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1、讀后續(xù)寫人物描寫高級表達素材一、人物情緒刻畫(1)高興/興奮.名詞.難以形容地開心indescribably wild joy既興奮又開心a mixture of excitement and delight滿意的表情a satisfied look個令人鼓舞的表情an encouraging expression發(fā)出一陣大笑a burst of laughter一陣激動之情a rush of/a surge of/a wave of excitement (也可以用于其他:anger, gratitude.)激動的心情(feel/ with) a sense /feeling of exci

2、tement (其他感情也適用).動詞(sb做主語).笑容燦爛smile brightly開懷大笑smile broadly苦笑smile bitterly笑容滿面; 眉開眼笑beam突然笑起來burst into laughter / burst out laughing開心地笑laugh merrily帶著燦爛的笑容wear a bright/broad/radiant/shining smile向某人微笑give/throw sb a smile / flash a smile at.強顏歡笑force a smile破涕為笑break into a smile突然感到高興/激動feel

3、 a surge of happiness/ delight /joy / excitement感到微微的快樂feel a mild happiness經(jīng)歷快樂的時刻experience a moment of happiness吹口哨表示高興give a loud whistle of gladness高興地吹口哨whistle happily開心地哼著小曲hum a tune merrily幾乎無法掩飾某人興奮的心情can hardly conceal ones excitement顯示出極大的意愿show a greater readiness高興地跳起來dance / jump / l

4、eap for / with joy /pleasure/delight/ passion.跳起來give a jump in the air過一個愉快的假日have a pleasant holiday樂得大叫yell with delight(其他感情也適用)振作精神keep up ones spirits喜極而泣shed tears of joy (其他感情也適用)由于高興等而容光煥發(fā)glow with joy / pleasure(其他感情也適用)激動得直發(fā)抖tremble with excitement(其他感情也適用).動詞(sth做主語).點亮., 使.變明亮light/brig

5、hten sth. up light/brighten up your face/eyes =your face/eyes light/brighten up喜笑顏開light/brighten sth up with joylight/brighten up your face with joy =your face light/brighten up with joy喜笑顏開(ones face) glows/radiates with happiness臉上綻放笑容(ones face) broadens into a smile(眼睛)閃爍著高興/激動的光芒(ones eyes) tw

6、inkle with happiness/delight/joy/excitement(其他感情也適用)眼睛閃爍著光芒(ones eyes) shine brilliantly(心臟)劇烈跳動(ones heart) beats/pounds wildly因興奮心跳加速(ones heart) races with excitement心里感到驕傲/興奮/快樂(ones heart) swells with pride/ excitement / joy嘴角微揚(ones lips) curve into a gentle/mild smile激發(fā)某人的激情kindle sb. with/to

7、 passion使某人心情愉快brighten sbs heart使某人很開心makes ones day.形容詞/表語.高興的happy /delighted / overjoyed /pleased/ cheerful/ joyful興奮的excited / trilled對.感到滿意(be) content/satisfied with因.而高興(be) joyful over/about喜愛,對.著迷(be) keen on欣喜若狂、心花怒放(be) wild with delight/joy對.感到非常高興(be) overjoyed at./to do.對.很高興(be) deli

8、ghted at為成功而欣喜(be) excited with joy at the success快樂/興奮至極(be) overcome/overwhelmed with happiness/delight /joy/excitement(其他感情也適用)高興極了,樂不可支(be) tickled pink心滿意足(be) on the top of the world / over the moon興高采烈、精神高漲(be) in cheerful/high spirits心情好(be) in good mood滿懷激動(be) be full of /filled with excit

9、ement (其他感情也適用).狀語.眼睛里閃爍著耀眼的光芒with the brilliant sparkle still in ones eyes淚流滿面地微笑著with tearful eyes and a smile某人一時激動in the excitement / in ones excitement (其他感情也適用)讓某人開心的是to ones delight(其他感情也適用).句子.流下幸福的淚水tears of happiness flow down一陣歡樂的情緒充滿某人心頭a wave/surge of happiness washes over / sweeps over

