Ardsley High School (New York) in 2005, where he was a junior baseball pitcher(投手) Jesse's best friend is former band mate Greg Raposo56Wh

21、ich of the following is NOT mentioned of Jesse McCartney?A education B family C success in music D tours abroad57Choose the right order about Jesse McCartneys achievements launched the song Beautiful Soul successfully played the role of Brandin Westerlya national tour of The King and I launched the

22、album, Right here You Want Meplayed the role of Adam Chandler, Jr on All My ChildrenA B C D 58 The underlined phrase “went platinum” (Paragraph 2) probably means_A went worse and worse B lost reputation C became very popular D became a failure59Which of the following is NOT supported by the passage?

23、A The role of Adam Chandler McCartney played was very popularB McCartney's first solo album Right here You Want Me was a great successC Brandin Westerly is a leading character of the TV series SummerlandD McCartney's brother Timmy is nine years younger than him BVisiting US President George

24、W Bush said in Beijing Friday that both China and the United States should encourage bilateral(雙邊的) contacts and exchanges to promote mutual(相互) understanding “Its important for our political leaders to come to China,” said Bush, who gave a speech Friday morning at Qinghua University, one of the mos

25、t prestigious universities in China His working visit to China and discussions with Qinghua students “help promote” Sino-US(中美) relations, Bush said in response to a students question about what he would do to promote Sino-US relations “Many people in my country are very interested in China,” he sai

26、d, adding that these Americans have learned more about Chinas culture and the Chinese people He said that he would keep encouraging such contacts and exchanges between the two countries Bush said that he would describe back home what he has seen here and that China as a great nation not only has a “

27、great history” but also an “unbelievably exciting future” The president said that the 2008 Olympic Games would make a significant opportunity for the rest of the world to understand China, which enables more people to come to China and feel the modernization taking place, and many more people will s

28、ee it on the television Bush arrived in Beijing Thursday for a two-day working visit to China 60 What the word “prestigious” in the second paragraph probably means?A great B famous C honorableD modest61 Which of the sentence is NOT true?A Bush think bilateral contacts and mutual understanding will p

29、romote Sino-US relations B Many Americans are interested in China C Bush and the students of Qinghua discussed something about how to make China richer and stronger D The 2008s Olympic Games is a great change for China been known by the world 62 Many Americans are interested in China because _A they

30、 want to come here to take part in the 2008 Olympic GamesB they have learned something of China and they want to learn moreC China has been taking place great changeD China has a “great history” and “unbelievably exciting future” 63 The author of the passage was most probably _ A a reporter B a psyc

31、hologist C a politician D a sociologistC Although man has known asbestos (石棉) for many hundreds of years, it was not until 160 years ago that it was mined for the first time on the North American continent H W Johns, owner of a New York City Supply Shop for roofers, was responsible for the opening o

32、f that first mineMr Johns was given a piece of asbestos which had been found in Italy He experimented with the material and then showed its surprising powers to his customers After putting on a pair of asbestos gloves, which looked much like ordinary work gloves, he took red-hot coals from the firep

33、lace and played with them in his hands How astonished the customers were to discover that he was not burned at all You can well imagine that he had increasing business in asbestos roofing materials However, because it was very expensive to transport them from Italy to the United States, Mr Johns sen

34、t out a young scientist to seek a source nearer home This young man found great vein(巖脈), in the province of Quebec in CanadaEver since 1881 Quebec has led the world in the production of this unusual mineral, which is made up of magnesium, silicon, iron, and oxygen When it is mined, the asbestos is

35、heavy, just as you would expect a mineral to be When it is separated, a strange thing happens; the rock breaks down into fine, soft, soapy fibres(纖維) Scientists do not know why the rock can be separated easily into threads, but they have found thousands of uses of this fireproof material, of the so-

36、called “cloth of stone”64 Which title best expresses the main idea of this passage?A Asbestos mined in Canada B Fireproof matterC A “wonder” mineral D A new roofing material65 Johns proved his ability as a salesman by_A going into roofing business B carrying asbestos from ItalyC sending a trained sc

37、ientist D showing the use of asbestos gloves66 Which is the most important character of asbestos that the author wants to show us? A It is like thread B It feels soapyC It burns easily D It is unusually heavy67 The authors main purpose in writing this passage was to _A show the need for more scienti

