



1、2021托業(yè)考試語法題練習(xí)PP Test 1語法題筆記練習(xí)題1. Most doctors of the Colonial per i od beI i eved_ was caused by an imbaI anee ofhumors in the body.A.i n d i seaseB.that d i seaseC.of d i seaseD.about d i sease答案:B分析:動(dòng)詞be I ieve的用法:直接加that引導(dǎo)的賓語從句.這里that為連接adv.,在句中不作任何成分,其后接完整句.參考譯文:大多數(shù)殖民時(shí)期的醫(yī)生認(rèn)為疾病來源人體內(nèi)不平衡的 體液.2.I n

2、1976 Sarah Ca I dwe I I became_at theMetropolitan Opera House in New York City.A.she was the fi rst woman to conductB.the fi rst woman conductorC the woman was fi rst conduetingD. the woman conducts f i rst答案:B分析:缺賓語,答案中只有B,D可以作賓語,但D的語序不對(duì).參考譯文:1976, Sarah Caldwel I成為在第一個(gè)在紐約Metropol itan Opera House演

3、出的演奏家.補(bǔ)充: ??紅he f i rst/second/ one to do sth3. On January 7, 1955, Mar i an Anderson became_to sing a major roIe at New York Citys MetropoI itan Opera House.A. the fi rst Afr ican Amer i canB. the first Afr ican Amer i can wasC. she was the fi rst Afr ican Amer icanD. when the fi rst Afr ican Amer

4、i can答案:A分析:缺賓語,C, D都不能作賓語.一句話中只能有一個(gè)謂語,而B中有was,句中出現(xiàn)兩個(gè)謂語,一定錯(cuò).參考譯文:1955年1月7號(hào),Mar ian Anderson成為在第一個(gè)在 紐約Metropol itan Opera House擔(dān)任主唱的美籍黑人.4. Perhaps the most significant postwar trend was thedecentralization of cities throughout the United States,whenmass i ve highway-buiI di ng programs permitted gre

5、ater suburban growth.A. and acceI erated a phenomenonB. a phenomenon that acceI eratedC. acceI erating a phenomenon which,D. the acceI eration of which phenomenon答案:B分析:考的是同位語結(jié)構(gòu),a phenomenon是thedecentralization of cities throughout the United States的 同位語.A中and為conj.,后面應(yīng)該連接一個(gè)完整的句子, 但缺主語, 錯(cuò);C中語序混亂,錯(cuò);D

6、中of which作為介詞賓語,后面應(yīng)該接一個(gè) 完整句,但只有一個(gè)phenomenon主語,句子不完整,錯(cuò).參考譯文:可能戰(zhàn)后最重大的趨勢(shì)就是美國城市的分散化,當(dāng)大 規(guī)模高速公路建設(shè)項(xiàng)目容許了更大程度的發(fā)展郊區(qū),這個(gè)現(xiàn)象更被促 進(jìn)了.補(bǔ)充:acce I erate/ accomp I i sh/ ach i eve/ evo I ve都可以是vi.不接賓語5. RonaId Reagan had served two terms as governor ofCaIifornia before_Pres i dent A. he becameB. when becomingC becameD d

7、id he become答案:A分析:before為狀語從句引導(dǎo)詞conj,后面一般引導(dǎo)一個(gè)完整的 句子.B同時(shí)出現(xiàn)兩個(gè)狀語從句引導(dǎo)詞,錯(cuò);C缺主語;D應(yīng)該為正常語 序,選項(xiàng)中使用了倒裝句式,錯(cuò).6 _, domesticated grapes grow i n cI usters,range i n color from pale green to b lack, and con tain sugarin varying quantities.A. Thei r botanicaI classification as berr iesB. Although thei r botanicaI

8、classification as berr iesC Because berr i es be i ng thei r botanicaI cl ass ificationD. Classified botanicaI Iy as berr i es答案:D分析:句子的主語是grapes ,后面是平行結(jié)構(gòu)grow*,range,and contain.空格后的句子已完整,那么空格處就應(yīng)該 是同位語,狀語從句,分詞等修飾成分A中Their指代不明,而且classification和berr i es也不相符,錯(cuò);B中Although為conj.,后面應(yīng)該是完整句,錯(cuò);C中Because為con

9、j.,后面應(yīng)該是完整句, 錯(cuò).參考譯文:培植的葡萄的植物分類跟漿果是一樣的,它們成串的 長在樹上,顏色從灰白色到黑色,并且包含由不同數(shù)量的糖份.7. The cymba I i s_ in the mi I it ary band and i sa I so frequently used in modern orchestral music A. a basic instrumentB. basic instrumentC how basic an instrument it isD. as an instrument is basic答案:A分析:instrument可數(shù),前面應(yīng)該有限定詞

10、a. and前為一簡單句.參考譯文:銃錢在軍樂隊(duì)里是一個(gè)基本的樂器,而且還經(jīng)常在現(xiàn) 代管弦樂里使用.8. In instrumenta Ii st phiIosophy, ideas and knowledge are excI usi veIy functional processes: they are ofs i gnificanee only _ i nstrumental in the deveI opmentof exper ienee.A. as they areB. are theyC. there areD. are答案:A分析:兩個(gè)謂語需要有一個(gè)conj.來連接.一個(gè)句子中

11、出現(xiàn)2個(gè) 謂語且沒有連接詞就一定錯(cuò).參考譯文:在樂器演奏家的哲學(xué)里面,思想和知識(shí)是專有排外性 的功能性的過程.他們的重要意義僅限于在經(jīng)驗(yàn)發(fā)展的過程中,用于 樂器演奏.9. _ eit her by coo ling or by depr i v i ng the fireof oxygen, and most do both.A. Working f i re extinguishersB. Fire extinguishers that workC. Fi re extinguishers workD. The work of fi re extinguishers答案:c分析:空格中缺主謂.A中沒有謂語;B中that多余,因?yàn)榫渲兄?有一個(gè)謂語;D也沒有謂語.參考譯文:滅火器的通過冷卻或者減少火中的氧氣的方法工作 的,大多數(shù)時(shí)候兩個(gè)方法都會(huì)用到.10. The introduction of mass-production methods enab Ied manypeopIeand gave them an unprecedented amountof mob iIity.答案:A分析:為固定結(jié)構(gòu)enable sb to do sth.參考譯


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