10、 sb. (也可用于其他情感)面露喜色a wide smile appears on / spreads across ones face發(fā)自肺腑的開心Joy wells up inside sb.(2)悲傷/憂愁/消沉.名詞.強烈的失落感a strong sense of loss意志消沉a broken spirit痛哭聲cries of sorrow沉痛的心情heavy hearts.動詞(sb做主語).哭cry抽噎、嗚咽sob抽泣choke with sobs哭泣;落淚weep大哭,啜泣weep ones eyes out嚎哭howl突然哭起來burst into tears/ bur

11、st out crying流下.的淚水shed tears of.感到巨大的悲傷feel a surge of sadness陷入絕望fall into despair避免陷入消極的旋渦avoid getting sucked into a whirlpool of negativity悲痛欲絕cry ones heart out抱著枕頭痛哭cry into ones pillow傷心而死die of a broken heart感到憂郁feel blue感到沮喪feel depressed / frustrated感到泄氣的feel discouraged/dissuaded愁眉苦臉wear

12、 a grumpy face垂頭喪氣lose ones spirit因某人的死亡而痛心break ones heart over ones death哽咽,喉嚨哽住have a lump in ones throat抑制淚水hold back ones tears擦去淚水wipe the tears from ones eyes把頭埋在手里hide ones face in ones hands沉浸在悲傷無法自拔float in an ocean of sadness.動詞(sth做主語).讓他很傷感put him into a sentimental mood減輕某人的痛苦/煩惱ease s

13、b of his pain/trouble使某人悲痛make ones heart bleed使人感到不愉快drag sb down .形容詞/表語.悲傷的sad使人悲痛的bitter悲傷的sorrowful難過的depressed沮喪的discouraged差點哭了(be) close to tears / (be) on the verge of tears感到傷心不已(be) overcome with sorrow/sadness /grief(be) overtaken by sorrow情緒低落(be) down in spirits神情沮喪,郁郁寡歡(be) down in th

14、e dumps心里悲傷(be) sad at heart不快樂,沮喪(be) under the weather精神不佳(be) not oneself很可能引發(fā)一陣挫敗感(be) extremely likely to raise a storm of frustration沉浸在悲傷中(be) immersed in sorrow心情不好(be) low spirit.狀語.懷著沉重的心情with a heavy heart沮喪地with a sinking heart憂郁地with sorrowful heart眼淚開始流下來with tears beginning to flow某人眼

15、里含淚with tears in ones eyes低垂著頭head dropping.句子.淚水盈眶ones eyes brim with/ be full of /be filled with tearsones eyes begin to waterones face is wet with tearstears well up in ones eyestears spring to ones eyestears flow out of ones eyes模糊淚眼tears blur ones eyes /vision淚流滿面tears break free某人心痛ones heart

16、aches悲傷在某人心中涌現(xiàn)sadness surges within sb.哭泣釋放苦悶情緒crying gives some emotional release感到一陣悲傷a flash of grief comes upon sb.悲傷籠罩著某人sorrow washes over sb. (其他情感也適用)某人心里滿是悲傷Sbs heart is full of sorrow某人痛哭流涕Sb is crying his/her eyes out某人的心已千瘡百孔Sbs heart is broken into thousands of pieces淚水順著臉頰淌下來tears roll

17、/run down ones cheeks眼睛濕潤eyes are wet心沉下去heart sinks(3)生氣怨怒.名詞.充滿怨恨的眼神a resentful look.動詞(sb做主語).發(fā)怨言,發(fā)牢騷murmur不斷地抱怨complain constantly對抱怨不予理會ignore/disregard a complaint對.表示不滿express/voice a complaint about大喊howl怒吼roar瞪著某人glare at sb.狠狠瞪某人stare hard at sb.對某人大發(fā)脾氣rage at sb.怒火萬丈flame high氣得滿臉通紅flame/

18、flush with anger勃然大怒fly into a rage對某人生氣get irritated/ mad/ cross at sb.感到生氣的feel/get (extremely) angry/ furious/ cross = feel a surge of anger/rage/fury感到惱怒的feel annoyed感到憤怒的feel irritated/furious怒氣沖沖地跑出房間run out of the room in a burst of anger憤怒地跺腳stamp ones foot in anger氣沖沖地離開/進入storm out of/off/