38、stsB compare asbestos with other mineralsC increase the sales of asbestosD present facts about asbestos DBEIJING, Aug4(Xinhua)-The whole USsquad joined the postgame press conference for the celebration of their come-back to the top of the world after they beat Spain by 118107 in the final of the men

39、s basketball tournament here on SundayKobe Bryantwho had 1 3 of his 20 points in the fourth quarter, definitely had the right to roar, “Rock it upbaby!” to call an end of the commitment of the USteam to the 29th Olympics after they had been absent from the throne for eight yearsThe USkept an unbeate

40、n record of 8-0,averaging 279 point victory margin per game in the tournament and beating world champions Spain;runnersup Greece and defending titleholders Argentina on their way to the crown“I want to thank all the members of the USteam and Jerry Colangero,the national director,for the threeyear pr

41、ogram,we showed great characters in the tournament,maybe the greatest in the international basketball historyNo other team had the same characters as us because if we dont have themwe wont be here at the top of the world,”US head coach Mike Krzyzewski saidColangero,who asked most of the squad for a

42、three-year commitment to bring the USbasketball back to the top,said that the USBasketball would discuss the possibility of setting up another program after the Beijing Olympics“Did I say it is a sixyear program?” he joked at the press conference,which was attended by about one hundred journalists a

43、round the world68The underlined word “tournament in the first paragraph probably means Athe 29th Olympic Games Bthe threeyear programCcompetition in the Olympics Ddiscussion in the whole USsquad69Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AThe UShas been the world champion for eight yea

44、rsBSpain beat the world champion-the USin the OlympicsCGreece ranked second in the 29th OlympicsDArgentina ranked first in the 28th Olympics70Who played in the final of the mens basketball tournament in the passage'?AKobe Bryant BJerry Colangero C Mike Krzyzewski Dall of them71What might be the

45、best title for the passage?ACelebrate the comeback from Beijing BTop the world on Olympic stageCShow great characters in the Olympics DBe absent from the throneEA device that stops drivers form falling asleep at the wheel is about to undergo testing at Department of Transport laboratories and could

46、go on sale within 12 monthsThe system, called Driver Alert, aims to reduce deadly road accidents by 20% - 40% that are caused by tiredness Airline pilots can also use it to reduce the 30% of all pilot-error accidents that are related to fatigueDriver Alert is based on a computerized wristband The de

47、vice, worn by drivers or pilots, gives out a sound about every four minutes during a car journey After each sound the driver must respond by squeezing the steering wheel (方向盤) A sensor in the wristband detects this pressing action and measures the time between the sound the drivers responseTiredness

48、 is directly related to a drivers response time Usually, a watchful driver would take about 400 milliseconds to respond, but once that falls to more than 500 milliseconds, it suggests that the driver is getting sleepyIn such cases the device gives out more regular and louder sounds, showing that the

49、 driver should open a window or stop for a rest If the drivers response continues to slow down, the sounds become more frequent until a nonstop alarm warns that the driver must stop as soon as possibleThe device has been delivered to the departments laboratories for testing If these tests, scheduled

50、 for six months time, are successful, the makers will bring the product to market within about a year72 According to the text, Driver Alert _Aaims to reduce tiredness-related accidents Bhas gone through testing at laboratoriesCaims to prevent drivers form sleeping Dhas been on sale for 12 months73Ho

51、w should a driver respond to the sounds from Driver Alert?A By sounding a warningBBy touching the wristbandC By checking the driving timeDBy pressing the steering wheel74We can learn form the text that the driver needs to stop for a break when his response time is _A about 400 millisecondsB below 50

52、0 millisecondsC over 500 millisecondsD about 4 minutes75When the driver gets sleepy while driving, Driver Alert _A moves more regularly B stops working properlyC opens the window for the driverD sounds more frequently and loudly短文改錯。(每小題1分,共10分) The long-desired winter vacation was arrived in the en

53、d As soon as the76 bell rang, announced the end of the class, each student couldnt wait to77 rush out of the classroom Half an hour late, my good friend Liming78 and I were on the way back home Such crowded was the train we79 took that we had to stand Thinking the coming Spring Festival80 and the two weeks stay with pa


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