



1、最佳答案問:你是什么時候畢業(yè)的,畢業(yè)于什么學(xué)校,什么專業(yè)?When did you graduate from school? Which school and which program?答:我是1995年畢業(yè)的,畢業(yè)于南通衛(wèi)生學(xué)校,護干專業(yè)。I graduated from Nantong Medical School as a major of nursing care in 1995.問:你已經(jīng)工作了幾年了?從哪一年開始?How many years have you been working? From which year?答:五年了。從1995年開始Five years .Sin

2、ce 1995問:你將怎樣花費你的薪水?你想在新加坡掙多少錢?How will you spend your salaries? How much money do you want to make In Singapore?答:自己留一部分生活費用,其它寄回去,或存銀行。I will leave some for daily use , and post other money to my home, or save them in the bank問:你所在的醫(yī)院有多少護士,多少醫(yī)生?How many nurses and doctors are there in your hospita

3、l?答:有100名左右的護士,有80名醫(yī)生,還有2名美國來的外籍專家。About 100 nurses,80 doctors and 2 foreign experts. They are from問:到新加坡后如不適應(yīng)新環(huán)境, 新氣候,怎么辦?What will you do if you can not suit the new environment and new climate in Singapore?答:我相信自己的能力。再大,再難的苦,我都會挺住,何況逆境會造就人才!I have confidence in my ability. I can overcome every di

4、fficulties. Also, I believe that adversities can improve me問:你能自我介紹一下自己嗎?還有關(guān)于你的一切。Can you take an introduction to yourself, and tell me all about yourself?答:可以的,我名叫張平,我來自江蘇省啟東市,衛(wèi)校(中專)學(xué)歷,25歲Yes, my name is Zhang ping, I come from Qidong City, Jiangsu province, I graduated from a middle medical school

5、. I am 25 years old.問:你在什么單位工作?擔(dān)任什么職務(wù)?請說明你的工作程序(流程)。Where do you work now? and whats your job position? Please tell me your work procedures.答:我在啟東市人民醫(yī)院工作,擔(dān)任護士職務(wù)。I now work in Qidong peoples Hospital as a nurse.問:你是通過什么知道新加坡的?In which way do you know Singapore?答:通過看電視,讀報紙,聽收音機等。I know Singapore throu

6、gh watching TV, reading newspapers, listening to radio and so on.問:你在醫(yī)院里輪班嗎?你們小組里有幾個人。Do you work on shift in the hospital? How many persons are there in your group team?答:是的,我是輪班的。我們小組有八個人。Yes, I work on shift. There are eight persons in my group team.問:你可以做12小時輪班嗎?如果護士長故意刁難你,怎么辦?Can you keep worki

7、ng twelve hours a day? And what will you do if the head nurse deliberately puts up obstacles for you?答:是的,可以的。Yes, I can.問:如果病人或病人家屬由于不理解你的工作,對你態(tài)度不好,你怎么辦?If the patients or their relatives do not understand your works, and so are unkind to you , what will you, what will you do?答:首先,我會檢查一下我自己是否有不足之處。

8、如果有,我會向他們道歉;如果沒有,我會耐心地向他們作解釋工作,直到他們滿意為止。First, I will check whether I have done something wrong or improperly. If I find I am right, I will give an explanation patiently till they are satisfied.問:如果他們故意找你麻煩,鬧事,怎么辦?If they make trouble to you deliberately, what will you do?答:首先,我不會跟他們吵,罵不還口,打不還手,而是耐心

9、地解釋。解釋無效,我會向上級匯報。當(dāng)然,我想新加坡是一個文明的國家,應(yīng)該不會出現(xiàn)這種情況。First, I will not quarrel with them, not scold back or strike back even if they scold wrongly.問:你的愛好是什么?What are your hobbies?答:看電視,讀報紙。Watching TV and reading newspapers.問:如果病人或病人家屬由于不理解你的工作,對你態(tài)度不好,你怎么辦?If the patients or their relatives do not understan