19、into怒吼/氣沖沖地說storm /say angrily握緊雙手clasp ones hands握緊某人的拳頭/咬緊某人的牙齒clench ones fists/teeth發(fā)脾氣fly off ones handle掩飾憤怒h(huán)ide ones anger (也可用于其他情感,如:disappointment, nervousness.)被報以憤怒be greeted with/by anger (也可用于其他情感,如:astonishment, silence.)氣得打顫quiver with rage.動詞(sth做主語).引起某人的不快arouse ones displeasure使某

20、人勃然大怒make sb blood boil使某人生氣至極make sb extremely angry使某人心煩get on sbs nerves.形容詞/表語.發(fā)怒的(be) hot under the collar因.生氣(be) outraged / irritated by sth氣得滿臉通紅(be) red with rage氣得說不出話的(be)speechless (with annoyance /indignation/ rage/ anger/ fury.)對某人的行為感到不滿(be) displeased at ones conduct易為瑣事而惱火(be) easil

21、y annoyed at trifles.狀語.生氣地with annoyance / indignation/ rage/ anger/ fury.氣得渾身發(fā)抖trembling / shaking with rage氣得嗚嗚哭sobbing with rage眼睛冒火with eyes burning.句子.眼里充滿怒火eyes blaze (with indignation/ rage/ anger/ fury.)某人血液沸騰ones blood is boiling某人臉上閃過十足的仇恨表情A look of pure hatred flashes across ones face.

22、(其他情感也適用)怒氣沖天Anger boils over sb.臉因為生氣而扭曲Ones face twists with rage.(4)其他情緒.猶豫徘徊.站在那里不說一個字standing there without saying a word(狀語)來回走動step back and forth陷入進退兩難的境地be stuck in the dilemma徘徊linger.害怕.冰凍freeze逃走、逃跑run away / flee向后退了一步make a running step back退一步step back全身顫抖tremble from head to toe感到害怕f

23、ear creeps over sb.因為害怕而哽咽choke with fear不安地,慌張地restlessly一躍而起、跳起來jump / spring to ones feet把手按在心上press ones hand upon ones heart驚慌失措be seized with panic手心出汗(hands) sweat害怕的、恐慌的frightened/ panicked/ scared說不出話的speechless驚恐不已(be) full of fear/terror.= (be) filled with fear/terror.被嚇得不能動彈(be) rooted t

24、o the spot嚇到動不了too frightened to move被.嚇了一跳be startled by在驚慌中;害怕地in (a) panic恐懼地in terror捏一把冷汗, 提心吊膽地in a cold sweat兩腿發(fā)軟ones knees feel weak驚慌地看到/聽到.be alarmed to see /hear.一聲高聲尖叫打破了沉寂A loud scream breaks /shatters the silence 從心底感到害怕A flood of fear wells up in sb.臉色變白Ones face turn pale.緊張/焦慮.心慌,緊張

25、Sb has (thousands of) butterflies in the/ones stomach心臟快跳出來了ones heart nearly jumps out his/her chest.心跳加速ones heart races心跳很快ones heart beats wildly緊張不安,坐立不安Sb has/gets ants in ones pants不安的(地),焦躁的(地)anxious(ly)/restless(ly)踱來踱去pace up and down手掌出汗palms get sweaty.無聊.毫無目的地/無休止地走pace restlessly(無休止地

26、)/aimlessly來回地踱步pace back and forth毫無目的地漫步.wander about .(地點) aimlessly(毫無目的地)(在城里/街上)閑逛stroll/ saunter (aimlessly) (about/around/through the town/ streets.)散步,閑逛have/take a stroll.驕傲.驕傲的proud傲慢的arrogant趾高氣揚hold ones head high充滿了自豪burst with pride自以為了不起swollen with pride.好奇.某人突然想到.It flashes across

