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1、10問看穿你的面試能力after networking, sending resumes, and waiting patientlyby the phone,all your hard work has p aid off with an in vitati onto in terview.but, howdo you prep are? what do you wear? and, how should you explain any layoffs or gaps in your resume?上、發(fā)簡歷、在前的耐心等待之后,所有這些努力工作都因?yàn)橐粓雒嬖囉?了回報(bào)。但是,你怎樣準(zhǔn)備你的

2、面試呢?你穿什么?你打算怎么解釋簡歷中沒工 作的那段時(shí)間呢?below is a quick quiz to test your in terview savvy. read through the followi ng true-or-false stateme nts to assess your in terview iq。下面是一個(gè)快速測試來檢驗(yàn)?zāi)愕拿嬖囶I(lǐng)悟力。通過選出對還是錯(cuò)來測試一 下你的面試iq吧。1. if i prepare too much for an in terview i will seem des perate.1。 如果我準(zhǔn)備太多會(huì)顯得我太渴望這份工作了。(對/

3、錯(cuò)?)false. there is nothing worse tha n an unprep ared in terviewee. make“ why whe nsure you have done your homeworkabout the organization and the job skills r equired before the in terview. this will hel p whe n you' re asked,do you want to work here? ” pl us, you can ask kno wledgeable questi o

4、ns your turn es around 。錯(cuò)誤。沒有比毫無準(zhǔn)備的接受面試更糟糕的事情了。在面試前要確保你做 好關(guān)于公司以及工作需要的“作業(yè)”。當(dāng)你被問到“你為什么想在這里工作? 的時(shí)候這些會(huì)有幫助的。此外,輪到你提問的時(shí)候你也能問出一些有見地的問題。2. before the in terview, put yourself in the in terviewer' s shoesto see thi ngs from their persp ective。2。在面試前,設(shè)身處地的從面試官的角度去看問題。true. typ ically, in terviewers are bu

5、sy and easily distracted. remember that you maybe one of 10 people that they have talked to in the last five hours. don ' t make them struggle to get answers out of you or make sense of your rambli ng rep lies 。正確。面試官通常都很忙,很容易心煩。要記住你可能是他們在過去五小 時(shí)內(nèi)和他們談過話的十個(gè)人之一。別讓他們絞盡腦汁才能明白你的答案或者理解 你散漫的回答。3. role-p

6、layi ng to prepare for typ icalin terview questi ons is reallyimportant。準(zhǔn)備常規(guī)性面試做個(gè)角色扮演的準(zhǔn)備是非常重要的。true. p ractic ing your res pon ses to typ ical in terview questi ons isp aram ount. role-p lay with a frie nd and get feedback on how you e across. for example, if you say that you are really excited abou

7、t the job but sound hesita nt, you will not seem credible。正確。練習(xí)回答一些常規(guī)性的面試問題是非常重要的。和一位朋友做些角 色扮演吧,你能得到一些反饋怎么能得到更好的效果。比如你說你真的為這份工 作感到非常興奮但是口氣很猶豫的話,你看上去就不太可信。4. if you have reservatio ns about your abilities or skills for thepo siti on you should tell the whole truth。4。面試某一職位,如果你對自己的能力或技巧有所保留你應(yīng)該將真相和盤 托出

8、。true/false. you should not tell a lie and say you have five yearsof experienee when you really have two. nor should you fully disclose your in adequacies. if you left your last job because you were fired, there ' s no n eed to bring that up. whe n the empio yer asks you about your biggest mista

9、ke, p ick a less emoti on ally charged exp erie nee and emp hasize what you lear ned from it 。既對又不對。如果你只有兩年的經(jīng)驗(yàn),你就不應(yīng)該撒謊說有五年。但也不 應(yīng)該揭自己的短。如果你離開上一份工作是因?yàn)楸怀戳耍筒恍枰崞疬@件事。 當(dāng)雇主問起你最大的錯(cuò)誤,挑一個(gè)不那么糟糕的經(jīng)歷并且強(qiáng)調(diào)自己從中學(xué)到了什 么。5. a job in terview is a on e-directi on conv ersati on, like on a talkshow。5。工作面試是單向的談話,像脫口秀一樣。fal

10、se. hav ing a on e-sided in terview can be exhausti ng for bothp arties.makesure to prepare at least 10 en gagi ng and releva nt questi onsto ask. eve n better, have some questi ons about their favorite subject - themselves. an example is,“tell meabout your job and what you love aboutit? ”錯(cuò)誤。單向談話會(huì)讓雙