10、d your works, and so are unkind to you , what will you, what will you do?答:首先,我會檢查一下我自己是否有不足之處。如果有,我會向他們道歉;如果沒有,我會耐心地向他們作解釋工作,直到他們滿意為止。First, I will check whether I have done something wrong or improperly. If I find I am right, I will give an explanation patiently till they are satisfied.問:如果他們故意找你麻

11、煩,鬧事,怎么辦?If they make trouble to you deliberately, what will you do?答:首先,我不會跟他們吵,罵不還口,打不還手,而是耐心地解釋。解釋無效,我會向上級匯報。當(dāng)然,我想新加坡是一個文明的國家,應(yīng)該不會出現(xiàn)這種情況。First, I will not quarrel with them, not scold back or strike back even if they scold wrongly.問:你的愛好是什么?What are your hobbies?答:看電視,讀報紙。Watching TV and reading

12、newspapers.問:你以前在其他醫(yī)院工作過嗎?是干什么的?Where did you work before you work in this hospital? And what is your job?答:我畢業(yè)至今一直在啟東市人民醫(yī)院工作。做過兒科,婦科,產(chǎn)科,內(nèi)科,外科等科室的護士。I have been working in Qidong Peoples Hospital since graduation from school. I worked as a nurse in several departments such as 兒科(pediatricsdepartment

13、), 婦科(gynecology department), 產(chǎn)科(obstetrics department), 內(nèi)科(internal medicine department), 外科(surgical department)and other departments.問:你在醫(yī)院里月薪多少?Whats your monthly salary in the hospital?答:每月不含加班,人民幣1000元左右。About one thousand Renminbi yuan , not including overthime salary.問:你家里有多少人?How many peopl

14、e are there in your family?答:三個人,丈夫,女兒和我。Three people: my husband, my daughter, and me .問:你來新加坡,你的父母同意嗎?You want to go to Singapore, and do your parents agree with you?答:同意的,而且非常支持。他們希望我多學(xué)技術(shù),多掙錢。Yes, they do. And they support me very much . They hope I can learn more technologies and make more money

15、.問:你來新加坡,你的父母誰來照顧?家里人想你,或你想家,你怎么人?Who will take care of your parents if you go to Singapore? If your parents miss you, or you miss them, what will you do?答:他們身體很健康,還能干活,即使有事,也有我許多的親戚,像伯伯和伯母啦,表哥表姐等他們會幫忙的。They are very healthy. They can work now. If something happens, many of my relatives, say ,my unc

16、les, aunts, and cousins, can help them.問:你結(jié)婚了嗎?Are you married or single?答:沒有/ 結(jié)婚了。No./ Yes, I am married.問:有沒有男朋友?為什么現(xiàn)在還沒有結(jié)婚?Do you have boyfriend? Why have not you got married?答:沒有,我一直是單身。(或以前有過男朋友,但現(xiàn)在分手了,或有男朋友,但他也非常支持我出國鍛煉。)No, I am single./ I had a boyfriend, but now we were separated./ Yes, I h

17、ave, and he also encourages me to work in Singapore to improve myself. My hospital is a state-owned hospital in general. However, there are investment from Hong Kong in the gynecology department, obstetrics department and pediatrics department, which I work at . And people from Hong Kong also manage

18、 the three departments.問:請談一下你的醫(yī)院好嗎?Can you tell me something about your hospital?答,好的,它是一個全國二等甲級醫(yī)院,是中國縣級最高的級別,它還是世界衛(wèi)生組織,聯(lián)合國兒童基金會和中國衛(wèi)生部命名的愛嬰醫(yī)院,它又是許多醫(yī)科大學(xué)的教學(xué)醫(yī)院。O.K. It is a Class-two Grade-one hospital in China. Among the best hospitals at county level. It is also a Baby-friendly Hospital named by WHO

19、, United Nations Childrens Fund and the Ministry of Public Health of China. My hospital is also the teaching and training base or many medical colleges.問:請問你們醫(yī)院有哪些科室?答:There are 傳染病科(Infectious disease department), 結(jié)核病科(tuberculosis department),婦科(gynecology department),產(chǎn)科(obstetrics department), 兒科(pediatrics department), 內(nèi)科(internal medicine department), 外科(surgi


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