27、ones mind es across ones mindIt hits/strikes/occurs to sb.that燃起了好奇心burn with curiosity感到好奇feel curious/ feel a very curious sensation使某人困惑puzzle sb a good deal好奇地向.看了一眼throw a curious glance at.疲憊.睡得深沉sleep deeply and profoundly拖著腿向前走drag ones legs費力地走到/進/出某處drag yourself to /into /out of.重步行走plod停

28、下來歇口氣pause for breath感到極度疲勞和難以招架feel exhausted and overwhelmed毫無倦意show no signs of tiredness.興趣.被.場面所吸引(be) fascinated by the spectacle of被.所吸引(be) fascinated with.發(fā)現(xiàn).非常刺激find.highly stimulating某人對.一點也不感興趣not in the least is sb interested in.被強烈地吸引(be) powerfully attracted to.對.徹底上癮be hopelessly add

29、icted to吸引注意capture the attention.失望/絕望/希望.心情沉重,情緒低落Sbs heart sinks when.心里充滿失望Sbs heart swelled with disappointment when.一陣失望充滿某人心頭A wave of bitter disappointment washes over/ sweeps over sb使某人理想破滅disillusion sb絕望地嘆了口氣sigh with despair 我們對此無能為力theres nothing we can do about it.驚訝.震驚的,驚愕的astonished/

30、 astounded有點讓人驚訝come as something of a surprise某物使某人吃驚sth takes sb abacksth takes sb by surprise出乎預(yù)料地/ 令人驚訝地Unexpectedly / surprisingly驚呆了的dumbfounded=completely shocked張大嘴with ones mouth wide open驚呆了be numb with shock驚訝地in astonishment讓某人驚訝的是to ones astonishment/ amazement.擔(dān)憂.愁眉苦臉have a worried loo

31、k使某人安心set ones heart at rest.尷尬.感到尷尬的feel embarrassed /awkward尷尬得臉紅flush with embarrassment臉紅ones face is burnt hot.想躲進洞里want to hide in a hole尷尬的(be) hot under the collar陷入一片寂靜silence falls on /upon sth . (silence前加上形容詞也可用于其他情感)尷尬的embarrassed/ awkward低頭lower ones head.困惑.迷茫at a loss頭腦空白mind goes bl

32、ank眉頭緊鎖Eyebrows knot together疑惑不解的puzzled/ confused/ bewildered皺著眉頭a frown stand on ones face撓頭scratch ones head.信心.有信心have strong faith/ confidence in sth沒信心be disheartened by sth.勇敢/膽小.勇敢的bold/courageous/ strong / brave膽小的timid鼓起勇氣做.pluck up the courage to do sth.感動.極為感動(be) overwhelmingly moved/

33、touched/ struck by sth特別感動,深受感動(be) touched/ moved profoundly某事觸動了某人的心sth. strikes sbs heartstring感動要流淚/無言be moved/touched to tears/ beyond words淚眼模糊Tears mist /blur ones eyes/ vision眼淚奪眶而出Tears well up in ones eyes.努力忍住不哭try to hold back/ fight back ones tears熱淚盈眶ones eyes brim with tears一股暖流涌上心頭A

34、warm current rises in ones heart.心被融化heart melted感到溫暖feel warm.嫉妒.些微嫉妒feel mildly jealous/ envious非常嫉妒be green with envy嫉妒的目光an envious glance羨慕地;嫉妒地with envy一陣嫉妒a rush of envy眼紅;感到嫉妒be green with envy=feel a lot of envy.寬容.寬容的精神a forgiving spirit.和藹.以和藹可親的態(tài)度with akindly and good-humored spirit.心不在焉

35、.心不在焉的absent-minded.感激.應(yīng)該感激某人做了.Credit must go to sb for doing sth.感激appreciate因某事感激某人be grateful to sb for sth.堅定.堅定的神色a determined look堅定的眼神determined eyes.后悔/慚愧.后悔不已be trapped in regret感到愧疚;感到慚愧;后悔guilty/ ashamed/ regret(二)人物形象刻畫.體型.一個.的身段/身材/身體a graceful(優(yōu)美的) / shapely(勻稱的) / skinny(瘦削的) / slim(