11、方都感到精疲力盡。提前準(zhǔn)備好十個(gè)有質(zhì)量和工作相關(guān)性強(qiáng)的問題。最好是能問到他們最喜歡的話題。 比如說,“跟我說說你的工作和你喜歡這份工作什么地方吧。”6. i nterviewers are like dogs; they can smell my fear6。 面試官像狗一樣能很靈敏的嗅到我的恐懼。(小編:這什么比喻啊囧)true. in terview ing is the quin tesse ntial exa mple of dogs sniffing each other out. like a dog, the in terviewer will be tryi ng to det

12、erm ine your overall con fide nee. your body Ian guage in dicates your level of self-esteem. remember, a shaking leg or deer-in-headlightsexpression canmatter more tha n how well you an swer the questi ons。正確。面試最令人叫絕的比喻就是狗如何嗅出他們的同類。像一只狗一樣, 面試官將努力確定你全身上下都很自信。你的身體語言能暗示出你自尊的程度。 記住,一條抖動(dòng)的腿或者呆若木雞的表達(dá)比你完美的回

13、答占的份量更重。p ajamas7. the “real mW will shine through whether i ' mdressed in or a suit 。7。不管我穿的是睡衣還是套裝,是金子總會(huì)發(fā)光。in Sidergett ingfalse. whether we like it or not, what we wear helps form a first imp ressi on. before the in terview, see if you can get some in formatio n on the dress code and whether

14、it is more casual or formal. if you don t know, opt for formal. for women,rememberit ' s about a job, not a date. stay away from low cut or short any thi ng錯(cuò)誤。不管我們是否喜歡,我們穿什么的確有助于形成第一印象。在面試 前,最好試試能不能得到一些服裝方面內(nèi)部消息,是偏向休閑還是正式。如果你不知道,選擇正式。對于女性來說,記住這是找份工作,不是去約會(huì)。離那些低 胸裝或者超短的東西遠(yuǎn)點(diǎn)。8. sending a tha nk you

15、note is an imp orta nt way of sta nding out。&發(fā)一個(gè)感謝的字條是脫穎而出的重要方法。true. thank you notes are not only about good etiquette but self-marketing,too. how can a simple card help you seal the deal? startby men ti oning someth ing you lear ned about your in terviewer.you could say,“ i really enjo yed our

16、 con versati on about your first years at boe ing.”then, write a quick summary of the conv ersati on and why you are p erfect for the job 。正確。感謝字條不僅僅是一種禮貌也是一種自我營銷。一張簡單的卡片怎 么能幫你搞定呢?以寫下你從面試官那里學(xué)到什么開始吧。你可以說,“很高興能和你聊到你在波音公司的那些日子?!比缓?,寫一個(gè)談話的快速摘要以及為什 么你非常適合這份工作。9. making dema nds for your ideal salary and v

17、acatio n in the in itialin terview is a risky prop ositi on9。在最初的面試中提出你對理想的薪水和休假的要求是個(gè)冒險(xiǎn)的主意。true. while you are achi ng to know the starti ng salary and ben efits right off the bat, it' s a bit risky to ask these types of questionsin itially. reserve n egotiati ons on these matters un til you hav

18、e a job offer 。正確。即使你渴望馬上知道工作的底薪和福利,在最初的面試中問這類的 問題也有點(diǎn)冒險(xiǎn)。把這些問題留到你拿到工作的offer時(shí)再協(xié)商吧。10. it does n' t matter if i ' m five minu tes late. every one runs late to in terviews 。10。我遲到五分鐘沒關(guān)系。每個(gè)人面試都可能遲到。false. it ' s ok for your in terviewerto be late, but the in tervieweeneeds to be on time or 5-

19、10 minutes early. even if you have a good reason for being late, the in terviewer will make assu mp ti ons about your level of orga ni zati on and how you treat others. pl us, gett ing there early gives you time to p ose yourself and shake off your coffee jitters錯(cuò)誤。你的面試官遲到無所謂,但是你需要準(zhǔn)時(shí)或者提前5-10分鐘。即使你有一個(gè)遲到的好理由,面試官也會(huì)對你的組織紀(jì)律和你對待其他人的方式做出 一些假設(shè)。除此之外,提前到


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