36、細長的) figure發(fā)育良好的身體a well-developed figure儀表堂堂an imposing/a dashing/a handsome/a striking figure(人)形體很好have a good figure改善形體improve ones figure看到月光下有一個模糊的人影see a dark figure in the moonlight顯露出她優(yōu)美的身段show off her lovely figure中等身材an average build身材魅梧的人a well-built man.個性品格.務(wù)實的be down-to-earth保守的性格con

37、servative personalities脫穎而出stand out from the crowd缺乏責(zé)任感l(wèi)ack of responsibility具有.的美德with the virtue of責(zé)任感sense of responsibility光明的前途promising future關(guān)于.很無知be ignorant about生在城市,長在城市city born and city bred脾氣好的人a good-humored/good natured person完人a faultless/perfect person知名人士a notable personage個從事專門職

38、業(yè)的人a professional person一個疑心重的人a suspicious person一個有自制力的人a self-possessed person一個天資高的人a talented person一個有抱負的人an ambitious person一個聰明人an intellectual person一個留胡須的人a bearded man一個個性強的人a man of fine personality有突出的個性have striking personalities溫和可愛的個性lovable and good natured容易相處的人an easy person to de

39、al with冷酷無情的人a cold-blooded man成年人a full-grown man性情和善的男子a good-natured man心腸冷酷的人a hard-hearted man嚴肅的年輕人a serious young man有前途的青年a promising young man頭腦簡單的人a simple-minded man能說會道的人a smooth-spoken man說話直率的人an out spoken man嫻靜有禮的淑女a(chǎn) quiet, gracious lady有教養(yǎng)的女子a cultured woman相貌平平的女人a homely woman單身女人

40、a single woman丑女人an ugly woman未婚婦女a(chǎn)n unmarried woman時髦的社交界婦女a(chǎn) fashionable lady無辜/無邪的人an innocent man一位多才多藝的女子an accomplished young lady二十歲出頭的姑娘a girl in her early twenties動人的姑娘an attractive girl沒有頭腦的少女a(chǎn)n empty-headed girl浪漫的人a romantic figure著名人物a well-known /prominent figure品格純潔無瑕的女子a girl of stain

41、less character偉大的歷史人物a great historical character品格正直的人a man of upright character沒有出息的人a worthless character性格果斷be of a determined character樂觀和有抱負的be optimistic and ambitious一個笨手笨腳的男孩a clumsy boy有誠實的好名聲have an excellent character for honesty具有獨立的性格possess an independent character消息靈通/見多識廣的人a well-in

42、formed man一個個性迷人的女人a woman of engaging / fascinating personality夜成名的人an overnight/instant successful person具有對教學(xué)過程敏銳的洞察力armed/equipped with a keen insight into the teaching process個專心致志進行探索的科學(xué)家a scientist bent on making a discovery高素質(zhì)、有經(jīng)驗的老師highly qualified, well-experienced teaching staff(三)人物動作/活動

43、.說.小聲說,咕噥murmur/mumble耳語whisper into ones ears責(zé)罵scold吹口哨whistle哼歌hum說utter口吃,結(jié)巴地說stammer/stutter嘲笑mock厲聲說snap at sb驚叫,大聲叫exclaim輕聲說(生氣),低聲抱怨mutter低聲說(生氣),低聲吼叫g(shù)rowl脫口而出blurt out尖叫scream打斷interrupt邊哭邊說say through tears堅持說insist繼續(xù)說add驚叫,大聲說exclaim嚴肅地說speak in a serious voice情不自禁地問cant help asking好奇地問as

44、k with curiosity自言自語talk to oneself安慰comfort大喊一聲let out a cry抱怨complain致閉幕詞give a closing address就某事發(fā)表意見make a remark upon sb.嚴厲訓(xùn)斥某人give sb. a sharp scolding議論某人pass remarks about sb.自吹自擂sing ones own praise爆發(fā)出陣陣喝彩聲break into shouts of applause說一句妙語utter a witty remark說得明白而深刻say sth. clearly and imp

45、ressively極力稱贊、大肆吹捧某人praise sb. (up) to the skies低聲表示贊同give a murmur of approval故意地說say sth.deliberately觸犯某人的話offending remarks of sb.字斟句酌pick ones words收回前言,承認說錯eat ones words在會上發(fā)表演講address a meeting通知某人inform sb. of sth.引述某人一段引人深思的評論quote an illuminating comment from sb.堅定地說say without the least/ s

46、lightest hesitation口誤a slip of tongue.看.凝望著天上的星星gaze up at the stars向.投以愛慕的目光cast admiring glance at.首次窺見gaze the first glimpse of.朝某人匆匆瞥了一眼cast a hasty glance at sb.凝視著某人look at sb. with a fixed gaze贊賞的目光an admiring gaze怒視glare at.瞥一眼glimpse at.掃視glance at翻白眼roll ones eyes眨眼blink瀏覽look through仔細看pe

47、er closely眼瞼開始下垂eyelids begin to droop直視某人的眼睛look into ones eyes一聲不吭地袖手旁觀look on in silence看到某物sb. catches sight of sth. = sth. catches sbs sight.盯著stare at./ eyes fix on./ eyes glue to.目不轉(zhuǎn)睛eyes never leave sth./cant take ones eyes off sth.目光落在ones eyes /gaze / glance fall(s) on sth.迅速地看某人一眼焦慮地看了.一眼

48、憤怒地瞪了.一眼shoot sb a (+adj.) look/glance=shoot a(+adj.) glance at sb (加形容詞即可帶感情)shoot an anxious look atshoot sb a furious glance.聽.聽到遠處的隆隆雷聲hear the thunder rolling in the distance從未聽說過反對某人的話never hear anything against sb.深受贊揚be received with much appreciation不耐心地聽listen impatiently.走.穿過田野的散步a walk a

49、cross the fields步行穿過馬路walk across a street步態(tài)優(yōu)美地走walk gracefully臂挽著臂走walk arm in arm在傾盆大雨中走walk through the pouring rain漫步向山里走去wander into the woods在鄉(xiāng)間漫步wander over the countryside.吃.嚼chew嘗taste吞swallow咬bite.心理/思維.鼓起勇氣muster up courage不顧對.的憂慮regardless of concerns over相信in the belief that期待.in the ex

50、pectation that互相諒解,相互理解mutual understanding對某事不存幻想be under no illusion about sth.感覺很不適應(yīng)feel out of place無力改變結(jié)果be powerless to change the outcome走神keep drifting away不愿改變be reluctant to make changes讓某人記憶猶新remain fresh in ones memory值得珍藏的經(jīng)歷a truly memorable experience承擔(dān)全部責(zé)任bear all the blame有不端行為displa

51、y unacceptable behavior無意中得罪某人offend sb. unintentionally經(jīng)受起起落落go through ups and downs給某人造成負擔(dān)impose a heavy burden on sb.完全一團糟be completely in a mess沒有履行職責(zé)fail to carry out ones duties項有意義的活動a meaningful /rewarding activity反思;仔細思考.reflect on.不假思索地without pausing for thought滿意地with satisfaction引起強烈的情

52、感set off strong feelings in the hearts of.在這些情緒的控制下under the domination of these emotions徹底信仰奇跡believe whole heartedly in the great miracle回憶高中生活的美好時刻recall the sweet moment of ones high school life面對斗爭與改變in the face of struggle and change服從志愿者組織的指揮follow orders from the voluntary organization一件身心有益

53、的事情an enchanting mental and physical business陷入沉思be lost in /absorbed in / buried in thought.日常活動/事物.常常發(fā)生的事a frequent occurrence自動電話a dial/an automatic telephone首次露面make ones first appearance長途電話a long-distance telephone被認為是權(quán)威be considered an authority有某人的電話be wanted on the phone蓋過郵戳的郵票a used stamp叫某人接電話get sb. on the phone拿起聽筒pick up the phone接通電話get through占線the line is busy / the number is engaged跟某人通電話speak to sb. over the phone撞到.bump intosb/sth值得贊揚某人的是to ones credit俯身靠近bend towards sb除花園里的雜草weed the garden以栽培花木為


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